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The Sacrifice

Page 16

by Evangeline Anderson

  I feel a rush of heat spreading all over me. Goddess, I so shouldn’t want to do this. But the look in those gray eyes and the command in his voice makes me feel like I’m melting from the inside out. Without a word of protest, I lean over and bury my head in his lap. Breathing in his warm, spicy scent, I rub the hot shaft of his cock lovingly against my cheek before taking the broad head into my mouth.

  Bern's has a separate dessert room but when the server comes back to escort us there, Aiden elects to stay in our semi-private booth. He orders the bananas foster and drops another fork to give our wide-eyed waiter a chance to duck back under the table and watch me slowly sucking my master’s cock.

  I keep my eyes tightly closed as my master’s thick shaft fucks gently into my mouth. I’m unwilling to open them and admit that the server is watching. Aiden strokes my hair gently and murmurs encouragement and praise, apparently completely unembarrassed to be seen this way. At last, to my relief, the server 'finds' the fork and leaves again, to put in our dessert order.

  As soon as he ducks out, Aiden raises me gently and kisses me on the lips. “You have such a talented mouth, darling, and you’re doing so well. If you can just make it through dessert, I’ll take you home and fuck you.”

  His words send my heart skittering against my ribs. Goddess, I’m so hot right now. So incredibly unfulfilled. And I want him—I want that long, thick cock I was just sucking deep in my pussy. But I’m wary of what I have to do to get it.

  “What…” I clear my throat. “What do I have to do to make it through dessert?”

  “Stand up and I’ll show you,” Aiden says.

  I bite my lip. Standing up means exposing myself even further. Then again, the server had pretty much seen it all at this point. Slowly, I do as I’m told.

  “Very good,” Aiden murmurs and I see him take something long and thick out of his pocket. “Now bend over and place your hands on the tabletop, darling.” He gestures at the table, which has been completely cleared of dishes and silverware. It’s a vast expanse of white cloth with the single candle, which has long since gone out, resting in the middle.

  I shouldn’t do this, I tell myself. I shouldn’t want to do this. But I can’t help it, somehow I do. Some twisted part deep inside of me wants to please my master more than it wants to keep my dignity. And right now, that part is in control.

  Slowly, I lean over the table and rest my hands and forearms on the creamy white linen. My bare breasts hang down like ripe fruit, my nipples dark pink against the light tablecloth.

  Aiden murmurs his approval. “Now,” he says, “Spread your legs so I can get to your pussy.”

  I look over my shoulder as apprehension stabs through me. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “I’m going to fuck you—with this.” He holds up the long, thick thing he pulled out of his pocket earlier. It’s a vibrator—a dark purple one. With a twist of his wrist, Aiden turns it on and a low but powerful humming sound fills the air.

  Somehow the sound seems to break the spell I’ve been under for the past two hours. “What?” I exclaim. “You’re really going to… fuck me with that thing when the server comes back?”

  “We’ll start now to get you warmed up,” he says, as though it’s a foregone conclusion that I’ll stand there bent over with my legs splayed wide open and let him fuck me with the thick purple vibrator in public.

  “Aiden,” I start to protest but just then he strokes the buzzing, humming head of the vibrator over my sensitive clit. I jump and moan at the instant shock of pleasure that courses through my entire body. I hear Aiden murmur something about how responsive I am and then he’s sliding the thick, vibrating cock deep inside my pussy.

  And just then I hear the server coming back again. But this time he’s not alone.

  As two sets of footsteps and two voices approach our booth, something snaps inside me. It’s one thing to have the server we’ve had attending us all night see me like this but to have another, a complete stranger…or maybe he’s even brought the manager, maybe there have been complaints…

  I can’t! Oh my God, I just can’t! I bolt up from my prone position, pushing the buzzing purple vibrator out of me. I pull my top closed and push down my skirt. Then I grab the black wrap from the seat beside me, pull it around me, trying to cover as much as I can, and sit back down, making sure to keep at the far end of the seat from Aiden.

  All the motions seem lightning fast to me but I know for a fact he’s much, much faster. He could have stopped me—could have forced me to do as he said. Instead he sits there, his face like stone, not looking at me as the servers come into our alcove.

