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Deborah's Discovery

Page 16

by Fredrica Alleyn

  When the final shattering paroxysms of her climax had died away, Deborah became aware of the cool vibrator still pulsating between her buttocks. ‘Please, take the vibrator out,’ she begged, her eyes closed against the glare of the sun.

  ‘What vibrator, sweetheart?’ asked a familiar voice, and Deborah sat upright in amazement. ‘Pavin!’

  He smiled at her. ‘Having a good time?’

  A momentary shadow touched her face and he took note of it without her even realising what she’d revealed. ‘In a way,’ she murmured.

  ‘Sure sounded like it!’

  This time she did smile. ‘I know I was noisy, but it was partly relief. I thought they were going to keep me waiting forever.’

  ‘They probably were. Luckily I came along and ended the game.’

  ‘You were the one who touched me just now?’

  Pavin nodded. ‘Where’s this vibrator then?’ Deborah turned over and he removed Brian’s jelly-vibe, then removed the shells that were covering her rosy pink nipples and lovingly drew the silk teddy from her soft, pliant, post-climactic body.

  ‘Where are the other two?’ Deborah asked as Pavin handed her back her clothes.

  ‘Gone back to the castle. Did the game get out of hand?’ he added casually.

  ‘It just wasn’t what I expected. I came here with Brian, thinking it was going to be the two of us, although he knew Flora was here. She stayed hidden until we were well under way.’

  ‘But you weren’t hurt? Nothing happened that you didn’t want to happen?’

  ‘No, I wasn’t hurt.’

  Pavin nodded thoughtfully. ‘Sometimes it’s possible for people to get carried away. We always take precautions where possible. Going in for threesomes more than pairs; ensuring that someone always knows where you’re going and with whom; but if you want to live like this you can’t take away every element of risk.’

  Deborah stood up and slipped her hand into his. ‘If you did, wouldn’t that be defeating the object of the holiday?’

  He laughed. ‘I guess it would! So, what did this teach you?’

  ‘That I’m becoming more and more insatiable as the days go by! You know, Pavin, Mick wouldn’t know me now. When I was lying there earlier, listening to the waves on the rocks and hearing the blood pounding in my ears, I suddenly remembered the way I used to be and it was as though that person no longer existed.’

  ‘Tonight, I want to watch all you women together,’ said Pavin, his voice husky. ‘After dinner I want you to give us men a floor show and when it’s over I’ll carry you off to our room and we can do anything you like. How does that sound?’

  Deborah thought of Celia’s brooding sensuality, of Tansy’s overt sexuality and Elizabeth’s contrasting subdued but highly individual taste in eroticism. She also thought of Flora, and what it would be like to have the opportunity to keep her waiting as she’d been kept waiting in the cove. ‘I think that sounds a wonderful idea!’ she enthused.

  Pavin threw the few remaining things in the beach bag and then they set off back to the castle. ‘I never did see a puffin!’ complained Deborah.

  ‘You will before the holiday’s over. We must have a barbecue on the beach soon, while the nights are still long. They’re always great fun. Dress is optional, in both senses of the word!’

  ‘Pavin, did you love Angela?’ asked Deborah abruptly.

  His stride never faltered. ‘Did you love Mick?’

  She nodded. ‘Of course I did, in the beginning.’

  ‘Same here. I don’t marry people I’m not in love with. Sex is great with lots of women, and you don’t have to love them all as long as there’s a mutual attraction, but love is a definite prerequisite for marriage.’

  ‘Then you must have been very hurt when she wanted a divorce.’

  This time he stopped in his tracks. ‘Who told you Angie wanted a divorce? I had the devil’s own job getting rid of her. It cost me plenty too.’

  ‘Yet you brought her here for a holiday only a year ago. How could it have gone wrong so quickly?’

  Pavin took hold of Deborah by the shoulders. ‘Look, sweetheart, this is not my favourite subject. Let’s just say that Angela used to like her extra-marital thrills to come from illicit affairs rather than a group holiday like this, where everyone knows what’s going on. There was no fun in it for her if I knew what she was doing. Her pleasure came from making a fool out of me, or faying to.’

