Promise to Keep it Trill

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Promise to Keep it Trill Page 11

by B. Love

  “Okay,” she agreed, hating that his anger was directed towards her. “I’m sorry.”

  Kannon stared at her for a few seconds before saying, “That was real sloppy of you and you need to make sure that shit don’t happen again.”

  Trying to keep herself from smiling, Makayla couldn’t help but be turned on by this side of him. She loved how soft he was towards her, but she also liked when he was able to put her in her place.

  “Alright,” she almost whispered, dropping her chin.

  Kannon tried to walk away, but she grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

  “Le’me alone na,” was what he said, but that didn’t stop Kannon from stepping back in front of her.

  “How long are you going to be mad at me?” she asked softly.

  Kannon huffed as he avoided her eyes. “I don’t know.”

  She smiled and held back her laugh. “I know you love us and care about us, and I’m sorry for downplaying your worry. We’re really lucky to have your care. I love you, Kannon.”

  Finally, he softened towards her, meshing his body with hers. “I love you, too.”

  Makayla took his free hand into hers, looking up at him with a smile. Something about their declaration of love felt different this time. The longer they stared into each other’s eyes, the closer their faces grew. Like magnets, Makayla found herself brushing her lips against his in a manner that was beyond her control. As soon as his lips pecked hers, her body locked up. With a gasp, she snapped her eyes shut.

  Kannon pecked them again, this time, more tender.

  “Kannon,” she whispered.

  “Shhh,” he urged. “Let me have this.”

  With a soft nod, Makayla held his hands tighter, tilting her head for a better angle. Tender pecks turned into slow sucks of one another’s lips until she parted his with her tongue. As soon as she did, he groaned and pulled her off the wall while she moaned quietly. Cupping his cheeks with her hands, Makayla slowly swirled her tongue around his as he squeezed her ass.

  It wasn’t until she heard the hard patter of Austin’s feet coming up the stairs did she pull away. Wiping his mouth, Kannon grabbed his dick as he slowly eye fucked her.

  “Mommy!” Austin called, looking from one to the other.

  Forcing herself to look away from Kannon, she turned towards her son as she asked, “What, baby?”

  “If I have my red juice in the morning, may I skip dinner and just have dessert tonight?”

  Makayla laughed, pulling Austin into her side for a hug. “You think you are so slick, huh? I usually have to force you to drink your beet, carrot, and apple juice.”

  “That should tell you how much he hates that eggplant lasagna,” Kannon added, tossing Austin a wink.

  “Let me guess… you hate it, too?”

  He shrugged. “It’s aight.”

  Knowing he was trying to spare her feelings, Makayla gave in and asked, “Well how about you ask Kannon if we can have dinner over at his house? I’m sure he has tons of unhealthy stuff there that you would love.”

  Pushing himself off Makayla’s side, Austin rushed over to Kannon. “Can we have dinner at your house, my guy?”

  They both laughed. “You tryna steal my lingo?” Kannon checked, palming the top of Austin’s head. “Yeah, we can. I think I got the stuff for us to make some veggie quesadillas and guacamole.”

  As Austin cheered and ran back down the stairs, Makayla told him to walk carefully as she avoided Kannon’s eyes. Slowly, she turned in his direction, unsure of what the fuck to say or do after what they’d just experienced. And apparently, Kannon didn’t know either. He stared at her for a few seconds before walking away. All Makayla could do was hope that kiss didn’t ruin things between them and that they would still be okay.



  Today wasn’t the first time someone mistook them for a couple, but it hit different this time. It was their weekly family day, and this time, Kannon took Austin and Makayla to Shelby Farms, where they rode horses and took him out on the paddleboat. As they ended their day with ice cream, an older couple complimented them on how beautiful of a couple and family they were. Normally, they would be quick to correct the person, but this time, they only smiled and said thank you.