  Our original server looks at me, then at Aiden, a question in his eyes. Disappointment flits over his face but he’s obviously wise enough not to say anything. The second sever looks at his friend with curiosity and then shakes his head. Without saying a thing, they quickly prepare the dessert and flambé it tableside.

  They serve it to us quickly, in two china bowls heaped with vanilla bean ice cream, and then leave, murmuring hopes that we’ll enjoy.

  Of course, we do nothing of the kind. We sit there in silence for what seems like an eternity as the ice cream melts and the caramelized bananas grow cold. Finally Aiden speaks.

  “Emma,” he says softly. “I’m disappointed in you.”

  I start to talk, wanting to defend myself, but he only shakes his head.

  “Come on, we’re going home.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Come on Emma,” Lexy whines, breaking my train of thought. “It’s been almost a month. It’s not just that I want to see his house—I miss you.”

  I blink my eyes, trying to bring myself back to reality. My recollection of the night before is so vivid I can almost see the disappointment in my master’s wintry gray eyes. When we got home, I expected a very severe punishment—maybe a whipping so hard I wouldn’t be able to sit down for a month.

  What I got instead was…nothing.

  Aiden simply left me in the room without saying goodnight or tucking me in. He didn’t whip me or spank me or bathe me or kiss me. In fact, he completely ignored our whole nighttime routine.

  That morning at breakfast, he barely spoke to me. I felt miserable and depressed and angry, but what could I say? I wasn’t going to apologize for not letting him fuck me to orgasm in front of two strangers. He had no right to do that to me, I told myself. No matter what the rules of the Sacrifice said. And yet…the look of disappointment on his face was somehow worse than any of the punishments he’s given me.

  He did take time to fit the harness on me, however. And perversely, the phallus he inserted into my pussy was the thick purple vibrator from the night before. I know it’s a reminder of how I disobeyed him but he didn’t talk about it. He didn’t say much of anything, simply gave me his usual instructions about not removing it. Then he left and for the first time since I came to live at his house and belong to him, I cried.

  “Emma?” Lexy asks again and I know I have to stop thinking about him or I’m going to cry again. Goddess, I’m so emotional lately. I would swear my period was coming on but I haven’t had The Dream. So I guess I’m just upset about the situation with Aiden.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, sniffing. “I just…things haven’t been great with Aiden lately.”

  Her response is immediate and indignant. “Did he hit you? What did he do to you? I don’t care if he’s the Sovereign or not, I’ll come get you right now if you want.”

  “No, nothing like that,” I protest. Of course, Aiden does punish me on a regular basis but I’m not about to tell her that. She’d misunderstand for sure. I take a deep breath. “It’s not anything he did to me. It’s more like…something I wouldn’t do for him. And it made him mad. Well, maybe upset is a better word. Uh…disappointed.”

  “Sweet Goddess,” she exclaims. “What the hell did he want you to do?”

  “I, uh, really don’t want to talk about it.” I clutch the old fashioned princess phone to
my ear. “Look, I should go.”

  “Oh, no you don’t! I can tell when you’re upset and I’m not getting off the phone until you tell me why.”


  “Better yet,” she continues, sounding both excited and determined. “I’m coming over. I know where he lives and he’s not going to stop me from seeing you one minute more.”

  Actually, Aiden isn’t the one stopping her. I’ve been holding off on letting her come over because of the damn harness I always have to wear but I’m not about to say that. “Lexy, really this isn’t a good idea,” I hedge.

  “What isn’t a good idea is leaving you to stew in your misery one minute more,” she says. “Besides, I need to see you—I’ve got something to tell you I can’t say to you over that ridiculous antique phone. Something about him.” I’ve told her all about the old princess phone and how it may or may not be monitored at Aiden’s discretion.

  “Lexy—” I start again but she’s having none of it. “No more excuses, Emma—I’m coming over now.”

  “Well if you have to come over at least bring me some clothes and my cell phone,” I say, stalling for time. “You know where I keep everything.” My apartment is a second story corner loft in the cheap part of Ybor City and Lexy has the only spare key.

