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Deborah's Discovery

Page 14

by Fredrica Alleyn

  ‘See the way she’s rounded and swollen with need,’ he said softly. ‘Touch her, Flora. You know how much Elizabeth likes to be touched.’

  Elizabeth turned to the American. ‘If they touch me, can I come?’ she begged him.

  Deborah looked at Pavin and saw that his eyes were totally without feeling. ‘No,’ he said shortly. ‘Not yet.’

  Flora smiled, and as Elizabeth came towards her she stood up, then bent her head and drew her tongue across the other woman’s rib cage. She used it to make tiny circles across the bird-like bones, then moved higher and tickled within the cleft of the armpit and all the time Elizabeth’s rounded, painfully constrained body struggled to keep the marbles inside her, ignoring the mounting pressure between her buttocks and forcing back the spasms of pleasure that were coming closer and closer.

  Then Elizabeth moved on to Deborah, who didn’t quite know what to do. But then suddenly as she looked at the flesh over Elizabeth’s straining stomach she had an overwhelming desire to strain it still further. She let the fingers of her right hand reach into the dark curly pubic hair and then rubbed up and down in a firm motion that made the marbles move, the ring on the end of the engorged clitoris tremble, and caused Elizabeth to stare at her in terror. ‘Please, don’t!’ she whispered.

  ‘Why not?’ Deborah whispered back, stroking the bronzed flesh tenderly for a moment.

  ‘Because I can’t hold back much longer and I don’t want the day to end so soon.’

  Deborah was shocked to find that she wanted to go on touching her. That she had a sudden urge to be the one to force the climax from her and end her pleasure for the whole day, but Pavin stopped her.

  ‘Come back here, Elizabeth. You’ve done very well,’ he said, and this time there was a note of amusement in his voice.

  Now Richard crouched on the carpet on all fours, then Elizabeth was lowered across his back, face upwards, so that she was staring at the ceiling with her back across his and her feet on the ground. Then Pavin picked up a small whip with three strands of rope coming from an ivory handle. For a few seconds he trailed the handle around her trapped breasts, letting it slip through her nipple rings and tug at them, then moving it down her desperately thrusting pulsating belly.

  Finally, he lifted the whip a few inches above her and whispered, ‘Now you may come, Lizzie,’ before bringing the stinging cords down across the despairing tautness of her body.

  For Elizabeth it was a moment of almost indescribable pleasure. All the hideous tension, the softly innate cruelty of what they’d done to her earlier, the long-withheld relief of her mounting sexual excitement came together in an explosion that made her shriek and Deborah felt her own internal muscles contract in a sudden, startling orgasm at the sight of Elizabeth’s pleasure. She shuddered in her seat, and felt Brian’s hand caress her knee as though he knew only too well what was happening to her.

  Elizabeth’s climax seemed to go on and on, and when Deborah looked more closely she saw that Pavin was now continually stimulating her clitoris by sliding its gold ring around, manipulating the moist, throbbing flesh so that it was impossible to tell where one climax ended and another began until eventually Elizabeth’s cries turned to cries for respite and finally his hand was still.

  ‘That was good,’ said Brian, getting to his feet.

  Deborah stared across the room to where Pavin and Richard were carefully helping Elizabeth onto the bed, then they lay one on each side of her and held her in a tender embrace.

  ‘What happens now?’ she asked.

  ‘Who knows? I’m sure they’ve got something planned, but we’re not invited to stay for the rest. Why don’t we go and join the others in the pool? I think you need a cool swim!’

  ‘Did you come?’ asked Flora. ‘I wouldn’t have thought that was your scene, especially since Pavin so clearly enjoys Elizabeth’s body.’

  ‘I thought it was incredibly erotic,’ confessed Deborah. ‘I suppose I shouldn’t but …’

  ‘Why on earth not?’ asked Brian, leading her down the winding stairwell and across the courtyard to the pool. ‘You’re perfectly entitled to enjoy anything you like while you’re staying here. Don’t take any notice of Flora. She just hoped you wouldn’t like it because she’s jealous of you. Isn’t that right, Flora?’