  When they made it home, they played a few games before getting Austin ready for bed, and Kannon didn’t know what came over him, but he told Makayla he was going to tuck her in later. She blushed and said that was cool before going to her bedroom to undress. Normally, Kannon would admire her frame and beauty in whatever she put on and go on about their plans, but it was a little harder for him to detach tonight. He was seeing her in a different light.

  All he could think about was feeling her lips again, having his skin stained by her skin, tasting her nectar until her body was paralyzed. Fucking her so deeply, they risked giving Austin a little brother or sister. But every time he’d get to that part of his fantasy, reality would crush that dream. They could never have a baby, never be a real family, never even be a couple. They were too loyal to Jason… no matter how bad they’d slipped up.

  It seemed like they both were waiting for time to past. Neither were really focused on the game they called themselves watching. And the drinks didn’t seem to inebriate them enough to forget what the end of the night meant. The first time Makayla yawned, that was their signal to end the night. As tempted as Kannon was to do what he’d suggested, when the time had finally arrived, he was starting to have second thoughts.

  One kiss was easy to brush under the rug. Yeah, it was the best he’d ever had, but still. Making a habit out of crossing the line was only going to lead to trouble. Good trouble, but trouble.

  “You changed your mind?” she asked sweetly, staring into his eyes as he put his fitted cap back on.

  “About what?”

  “Tucking me in,” Makayla reminded, using his hand to pull him away from the front door.

  Smiling with one side of his mouth, Kannon closed the space between them. As she looked up at him, his right arm wrapped around her.

  “You sure about that?”

  Makayla nodded and smiled, running her hand down his chest. “Yes.”

  “Aight,” he agreed, locking the door back before leading her upstairs to her room.

  Even though Austin should have been deep in his sleep by now, Kannon still locked the door behind them. His eyes lowered to the cheeks of her ass in the silk pajama shorts she wore as she climbed into bed. When she was settled, Kannon pulled her gray comforter up to her neck before sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “You want a bedtime story, too?” he teased, laughing when she said yes. “Once upon a time,” he started, unsure of where his imagination was going to take him until he looked into her eyes. “There was this… beautiful princess.”

  “I like those.” She grinned.

  “Yeah, I bet.” Kannon chuckled. “She didn’t fit in with her family, so they treated her like an outcast. One day, she was banished, and was tossed onto the street with nothing or no one.”

  “What was her name?”

  “Princess… Makaysha.”

  “Makaysha?” Makayla chuckled.

  “Yes. Makaysha. Anyway, she was found by these two hood knights in shining armor, and they created a little family. The princess started to get everything she’d ever wanted out of life materialistically, and she finally felt like she belonged.” Her smile dropped slightly. “Then, one of the knights, Jackal, decided he wanted to make the princess a queen, but secretly, the other knight wanted the same thing, too.”

  “What was his name? What did he do?”

  “His name was Kane. And he…” Kannon shrugged. “Just… let it ride. Him and Jackal were brothers, best friends, and he didn’t want to cause a rift between their bond. They’d gone through so much, and Jackal had lost so much, Kane wanted him to see what it meant to really be loved by a woman because he was abandoned when he was little.”

  “Like the princess?”

nbsp; Kannon nodded. “Like the princess. So Kane watched Jackal and the princess as their love blossomed, envying from afar, but he was still happy for his brother and the princess, who had become like a sister to him. Everything was good across the land until Jackal was taken away by enemies.”

  Makayla gasped and covered her mouth, making Kannon smile. “What happened next?”

  “Well, Jackal made Kane promise to look after the princess. He made him promise to always protect her and never let anyone hurt her. He made him promise to love her and always look after her. Keep her safe.”

  “And what about her heart? Did he make Kane promise to protect that, too?”

  Kannon’s head shook. “Nah, but it wasn’t intentionally. See, Jackal wasn’t thinking about her heart, because his heart was actually replaced with a priceless diamond. So anyone Jackal gave his heart to was really lucky because it was rare. He was rare. Just like the princess. But because he didn’t have a normal heart, he didn’t think about the princess needing to be loved.”