  ‘So it wasn’t that she was jealous of sharing you?’

  ‘She wanted me to get rid of Brian, because she claimed he didn’t play the kind of games she wanted. Maybe he didn’t, but the truth is I didn’t like the kind of games she played back in Texas when I was busy working, so I got rid of her instead! Okay?’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Deborah apologised. ‘It’s only that someone said I looked like her and …’

  ‘You’re both blonde, and that’s as far as the resemblance goes. She was one hard-boiled lady, Debs, and she never had your style. Now, can we drop the subject. This holiday is meant to be light-hearted you know.’

  ‘Sure,’ agreed Deborah quickly. Inside, she was delighted with what she’d learnt. Pavin hadn’t adored Angela, it had never been a perfect marriage and she was beginning to think that he cared for her just as she cared for him.

  She was definitely sure of one thing now. By the end of the holiday she’d know whether they had any kind of future together at all, or if when the helicopter took her away from Pavinsay it would be taking her away from the owner as well. When they arrived at castle she told Pavin she needed a bath.

  ‘Sure, and take a nap first. There’s plenty of time before dinner. Don’t mention my idea for the evening’s entertainment to anyone. I’ll surprise them during the meal.’

  ‘I can’t wait,’ she said, and she meant it. The prospect of the excitement she and the other women would arouse in the men was a powerful aphrodisiac, and she was anxious to try out some of her newly discovered sexuality in an exhibition of this kind.

  Chapter Ten

  WHEN DEBORAH STEPPED out of the bath, Pavin was standing watching her, his massive figure entirely filling the doorway. His eyes roamed over her appreciatively and she felt a flutter of desire deep within her.

  ‘Let me wash your hair for you,’ he said, moving towards where the shower head was fastened to the wall. She stepped out of the bath and then bent, still wet and naked, over the side of the tub, her long hair spilling down across her face.

  Pavin let the spray play across the golden strands, his fingers massaging her scalp in firm circular movements. Then he added some shampoo and soon the top of her head was a mass of bubbles.

  His fingers kneaded strongly at her hair and she felt like purring. All his movements were sure and certain. She had never felt so sexually alive before she met him. Finally he rinsed the shampoo away. Then he wrapped a towel round her head and pulled her back a little, parting her legs before letting the jets of water from the shower head spray between her thighs. She felt the jets hitting the tip of her clitoris and groaned with delight.

  ‘Pull back the hood,’ he murmured huskily. ‘Keep yourself exposed for me. I want to watch you come.’

  His words excited her even more and she pressed her hand to the top join of her outer sex lips and then moved it upwards, just as she’d learnt from Pavin, so that the centre of her sexuality was entirely unprotected and the warm water continued to bombard it.

  The towel on which she was standing was soaking wet, but neither of them cared. Deborah was whimpering now as the sensations grew too intense and her clitoris tried frantically to retract.

  ‘Bear down,’ said Pavin roughly. ‘Keep it there, where I can see it.’

  Breathing heavily, Deborah obeyed and suddenly the raw nerve endings could take no more and she was shuddering violently as an orgasm rippled through her.

  Pavin turned off the spray but kept Deborah standing the same way, roughly pushing her hand back upwards when she tried to release the tight skin t
o cover the aching nub.

  Now he was licking at it, nibbling with his teeth so that she actually screamed out at the intensity of feeling he was causing her, but Pavin didn’t seem to care any more. He wanted to take her still further, to show her what was possible if she let him take over her body. When he drew her clitoris into his mouth and sucked steadily, another climax wracked her, and this time she let her hand fall to her side and the little nub was hidden from his view.

  Pavin picked her up, carried her to the bedroom and threw her onto their bed. For the first time she realised that his size could be used against her, and yet this only increased her strange, dark excitement. Without a word he reached down, pulled on her trembling hands and then stood her at the foot of the bed, tying her hands to the posts with soft scarves. Next he moved onto the bed behind her and took a nearby candle from its holder. He covered it with oil from a small bottle and with a rapid twisting movement inserted it between the rounded cheeks of her bottom, pushing steadily upwards at the same time until Deborah cried out because she felt she couldn’t take it any deeper.

