Promise to Keep it Trill

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Promise to Keep it Trill Page 10

by B. Love

  She chuckled, taking another step back when he stood and walked over to the pool table. “So you really don’t give a fuck about me, huh?”

  Kannon shrugged. “You can’t really ask me no shit like that, knowing you was fucking both me and a nigga I associate with.”

  “I was only talking to him when I was bored waiting for you.”

  “You think that justifies what y’all did?”

  Ariel pouted, stepping closer to him as he stabbed the striped orange ball. “It doesn’t, and I know it was foul of me to mess with someone you know, but I honestly didn’t think you’d care.”

  “I don’t, but that also doesn’t mean I’m going to continue to entertain you.”

  “So we’re done?”

  Kannon nodded. “Best wishes and warmest regards.”

  With a roll of her eyes, Ariel scowled and stormed off. Kannon couldn’t help but chuckle and shake his head. A part of him felt like a hypocrite. He was ready to body Rico for fucking a bitch he didn’t even care about, meanwhile, he was having impure thoughts about his best friend’s first love. But that was different. Five years had passed since Jason and Makayla had fucked off, and he’d ended things with her.

  His countenance fell as he thought about it. It didn’t matter how much he tried to justify this shit and make it alright, the truth of the matter was, it was wrong. But in this instance, Kannon didn’t give a damn about being right. He would fight it for as long as he could, but if Makayla ever gave him in an in, he would take it and let the chips fall where they may.

  Jason had said it himself… he’d given Makayla to him to protect. What better way to protect her heart than to be the owner of it?

  As if he’d thought her up, Makayla called him. After telling Nathan not to cheat while he took a break, Kannon headed outside of the bar to answer her call. She’d hung up by then, giving him an excuse to call her and see her pretty-ass face. When she answered, he had to fight back a smile at the sight of her. He’d seen her this morning but that felt like forever ago.

  She was so fucking beautiful, Kannon could get lost in her eyes. And he’d dreamed a million dreams about those pouty-ass lips.

  “Hey,” she spoke softly, lifting a blunt and putting it between her lips.

  “How you gon’ light up without me?”

  Makayla smiled. “I was going to wait, but if you’re out with Nathan, I’ll probably be sleep by the time you get home.”

  Kannon nodded because that was probably true. “Y’all good? How did Austin’s practice go?”

  Makayla released a quick, loud laugh before covering her mouth and giggling quietly.

  “Kannon! Oh my God! I was so damn embarrassed.”

  “Why? What he do?”

  Kannon could only imagine. His class was responsible for performing a musical number at the end-of-the-year program, and Austin was upset because he couldn’t play the drums like he wanted to.

  “Mane, this crazy-ass little boy snatched the drumsticks from Todd. So Todd tried to take them back, and Austin’s mean ass hit him with them. Todd was crying so hard, the whole damn hall of teachers came running, trying to see what was going on. And of course, I had to call his parents, and I thought I was going to have to beat his mama’s ass when she came up there.”

  “She tried to get buck? Why you ain’t call me?”

  “She was cool. I mean, she was upset, but by the time she’d arrived, Todd was calm, and I was talking to her real nice, so she let it ride. I told her Austin was going to be punished and he can’t participate in the recital now.”

  Kannon chuckled and shook his head. “What’s his punishment?”

  “No electronics for a week. And he can’t go to my mama house this weekend.”

  “Ooh.” Makayla chuckled at the sight of Kannon’s twisted up face. “I know he fucked up behind that.”

  “Real fucked up. I bet his little ass gon’ think twice about hitting somebody, though.” Her eyes rolled as she smiled and pulled the blunt back to her lips again. As the smoke left her nostrils, she said, “I blame you, too.”

  “How? What I do?”

  “When we signed him up for those boxing classes when he turned three, we made it clear that he was only supposed to harm others to protect himself or someone else. He’s been acting like a little bully lately, and I know it’s because of what you be saying and doing when y’all be spending time together.”

