Sandwich Islands
Sanford, Joseph
San Francisco
San Jacinto
San Juan Islands
Savage, Charlie
Schouten, Willem
Scott, Robert
Sea Gull
in Antarctica
Johnson as commander of
loss of
Reid as commander of
Seru (son of Tanoa)
Seton, Elizabeth Ann
Seton, William
Shackleton, Ernest
Sinclair, George
as Flying Fish commander
and Malolo massacre
and Pacific islands
Slidell, John
Smith, Capt. Joseph
Smithson, James
Smithsonian Institution
Smyth, W. H.
Society Islands, survey of
Southard, Samuel
South Pole
South Sea Company
South Sea Fur Company and Exploring Expedition
South Shetland Islands
Spain, exploration by
Spieden, William
Stanton, William
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stewart, Commodore
Stewart, Frederick
Stewart, William
Stockton, Robert
Strait of Juan de Fuca
Strait of Magellan
subsidence, theory of
Sulu Sea, survey of
Sweeney, Peter
Sydney (dog)
Sydney, Australia
Sydney Herald
Symmes, John Cleves
Tanoa, king of Bau
Tappan, Benjamin
Tasman, Abel
Termination Land
Terra Australis Incognita
Thoreau, Henry David
Thorn, Capt. Jonathan
Tierra del Fuego
Totten, Joseph
Tuamotu islands
Tutuila island
Twain, Mark
Twenty Years Before the Mast (Erskine)
Two Brothers
Tyler, John
Underwood, Joseph
in Antarctica
death of
Fiji surveys
and Malolo massacre
Tutuila survey
Underwood Group
United States:
boundary of Canada and
commercial interests of
Ex. Ex. return trip to
exploration sponsored by
isolationism in
Panic of 1837
science in
sea frontier of
in War of 1812
Western exploration and settlement
Upolu island
Upshur, Abel:
death of
Ex. Ex. denigrated by
and Ex. Ex. narrative
and Guillou
and National Institute
and Wilkes’s court-martial
and Wilkes’s rank
U.S. Botanic Garden
U.S. Hydrographic Office
USS Constitution
USS Falmouth
USS Independence
USS North Carolina
U.S. South Seas Exploring Expedition (Ex. Ex.):
achievements of
acting appointments sought for
in Antarctica
artists of
charts produced by
circumnavigating the world
and Columbia River
Congress and
courts-martial and inquiries in
deteriorating personnel relations in
funding for
leaving New York
as nonmilitary undertaking
officers selected for
and Pacific islands
plans of
preparations for
public interest in
purpose of
recognition sought for
return to New York
scientists for
ships for
specimens and artifacts of
surveys by ; see also specific sites
at Sydney
terms of duty in
total of men on
track of (map)
Wilkes as commander of; see also Wilkes, Charles
written reports of
USS United States
USS Yorktown
Valparaiso, Chile
Van Buren, Martin
Vancouver, George
Vanderford, Benjamin
Veidovi (Fijian chief)
in Antarctica
and Antarctic land sighting
and Columbia River
comforts of
dog aboard
flogging aboard
and Hawaii
leaving New York
in North Pacific Expedition
at Orange Bay
and Pacific
pennant of
return to New York
rigging of
in Rio harbor
sailing master of
and San Francisco
sick list on
at Sydney
Vincennes Bay
Wadsworth, Capt. Alexander
Walden (Thoreau)
Waldron, Robert
Walker, William
Walker Mountains
Wallis, Samuel
Ward (marine), flogging of
War of 1812
Warrington, Comm. Lewis
Washington, D.C.:
Capitol Hill Observatory
Depot of Charts and Instruments
Patent Office Building
Washington, George
Watson, John F.
Webster, Daniel
Weddell, James
Welles, Gideon
Whippy, David
Whittle, John
Wickliffe, Charles
Wilkes, Charles:
achievements of
in Antarctica
and Antarctic land sighting
appointed Ex. Ex. commander
Autobiography by
birth and early years of
charges brought against
charges brought by
and Civil War
and Columbia River
complaints to Navy Department about
and courts-martial
courts of inquiry ordered by
death of
at Depot of Charts and Instruments
discipline administered by
dog of
dreams of the sea
emotional outbursts of
and Ex. Ex. preparations
expedition post sought by
as explorer
father of
and Hassler
health problems of
on Hibernia
incompetence of
insecurities of
Wilkes, Charles (cont.)
instruments bought in Europe by
Jane’s influence on
and Jones’s men
lawsuit against
leadership style of
leaving New York
letters to and from Jane, see Wilkes, Jane Renwick
letter to Ross from
and Malolo massacre
marriage of Jane and
marriage of Mary and
on Mauna Loa
men driven relentlessly by
in merchant marine
naval rank of
navigation skills of
officers and men criticized by
officers’ developing hatred of
officers dismissed by
and officers’ journals
officers selected by
in the Pacific
Paulding’s letter to
personal traits of
physical appearance of
and politics
responsibilities assumed by
and return home
and Solevu attack
as Stormy Petrel
surveys and experiments by
at Sydney
turning point of officers’ feelings toward
and Veidovi’s capture
written reports by
Wilkes, Edmund
Wilkes, Eliza (daughter)
Wilkes, Eliza (sister)
Wilkes, Henry
Wilkes, Jack
Wilkes, Jane Renwick:
children of
courtship of
death of
and husband’s appointment to Ex. Ex.
and husband’s return
influence of
letters to and from
marriage of Charles and
social life of
Wilkes, Janey (daughter)
Wilkes, John
Wilkes, Mary Lynch Bolton
Wilkes Land
Williams, John
Williamson, John
Wily, John S.
Winder, Charles
World War II
Wright, Charles
Wright, Silas
Yahgan Indians
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