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Promise to Keep it Trill

Page 18

by B. Love



  “How you want me to handle it?” Ramika asked.

  She was one of their home girls from the hood who was currently serving time for manslaughter. Had she not had the help of Kannon’s lawyer, it would have been first degree murder. They talked once a week, and Kannon wasn’t prepared for the news she shared with him today.

  He knew that Carmen had been involved in a car accident, but he didn’t know she was going to be arrested as soon as she was cleared by her doctor for driving while intoxicated, reckless driving, and vehicular manslaughter. The person that had ran into her had on their seatbelt, but his passenger did not. She was ejected out of the windshield and was fatally run over. If convicted of all charges, she was looking at anywhere from three to fifteen years.

  Needless to say, shit wasn’t looking good for her. Her bond was high as hell and her mother didn’t know how she was going to pay it. All of her children were with their fathers, and even with the minimum sentence, she was going to lose all rights to them.

  “So what she say exactly?” Kannon checked, needing confirmation.

  “She was talking big shit about her latest run in with Makayla and how she’d burned her head start down. She thought it was going to make her look tough, but she ain’t know how many bitches in here fuck with you, Mak, and Jason. Her ass learned real quick though.”

  Kannon sighed as he stared at the door, waiting for Jason to come out. “Ass whoopings don’t sway Carmen. She thinks she’s bad as hell, so when she does lose, she just takes it as a loss and keeps it moving. Let me rap with Mak about it first and see what she wants to do.”

  “Aight, I’ll just wait until after we talk next week.”


  After disconnecting the call, Kannon called Makayla. In his mind, there was no point in punishing Carmen more than she already had been. She was stuck in jail with no hope of getting out any time soon, but, he understood how much the head start meant to Makayla and would let her have the final say.

  “Hey,” she answered.

  “Hey. I got some news.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Carmen was booked last night.”

  Makayla gasped. “Damn. They didn’t even let the girl get out the hospital good.”

  “They picked her ass up there,” Kannon clarified with a shake of his head. “But she’s in there talking shit and it came out that she was the one who torched ya place. So what you wanna do?”

  “How much time is she looking at?”

  “Three to fifteen.”

  “If she gets convicted, I’ll let it ride. That’s punishment enough.”

  “If she gets off?”

  “I’m on her ass before she even makes it home.”

  “Aight, coo’.” Kannon’s eyes lit up and he sat up in his seat with a smile at the sight of Jason. “Your boy is out.”

  “O—okay. Y’all be safe. I guess I’ll see y’all in a few.”


  After disconnecting the call, Kannon got out of the car with a bottle of Hennessy in one hand and a blunt in the other. Jason cheesed as he walked over to him. They embraced in a brotherly hug before he accepted the gifts and got into the car.

  “How does it feel to be free, nigga?”

  “Nigga! This shit feels good as fuck!”

  Kannon chuckled as Jason took the bottle of Hennessy to the head. With everything going on with him and Makayla aside, Kannon was happy as fuck to have his best friend back.



  “Bitch, I’m the man. Bitch, I’m the man, I’ll say it again,” Jason rapped along to Nipsey Hussle as they pulled up to Opium.

  When word began to spread that he was out, everybody was trying to link up with him. He’d spent the first few hours of his freedom getting all the necessities he’d need to maintain his new life as a free man. Now that it was nearing eleven p.m., they were heading to Opium for what he was sure would be a night to remember.

  He’d already noticed the difference time had made between him, Kannon, and Makayla. While he wanted to spend his night having as much fun as he could while getting fucked up, Kannon had mentioned Makayla wanting to welcome him home with a family dinner. While he appreciated the thought, that wasn’t the wave he was on. He knew Makayla was home with their son, but he wasn’t trying to head that way until he’d gotten all of his bullshit out of his system.

  Kannon checked his phone again as they exited the car, and Jason was sure he was putting out a fire with Makayla. For whatever reason, they thought his first move would be to her and his son. Honestly, Jason had considered it, seeing as Austin was the main reason he’d done what he’d done to get out… but the streets were calling his name, and he had to answer.

  As soon as they made it into the club, they were escorted to a VIP section upstairs. Bottle girls immediately came their way holding several bottles of Moet that he couldn’t wait to guzzle down.

  “We ’bout to get you fucked up, my guy,” Nathan warned, shaking Jason’s hand.

  “I’m wit’ it,” Jason agreed. “Just get me to my hotel safely.”

  Kannon shot him a mug before asking, “The fuck you staying at a hotel for?”

  Jason accepted the glass and bottle that was being offered to him. “Listen, I ain’t been in no pussy in five years. I’m tearing some shit up tonight.”

  Everyone around them laughed, but Jason couldn’t ignore the chuckle and shake of Kannon’s head.

  “Some on ya mind?” he checked, declining the blunt Marco tried to pass his way.

  “I just thought you’d be moving different when you got out, that’s all. But it’s your world, brotha. Live it up.”

  Jason’s face twisted in confusion. “A nigga can’t have a little fun before I get down to business?”

  “I’m all for having fun, but you made it seem like you were so fucking anxious to get to yo’ family. But you ain’t seen or even called them yet.”