  ‘Why should I be jealous of her?’ asked Flora. ‘She’s only a guest. The rest of us see Pavin all through the year. If she enjoys her two weeks on the island, fine.’

  Brian watched her stalk away in the opposite direction. ‘That’s one less for the pool. Come on, let’s see what the others are up to.’

  Tansy, Martin and Celia had been swimming seriously for most of the time that Brian and Deborah had been watching Elizabeth receive her pleasure. For Tansy it was vital that she didn’t let all her fitness training achieved while in America go to waste during the fortnight’s holiday, mainly because she didn’t want Paul to stop finding her attractive. Although not outstandingly handsome, his boyish type of looks drew many women, and she was horribly aware that he was two years younger than her; a fact he never considered.

  ‘Hi!’ Tansy called as the new couple entered the swimming area. ‘Fun over?’

  ‘The participation part is!’ laughed Brian. ‘Debbie and I thought we’d join you here.’

  Martin and Celia could tell from Deborah’s overbright gaze and still flushed cheeks that the scene she’d just witnessed had aroused her. They glanced at each other and nodded, then Martin called out to Brian. ‘We’ve done our required number of laps. Has Deborah seen the water bed yet?’

  Brian glanced enquiringly at Deborah who shook her head. Soon the other three were climbing out of the pool and wrapping towels around themselves before padding through a shallow footbath and into a room beyond.

  ‘This is all totally modern,’ explained Tansy. ‘Pavin might like tradition, but he likes comfort as well. Whenever he swims he plays the sound of dolphins, whales and seagulls through the music system he’s had installed, so that he’s got the best of both worlds. The genuine feel of nature in the warmth of his own tropical pool!’

  Celia opened a white wooden door and showed Deborah the large box-shaped wooden surround that was filled by a strange, slightly lumpy looking blue mattress. ‘That’s the water bed. You can make it move by pushing the button at the side there, that way you get waves without moving, or you can move around a lot yourself and make your own waves! Poor Angela used to get seasick on it, so if you’re bad on boats better give it a miss.’

  ‘I’m fine. Celia, what was Angela like?’ asked Deborah curiously.

  Celia frowned. ‘Hard to say really. She was typically American, all blonde hair, teeth and tits, like Tansy only younger and slimmer but she was rather hard. I mean, Pavin’s a hard-headed businessman, but when he likes people he likes them and he’s a good husband and lover. He gave her a lot, but she didn’t give much back in return.’

  ‘Did he love her?’

  Celia smiled a catlike smile. ‘You’d have to ask him that. Has Flora been telling you they were the perfect couple? If so that’s rubbish. They rowed about everything from sex to money but I suppose he loved her. He must have done to have married her. You aren’t falling in love with him I hope?’

  ‘Why? Isn’t that allowed here either? I thought it was how Tansy and Paul met up.’

  ‘It’s allowed, but with Pavin I don’t think it’s advisable. He just adores women, and I think two failed marriages are enough for him. In America divorce is an expensive business, especially when you’re as rich as he is.’

  ‘Stop nattering you two,’ said Brian. ‘Who’s going to try this out first? Or are we all going to have some fun?’

  Martin, being British himself, understood Deborah’s reserve better than Brian. ‘I think you and Celia should have first go, Brian. Tansy’s already had her fun in the water.’.

  ‘That was nothing!’ complained Tansy, but Brian was already stripping off his clothes and Celia dropped her towel and joined hi
m on the bed. As they moved closer to each other the bed began to heave beneath them and Celia squealed with pleasure as she lay face down and let her breasts squash against the rolling undulations of the ribbed mattress.

  Brian lay along her spine, his arms spread out on either side of her, and as Celia lifted her hips he slid three fingers beneath her and inside her vagina, palm uppermost, while at the same time bucking so that she was moving around against the pressure within.

  Deborah watched them as they rolled and embraced on the water-bed and her own excitement began to rise again. She wanted to have a man make love to her, but suddenly she thought that one man wouldn’t be enough, she’d like to have two as Elizabeth had done.

  Martin, standing behind her, slipped his hands around her waist and started to caress her breasts while at the same time pressing forwards with his hips so that she couldn’t fail to feel his erection beneath the towel.

