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Shadow of the Swan (Book Two of the Phoenix Legacy)

Page 44

by Wren, M. K.

  RITES OF PASSING: (Bond Religion) Funeral service preceding the cremation of the dead.

  ROCKWOOD: A photosynthetic organism native to Pollux and very similar to Terran conifers in appearance, although its divided, lobed leaves resemble Terran ferns or Castorian barrengorse rather than coniferous needles, and its smooth, cylindrical trunks are invariably double or triple. The trunk tissue is highly siliceous, its structure supporting growth to heights of 125 meters. Rockwood reproduces by means of wind-disseminated spores formed in spore buds on the upper parts of the trunks.

  SANNA: (Bond Religion) A traditional chant or song of glorification, reverence, etc.; a hymn.

  SANSERET SILK: Ornamental silk brocade from the House of Sanseren, patterned on Second Dark Age brocades found in Ceylonia, and characterized by stylized floral and animal designs.

  SCANNER: Any type of system, such as radar, employed in nonvisual observation; specifically, the screens displaying their signals.

  SCOUT: A small, short-range Confleet ship generally used for reconnaissance; it is hangared offplanet in TC Corsairs, can be piloted by one person, and will accommodate three.

  SCRIBER: A small (usually Fifteen by twenty centimeters), flat, photosensitive screen on which a lightpen is used as a writing instrument. The images created are impermanent and can be negated instantly by switching off the screen.

  SEANOVA: An invertebrate marine organism native to Pollux, approximately twenty centimeters in diameter, with ten to twenty tentacles radiating from an ovoid body, the epidermis covered with minute spines that are also sensory organs. During its annual mating period, the seanova becomes luminescent and changes color from its usual blue-gray to a reddish orange. Populations estimated at up to five million congregate in the surf off protected, sandy beaches where they link tentacles to form glowing, undulating masses. Seanova “rafts” remain intact for two to three Polluxian days, while both males and females eject quantities of germ plasm, some of which finds its way into the open brood sacs of asexual “mothers,” where the young develop.

  SEC-CON: (Phoenix) Security conditioning. A form of conditioning that prevents voluntary revelation to any nonmember of information pertaining to the Phoenix.

  SECOND GEN: (Phoenix) Second generation. Any person born to Phoenix members after its founding.

  SEC-SYSTEM: Security system. A system of locks, alarms, monitors, etc. designed to protect an area from intrusion and/or to identify, disable, or in some cases even kill intruders.

  SEMELE: The largest city on Dionysus, the second of the Inner Planets of the Centauri System.

  SER, SERRA: Masculine, feminine forms of address used for Elite under Age of Rights.

  SHANIDEL: A furniture design characterized by the use of exotic woods carved in strongly curvilinear forms; the original designs were created by the Thirty-first Century sculptor, Orman Shanidel.

  SHEPHERD: (Bond Religion) A minister/priest of the Bond Church. He not only conducts religious ceremonies in the church but acts as arbiter of all moral and religious questions for his ‘flocks.’ Shepherds also preserve and perpetuate the Holy Words by rote memory, and many serve their flocks as practitioners of herbal medicine.

  Only men are chosen to be Shepherds although the Bond Church recognizes many women as saints. The Shepherds choose their successors, who begin their training as acolytes at ten to twelve years of age. A Shepherd may choose several acolytes but designate only one to succeed him upon his death. The others continue in the role of acolytes if they remain in the same compound and choose not to marry. Both Shepherds and acolytes take vows of celibacy.

  Shepherds and acolytes in most Houses are excused from other work and allowed to live in or near the chapels, and the Shepherds’s choices of acolytes are accepted without question by compound overseen. However, in Houses with more restrictive policies, the Shepherds’s choices must be approved by the overseen, who may revoke an acolyte’s, or even in some cases a Shepherd’s, status at any time.

  In most House compounds there are ten Bond chapels and Shepherds, one of whom is designated the Elder Shepherd, a title of respect conferred by concensus of all the Shepherds in a compound. All the Bonds in a compound are considered to be in the Elder Shepherd’s flock.

  SIGMOD CIRCUITS: Signal modification circuits. Electronic devices that automatically encode and decode radio or vidicom transmissions.