  Jason’s reply was cut off by the feel of arms wrapping around his neck. “Hey, baby.”

  He used her arm to pull her around and see who she was. At the sight of an old fling, Tara, Jason smiled.

  “What’s good, love?”

  “That’s what I’m tryna see.”

  He smiled and licked his lips as she sat on his lap.

  Blunts and liquor were in constant rotation. The rope of their VIP section was constantly opened and closed. Everybody in the club had to come up and show Jason love. While he appreciated it, he was also glad they had their own space. When he was done fucking with a person, Nathan had no problem having security show them out.

  Once Kannon had gotten a few drinks in him he’d loosened up. They were going shot for shot, arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders as the crowd around them cheered them on. Cheers erupted when they tossed their fifth straight one back. They shook hands and embraced in a hug as Kannon nodded with a smile.

  It felt corny as fuck, but as soon as Jason’s eyes centered and he saw her making her way through the crowd, everything else faded away. No amount of time would ever erase Chyna’s appearance from his mental or her effect on his heart. True enough, Makayla was the only woman to ever have his heart… but Chyna had snatched his fucking soul.

  The night they met, Jason swore he had fallen in love. She was the perfect woman for him… all about the streets and her paper. All she wanted from Jason was dick and a good time when their paths crossed, which wasn’t often. Chyna was living in China and they’d only met when he and Kannon decided to start pushing pulls. Their connect used Chyna, his daughter, to communicate with them since he didn’t speak English.

  That night, he linked up with Chyna and fucked her guts out, promising it wouldn’t happen again. But it did… every time they were in the same country. She was the only woman Jason had ever cheated on Makayla with, and though she’d never called him out on it… Jason felt like Makayla knew. The two women had never gotten along, and Jason said it was because they had some
of the same ways… but he knew it was Makayla’s intuition.

  Not wanting to bring her hurt, Jason decided to keep the affair a secret, but he promised to tell the truth if Makayla ever asked.

  Ironically, Chyna had moved to the States when Jason surrendered himself. She’d chosen to move to Memphis to work with him and Kannon while handling her father’s business with other dealers, but with him being locked down, the bulk of her business was handled through Kannon. They hadn’t kept in contact, and as she walked over to him in her white pants suit… Jason swore he was looking at an angel.

  “Let ’er through,” he ordered, standing from his seat.

  Her smile was wide as she made her way over to him. Standing at six-feet even, with her heels on, Chyna was his exact height. That shit was refreshing since the bulk of women he’d fucked with in the past, including Makayla, were much shorter than him. Chyna’s father was short as hell, but her African American mother was on the taller side.

  She had a good mix of both of her parents features. Chyna had her father’s slightly slanted eyes, reddish tan skin tone, silky hair and small nose, but she had her mother’s big lips, high cheek bones, height, and slim thick frame.

  Chyna’s hand went to his belt buckle, and she used it to pull him closer as she almost sang, “Welcome home, Jason.”

  Grinning with one side of his mouth, he asked, “Can I get a better welcome than that?”

  “What would you like?”


  “My driver is waiting outside. Let’s go.”

  After saying his goodbyes to everyone, Jason headed out with Chyna. Holding her hand, he lifted it to his mouth and kissed it. The sweet scent of her perfume invaded his nostrils, hardening his dick even more.

  When they made their way into the town car, Chyna reminded Jason of two reasons why he loved fucking with her – she wasn’t deep on conversations and feelings, and she was nasty as fuck. She showed no concern to the fact that they weren’t alone as she pulled his shaft out of his jeans and began to stroke him off. By the time they arrived at her place, Jason was ready to explode.

  They passed her security and went inside quickly, dropping articles of clothing along the way.

  By the time they made it upstairs to her bedroom, Jason was pushing her down to her knees, and she went happily with no hesitation. Taking his heavy shaft into her hand, Chyna licked her lips as she looked up at him. She took all of his length into her mouth, dripping saliva each time she pulled him out.

  When Jason took hold of the back of her head and kept his dick dropped down in her throat, her eyes reddened as she choked. Her gag reflexes were amazing, though, and the act had more spit dripping as she sucked his dick even harder.

  “Yes,” Jason moaned, moving his hips to fuck her mouth.

  He knew his first nut with a woman would be quick, so he was glad he was in her mouth.

  When she began to lick his balls with the tip of her tongue as she deep throated him, Jason’s body tingled and jerked. There was no point in him trying to hold his orgasm back, so he let his seeds shoot down her throat. Her eyes closed as she moaned, and the vibration increased his pleasure.

  “Shit,” he groaned, pushing her away, only for Chyna to suck him back into her mouth.

  The second time he pushed her away, Chyna laughed as he shuddered. Climbing into her bed, she spread her fat ass cheeks to expose her already wet pussy as she confessed, “I missed you so much, Jason.”

  Holding his shaft as he walked over to her, Jason licked his lips before confessing, “I missed you too.”

  Sliding into her, he didn’t bother strapping up. Chyna fucked him back, keeping up with the pace of his fast, hard strokes. He grew hypnotized by the sight of her ass cheeks jiggling as they bounced against him. Arching her back a little more, Jason groaned under his breath as he continued to pound her. This was exactly the welcome home he needed.



