camera lucida
Canada, boundary of U.S. and
Cape Carr
Cape Disappointment
Cape Flying Fish
Cape Horn
Cape of Good Hope
Carr, Overton
and Civil War
as flag lieutenant
in inner circle
as Oregon commander
promotion of
and Rio Negro survey
seamanship lacking in
and Wilkes’s court-martial
Cary, William
Case, Augustus
Cassin, John
Charles Doggett
Chauncey, Comm. Isaac
Chinook Indians
circumnavigation of the world:
by Bougainville
by Ex. Ex.
by Magellan’s fleet
Civil War, U.S.
Clark, Joseph
Clark, William
Clermont de Tonnere (Reao)
Coast Survey
Columbia Rediva
Columbia River
Astoria settlement on
and Canadian boundary
commercial trade on
crossing the bar
Frémont’s journey to
Lewis and Clark Expedition to
Peacock wrecked on
plans for survey of
surveys of
wildness of
Columbus, Christopher
Colvocoresses, George
Congress, U.S.:
and Coast Survey
Ex. Ex. approved by
Joint Library Committee of
petition for pay
and Smithsonian
support for exploration and surveys
and Wilkes’s appointment
and Wilkes’s naval rank
Wilkes’s reports to
Congreve war rockets
Cook, James
in Antarctica
death of
emotional outbursts of
at Madeira
Ne Plus Ultra of
Pacific exploration by
Cooper, James Fenimore
coral atolls, origin of
Couthouy, Joseph
Craven, Thomas
cultural relativism
Dale, John
Dana, James Dwight
and Columbia River
in Fiji
on linear pattern of island chains
on the Relief
as volcanology pioneer
writings of
Dana, Richard Henry
Darwin, Charles
Davis, Alonzo
Davis, Charles
Davis, Jerome
Davis, Capt. John
Dean, John
De Brosses, Charles
Decatur, Stephen
Deception Island
DeHaven, Edwin
Dickens, Charles
Dickerson, Mahlon
Disappointment Bay
Douglas, David
Downes, John
Drake Passage
Drayton, James
Drayton, Joseph
Du Pont, Samuel Francis “Frank,”
d’Urville, Dumont
Dyes, John
crust of
magnetic field of
East India Company (British)
East India Marine Society, Salem
Eights, James
Eights Coast
Eld, Henry
in Antarctica
at Columbia River
in Pacific islands
at San Francisco
Elliott, Jared
Elliott, Samuel
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emmons, George
at Columbia River
Fiji surveys
and Malolo massacre
and Pacific islands
and San Francisco
Upolu survey
wedding of
and Wilkes’s court-martial
England, see Great Britain
Ericsson, John
Erskine, Charles
in Antarctica
book by
at Columbia River
on Georges Bank survey
hatred for Wilkes
in Hawaii
learning to read and write
punished by Wilkes
Essex (frigate)
Essex (whaleship)
evolution, theory of
Ex. Ex., see U.S. South Seas Exploring Expedition
Fairfax, Donald
Fanning, Edmund
Farragut, Adm. David
Fauxall, Edmund
Fiji Islands
bêche-de-mer in
cannibalism in
Malolo massacre
Nadelaiovalau peak
natives of
revenge sought in
scientific studies of
Solevu Bay attack
subsidence theory proved in
surveys of
Veidovi captured in
Fitzroy, Robert
Flying Fish
in Antarctica
and Columbia River
desertion from
Knox as commander of
and Pacific islands
Pinkney as commander of
Reynolds as commander of
Reynolds’s transfer to
sale of
Sinclair as commander of
at Valparaiso
Walker as commander of
Fox, John
Antarctic claims
commercial interests of
exploration sponsored by; see also d’Urville, Dumont
Franklin, Sir John
Frémont, John C.