  ‘Hold it there,’ Pavin said curtly. ‘Don’t let it slip out.’

  ‘I can’t,’ she said frantically. ‘It’s too well oiled, it won’t stay in.’

  He moved to the front of her and watched her straining muscles. ‘Sure it will, if you want it to. It should improve your muscle tone. Keep clenching and whatever I do, remember to keep it in.’

  Deborah had never seen him like this before. He wasn’t smiling and there was a hungry passion on his face that both flattered and frightened her. She didn’t dare to disobey even though no punishment had been mentioned.

  Now he was kneeling between her feet and his hands were tenderly parting her outer sex lips. Then he slid the tip of his ring finger into her opening and circled the rim. ‘Use your muscles on my finger too,’ he ordered. ‘Remember, keep in the candle and hold my finger tight.’

  As Deborah clenched all the muscles needed, the pressure caused by the contractions themselves, the thick, oiled candle and his still moving finger brought her to an orgasm in seconds and as it swept over her she forgot what she was meant to be doing, and her muscles went limp.

  Pavin, who had known very well what would happen, smiled to himself as the candle fell to the bed behind Deborah while his finger was released from her internal clutching.

  He slapped her lightly low on her belly and she jumped, her wrists pulling against the silk restraints. ‘You forgot to keep the candle in,’ he reproved her. Now he was slapping harder and the skin on her stomach turned a rosy pink while deep within the pit of her belly the treacherous ache of need began again.

  ‘Will you do better this time?’ he asked, staring directly at her.

  ‘Yes,’ whispered Deborah, who knew that she had to if she wanted that ache satisfied.

  Pavin again inserted the candle, this time less well lubricated to make retention easier, and then he stood in front of her and started to lick her ears and the sides of her neck. He knew she was sensitive there and she wriggled within her bonds.

  ‘Remember the candle,’ he cautioned her, and quickly she tightened the muscles that had started to relax.

  He licked beneath her arms, in the hollows of her armpits, down the sides of her body and along the inward curve of her waist and she felt as though he was stripping a layer of skin from her as he went, so sensitive did she become.

  When he reached the area above her pubic hair he nipped lightly along the straight line and then sucked and tongued along the folds of skin at the tops of her thighs while all the time the candle seemed to Deborah to grow more and more heavy as she struggled to keep it in.

  Pavin could see that it was as much as Deborah could do to control herself and now he decided to introduce her to something new. He took a tiny phial out of the pocket of his slacks and Deborah watched him, her eyes wide.

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘It’s something to increase your pleasure. I get it when I’m travelling in the East. You’ll like it, Debbie, I promise you, but remember the candle now.’

  Deborah swallowed hard. Her whole body was tingling from his expert kisses and touch and she was so moist between her thighs she was almost ashamed. When he parted her sex lips he laughed. ‘That’s good, you’re certainly ready for this. Now, where’s the wand?’

  Like a sexual conjuror he produced from his other pocket a long-stemmed rod with a tiny sponge tip, like a large eye shadow applicator, which he dipped into the pot until it was covered in the strange-smelling lotion.

  Deborah felt herself going limp with desire and the candle begin to slip. ‘If it falls, Debbie you can’t try this,’ he cautioned her. She strained to hold the soft wax object inside her while he fingered her warm moistness, testing it as though wanting to be quite sure he had everything right.

  All at once he pressed the length of the wand handle right down the middle of her inner sex lips, and the head was set at such an angle that when he closed her outer lips and held them firmly together, the sponge tip was pressed exactly against her clitoris.

  Once he was sure he had it correctly placed, Pavin simply cupped her sex in the palm of his hand and kept up a relentless pressure against the stem of the wand, and indirectly the tip.