  Even though she tried to keep her expression serious, Kannon saw the twinkle in her eye and heard the smile in her voice.

  “Man, say. I can’t help it if my lil man got a crazy streak in ’em. Look at who his daddy and goddaddy is. I’ll talk to him about that shit, though.”

  Makayla chuckled before muttering, “Thank you.” Her eyes lowered briefly before she added, “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I wrote Jason a letter and told him about Austin. I let him know if he wanted me to come and see him still, I would and I would bring him. When he called, I was talking to Todd’s mother, so I couldn’t answer. But he left me a voicemail and said he wanted to see us.”

  Kannon nodded. He was wondering why Jason hadn’t returned his call, and now he figured that was why. Was he upset? Hell, Kannon wouldn’t blame Jason if he felt some type of way. For years, he’d kept a major secret from him. Kannon could only hope that secret didn’t ruin their bond.

  “I gotta say, I feel relief knowing he finally knows. I’m sure he probably will be mad as hell, but I’m glad he knows.”

  Makayla released a shaky breath. “Me too. I don’t care about how he feels about me, I just didn’t want him to have an issue with you. I told him it was my choice and that I made you keep the secret…”

  “No, you didn’t,” Kannon interrupted quickly. “I’m a grown-ass man, so you didn’t make me do shit. I chose to do it.”

  She nodded and released a long breath. “Still. I feel bad about it. I just don’t want this to be the reason there’s static between the two of you.”

  He shrugged. “We’ve been through a lot of shit together. This won’t be nothing we can’t handle. He might be pissed about it now, but eventually, he will understand that I did it for the both of you. And if he doesn’t… it is what it is. The day he left you with me, I made the promise to always take care of you. I meant that shit.”

  Finally, her smile returned. “I don’t know what I would have done without you, Kannon. I love you.”

  Their eyes remained locked for a few seconds until a small smile spread across his face. “I love you, too. Always.”

  They both held peace signs to the center of their chests, where they’d gotten Austin’s name tattooed. He couldn’t keep his eyes from taking in her perky breasts, wishing he could make a meal out of them and her pussy. Shaking his head, Kannon grumbled, “I forgot I got a game going with Nate. You need anything when I head to the house?”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  “Cool. Well, I’ll see you in the morning then.”

  She nodded, but she didn’t bother trying to end the call. Kannon didn’t either. Before he knew it, they’d talked for another fifteen minutes before he headed back inside to tell Nathan he was on his way home, when in reality, he was on his way to Makayla.



  The room was spinning. Carmen’s heart was racing. Even though she couldn’t say it, she knew she was about to throw up. She’d just gotten off the toilet from peeing, but she wasn’t going to be able to make it back to the toilet in time. Covering her mouth, Carmen rushed through her room to the bathroom, vomit spewing along the way. By the time she made it to the toilet, she was toppling over onto it as she heaved.

  Groaning, Carmen wiped her mouth and remained on the floor for a few seconds to make sure nothing else was going to come out. When she felt it was safe to do so, she stood and drunkenly wobbled out of the bathroom. She was so off-balance, Carmen could barely walk. She ended up crawling the rest of the way to her bed as she continued to groan.

  By the t
ime she made it to the edge of the bed, she was tired as hell. Before she’d thrown up, she’d managed to get her wig and shirt off, but nothing else. After pulling her jeans halfway down her thighs, Carmen felt herself falling back onto the bed. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten this drunk. Usually knowing her limits, Carmen contributed her overly drunken state to the speed at which she’d consumed her drinks.

  When she had to make that call for someone to come and pick her up, Kannon was at the top of her list. As always, he was there for her, bringing her home without scolding her like any of the rest of her children’s fathers would have.

  “Shit,” Kannon grumbled as he stepped into the room.