Galileo Galilei
Garnett, Jonathan
geodesy, studies in
George (Chinook Indian)
Georges Bank, survey of
Gibson, Jim
Gilchrist, Edward
Gilliss, James
Goetzmann, William
Goleman, Daniel
Good Success Bay
Granby, Tom
Gray, Asa
Gray, Robert
Great Britain:
and Canadian boundary
commercial interests of
exploration standards set by
flogging in
and Pacific Northwest
in War of 1812
Great South Sea, see Pacific Ocean
Greenhow, Robert
Guillou, Charles
court-martial of
journal of
and Wilkes’s court-martial
Hale, Horatio
Hale, Sarah Josepha
Hamer, Thomas
Hamilton, Philip
Harrison, George
Harrison, William Henry
Hartstene, H. J.
Hassler, Ferdinand
Hawaiian Islands:
commercial interests in
Ex. Ex. in
Kilauea crater
Mauna Loa
Reynolds’s last years on
as Sandwich Islands
settlement of
surveys of
volcanoes of
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayes, William
Hayne, Robert Y.
Henry, Joseph
Henry, Wilkes
death of
in duel
and Malolo massacre
and Pacific islands
Henry Island
Henry Lee
Henry the Navigator, Prince
Herschel, Sir John
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Hudson, William
in Antarctica
and Antarctic land sighting
and Columbia River
and courts-martial
in inner circle
as Niagara commander
and Pacific islands
as Peacock commander
and Peacock wreck
as Porpoise commander
rank of
and Solevu attack
and Veidovi capture
Hudson, William Jr.
Hudson’s Bay Company
Hull, Isaac
Humboldt, Alexander von
Hydrography (Wilkes)
Irving, Washington
Jackson, Andrew
Jacksonian Democrats
Jefferson, Thomas
Johnson, Robert
in Antarctica
arrest of
in Cascade Mountains
court-martial of
and Malolo massacre
on the Porpoise
as Sea Gull commander
and Wilkes’s court-martial
Jones, Comm. Thomas ap Catesby
officers and men selected by
withdrawal from Ex. Ex.
Juan (servant)
Juan Fernandez Islands
Judd, Gerrit
Kaeppler, Adrienne
Kalumo (Hawaiian)
Kamehameha I, king of Hawaii
Kane, Elisha Kent
Kennon, Capt. Beverley
Key, Francis Scott
King, Philip
Knox, Samuel
at Columbia River
as Flying Fish commander
and Pacific islands
Krug, Rebecca (Reynolds)
Lamayzie (interpreter)
Ledyard, John
Lee, Samuel
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lincoln, Abraham
London Missionary Society
Long, Andrew
Lowenstern, M. Isidor
McKeever, Isaac
McLoughlin, John
Macquarie Island
Madeira, anchorage at
Magellan, Ferdinand
Magellanic Clouds
Malolo, Fiji
Americans killed in
massacre in
revenge in
Fiji Islands
first sail south
Great South Sea
Hawaiian Islands
Oregon Territory
track of U.S. Ex. Ex.
Wilkes Land
Marquesas, discovery of
Mason, James
Mauna Loa
and Kilauea crater
pendulum experiments on
prior ascents of
summit reached on
Mawson, Douglas
May, William
at Columbia River
court-martial of
death of
duels fought by
in Georges Bank survey
in Hawaii
and Pacific islands
and preparations for voyage
Reynolds’s friendship with
Melville, Herman
Menzies, Archibald
Meteorology (Wilkes)
Mexican War
Midway Islands
Milky Way (islands)
Mitchell, Samuel
Moby-Dick (Melville)
Morgan, Charles
Morrell, Benjamin
Napoleon Bonaparte
Narragansett Bay, survey of
Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition (Wilkes)
National Herbarium
National Institute for the Promotion of Science
Naulivou, Chief (Fiji)
Naval Observatory
Navy, U.S.:
Articles of War
careers in
and Civil War
and courts-martial
discipline in
and dueling
expeditions of
files opened by
officers of
passed midshipmen in
planning for Ex. Ex.