  Celia, who despite enjoying herself was watching Deborah closely, suddenly scrambled off the bed, leaving Brian looking somewhat surprised.

  ‘I’m tired,’ she said with a laugh. ‘Deborah, why don’t you and Martin join Brian? He still seems to have plenty of energy.’

  Deborah hastily pulled off her blouse and skirt and then Martin was lifting her onto the bed and for the first time she felt it moving beneath her as she rolled onto the surface.

  The men knew that she would be easy to bring to a climax and they both went to work quickly and efficiently. Martin stroked her upper arms, shoulders, neck and breasts while Brian concentrated on her feet, legs and the warm moistness between her thighs.

  When he spread her legs and inserted some marbles, similar to those used on Elizabeth, inside her she gasped a mild protest, but then as the bed moved beneath her and the marbles slid around, making her clench her pelvic muscles instinctively, she felt the first tingles of a climax shoot through her and her protests stopped.

  Martin enjoyed playing with her breasts. They were so responsive, especially when he flicked at the tips of her nipples with his middle finger and then once they were hard he bent down and nipped them sharply between his teeth, making her throw back her head and setting the water bed moving even more strongly.

  For Deborah it was a fantastic experience. She loved the gentle pulsations of the liquid below her, the attentions of Martin’s lips and fingers on her breasts and the way Brian was playing with her clitoris and manipulating the marbles within her. When he started to slowly draw them out she wanted to protest, but then she realised that he was going to replace them with his tongue and he lapped at her in time to the lap of water below the surface of the bed so that she shuddered time and again as they brought her to several small but intense climaxes.

  Finally they decided that it was time for the big one. Now the two women joined them on the bed, clinging to any part of Deborah that they could reach and she realised that hands and mouths were all over her, sucking and nipping at her most delicate places. Then, laughingly, they spreadeagled her and held on to her wrists and ankles while Brian carefully eased his way into her now empty vagina. Then he began to move in a forceful rhythm that made the bed surge around more violently than before. Every thrust that he made seemed magnified ten times to Deborah, because the movement of the bed meant that he touched parts of her that were never normally stimulated, and soon she was gasping and panting as she felt the warm liquid heat spreading throughout her body.

  Martin kept her hands above her head while Tansy played with her breasts, first licking the nipples and areolae and the blowing on them so that they went from hot to cold and the breasts engorged with the thrill.

  As Brian thrust, Celia gently caressed his tight testicles from behind and this was too much for him. With a loud shout he drove into Deborah as hard as he could and this combined with the undulations of the bed tipped her over the edge into a blissful climax at almost the same time as he finally achieved release.

  When he withdrew and rolled off the bed, Martin took his place, only he decided to use his tongue on Deborah, determined to see her thrash around on the water bed, totally losing control. She felt him start to touch her with his delicate pointed tongue and reached down to stop him, but Tansy and Celia gripped her hands and Brian stood on the floor gripping her ankles so that she was helpless as Martin re-stimulated her hot, damp flesh and watched her clitoris retreat beneath this renewed assault.

  Hastily he lifted a hand and pushed the skin at the top of her pubic mound upwards so that the hood retracted and now he could swirl his tongue around the bud itself, then down across the surrounding tissue and finally up to the entrance to her urethra.

  Just as he got there the bed moved violently and the tip of his tongue skimmed the opening. Deborah, already startled by the speed with which her flesh was responding for a second time to the attention it was receiving, felt the muscles at the base of her pelvis contract into a giant wave that rolled up her until it engulfed her entire body in a blinding white flash of tearing satisfaction. The other four released her as she twisted away from them, her body gripped by muscular spasms that made her lose all control as she rolled around the water bed crying with ecstasy while her body continued to be rocked by the now decreasing movements of the water-filled mattress.

  ‘Not bad, is it?’ drawled Tansy when Deborah was at last motionless, her hair sticking to her head with perspiration. ‘I’m trying to persuade Paul to have one put in our spare room at home!’

  Suddenly, now that it was over, Deborah felt shy and she climbed from the bed only to find that her legs wouldn’t support her. Brian grabbed her by the arm and led her to a stool where he helped her dress again.

