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Promise to Keep it Trill

Page 2

by B. Love

  “Honestly…” Davis shrugged. “I believe the prosecutor intends to use her to lure you and Kannon out of hiding. They know if they can’t find you, with her, they can get you to come to them. They probably will push her court date out six months to a year, no bond, in an attempt to get her to snitch and fold or get you to come forth and surrender yourself.”

  “Mak ain’t no snitch. She’ll sit for a year before she goes against either of us.”

  That had always been the case. Makayla had made it clear, if she had to, she’d take a small amount of time for either of them because they both had previous charges. Jason, himself, was on his third strike. If he went down for this, there would be no getting out. He’d been smart with his business in the streets, but his bad ass temper had gotten him into a lot of trouble.

  Davis’ face twisted in confusion. “What happened, Weaver? Why on earth would you start shooting in broad daylight with innocent bystanders and witnesses around at that?”

  Jason’s head tilted as he remained silent. It didn’t matter if Davis was his lawyer or not, he wouldn’t be telling him any details about what happened. Besides, it wouldn’t make sense to Davis anyway. No one understood the connection between the three of them. Since Jason had been sold to Carlos and Kingston, Kannon’s father, by his crackhead mother, the two had been looking out for each other. And as soon as they met Makayla, they realized she had the same heart.

  Still, they both would do whatever it took to protect Makayla and keep her safe… even if that meant surrendering himself to these bullshit ass charges. He’d do it a million times over. No one would stand in his face, disrespect his best friend while trying to tarnish his character and not deal with the consequences. Jason didn’t regret laying those bodies down at all. If he’d change anything, he would have just grabbed Makayla and handled those niggas in private. But that wasn’t how he moved, so it wasn’t no point in dwelling on that shit now. Kannon had saved his life years ago and had the permanent scar to prove it, so if Jason had to sit down to pay him back, he’d have to be cool with that.

  “What are the options?” Jason asked, not bothering to answer Davis’ question.

  “We can wait until Wednesday to see if the judge will give her a bond when she’s arraigned, but she has Judge Nolan, and if she doesn’t have a bond now, he’s not going to give her one. Especially if the prosecutor mentions where this assault happened and that she is connected to you.”

  Jason nodded, already knowing what was up. He had a few judges and police on his payroll. One that he hadn’t been able to get on his team was Nolan. Nolan genuinely hated them and how they ruled the city, and if given the chance, there was no doubt in Jason’s mind that he would use Makayla to get to him.

  “I don’t want her to sit in there until Wednesday, but if she has to…”

  “If she has to, she’ll be read her charges and offered a public defender. If she wants to get her own lawyer, she’ll be given the date he or she needs to be put on record and her court date will be scheduled. Without a bond, she’ll have to sit until it comes.”

  Jason sighed as he stood. Grabbing his glass of cognac, he walked over to the fireplace and stared into the flames. A few seconds passed before he decided, “Let me see Makayla, then I’ll make my move…”



  A smile spread across Makayla’s face as soon as she saw Jason. It was the only thing that could lift her spirits today. She’d been arraigned and no bond had been given. The judge had pushed her first court date back for eleven months, and Makayla couldn’t say she was surprised. Even after accepting the fact that she’d be locked down for at least a year, the only thing Makayla was sad about was not being able to see her little sister or the children at her daycare.

  When she picked up the phone for her video session with Jason, she inhaled a deep breath and told herself to remain composed. If Jason felt as if she couldn’t handle this, he’d do whatever it took to get her out, and Davis had already filled her in on the charges he was facing. She really couldn’t believe Jason had come to visit her. It was dangerous as hell showing his face, but that was the kind of man Jason was. He wasn’t scared of shit and feared no man. If he wanted to see Makayla… warrants or not… he was going to see Makayla.

  “What are you doing here?” she checked, smile vibrating through her voice.

  “Fuck you mean? You know I was going to come see you.”