  SLACSUTT: An informal, two-piece garment worn by both sexes in the Fesh class and consisting of pants and pullover shirt of the same material. Some variation in style, material, and accessories is available, especially to wealthier Fesh, with more variation offered in women’s styles.

  SPIRIT WEFT: (Bond Religion) A bond between individuals, or their souls, that cannot be broken, even by death, and extends into the Beyond, or afterlife.

  SPOROWHALE: An invertebrate, marine organism native to Pollux. Its name is a misnomer, although it does reproduce by means of spore-like bodies, but its only relationship to the Terran whale is that both are large marine organisms. The adult sporowhale may be up to ten meters in length, six in breadth. It is a colonial organism more closely related to Terran marine plants than animals in all its diverse stages of development, particularly in the tertiary stage. In the quinuary, or adult, stage, it acquires, along with its solid, ovoid form, the typical lateral ridge fins, or megacilia, that enable it to embark on its long migration from the northern Selarnin Sea, through the Comargian Straits, to its breeding grounds in the southern Polluxian Ocean, then back to its starting point, two Polluxian years later, for sporing.

  SSB: The Special Services Branch of Conpol, a police agency authorized to investigate and prosecute cases of subversion, treason, or other crimes against the Concord.

  STARENZA: A furniture design characterized by severe lines and geometric decoration produced by the House of Starenza (now merged with Mays Fedoric) in the Thirtieth Century.

  STUN DART, OR STUNNER: A device used defensively to inject a drug into another person. Stunners may be fired from a gun or similar device utilizing a compressed air charge, or when direct contact is possible a device similar to a miniature pressyringe is employed. Drugs used vary in effect, some causing only brief muscular paralysis and/or unconsciousness, while others are immediately fatal.

  SUBTUG: A small (maximum length, five meters), powerful subsea vessel generally used for underwater construction, marine farming, anchoring tidal seines, towing fish corrals, etc. Most models can be piloted by one person.

  SURCOAT: An article of Elite masculine apparel worn over a doublet or vest; a coat-like garment with long, flared sleeves, usually belted or sashed at the waist. In length it varies from mid-thigh to floor length. The longer styles are generally worn by older men.

  S/V SCREEN: Sound/vision screen. (Sound and vision screens are also used separately.) Energy fields that prevent penetration of sound and/or light waves, usually used in windows, doorways—sometimes as doors—or as partitions.

  SYNCHCOM: Ultra-lightspeed radio or vidicom communication.

  SYNCHRONAL METATHESIS: A principle of the Drakonian Theory, also referred to as the time/space transposition or interchange effect.

  SYNCHSHIFT (SS): Transition into the ultra-lightspeed “state”; the applied principle of synchronal metathesis, which “makes possible navigation in time as well as in space; that is, the synchronization of one’s temporal destination with one’s spatial destination.” (From SynchShift Explained, Laramy Joneson, Archives doc loc #1210/ 17–1919–2153235–PR–4.)

  SYNTEGRATOR: A refuse disposal mechanism that reduces refuse to a fine ash by subjecting it to extremely high temperatures in a shielded laser chamber.

  TAB: (Phoenix) Total Amnesia Block. A type of conditioning designed to prevent forced revelation of information pertaining to the Phoenix. The TAB usually goes into effect upon the arrest of a Phoenix member by Conpol or the SSB and induces a selective amnesia that blocks out all personal memory.

  TABARD: A garment wo
rn by both male and female Bonds, a short, loose jacket with long sleeves, boldly patterned in the two colors of the Bond’s House—or for Concord Bonds, in black and gold; for Church Bonds, in white and gold.

  TACCOMM: Tactics Command. In both Confleet and Phoenix Fleet Operations, a department whose function is strategic planning.

  TEA BREW: A metal or ceramic pot, equipped with a self-contained heating unit, used for brewing tea.

  TECH: The term is exclusive to Fesh and is derived from the word “technologist,” although it also refers to trained practitioners of skills outside the applied sciences. It is generally used as a combining form, as in econotech (economist), medtech (medical technician or assistant), stattech (statistician), etc.

  TECH GRADE RATINGS: Techs are rated Grade 1 through 10, in that order, on the basis of examinations administered by the University Board of Standards. Salaries and other benefits are usually commensurate with grade ratings.