  ‘Remember to allow recovery time when you next use the bed! Just what you needed after watching Lizzie, wasn’t it?’

  ‘It was amazing,’ admitted Deborah. ‘I had no idea how much it would increase all the sensations.’

  ‘Guess you’re pretty sensitive; it doesn’t work that well for everyone.’

  Deborah wondered what it would be like to have Pavin on the bed with her; just the two of them alone together, free to enjoy their lovemaking with all the sensations heightened by the swell of the water. She shivered at the prospect.

  Celia and Martin were still on the bed, now joined together while Tansy crouched over Celia’s head and let the other woman make love to her with her lips and tongue.

  ‘They’ll be a while,’ said Brian. ‘Why don’t you and I have some lunch and then we can find something else to amuse us.’

  Deborah hesitated. She found Brian attractive, but sensed that he was dangerous. At times she had seen him watching her with an almost predatory look, as though he wanted to hunt her down, but then she reminded herself that he wouldn’t dare hurt her. He was as much Pavin’s guest as she was, and whenever she wanted to call a halt to anything she could. Since Pavin was going to be busy with Brian’s wife all day it seemed only fair if she spent the time with him, and there was no doubt that he would be able to offer her increasingly hungry flesh new stimulation.

  ‘Well?’ He was watching her closely and his dark eyes had a strange light in them.

  ‘That sounds like a very good idea,’ she said with a smile.

  ‘I hope you still think that by the end of the afternoon,’ he responded, but his tone was light, his lips were curved upwards in a smile and she decided he was only anxious to assure her he’d try to satisfy her.

  ‘It there anywhere special you’d like us to go?’ he asked when they were eating.

  ‘It’s beautifully sunny,’ she replied, glancing out of the nearest window. ‘Is there anywhere secluded where we could enjoy ourselves out of doors?’

  ‘Right away from prying eyes you mean?’

  ‘Well, yes, and out of the wind!’

  ‘I know just the place; we’ll go to Puffin’s Cove. Don’t mention it to anyone though or they’ll all come along. It’s such a gorgeous spot but I think it’s time we enjoyed ourselves without spectators, don’t you?’

/>   Deborah smiled at him. ‘Sounds great!’

  ‘Eat up then and we’ll set off. It takes about twenty minutes on foot. If I wear you out, I’ll carry you home.’

  ‘You’re on!’ agreed Deborah. Neither of them realised that Sara, who was clearing away the plates from the sideboard behind them, had heard every word.

  Chapter Nine

  IT WAS MID-AFTERNOON before Pavin, Richard and Elizabeth finally finished their day’s activities and went into the small dining room for afternoon tea. Elizabeth, now wearing comfortable stretch pants and a sleeveless polo neck cotton top, looked calm and relaxed. Her beautiful dark eyes were sleepy and sighing with pleasure she took a bone china cup filled with Earl Grey tea from Pavin’s outstretched hand.

  He smiled at her with genuine affection. ‘Happy now?’

  ‘Blissfully! I hope Brian didn’t mind having to leave, but it’s much easier to get caught up in the more extreme things when he isn’t around. If he’s there I can’t get totally carried away.’

  ‘He knows that,’ said Richard, helping himself to buttered scones and adding a liberal helping of homemade strawberry jam. ‘After all, he was a founder member of these pleasure breaks.’

  ‘I know. He looks forward to them as much as I do,’ agreed Elizabeth. ‘It’s only that before we came he suggested that whilst we could both still go with anyone we wanted, the other one should always be there. When I didn’t agree he dropped it, but I had the feeling he wasn’t happy.’

  Pavin frowned. ‘The whole point of this island holiday is that we do as we wish. Why should Brian try to change things?’

  Elizabeth stretched sensuously, revealing tiny love-bites beneath her chin. ‘Don’t ask me. Perhaps watching is becoming his major turn-on.’

  ‘In that case he can choose to watch for his own pleasure, not try to dictate yours,’ said Pavin. ‘I guess it’s another symptom of this need to control that he has. If he’s not around then he can’t even pretend he’s controlling you.’


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