  At first she felt nothing apart from an arousing pressure against her inner sex lips but then, very slowly at first, the lotion began to take effect. It started as nothing more than a very mild heat, but this increased until her whole bud was tingling with desire, a desire that grew and grew until it felt to Deborah as though the clitoris itself was growing with her need. It felt huge, swollen to three times its normal size and yet unable to expand because Pavin had it trapped within her outer sex lips.

  She moaned with desire, pulling against the scarves and thrusting her pelvis forward but all the time remembering to keep in the insidious candle.

  The hot tingling sparks of desire expanded until they lanced through her whole body. They shot down her legs to the soles of her feet and up through her stomach and breasts right to the top of her head. She was consumed by need and just when she thought she could bear no more, Pavin cruelly tapped on the outside of her vulva, right over the spot where he knew the sponge tip was driving her pulsating clitoris insane. Now she began screaming at him to enter her, to fill her up and satisfy her.

  Pavin stood back from her. He looked at her straining legs, her bursting breasts and upthrusting nipples and watched the frantic movements of her hips and knew that for the first time he had truly taken her beyond anything she had known before and that she was utterly consumed with her need for him.

  He stepped towards her, parted her labia, removed the wand and then thrust fiercely into her, regardless of the fact that he’d intended to wait for the night, regardless of anything but the need her arousal had sparked in him.

  For Deborah, half-crazed by the aphrodisiac cream from the Orient and by the earlier way he’d aroused her, the feeling of him sliding into her, filling her and ending that terrible aching void was close to heaven.

  As he thrust in and out of her he used his left hand to caress her still swollen and desperate clitoris and almost at once she tightened around him in a huge climax so that his own release came quicker than he’d anticipated and his soft sigh mingled with Deborah’s cries as he wrapped his arms around her still fastened body and held her close. Neither of them noticed the candle falling gently to the bed.

  When Pavin and Deborah went down to dinner, Deborah was feeling totally exhausted. It had been an incredibly erotic and sexually intriguing twelve hours. First she’d watched Elizabeth, then been made love to on the water bed, experienced genuine fear at Puffin’s Cove and finally a strange half-fear along with truly astonishing sex with Pavin. Knowing what she did about his plans for the evening, she wished he’d left her alone in the bedroom. However, he’d confessed as they dressed for dinner that once he’d seen her nude, climbing out of the bath, he’d been totally overwhelmed by desire and she
found this highly flattering, especially considering he’d spent most of the day with Elizabeth.

  Tonight the damask tablecloth was a soft shade of pink, the napkins a darker pink and in the standing candelabras dotted along the walls, pink candles gave off the scent of summer roses.

  Deborah wondered if this particular night often involved something exotic after dinner because all the women seemed to have taken particular care with their clothes. Elizabeth was in a flame-coloured satin shift that emphasised her olive skin, while Tansy was wearing an ankle-length gown of midnight blue silk with tiny silver shoulder straps. Celia too was looking very striking in a dramatic grey and purple low-cut dress that was floor length but had hip-high slits on both sides of the skirt. Flora, like Deborah, was wearing black, but whereas Deborah’s dress was Empire line and extremely demure, enlivened only by the thousands of multicoloured sequins that fringed the sleeves, bodice and hem, Flora’s clung to every curve, and was so low at the back that you could clearly see the cleft at the base of her spine.

  Pavin smiled broadly as he sat down. ‘You ladies all look extremely beautiful tonight,’ he said warmly. ‘You must have guessed what was on my mind.’

  The women never moved, they remained sitting straight-backed in their chairs, looking slightly aloof but the men shifted forward eagerly. ‘What’s that then?’ asked Richard. ‘Has someone designed a board game for the girls?’

  Pavin shook his head. ‘Not a board game tonight, something more conventional – a floor show.’ There was a low murmure of disappointment and he raised his eyebrows at Deborah in amusement. They both knew there would be no disappointment once the details were explained.

  ‘It isn’t an ordinary floor show,’ he continued as two maids served French onion soup. ‘I thought the ladies could give us an erotic display. Show us how they’d like us to pleasure them by using each other as models. They’ll start right from the beginning, fully dressed, and work in pairs or as a group, whichever they prefer.’


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