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Promise to Keep it Trill

Page 8

by B. Love

  It didn’t take long for Kannon to be searched and led back to the visitation room. While most had to do video calls, Jason had enough pull to see all his visitors face to face in a private room. He was legit living like a King behind bars. The only thing he was missing was his Queen and Prince.

  As they always did, the two brothers shook hands and gave each other a brotherly hug before sitting across from one another. Jason pulled his beanie further down his head before cupping his hands on top of the table.

  “What’s good?” he asked, and Kannon shared with him all details of the business that had transpired over the week. “I got some news.”


  “We’re overcrowded. Because of my crimes, I’ve been chosen to be moved to a max sec pen out of state.”

  “What?” Kannon yelled, having to keep himself from leaping up from his seat. While Jason’s record was long, neither of them expected him to ever be moved to a maximum-security penitentiary. “Which one? And what the fuck for? Dean can’t get you out of this shit?”

  Jason’s head shook. “Pelican. And Dean ain’t gon’ do shit to stop it,” Jason informed, referring to the superintendent. “Him and the warden tried to shake me for more. They feel like because I’m making what I’m making outchea that I gotta increase my payments to them. They can’t drop more charges on me without implicating themselves, so they tryna move a nigga out.”

  Kannon’s head shook. “Nah. That ain’t gon’ fly. We gotta find some leverage. You can’t go all the way to Pelican. That’s on the other side of the fucking earth.”

  Kannon’s eye searched Jason’s face. It was covered with peace. Either because he’d had more time to think about this and settle it within his heart, or he had something up his sleeve. You could never say with Jason.

  “You know I’m a boss. I’ll take control wherever I go, so I ain’t fucked up about being moved. I am gon’ miss my weekly visits with you and Pops, though. That’s about it.”

  Kannon nodded his understanding. Even with Jason being locked down, they still talked whenever and saw each other weekly. If he was going to be moved to California, that wouldn’t be the case. Not only would their weekly visits stop, but it wouldn’t be as easy for Jason to get and move product either.

  “I’ma see what I can do,” Kannon decided. Between him, Kingston, and Carlos… they would have to come up with something.

  “I’m at peace,” Jason rejected. “I’ve lived a hell of a life in and outside these walls. I just need you to do one thing for me before I go.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Bring me Makayla.”

  Kannon’s heart skipped a beat as his head shook. “I’on know about that, brotha.”

  “Look, I know she ain’t fucking with me right now…”

  Kannon chuckled as he sat up in his seat. “Nah, you haven’t been fucking with her.”

  “I did what had to be done.”

  “Not the right fucking way, Jason,” Kannon stressed for what had to be the millionth time. He was used to his friend being stubborn and bullheaded, but usually, with Makayla, he had been open. This, however, was one situation he refused to see for what it really was. “You took baby girl to a whole other country and abandoned her there. Your troubled ass woman who was still really a little fucking girl in the head and heart. You took her there and left her for me to deal with. Then you cut her off completely with no warning. She already told you how abandoned and rejected she felt by both her parents and you go and give her that same pain from the one man she felt she could trust with herself.”

  “She knew the code I lived by…”

  “Fuck the code,” Kannon screamed, slamming his fist on the metal table as he stood and hovered over it. “You could’ve kept it trill and told her what it was from jump, brother. Let her know that you were turning yourself in and thought it was best for her if she released you. But you ran like a coward ’cause you ain’t wanna face her and had her feeling like she had done something wrong. But the only thing she ever did wrong was trust her heart with you. Now you want me to bring her to you, just so you can leave her all over again?”

  Kannon scoffed. Licking his lips, Kannon shook his head and forced himself to calm down as he returned to his seat. Normally, Jason was the one flying off his rocker while Kannon remained calm. But today, Jason maintained his peace, not moving an inch or allowing his expression to change as Kannon composed himself.