  Makayla pouted. “What did the princess do?”

  “She was sad for a really long time, at first, but eventually, the godfather gave her the wisdom to understand she could still love Jackal and be loved by someone else. So she allowed the godfather to host a ball in her honor, where several men fought to the death for her heart afterwards.”

  “Why didn’t she just get with Kane?”

  “Well… she didn’t know he loved her. Plus, he didn’t want to betray Jackal. On one hand, he thought he’d been given a second chance, but on the other, he wanted to be loyal. But… he put on a mask and fought for Makaysha anyway. He won, and when he removed the mask, everyone gasped and threatened to stone him for his disloyalty. Makaysha had to choose between staying in the kingdom with all of her honor and royalty and riches or be banished yet again to be with Kane.”

  “Which one did she choose?”

  Kannon licked his lips and thought about her options. Their options. “What would you choose?”

  Makayla smiled. “I would choose being banished with the man I love, because I’m sure she loved him, too. Being banished would give them the opportunity to start fresh somewhere else. Build their own kingdom. What would honor and royalty and riches mean without the one you love?”

  “But character should be all that counts…”

  “And it does, but Kane’s character was the best of all.”

  “How so?”

  “He took on the burden of Makaysha. He chose to love her, protect her, and care for her… knowing how he really felt about her. And he didn’t have to. He could have gone on with his life and left her alone. He could have been bitter or handled her dishonorably, but he remained respectful and still gave her the final choice. I would think if Jackal really truly loved Makaysha, that he would want her to be happy and loved, and I don’t think there would be someone he’d trust more to do that than his best friend. He would be at peace knowing he could trust Kane with her.”

  Kannon smiled and gently brushed his thumb against her cheek. “If only it were that simple in real life,” he muttered before clearing his throat. “So, Makaysha and Kane were banished. They traveled hundreds of miles before setting up on the outskirts of the kingdom. It took a few years, but eventually, they had their own kingdom to rule filled with riches, but most importantly, the love of one another. And they lived happily ever after. The end.”

  Makayla’s arm slipped from under the cover. She wrapped it around Kannon’s neck and pulled him down to her for a hug.

  “Thank you for my bedtime story and for tucking me in, Kannon. You’re the best.”

  “So are you,” he whispered into her ear before kissing it. When she shivered, Kannon bit down on his bottom lip. “Goodnight, beautiful.”

  “Goodnight, handsome.”

  Kannon placed a kiss in the center of her forehead. Her head tilted softly, and Kannon couldn’t resist the urge to give her more. He kissed her eyelids. Her nose. Her chin. Her cheeks. By the time he’d made it to her lips, they were already parted slightly.

  “It’s okay, either way,” Makayla granted, slowly opening her eyes to look into his.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she granted.

  Kannon kissed her lips, and when she released a contented sigh, his dick hardened. What was supposed to be just a goodnight peck turned into a sloppy, slow, wet kiss. One that had him sliding his hand under the comforter and between her legs. Her pussy was soaking wet. Not bothering to take her shorts off, Kannon spread her legs as he continued to kiss her.

  He alternated between caressing her clit and finger fucking her until she was no longer able to kiss him. Breathing heavily, Makayla pushed the comforter back and began to play with her nipples through her spaghetti-strapped shirt. The sight turned Kannon on more.

  Lowering himself to her neck, he teased it until she came against his fingers. When she did, Kannon decided he wasn’t done yet. He removed her shorts and tossed her legs over his shoulders before inhaling her scent. Blowing out an exhale that caused her to tremble, Kannon bit down on his bottom lip at the sight of her glistening pussy.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to taste you,” he confessed before sliding the tip of his tongue between her slippery folds.

  “As long as I’ve wanted you to taste me,” she replied, spreading her legs further.