  Makayla blushed as she wrapped the cord around her fingers. “It’s not safe. Not wise for you to be here.”

  “I’on give a fuck about none of that shit. I needed to lay eyes on you.”

  Her smile wavered slightly as her heart squeezed and warmed. Jason hadn’t ever been the most expressive and affectionate man, but she’d never deny his love and care. Or the fact that it was probably eating him up inside to see her in this manner.

  “I’m happy to see you, but I want you to go somewhere safe, baby.”

  Jason’s head shook. “Nah. You know I can’t lay down like this and make you carry this weight.”

  “I knew the risks when I slammed that bitch. I’m good sitting down for a year.”

  “That’s just your first court date, Mak. We don’t know how long Nolan is going to draw this shit out. I’m not letting you take this charge.”

  “Why not? If I don’t, do you know how much time the both of you will be looking at?”

  “Fuck that. I’m getting you out of here.”

  Makayla’s head shook as she looked around. “Jason,” she whispered, pleaded. “It’s a year. That ain’t nothing to me…”

  “But it’s everything to me.”

  “I can handle it. What I couldn’t handle, is one or both of you spending the rest of your lives in prison. You’re my soul and he’s my heart. I can’t do life without y’all. Let me do this, baby. Please.”

  Jason’s head shook as his eyes closed. Nostrils flaring, he inhaled a deep breath. As he ran his hand down his face, he exhaled hard and long.

  “I need you to tell them whatever they want to know so you can get outta here, Makayla.”

  His eyes opened, locking with hers. In disbelief of what she’d heard, Makayla chuckled as she stared at him for a few seconds.


  “Fuck you mean no? I’m not asking you; I’m telling you what you’re going to do.”

  Her head shook as she sat back in her seat. Shoulders relaxed, her posture showed just how detached from this conversation she was. Makayla didn’t even bother replying. There was no way in hell she’d snitch on either of them. She wouldn’t give up any information from that day or their illegal lifestyles just to get a bond or have her charge dropped altogether.

  “You hear me.”

  “I hear you, but I’m not doing that, Jason. I told you I’m fine waiting this shit out.”

  “Do you think Kannon is going to let this ride? If I don’t take care of this, he will.”

  Nostrils flaring, Makayla stood from the seat. She made sure her face was fully in the camera before saying, “Pay whoever whatever to get me a bond, but if you turn yourself in over this bullshit, I will never forgive you. Him either. If I don’t get a bond, I’m good. Lay low and wait for me until I get out. I will not accept any more visits from you because it’s too reckless for you to be coming down here. Just put some time on your phone and we’ll talk that way.”


  “I love you, baby. Don’t come back.”

  Quickly ending the video chat, Makayla cursed under her breath as she walked away. Jason would be upset, but this was for his own good. If she didn’t put boundaries in place, he’d risk his freedom every week coming to see her. He was lucky this time, but all it took was the wrong person to see his name on the visitor log or for an officer to recognize his face, and he’d be booked on his own charges instead of visiting her while she did time for hers.

  Making her way back to her seat in the back of the room, Makayla didn’t bother trying to see what
the TV had been changed to. Her eyes lowered to the scripted tattoo on her wrist that read Trill. All three of them had gotten it, and all three of them promised to always keep it trill with one another and in the streets. It was time for Makayla to do her part, and she could only pray that neither Jason nor Kannon stood in her way…



  After everything went down, against his gut feeling, Kannon decided to pull up on Carmen to see Kendall. Between the charges he and Jason had and the time Makayla was facing, he wanted to get to know the little girl whose life had caused all this trouble. As guilty as Kannon felt over how things had played out, both Jason and Makayla had dismissed the thought and told him it was cool and nothing they would change.

  Kannon had caught several bodies for Jason and he’d even lost his right eye to a bullet that was meant for Jason. He’d jumped in front of Jason’s seated body, taking the bullet to his face that was meant to shoot through Jason’s side and heart. Even though the eye had sealed shut and offered him no sight, Kannon didn’t regret taking the bullet and risking his life to spare Jason’s at all. And that was the only reason he was able to find peace with how things were playing out. He knew, if the roles were reversed, that he would have done the same thing for Jason… just with more thought.