  “I did what I thought was best,” Jason repeated, making Kannon laugh and shake his head. “I gave her to you because I knew…” He paused, causing Kannon to look at him. “I knew she would be safe with you.” His head hung. “Even from me.” His head shook. “I love Makayla, but I can only give her what I’ve had. I know she deserved more from me, a different kind of love from me, but I’m man enough to admit I wasn’t able to give her that. Shit, my mama just dropped me the fuck off, so what else was I supposed to do? How else was I supposed to handle that shit?” His nostrils flared as his offense grew. “I knew she would be safe with you.” Jason paused. “But I need you to bring her to me. I need to say goodbye before I go.”

  Running his hand down his face, Kannon sighed as he stood. “I’ll see what I can do,” he muttered, agreeing unwillingly.

  “I ’preciate that.”

  With one bob of his head, Kannon headed out, stopping only when Jason called his name and reminded him that they didn’t part ways with issues lingering between them. It was something Tracy instilled in them the first year Jason had come to live with them. Kannon stayed long enough for them to accept the fact that they’d never be on the same page when it came to how Makayla was handled and left it at that. On his way out, Kannon wondered how difficult it was going to be to convince her to come and see Jason. Whatever it took, Kannon was going to give to make sure they both got what they needed.



  When Dreka invited Carmen out for the night, it was the getaway she needed. Dreka’s mom had agreed to watch all their kids in exchange for them getting her a room at the casino next weekend, and they agreed. Carmen planned to take full advantage of her time without the kids, and Opium that Friday was her first stop. Her goal was to find a new sponsor, and it would be a bonus if he had good dick.

  She ended up getting three numbers before the sight of Jaden’s bum-ass cousin had her getting ready to leave. It didn’t matter how much time had passed since she was with the fathers of her children, they always seemed to know exactly what the fuck she was doing at all times. Not only were there lurkers on her social media pages, reporting to all of them, but if she went out and was seen by anyone they knew, they would be able to tell her exactly what she did while she was out.

  “What you finna get into?” Dreka asked, hanging off the nigga she’d snagged for the night.

  “I guess I’m about to just go to the house.” Carmen shrugged as she headed to her car. “Let me know when you get home, Drek.” Carmen pointed in her direction as she added, “Don’t forget.”

  “Aight. You let me know, too. Or you can just come with us. His homies are coming through. I’ma call Tonya and Erica nem, too.”

  Carmen nodded, knowing she was going straight home. After seeing Jaden’s cousin, she wasn’t in the mood anymore. Maybe she needed some peace and quiet at home to recharge. For a night, at least.

  By the time she’d made it home, she was getting a call from Jaden. With a roll of her eyes, Carmen let it go to voicemail as she undressed. She removed her makeup and took a quick shower before grabbing a bottle of Stella Rosa and getting in bed. When she checked her phone, she saw that she had three more calls from Jaden. She called him back, hoping their conversation would be a quick one.

  “Where my daughter at?”

  “Hello to you, too,” she replied, cutting her TV on.

  “Hello. Where is my daughter?”


  “Because she obviously ain’t with you.”

  “What is that supposed
to mean?”

  “It means I’m getting calls after midnight from my family, talking about you hoeing in the club, hopping from one nigga to the next. Where my daughter at?”

  “First of all, I done told you about having your people watching me. If you can’t stop them from calling you and telling you about my moves, you need to stop bringing the shit to me. My kids are safe and being well taken care of and that’s all you need to know. I don’t give a fuck if I let a group of niggas run a train on me… that ain’t got shit to do with you!”

  “No, it does have something to do with me! I don’t want my daughters being around bad influences, including you.”

  “Jaden…” Carmen chuckled and shook her head. “Please get off my phone with this bullshit. Bella wasn’t at the club with me, okay? And I don’t bring men around my kids. So why are we having this conversation? Oh, I know! You’re just mad because I’m not jockin’ you!”

  “Man, fuck that. I’m cool on you, Carmen, and you know that. My only concern is my daughter.”