  Makayla felt the bags ripping, and as her groceries fell to the floor, it was the final straw. Letting out a needed scream, she dropped down to her knees and resisted the urge to sob. Though tears were typically how she released her anger, she didn’t even have the strength to do so now.

  She’d already been stressed overthinking Jason’s return, even though she hadn’t seen him yet, and she’d spent the past three days trying to make sure all of her teachers and students were placed in other head starts while Better Learning was rebuilt. After speaking with the insurance adjuster, she’d decided to use the money to rebuild on the same land. When she needed Kannon most, she felt him severing ties with her.

  Though they still talked, it wasn’t as much, and he was more mindful of what he said to her. While Makayla appreciated the respect and restraint he was showing, Makayla couldn’t stand it.

  Back on her feet, Makayla pushed her hair back and unlocked her door. She grabbed as many items as she could off the floor, then carried them inside to her kitchen. As soon as she saw the wine, fruit tray, and flowers on top of the bar… she knew exactly where they’d come from. Quickly, she finished grabbing her items and locked up before heading over to see what the card on the flowers said.

  I hope you’re having the great day you deserve.

  Yours Forever,


  Makayla poured herself a glass of the wine before heading to the living room to call him. It took three rings, but Kannon eventually answered with, “Makayla.”

  “Thank you, Kannon. I don’t know how you knew, but this was just what I needed today.”

  “You good?”

  “I am now, but I’d been having a really hard day.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Well…I’ve been a little anxious about acclimating Jason into Austin’s life and he’s taking his sweet precious time coming over. And it’s been hell getting all of my teachers and students situated.” Makayla huffed. “The check isn’t going to be cut for at least thirty days, but when it does, I already have a construction team on standby. It’s just a lot mentally.”

  “What can I do?”

  Just his question, his offer, was enough. “The unexpected gift was perfect. Austin is with his grandma so I think I’m gonna just have a mini spa day at home and chill. Get my mind off everything.”

  “Call me if you need me, aight?”

  “I will.” She paused. “Have you… are you with him?”


  “Oh. Okay. Well I’ll just talk to you later then.”

  Makayla ended the call quickly, annoyed with her annoyance. It shouldn’t have frustrated her as much as it did that she hadn’t heard from Jason yet. Honestly, it reminded her of the years he’d ignored her, and she would be damned if she allowed him to come into their son’s life and treat him the same way.



  Quite frankly, Jason was sick of Kannon telling him he needed to go see about his family. That was the only reason he’d decided to drop by. He’d been free for a week. Though his intention when he first got out was to head straight to them, his perspective and priority changed instantly, and he was sick of Kannon making him feel bad about that shit.

  Old habits died hard, and it was hard as fuck for Jason to stay out the streets. The difference between then and now was that back then, Makayla would have been with them, but now… she was home… with their son.

  With a sigh, Jason rang the doorbell and knocked three times. He could only hope things went smoothly between all three of them. If they didn’t, he would just leave earlier than expected and head to see Chyna. They were back on their bullshit, sucking, fucking, and running through the streets together. It felt good as hell being around someone that Jason felt understood him, but he couldn’t help but wish that person was Makayla like back in the day.

  Jason tried to be understanding of the changes within her over the years, but he also felt the disconnect. That didn’t stop him from wanting something to happen between them, he just didn’t
know what.

  When Makayla opened the door, she smiled at the sight of him. She looked beautiful, as always, without really even trying. Her hair was pulled up into a curly, messy bun, and she had glasses on that made her look like a good school girl. With no makeup on, he was reminded of her natural beauty. Makayla was dressed in an oversized t-shirt and thick white tube socks… looking just as appetizing as Chyna did dressed in her best.

  “Hey,” she greeted softly, leaning against the doorframe.

  “Can I come in?”

  Makayla licked the corner of her mouth. “You can, but I need us to be clear on one thing: I will not allow you to emotionally abuse my son. That whole ignoring me thing, we’ve put past us. I don’t care if I see you at all, but you will be consistent with my son or you won’t be in his life at all. Austin was expecting to see you a whole week ago. You haven’t even bothered to call or Facetime him. Do that shit again, and I’m cutting off your access to him until you realize its value and do right. Do you understand me?”

  Jason’s tongue rolled across his teeth before he grinned. “Yes, ma’am,” he agreed, dick hardening from her stern words and expression.

  Stepping to the side, Makayla allowed him entrance. As he walked down the hall, Jason couldn’t help but feel some type of way over the pictures that hung on the wall of Makayla, Austin, and Kannon. They looked like a happy family, and Jason didn’t like that one bit. He told Kannon to look out for his girl, but by the looks on their faces, he’d done so as more than a friend. Not wanting to jump to conclusions, Jason tried to hide his frustration, but it amplified when he made it to the living room and saw Kannon and Austin playing in the middle of the floor.

  “Them pictures gon’ have to come down,” he ordered, turning to face Makayla.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Of y’all… looking like a happy family. That shit gon’ have to come down.”


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