  TENSTEEL: A steel alloy with exceptionally high tensile strength.

  TESTING: (Bond Religion) A trial by ordeal regarded as divinely sanctioned.

  THERMBLANKET: A bed cover with fine, heat-emitting wires woven into the fabric.

  THERMCARPET: A floor covering that like the thermblanket has heat-emitting wires woven into the fabric, but the conductors are heavier and radiate more heat. Thermcarpets are often the principal heat source in residential rooms.

  THERMOGENERATOR: A generator/storage system, usually employing beamed solar-powered exchangers to produce and store heat, which is circulated in a vented airflow system.

  THRYMBIS: The largest city on Pan, third and smallest of the Inner Planets of the Centauri System.

  TTTHE BONDS: Bonds given mandatory allegiance shifts to the Church by their Houses. The offering of Bonds, along with monetary donations, constitutes the Houses’ annual “tithe” offerings to the Church. Such offerings are usually less than a literal tithe, generally three to five percent of a House’s total yearly income. Fesh are rarely allieged to the Church involuntarily as tithe offerings, but in most Houses and in the Concord, they will be granted allegiance shifts to the Church on request if they wish to join a monastic order.

  TORAMIL: The largest city on Mars, site of the home Estate of the House of Neeth Cameroodo.

  TRAFFICON GRID SYSTEM: A computerized system of radio-transmitted grids controlling aircar traffic in urban areas, operated by the House of Hild Robek. All aircars, ‘taxis, ‘drays, etc. are equipped with remote guidance systems that permit control by the Trafficon system. Only Conpol, Confleet, and Conmed vehicles may legally operate outside grid control within Trafficon-served municipal areas without special clearance from Conpol. The six basic grid levels in order from the lowest to the highest in elevation are:

  Entry-Exit grid

  ‘Dray grid (Freight transport only)

  Five-kilometer destination range grid

  Ten-kilometer destination range grid

  Twenty-kilometer destination range grid

  Express grid (High-speed vehicles or those with destinations beyond twenty kilometers)

  TRANS: (Phoenix) n. or v. Travel or transmission via matter transmitter.

  TRANSIT PLAZA: A public area at a junction of major urban pedways offering parking for aircars, airtaxi stations, and access to subtrains or ’shuttle terminals; maintained and operated by the Robek Planetary Transystems.

  TWO SYSTEMS: The two solar systems—the Sun’s and Alpha Centauri’s—occupied by extensive human habitation. The term is also synonymous with the Concord.

  TYCHO: The largest city on Luna, site of the Home Estate of the House of Arment Ivanoi.

  UNDER THE SHADOW: (Bond Religion) A person who is, or lives, under the Shadow is one whose life or soul is in jeopardy.

  UNIVERSITY SYSTEM: A Concord agency established in 2903 by Lord Paul Adalay, first Chairman of the Directorate of the PanTerran Confederation. The University provides facilities for higher education (beyond the Basic School level), as well as for scholarly and scientific research, and for endeavors in all the arts. University campuses are found in all major cities in the Two Systems.

  VACCUP: A drinking vessel, usually made of plasex, with double walls sealing an insulating vacuum that maintains liquids at hot or cold temperatures.

  VACMOP: A cleaning implement with a suction hose, the mouth of which is surrounded by absorbent plasponge bristles.

  VACUUM COLONY: Any human habitation (not necessarily a colony in a literal sense) that requires habitat systems in order to maintain conditions suitable for human existence.

  VELLAM: A photosensitive laminate pressed into thin sheets and used primarily for printouts and for hand writing with a lightpen.

  VF (VISUAL FREQUENCY) CAMOUFLAGE SCREEN: An energy-field screen used to shield an area from long-range visual observation, as from airborne vehicles or ships, by selective disruption of light waves.

  VIDICAM: A vidicom image encoder or camera.

  VIDICOM: Transmitted electromagnetic signals translated into three-dimensional, color images on vidicom screens, which range in size from a few centimeters in height and breadth to the typical home-use screen of 1.75 by 1.75 meters, to large wall screens up to six by six meters. The term may also refer to the screen receiver itself or to the PubliCom System and its broadcasts.

  VIOLAN: (Music) An instrument with seven electronic beamed “strings” over a hollow sounding box with an attached tone or fingering bar. Sounds are produced by drawing a charged rod, or “bow,” across the strings.