  As Kannon sat outside of Carmen’s home, he considered if he was making the right move. They had a lot of enemies, and though some of them were too scary to come for them directly, it would kill Kannon if Kendall was targeted because of him. He never really worried about his parents being targeted because of his lifestyle. He and Jason were in the business because of his father and his best friend, Carlos. They both were OGs and Kannon trusted his father to protect his mother. His sister had moved away as soon as she was legal, not wanting anything to do with the lifestyle or her father and brother’s overprotective ways.

  But Kendall? Kannon wouldn’t be able to really rest knowing she was at risk by being associated with him. Yeah, he could move them in with him and make sure she was heavily guarded, but what kind of lifestyle was that for a child? As if his mother felt the conflict within his heart, she called.

  “Ma,” Kannon answered, looking in the direction of Carmen’s front door.

  It didn’t matter how much money she made or was given, she’d always be a project bitch just so she could spend her money on the shit she wanted. Kannon was sure sirens were blaring all day every day over here, but who was he to make demands of Carmen when he wasn’t active in Kendall’s life? All he could do was pray that God kept his daughter, her siblings, and her mother protected.

  “Where my big baby and little baby at?”

  Kannon smiled. “I ain’t got ’er yet, Ma. Carmen might not want me to take her alone the first day either.”

  His mother, Tracy, scoffed. “I don’t care what she wants. She’s always yelling about you not being in the baby’s life, so she should have no problem with you taking her for an hour or so. I want to see her. Bring my grandbaby to me.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” was all Kannon offered.

  If he didn’t, his mother would have his father bring her here himself, and that would not be pretty.

  “See you in a few.”

  Kannon nodded as if she could see him, agreeing quickly before disconnecting the call. With a heavy breath and shake of his head, Kannon grabbed his gun, got out of the car, and headed for the door. After knocking, he took a step back and looked around, making sure nothing or no one was out of place. It didn’t take long before he heard feet coming towards the door. When Carmen opened it, the sight of her fading bruises did nothing to soften Kannon’s heart towards her. Had she not pressed charges, he probably would have felt bad for her, but as long as Makayla was locked down, he’d harbor hate in his heart for the mother of his child.

  “I can’t believe you came.”

  Kannon ignored her statement as he looked down at the tiny person standing next to her. Gritting his teeth, Kannon pushed his tears back. He’d seen pictures of Kendall as she aged on social media but they didn’t do her justice. She looked just fucking like him.

  They had the same maple syrup skin color. Her hair was in plaits, but he could tell it was wavy just like his. Her eyes were the same balsamic color as his, and they were under turned, too. She had her mama’s nose and lips, but everything else was all Kannon – as if he’d formed her himself.

  Kneeling, he took her hands into his and slowly pulled her closer to him.

  “Wassup?” he greeted, voice cracking as he fought back tears.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  Her head tilted and brows wrinkled as she looked his features over, probably trying to figure out why the hell he looked so much like her. The thought made Kannon smile as he hung his head briefly.

  “You know who I am?”

  Her head shook. “I don’t think so. You look familiar but I don’t think I know you.”

  “I’m uh…” Kannon cleared his throat. “I’m your daddy. I’m sorry I haven—”

  Before he could finish his statement, Kendall was jumping into his arms. The gesture shot him straight in his heart, and he was no longer able to hold back his tears. Extending to his full height, Kannon held her tight as he slowly spun her around.

  “You’re really my daddy?” she confirmed.

  “I am. And I’m so sorry that I haven’t been around, but we will talk about why later.”

  “I don’t care,” she almost cried, squeezing his neck tighter. “I’m just happy you’re here. All my brothers and sisters see their daddies except one and me. I got a daddy now!”