  She sighs. “All right, I’ll swing by your place. But then I’m on my way over. So you’d better tell the blind butler guy to make an extra grilled cheese for lunch. Company’s coming.”

  “Lexy!” I exclaim. But she’s already blowing me kisses and hanging up. Oh God, she’s on the way.

  I put down the phone with a clunk and look down at myself. I am sitting at Aiden’s huge mahogany desk naked, wearing nothing but the black leather collar and the leather harness which straps around my thighs and holds the vibrator inside me. What am I going to do? And what am I going to wear?

  I hop up from the desk, moving awkwardly as the vibrator shifts inside me, and hurry to the bedroom. Lexy drives like a bat out of hell—even a side trip to the other side of town won’t slow her down much. She’ll be here before I know it and I don’t want to meet her naked at the door wearing nothing but my oh-so charming but rather unconventional collar and dildo ensemble.

  There are clothes that fit me in Aiden’s wardrobe—unfortunately, most of them are fairly obscene. Oh they’re classy—don’t get me wrong. There are no naughty nurse or she-devil outfits. Everything is top of the line, name brand, designer and very, very expensive. (I know because I’ve found a few articles with the price tags still on them.) But everything is either too high cut or too low cut or transparent. And it’s all very form fitting—Aiden likes clothing that shows off my hourglass shape.

  Finally I find a pair of black leggings and a dark blouse that’s only semi-transparent and decide they will have to do. I wish I had some underwear to wear under them—a bra would be especially nice. But aside from a few wispy, lacy pairs of crotch-less panties and one lovely delicate demi-bra which holds my breasts up without covering my nipples, I have nothing.

  With a sigh, I pull on the clothes and feel immediately confined. It’s strange how quickly I’ve gotten used to going nude. Now it actually feels weird to wear clothes. Well get over it, I advise myself. Lexy is going to be here any minute!

  I look at myself in the oval mirror…and wince. The top looks okay, although you can clearly see my nipples poking out under the thin fabric if you look. But the leggings…well, let’s just say it’s very clear I’m wearing something under them. Something bulky and eye-catching that Lexy is sure to ask about the minute I open the door. I can almost hear her now, “Oh my Goddess, Emma, what the hell is that thing between your legs?”

  I stand there for a long moment, scrutinizing my reflection in an agony of indecision. On one hand, Aiden is already mad at me. Or disappointed with me to be more exact. I really shouldn’t risk pissing him off any further. On the other hand, I can’t let Lexy see me like this. I just can’t. I’ve been perfectly good this entire month never ever taking the harness off or removing the phallus he puts in me each day. I deserve a break, don’t I? Just for an hour or two while Lexy and I catch up and have lunch. Then I’ll put it back on and Aiden will never have to know.

  Having rationalized my way out of the harness mentally, I now have to get out of it physically, which proves to be easier said than done. I pull my leggings down to my knees and go to work on the leather straps and their tiny silver buckles, which Aiden fastens and unfastens on a daily basis with such ease.

  They’re a lot harder to work than I expected. I try to push the harness down like a pair of leather underwear, but it won’t go. The straps are snug, fitting my thighs perfectly with no room to spare one way or the other. Cursing under my breath, I go back to the buckles.

  Finally, after a lot of time and effort, I get one side unbuckled. The vibrator is still snug inside me and I wiggle around, trying to get it out while I work on the other side. It’s just about to come lose when the doorbell rings.

  As the deep, bong, bong, bong, which sounds like a church bell, rings through the house, I begin to panic. Lexy’s already here—hurry! Hurry! Frantically, I claw at the harness but my frenzied efforts only activate the vibrator, which begins humming inside me, sending sparks of sensation through my helpless pussy. Oh Goddess, I have got to get this thing off me, out of me!

  The doorbell sounds again and then I hear a gentle rapping at the bedroom door. “Ms. Krist?” Barnes says in his aristocratic British accent. “There is someone at the door. Are you expecting company?”