  “And like I said, Bella is good. Is that all?”

  Jaden sucked his teeth. “I don’t regret my daughter, but I for damn sure regret having her with you. Your ass don’t fucking learn, Carmen. When are you going to do better and want better? You think the niggas you met at the club tonight are about shit? You downgraded as soon as you stopped fucking with me. If you wanna deal with them kind of niggas for the rest of your life, cool, but I’m not going to allow you to subject my daughter to that. She deserves better. I thought you would have learned your lesson with the last street nigga you fucked with, yet your ass still looking for prince charming in the fucking club.” Jaden laughed. “I guess losing Kendall wasn’t enough for you, huh? Get your ass a real job, get out the fucking hood, and stop trying to find your husband in these clubs! Maybe then you wouldn’t have to worry about my folks constantly coming to me about you!”

  Carmen’s eyes blinked softly as her grip on the phone tightened. If it was one thing she didn’t tolerate, it was anyone throwing Kendall’s death in her face. She’d already been punished because of the choices she made by no longer having her child. The last thing she was going to do was allow anyone on earth to try and judge and condemn her for it.

  “The fuck did you just say to me?” she asked calmly, getting out of bed.

  “You heard what I said. I’m not going to let you have my child murdered because you dealing with these dope boys. Stay your ass outta them clubs, Carmen. Do you hear me?”

  She chuckled quietly before disconnecting the call. In little to no time, she’d slid into a sports bra, loose-fitting shorts, and a pair of Nikes. After pulling her hair into a messy bun, Carmen rushed to her car and sped to Jaden’s home as quickly as she could.

  Even though she wanted to do major damage to his car, she knew if she busted the windows, it would get his attention. Instead, she flattened three of his tires, keyed the driver side, and poured sugar and oil in his gas tank. Honestly, she wanted to beat the door down and beat his ass, but he’d press charges for sure, and that wasn’t the kind of heat she needed, so she would have to settle with fucking up his prized Corvette.

  When she was done, she hadn’t made it a block away from his home before she was pulling over off the road to cry. No one understood the guilt she felt over her daughter’s life being taken away from her, and to toss that in her face was the ultimate and most disrespectful blow. If Jaden wasn’t the father of her other child, she would have called Kannon and told him to handle that shit. Instead, she sat there until she was all cried out before going home and downing the rest of her wine and half a bottle of Jack Daniels.



  “I think he knows,” Ariel blurted, looking down at Rico as he massaged her foot.

  “Who? Knows what?”

  With a roll of her eyes, Ariel pulled her feet away from his reach.

  “Kannon. About us.”

  Rico sat up. “Why you say that?”

  “Because, the last time you came over, he knew I had someone else over here. When he left, it was like he was done with me. But that night, he called me back. He came over the next day, but I could tell he was still feeling some kind of way. And when I tried to give him some, he just let me suck his dick.”

  Rico’s face twisted up. “Yo, I’m not trying to hear about you sucking another nigga’s dick.”

  She rolled her eyes and smiled. “Oh, so that’s where you cross the line?” Ariel chuckled. “I’m serious, though. He’s been acting different ever since then. It’s like… he’s fucking with me, but he doesn’t want to fuck with me. Like he’s just going through the motions.”

  Rico shrugged. “Maybe he just needs time to get over the fact that you ain’t out here reserving the pussy for him alone. If he still talking to you, it’s for a reason. Don’t worry about it.”

  Ariel nodded, forcing a smile when he spread her legs and crawled between them. She was sure Kannon was still talking to her for a reason… she just didn’t know what that reason was. And until she found out… she would have no choice but to worry.



  Kannon was on that good bullshit today. The whole time they’d been playing cards and shooting dice, Rico felt the brooding and brewing tension between them. Even though Kannon hadn’t directly said anything to Rico in a disrespectful manner… Rico knew what was up. He had been acting different for the past week or so, and after Ariel said what she said, it was starting to make sense.