pride of
on Puget Sound
rank in
reform in
in War of 1812
Wilkes’s charts used by
and Wilkes’s return home
Wilkes undermined by
Nelson, Horatio
Neuville, Hyde de
New American Practical Navigator, The (Bowditch)
Newton, Sir Isaac
New York Times, The
New Zealand
Nicholson, John
Noir Island
North Carolina
North Pacific Expedition
North Pole, discovery of
Northwest Passage
Oahu Jack
O’Connell, Paddy
Orange Bay
annexation of
Hudson’s Bay Company in
settlement of
survey of
Wilkes’s report on
Carr as commander of
at Columbia River
and Pacific islands
purchase of
and San Francisco
Pacific Northwest:
commercial trade in
exploration of
Indians of
oral traditions of
surveys of
see also Columbia River
Pacific Ocean
commercial interests in
coral atolls in
cultural relativism in
Ex. Ex. plans for
Ex. Ex. surveys of islands in
explorers in
as Great South Sea
languages in
scientific interest in
uncharted hazards in
volcanic island chains of
see also specific islands
Pacific Station
Pago Pago
Palmer, James
Palmer, Capt. Nathaniel
Palmer’s Land
Panic of 1837
Paulding, James
in Antarctica
Antarctic land sighted from
and Columbia River
court of inquiry on
in Ex. Ex. squadron
flag of
in Honolulu
Hudson as commander of
morale aboard
and Pacific islands
repairs of
Reynolds’s transfer to
at Sydney
at Valparaiso
wreck of
Peale, Charles Willson
Peale, Titian
Pearce, James Alfred
Pearl Harbor
pendulums, measurement via
Perry, Matthew C.
Perry, Oliver Hazard Jr.
Physics (Wilkes)
Pickering, Charles
and anthropology
and Ex. Ex. collection
at Fiji
at Mauna Loa
Piner, Thomas
Piner Bay
Pinkney, Robert
in Antarctica
complaints against Wilkes
court-martial of
and Flying Fish
plate tectonics, theory of
Poe, Edgar Allan
Poinsett, Joel:
on Ex. Ex. as nonmilitary undertaking
and Ex. Ex. preparations
ill health of<
br />
and National Institute
as war secretary
and Wilkes’s appointment
Poinsett, Joel (cont.)
and Wilkes’s rank
Polk, James
Pollard, George
exploration of
name of
peoples of
see also Pacific Ocean; specific islands
Pomare II, king of Tahiti
in Antarctica
and Columbia River
in Georges Bank survey
in North Pacific Expedition
and Pacific islands
and return home
Ringgold as commander of
and San Francisco
Wilkes as commander of
Porter, Capt. David
Porter, George
Preston, William
Puget Sound
Puhano (guide)
Reao Island
Reed, Mammy
Reid, James
Long as commander of
at Noir Island
at Orange Bay
return to U.S.
sluggishness of
at Strait of Magellan
Renwick, James
Renwick, James Jr.
Renwick, Jane, see Wilkes, Jane Renwick
Reynolds, Jeremiah N.
and expedition plans
and hollow earth
and Potomac in Sumatra
Reynolds, John
Reynolds, Lydia
Reynolds, Rebecca Krug
Reynolds, Sam
Reynolds, William:
in Antarctica
Antarctic land sighted by
on Boxer
changed relationship of Wilkes and
and Civil War
at Columbia River
and courts-martial
death of
enlisted in Ex. Ex.
as Flying Fish commander
foot problems of
in Hawaii
health problems of
in inner circle
journals of
leaving New York
letters to his sister from
and Malolo massacre
marriage of
May’s friendship with
in Mexican War
naval rank of
and Pacific islands
and preparations for voyage
and return home
surveys by
suspension of
at Sydney harbor
transfer to Flying Fish
transfer to Peacock
transfer to Porpoise
Wilkes described by
and Wilkes’s narrative
Rich, William
Richmond, Bill
Ridgely, Comm. Charles
Riley (marine), flogging of
Ringgold, Cadwalader
in Antarctica
and Malolo massacre
and North Pacific Expedition
and Pacific islands
as Porpoise commander
and San Francisco expedition
Rio de Janeiro
Rio Negro, survey of
Ross, James
Royal Astronomical Society
Sac, John
St. Louis
Salem, Massachusetts, trade vessels from
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