  His hands slid up her stomach, stopping at her breasts. As he pinched and tweaked her nipples, Kannon slowly lapped up her nectar. He took his time with every part of her – making her cum from licking and sucking her clit, fucking her opening with his tongue, and circling his tongue across her ass hole. By her fourth orgasm, her heavy breathing had become moans that she was struggling to hold back. Each time she oohed and ahhed as she rotated her hips Kannon had to use restraint.

  Had the thought of Austin being asleep up the hall not crossed his mind, Kannon would have gone for orgasm number five. He didn’t even care about getting his dick wet. At this point, he was savoring the pleasure of feasting on her pussy.

  With labored breathing, Makayla’s eyes fluttered as she ran her fingers through her hair.

  “You okay?” Kannon asked with a satisfied smile as her legs trembled and went limp.

  “Hell yeah.” She chuckled. “I’m about to sleep good as hell.” Her hand lowered to his lap, but he quickly grabbed it.

  “I’m good,” he declined as he stood.

  “You sure?”

  “Positive. Sleep well.”

  Makayla waited until he was at the door to say, “Goodnight… Kane.”



  It took two weeks for Jason to feel comfortable seeing Kannon. Even though he was sure Kannon had a logical and reasonable explanation for hiding his son’s existence from him, Jason still needed time to emotionally prepare. The last thing he wanted to do was say or do something that would break their bond beyond repair.

  With all the preparation he’d done, as soon as he walked into the room and saw Kannon seated behind the metal table, his anger bubbled up all over again. But the anger, now, was stemming from hurt. He’d never say that, though. Especially not here.

  Kannon stood, and instead of extending his hand for Jason to shake, he waited to see what Jason would do. It took a few seconds of Jason running the pads of his fingers together, but eventually, he extended his arm, and as they shook hands, Kannon pulled him in for their usual brotherly hug.

  “I’m sorry if our choice hurt you,” he said, holding Jason tighter.

  “You hurt me most,” Jason confessed, voice shaking with emotion. “I expected more loyalty from you.”

  They released each other and took their seats.

  “You gotta understand, when Mak told me she was pregnant, I was still heavy in my grief. All I could think about was what our choices had done to Kendall. So when she told me she didn’t want anyone to know about Austin, not even you, I agreed. I wanted to protect the both of you from the pain I felt whe
n I lost my baby girl.”

  “But you had the choice, brotha. Carmen kept it trill with you and told you from the jump. You chose not to be in Kendall’s life. That choice was taken from me.” Kannon nodded. “Now I understand and appreciate you wanting to protect us from it, I do. And it makes me love you more. But I can’t honor the decision the both of you made for me.”

  Kannon nodded again. “I can accept that.”

  Jason sat back in his seat. His head tilted as he pulled his beanie down lower. “We been through too much to let this shit rip us apart, but I can’t act like this is going to be easy to get over. I will, but my trust in the both of you has been shattered. However…” Jason lifted his hand and thought over his words for a few seconds. “I will always honor and appreciate what you did in my stead. I will be forever grateful for you not only looking after Mak but my son, too. We gon’ get through this, brotha.”

  Kannon smiled softly. “That’s all I need to hear.”

  They shook hands again before Jason asked, “Now, what happened between you and Rico? Did he tell you he was going to come and tell me about Austin? Is that why you beat his ass?”

  Kannon sucked his teeth and shook his head. “Hell nah. His bitch ass came to you because I beat his ass. I knocked his noggin off because he was fucking Ariel.”

  Jason’s eyes bucked. “Slim-thick bitch you was telling me about from earlier this year?”

  Kannon nodded. “Hell yeah. She was on some get back shit, trying to use him to entertain herself while I was busy, but you know me and Rico ain’t never really fucked with each other.”

  “Right. He’s always been a lil’ jealous. On some attention-seeking shit like I was his daddy. When I got locked down and wasn’t able to keep him close, I felt like some shit was gon’ pop off between y’all.” Jason breathed deeply and scratched his chin. “You know what to do. His heart ain’t pure. That wasn’t a solid move he made. There was no integrity behind him telling me about my son because it came from ill intentions. Handle that shit.”


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