  Rico knew he had to tread lightly with Kannon. Not just because of how dangerous he was physically but because he was his connect financially. Sure, he ran shit with Jason, but as long as Jason was locked down, Kannon had the final say so. Moves were called by Jason, but they were orchestrated through Kannon. Jason may have been the boss of all bosses, but Kannon was still a boss himself.

  Wanting to see where Kannon’s head was at, Rico figured it was best to do it while they weren’t alone. Kannon was lethal but he was also logical. He’d think before he did anything, giving Rico time to leave if necessary. He waited until Kannon was done with his dice game to approach him while he was grabbing another shot and beer.

  Standing next to him, Rico sized him up real quick before vetting him with, “What’s up, big brotha?”

  Kannon chuckled and smiled with one side of his mouth, not even bothering to look Rico’s way. After taking his shot of whisky, Kannon chased it down with a swig of his beer.

  “I been here for three hours and you just now speakin’ to me?” Kannon replied, keeping his eyes straight ahead.


  He knew something.

  Kannon was big on eye contact. If he wasn’t looking at Rico, it was because he was containing his anger.

  “I felt a bad vibe, so I was keeping distance. I’m about to head out, though, so I wanted to make sure we straight.”

  Slowly, Kannon turned in Rico’s direction. Being tall and lanky like Jason, Rico towered over Kannon by several inches. Instead of looking up at him, Kannon stepped back and put some space between them to make up for the height difference.

  “Why wouldn’t we be good?” Kannon asked, head tilting.

  Rico shrugged. “I feel like you always had a problem with me. Since Jason been gone, it just seem like you ain’t tryna hide it no mo’.”

  Kannon chuckled. “Yeah, I ain’t never really liked you or trusted you,” he admitted. “But that ain’t new. So why you bringing it up now?”

  Rico smiled, wondering if he was going to take the bait. Kannon set his beer down and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Like I said, I felt a bad vibe.”

  Kannon nodded, remaining quiet for a few seconds. “You fuckin’ my bitch, Rico?”

  Rico was unable to keep his smile from forming. He couldn’t stand Kannon, or, at least, the position Kannon had. For years, he’d been working hard, trying to get close to Jason, but Kannon had always been in the fucking way. Jason never said it, bu
t Rico knew he didn’t give Rico as much responsibility as he could handle because of Kannon’s ill feelings towards him. Some may have called it hating, but Rico didn’t give a fuck.

  He’d been watching Kannon’s every move, looking for fuel for his hatred and ways to come up off Kannon’s back. He may not have loved Ariel, but it felt good as hell knowing he had his girl. With a soft shrug, Rico licked his lips.

  “I might b—”

  Before Rico could finish his statement, Kannon’s fist was connecting with his nose and mouth. Expecting Kannon to remain calm, Rico had no time to prepare and defend himself. His body spiraled backwards, flying into the table that held the liquor. The connecting of Kannon’s fist to his eye instantly blurred his vision and made him dizzy.

  “Hooo hooo,” was yelled before Kannon was pulled off of him.

  Shaking his head, Rico squeezed his eyes shut before trying to focus his attention on Kannon. As he saw his right arm being lifted in the air by Marco as two other men held him back, Rico focused on the Glock in his hand. With a chuckle, Rico wiped blood from his nose and mouth as he felt a throbbing pulse permeate through his temple and eye.

  “So you gon’ shoot me ova a bitch, big brotha?”

  Kannon’s top lip was curled while the bottom was between his teeth. Even with him being held back by three men, he was able to cock the gun and flip it in Rico’s direction.

  “Pussy-ass niggas get killed for less fuckin’ with me.”

  “You need to go, Rico,” Marco warned, struggling to take the gun from Kannon’s hand.

  “You ain’t shit,” Kannon spoke calmly. “You ain’t ever gon’ be shit. And you better lay low until I calm the fuck down and consider sparing yo’ ass, ’fo I have yo’ mama in that black dress, bitch.”


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