  Kannon chuckled bitterly as more tears fell. “You got a daddy now,” he repeated. “I’m taking you with me for an hour or two so you can meet your grandma at her shop. We can grab something to eat and get to know each other if that’s cool.”

  “You don’t have to go if you’re not comfortable, Kenny,” Carmen added quickly, rubbing her back.

  Kendall looked back at her mother as she said, “This my daddy. I wanna go with him.”

  Carmen showed no hesitance as she nodded in agreement. “Okay.” She turned her attention to Kannon. “She’s allergic to peanuts and seafood. Have her back by seven so she can be bathed and ready for bed by eight. And don’t be filling her head with no lies about me. Y’all have fun and call me if you need me.”

  Kannon only nodded as he carried Kendall to his car. “Oh wait! Let me get her car seat.”

  “Car seat?” Kannon repeated. “She’s five. Fuck she need a car seat for?”

  “So what? She’s staying in one until she’s a little taller.”

  Not going back and forth with her, Kannon put Kendall on her feet so he could grab her car seat out of Carmen’s car. Once he had her strapped in, he texted his mother and let her know they were on their way before heading out. It didn’t surprise him that not long after they left, he started to receive messages with accompanying pictures that Carmen had taken of him putting Kendall in the car seat on her social media.

  Even though Kannon was angry, he decided to let it ride for the moment. It was one thing for him to be in Kendall’s life, but he still didn’t want everyone knowing she was his child. That was putting an unnecessary target on her back, and he was going to check Carmen for the shit when he dropped her off… if he could wait.

  As they drove to his mother’s beauty shop, they made small talk. Well, Kendall made small talk. Kannon had cut the radio off and told her to tell him about herself, and she went in. He didn’t mind, though. She could talk his ears off for the rest of his life if she wanted to. When they pulled up to the shop, Kannon checked his surroundings as he always did before getting her out of the car and leading her into the shop by her hand. It didn’t matter how much money she and his father had, Tracy would never close her shop or stop doing hair. Kannon didn’t blame her, though. She loved spending Kingston’s money, but she hated sitting around, doing nothing.

  As soon as they walked in, Tracy was squealing and cooing w
ith tears in her eyes as she rushed over to them.

  “That’s your Grandma Tracy,” Kannon informed before whispering, “She’s emotional and loud so if she cries and hugs you for a long time don’t be scared. Just tell me to get her off.”

  Kendall giggled. “I like hugs,” she confessed, removing her hand from his and spreading her arms wide for her grandmother.

  “Well aren’t you just the sweetest thing,” Tracy almost sang, taking Kendall into her arms. “Hello, Ms. Kendall. I’m Grandma Tracy, but you can just call me Gia because I’m too young to be called grandma.”

  Kannon’s head shook as he chuckled and turned his back to them. As Tracy took Kendall over to her chair, Kannon couldn’t resist the urge to call Carmen.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Take that shit off Facebook. I told you I don’t want people knowing I have a daughter.”

  “Look. You gon’ stop denying my child, Kannon. What was the point of you even coming to get her if you weren’t going to do right?”

  “I am doing right. I send you money monthly and I got her now. I don’t mind having a relationship with her, but I don’t want people to know she’s my blood. This is for her own good. What part of that don’t you understand?”

  “Nigga. You swear you The Godfather or some shit. Niggas ain’t checking for you like that.”

  “You a mothafuckin’ lie. Niggas checking for me and Jason like that. I gotta watch out for my own father’s enemies. Even your cousins looking for me and Jason after what happened. You better tell them to fall back, too. I know that’s your family and all, but you know we don’t play that shit.”

  “Whatever, Kannon. They aren’t thinking about you. If they wanted to handle you and get even, they would have done so while you were at my house.”

  Kannon’s body went slack. “You told somebody I was coming to get Kendall today?”

  “Yeah. I told my mama and my sister and my cousin, Shianne. They couldn’t believe you were finally coming to get her.”


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