  VISLORD: Any Lord who is not a First Lord or the first born of a First Lord. He is referred to as VisLord, but addressed as “my lord.”

  VIS-SCREEN: Visual-image screen. A vidicom screen used to view areas not accessible to direct visual observation, as in space vessels where the only visual access to anything outside the ship is through vidicams mounted on the hull transmitting images to vis-screens within the ship.

  VOICE LOCK: A lock that opens only in response to a voice it has been programmed to recognize by VP ident. A special code word is usually programmed as an additional precaution.

  VOLANTE: An Elite social dance performed by couples facing each other in two concentric circles, men outside, women inside, to music with a distinctive sequence of rhythms. At the end of each sequence, or chorus, there is a short “allegro” during which the two circles move in opposite directions. When it ends, each dancer takes the person he or she is then facing, as partner for the next chorus.

  VP IDENT: Voice print identification. A means of identifying an individual based on the unique spectrogram pattern formed by his or her voice.

  WHEEL OF DESTINY: A symbol, in the form of a seven-spoked wheel, sacred to the Order of Gamaliel. The wheel (or circle) represents continuity and eternity; the seven spokes represent the Order’s seven secret “logos” (philosophical concepts and/or disciplines), mastery of which, adherents believe, leads to true Insight, a state of total comprehension.

  WINDOWALL: A window made of thick (10 cm) glass reinforced with extremely fine, and virtually invisible, strands of flexsteel. Windowalls can span up to six meters in width and heighth without internal structural supports.

  Glossary—Outsider Terms and Slang

  ASK FATE: To court disaster by naming it beforehand, especially in jest.

  BLADE: A knife. Also a member of the Brotherhood assigned to act as a guard or enforcer.

  BLOOD EDICT: A decree, order, or command made with the tacit understanding that the penalty for defying it will be death.

  BODY-DECKER: A person prone to wearing an abundance of jewelry or other personal ornamentation.

  BROTHER: Any male Outsider “cleave” to the Brotherhood.

  BROTHERHOOD: A loose but ubiquitous organization dominant in the Outside. Most Outsiders are involved in it directly or indirectly.

  BUTTON MAN: Also “Top Button Man:” A person in a position of command or authority.

SON) FRIEND AND BROTHER, OR SISTER: An oath by which the person named is granted the loyalty and protection usually pertaining only in actual blood relationships.

  CAST A SHADOW: To threaten.

  CATCH: n. An arrest.

  CHARM SNAGGER: A swindler who employs appealing personal attributes to dupe his or her victims.

  CLAN: An organizational unit within the Brotherhood. The person wielding the most authority within a clan is known as the “clanhead.”

  CLEAVE: adj. Loyal; faithful.

  CROSS (ANOTHER PERSON’S) LINES: To infringe on another person’s privacy or pry into matters he or she considers personal or secret; also, to infringe on his or her business prerogatives or interests.

  DIVVIES: Shared advantage or profit.

  DODDER: A person of limited or diminished intelligence.

  DOOR: A means of escape.

  DOUBLE DEUCE: The number two hundred; “deuce” is twenty. DOVEY: Easy or pleasant.

  DOWNSIDE: Below, on a lower level, or beneath the surface (of a planet).

  EAR MAN: A spy.

  EYE-OVER: n. A close scrutiny.

  FACE OFF: A confrontation.

  FLOAT: An Outside business establishment vending alcoholic beverages and providing music and/or other entertainment, and characterized by the use of nulgrav mechanisms to create a “floating” environment.

  FORTUNE: A wish for another person’s good fortune, an expression that serves primarily as a greeting or a farewell, especially the latter.

  FRINGER: A person who is an Outsider, but not a born or soul Outsider; usually a runaway or fugitive from Conpol or the SSB.

  GAFF: To cheat or swindle.

  GIM: n. A fraudulent, illegal, and/or deceitful scheme or act, the purpose of which is personal gain for the perpetrator. Also, a scheme or act involving great risk to the perpetrator, but with a more admirable motive.

  v. To deceive, swindle, or cheat.

  A “gim artist” or “gimmer” is a person who gims others; he or she may also be said to “run a gim.”

  GLIM: Inkling; hint.


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