  She was so out of it, Carmen couldn’t even open her eyes to try and look at him. Going in and out of consciousness, she heard him making his way around her room. He’d set a trash can by her bed thankfully because she threw up again twice. Kannon cleaned the floor and bathroom before removing her throw-up-stained clothing. Every time she smelled the scent on her bra and bed, she got sick all over again, but she was too weak to ask him to start by cleaning her first. By the time he was done, Kannon lifted her and put her in bed properly before covering her with her comforter.

  When she woke up hours later, it was to Gatorade and water on the edge of her bed. Carmen was still drunk because she’d drunk so much, but she was back in her right mind fully. With her being alert, Kannon had her to get out of bed so he could change her sheets. She took that time to shower, brush her teeth, and wash her face. Kannon waited until she was done to let her know he was about to leave, but she begged him to stay.

  He did, sitting in the rocking chair next to her bed instead of getting inside like she offered.

  “What was this about?” he asked, flipping through the channels on her TV.

  “Just… some bullshit Jaden said,” was all Carmen offered.

  She didn’t know how he’d handle her bringing Kendall up, so she wanted to leave it be. Jaden’s words were still replaying in her mind, and Carmen didn’t want to put that weight on Kannon.

  “Kannon?” she called softly, grabbing the Aleve on her bedside table.


  “You know you can get it bed with me, right?”

  Kannon’s head shook. “Nah, I can’t.”

  “You know you still love me. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t come through for me as tough as you do.”

  “I come through for you because of Kendall, nothing more. Ain’t shit ever gon’ pop off between us again. If that’s what you be thinking when you call me, you need to find somebody else to call.”

  Carmen sighed as she turned to her side and got into fetal position with her back to him.

  “I’m not arguing with you tonight.”

  “That’s cool with me.”

  She rolled her eyes, regretting even saying anything to him. Things were cool before they started talking, but as always, Kannon just had to say something to fuck shit up.



  July 2020

  “You have got to be fuc—” With a growl, Makayla bit her tongue. She didn’t want to curse in front of Austin, but her irritation was at an all-time high. As soon as she cut her Audi on, the tire signal light came on. It was reading as if the tires weren’t registering, which didn’t make any sense to her. They weren’t low, so what could have happened to them while they were in the store?

  Pushing her door open, Makayla walked around her car, anger brewing. Three of her tires had been slashed. With a quiet chuckle and shake of her head, she pulled her hair gently as her nostrils flared. Seeing a man come forward out of the corner of her eye, Makayla quickly pulled her pink pistol from her purse, aiming it as she turned.

  “Woah,” he mumbled, hands lifting in surrender. “You wanna use that in front of your son?”

  Makayla shrugged. “He know what’s up.”

  The man took a step back, and Makayla took a step forward. She didn’t know if he’d slashed her tires in an attempt to rob her, or worst, but she was prepared to take his life to protect her son.

  “I saw that the tires had been slashed, so I was waiting for you to come out to let you know. I had got in my car to make a call, though.”

  Makayla stared into his eyes, trying to gauge his sincerity. “You saw who did it? Or did you do it yourself?”

  His head shook. “I didn’t see who did it. I only saw it because I parked next to you.”

  He pointed at the black Infinity that was parked next to hers. With a nod, Makayla decided she wasn’t sure if she wanted to trust him or not.

  “Well, I see it now, but thanks for letting me know.”

  He nodded, finally lowering his hands even though she still had her gun trained on him. “It’s cool. I’d like to help you out.”

  Her head shook as she looked back, making sure Austin was okay. “Nah. I don’t have three spares so I’m gonna have to call a tow truck.”

  “Okay. Then I’ll just wait out here until they come.”

  Makayla chuckled as her head shook. “That’s not necessary.”

  He took a step in her direction. “Look, I’m not trying to finesse you in no way. But I would feel like less of a man if I left y’all out here alone. The sun is about to go down soon. I’ll sit in my car. I just want to make sure y’all safe.”

  Finally lowering her gun, she asked, “Does it look like I can’t take care of us?”