  “Yes!” I manage to gasp. I’m clawing at the vibrator now and somehow I turn it up to what has to be its maximum setting. To my mortification, the low-pitched hum instantly becomes a loud buzzing. “Yes,” I repeat, trying to pull the damn thing out of me and shut it off at the same time. “I…my friend…my cousin…”

  The vibrator finally pops free and lodges itself against my throbbing clit. Instantly my spine arches as the pleasure rips through me like a hurricane. I’m still on edge from everything that Aiden has been doing to me the past three days and there’s no stopping the impending orgasm. Oh Goddess, I’m going to come! I’m going to—

  “I don’t understand, madam,” Barnes says through the door. “Is it your friend or your cousin or both? Should I make lunch for two or three?” Out in the main part of the house, the doorbell chimes again.

  “Three!” I gasp as the purple vibrator takes me to heaven whether I want to go or not. “Or no, two. Damn it, Barnes, I don’t know.” My spine is arching and my clit is tingling with the much needed relief. I try to take a step but the tight leggings trip me and I fall to the floor with the vibrator still going to town.

  “Ms. Krist, are you quite all right?” the butler asks, sounding concerned. “Did you fall? Should I come in to assist you?”

  I’m flat on my back, having what feels like multiple orgasms, tangled up in the harness and leggings with the vibrator buzzing between my legs like a freaking chainsaw. The doorbell is ringing nonstop now and the butler wants to come in and 'assist' me. I think I’m going crazy.

  “No,” I moan, finally managing to shut the vibrator off with trembling fingers. As soon as it stops teasing my clit, I feel more in control. My pussy is still throbbing, but at least I’m not coming anymore. It’s amazingly hard to think while you’re having an orgasm—something I guess I never really noticed before. “No,” I say in a more normal voice—which is to say, I’m not moaning like a porn star. “I…I’m fine, Barnes, honestly. I just dropped my uh…my hairdryer, that’s all.”

  “Is that right?” He sounds doubtful. “Well then, if you do not require assistance I shall answer the door. Whoever is seeking entrance to the house seems most impatient.”

  Yeah, that sounds like Lexy. “You do that,” I croak. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  With a little more fumbling, I’m finally able to release the other side of the harness. I put it on the bed and pull up my leggings, feeling strangely empty and
undressed without it. But freer too, I remind myself. And now I don’t have to admit everything to Lexy.

  Taking one last look at my flushed face in the mirror, I smooth my tangled hair, take a deep breath, and run out to meet my cousin.

  But it isn’t Lexy standing in the open doorway when I finally get to the front of the house. It’s just a UPS man and he looks strangely familiar. He’s muscular and swarthy with thick black hair on his arms and legs that almost looks like a pelt.

  With a start, I realize it’s Emil Sanchez, leader of the Curved Horn Satyr clan. He’s in human form today, which is to say the bottom half of him isn’t noticeably goaty—well, aside from all the disgusting body hair, that is. He has on a baseball cap, probably to hide the two stubby horns growing from his forehead. Maybe he’s spent too much time in his satyr form and can’t go back to his human form without them. When he looks up at me and smiles, my theory is proven correct—he also has the slotted yellow eyes of a goat.

  “Hello, pretty lady,” he says, grinning. “Got a delivery for you.” His eyes flicker over my blouse, taking in the way my nipples tent the thin fabric and his grin widens.

  I cross my arms protectively over my chest. When he looks at me like that, I smell smoke and somewhere, someone is lost in the darkness, crying. I shake my head, trying to get rid of the strange vision.

  “Madam, this person appears to have a package you need to sign for.” Barnes turns his blind eyes in my direction. “Were you expecting something?”

  “Uh, no.” I give Sanchez a hard look, which he returns with a lascivious grin. “What is this about?” I demand.

  “Just doing my job, ma’am,” he says with deceptive mildness. “Got a package for you.” He shoves a clipboard at me as well as a greasy pen which I take with distaste. I’m sure my fingers are going to smell all goaty and nasty just from touching it.

  “Who’s it from?” I ask, scrawling my signature on the line he indicates and giving back the pen. I still think it’s strange that the leader of a powerful satyr clan is a lowly UPS man in everyday life, but I guess everybody has to work.


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