  He smiled, and it was the first time Makayla allowed herself to notice how attractive he was. His cinnamon-brown skin was a shade darker than hers. He had long, soft, wavy dreads that came to the middle of his back. His nappy beard had her wondering how it would feel against her thighs. His lips weren’t the biggest, but they looked soft, and he had beautiful dark brown eyes.

  He smiled softly, taking another small step in her direction. It was clear he wanted to get closer, but he respected her personal space.

  “Still, I’m a man. So if it’s alright with you, I’d like to at least stand outside your car until the tow truck comes if I can’t take you home.”

  Releasing a sigh, Makayla nodded in agreement. Jason and Kannon had been the only strangers-turned-friends who’d offered her help in the past, so this was definitely new to her. But, Makayla knew her world couldn’t revolve around them. If this man was genuine, she wouldn’t turn down a possible new friend trying to be overly independent.

  “I can’t stop you from doing that,” was what she used to agree, making him smile.

  “Okay. Cool.”

  Their eyes remained locked for a few seconds before she returned to her car. After locking the doors, she used her Geico app to request a tow truck. As he promised he would, he stood outside of her car, watching their surroundings until the tow truck arrived. When it did, she called for an uber.

  “Do you mind if I get your number? Just to make sure y’all make it home safely?”

  “That’s fine,” Makayla agreed with a smile.

  After they exchanged numbers and she learned his name was Nixon, Makayla and Austin headed out.

  When the uber pulled up, Makayla sighed when she realized Kannon was home. All she could do was hope he didn’t see her pulling up, otherwise, he’d ask a million questions about why she wasn’t in her car.

  She hadn’t been able to get in the house good and send Austin upstairs so he could get ready to eat, bathe, and shower before she heard her front door slamming. Now was one of the times she hated they had keys to each other’s homes.

  “Makayla!” he called, running up the stairs.

  “I’m in my room,” she replied.

  “Where the fuck is your car?” he asked, stepping into her room.

  “My tires were slashed when we were at the store, so I had to uber.”

  Kannon’s head tilted. He’d never been the arguing type, but Makayla saw the moment anger began to take over his face. His fists opened and closed as his jaw clenched. Hanging his head, he began to pace for a few seconds as she stepp
ed into the bathroom to undress. By the time she made it out of her room, Kannon was calm enough to ask, “Why didn’t you call me?”

  Makayla shrugged as she passed him to leave her room and go to Austin’s. “I don’t know. Really didn’t see the need.”

  “You didn’t see the need? A motherfucker slashed your tires and you didn’t see the need to call me?”

  “What were you going to do, Kannon? I was a whole hour away.”

  “I got bodies everywhere, you know that. I could’ve had someone at you in less than three minutes.”

  “Austin,” Makayla called, looking into his room. “Go into the bathroom and wash your hands for dinner, baby.”

  “Can I have ice cream for dessert?”

  “If you eat all your food.”

  “What are we having?”

  “Eggplant lasagna from last night.”

  Austin pouted. “I don’t like that.”

  “Well, you must not like ice cream either.”

  With a deeper frown, he slowly headed out of his room towards the bathroom as he grumbled, “I’ll eat it.”

  Makayla chuckled, forgetting Kannon was even there until she looked up and saw the mug on his face. “I apologize. I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

  “Any time someone threatens you, it’s a big deal, Mak. You know that. We don’t know if you were followed there or if they recognized you when you pulled up. They could have followed you home, too.”

  “I’m good, Kannon. We’re good. It’s not that deep.”

  “Not that deep?” he yelled, and all the calm that he’d been trying to maintain went out the window. “If something happened to y’all, I’d tear this fucking city up. I gotta answer to myself and Jason if anything happened to you.”

  “Oh, so that’s what this is about? Your pride over not being there when you think I needed you?”

  “Fuck my pride,” he gritted, closing the space between them. She had no choice but to step back as he pressed her body into the wall. “I love the fuck outta you. I wouldn’t be able to maintain without y’all. It don’t matter if you think the shit is a big deal or not, anytime something out of the ordinary happens, you need to call me.”


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