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Still a Thief

Page 8

by Doreen DeSalvo

  A quick scan of the reservations sheet, and the bill disappeared without even a glance. “Of course, sir.”

  Maybe he could have given him a one and saved some money. What the hell, he had a wad burning a hole in his pocket. The foreman had paid him double today, impressed with his work and wanting to make sure Jake showed up tomorrow. Might as well blow it all on showing Kate a good time. He just had to make sure he kept enough for the cover charge at the club he planned to take her to later.

  They followed the maitre d’ through a crowded main room. The restaurant was dark and genteel, one of those places with aimless tinkly piano music and velvet-covered high-backed chairs. Half of the men in here were old, overweight, and balding ‑‑ and their female companions looked like the type who got paid to smile into those paunchy faces.

  “That’s so cool!” one of the bleached blonde bimbos trilled, elongating the “so” into several syllables. Whatever her escort had said, Jake was willing to bet it wasn’t the least bit cool.

  In a small side room, five or six tables were spread around a central fireplace with a huge copper chimney. Since it wasn’t a very cold night, the fireplace was filled with a complicated floral arrangement. The flickering candles on each table cast more light than the dim sconces on the mahogany-paneled walls.

  Only two other diners sat in the room ‑‑ a pair of men in wrinkled white shirts, ties loosened and suit jackets slung over the extra chairs at their table. Looked like a working dinner. They had papers spread out amidst the bread basket and martini glasses, and one of them made notes with a small mechanical pencil while they talked.

  The perfect audience for what Jake had planned.

  The maitre d’ led them to a table almost halfway around the room. Jake surveyed the view while he held Kate’s chair for her.

  Absolutely perfect. The fireplace would be enough of a screen for some privacy, but not so much privacy that he couldn’t show Kate off.

  She looked up at him as he gently pushed in her chair, surprise in her eyes. “Thank you, Jake.”

  Like he didn’t know common courtesy. Ignoring her comment, he brushed her hair back over her shoulder. “I’m glad you left it down.”

  With a little smile, she turned away to take her menu from the hovering waiter. Jake sat down in the chair next to her.

  When the waiter left, she turned partway toward him. “I thought you’d sit across from me.”

  Time to start showing her what he had in store for the rest of the meal. Under the cover of the tablecloth, he put one hand on her knee and slowly slid it up the silky length of her leg. “Guess you thought wrong.”

  Not the most brilliant comment he’d ever made, but with his hand on her bare thigh it was hard to think.

  Under his fingers, her muscles went tight. “Please don’t.”

  Her trembling little pleas set his blood on fire. “Why do you think I asked you to wear these clothes tonight, Kate?”

  Her gaze lifted to his. This close, he could see the flickering flame of the candle reflected in her green eyes. “Asked? I thought it was an order.”

  He skimmed lightly over her skin, feeling goosebumps raise under his fingertips. “You don’t mind either way, do you?”

  “I suppose not.”

  “Especially not when I have a hand this close to your cunt.”

  She gasped as if she’d never heard the word before. What an innocent.

  He followed the seam of her legs up to her pussy and tugged hard at the wiry hair. Her breath hitched, but she gave no other indication she felt the pain. “This is why I wanted you to wear these clothes.” He stared at the pale white globes of her breasts, barely covered by that scrap of a shirt, then lifted his gaze to her eyes. “Whenever I decide to touch you, I want you to be accessible to me.”

  A blush fired her cheeks, but she didn’t answer.

  With one finger, he pressed lower, wriggling down between her clenched thighs until he felt wet cream. Her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths.

  The excitement of having his hand on her pussy ‑‑ in public ‑‑ sent a fierce current of arousal to his cock. He spoke casually, at normal volume, as if there was nothing unusual in what he said. “You belong to me tonight, Kate. You’re not allowed to protest.”

  Her gaze seemed transfixed by the candle.

  The growing pressure in his crotch made it impossible not to stroke her. He traced shallow, teasing circles in her wetness, playing with the moist lips of her sex. “When I touch you intimately, you will do nothing but enjoy it.”

  The guys at the next table had stopped talking. They weren’t looking at him and Kate, but they sat like statues. Must have heard his demands. Excellent. “When I tell you to touch me in return, you’re going to do it.”

  “Yes, Jake.”

  Yes, Master. If he had to ask her to say the word, it wouldn’t mean as much. “Do you know why you’ll do it?”

  Her brows furrowed and her eyes grew concerned, as though he’d asked her a trick question. “Because you asked me to?”

  He shook his head. “Because you want to please me.” Deliberately, he gave her clit a quick scrape with his fingernail, mimicking the nip of his teeth. She bit her lip hard and closed her eyes. “Isn’t that right, Kate?”

  She nodded so fiercely, her hair slid over her shoulders. What a beauty. And his, all his. At least for one more night.

  He wouldn’t think beyond tonight.

  It took an act of determination to pull his finger away from the wet heat of her pussy and put it against her lips.

  Her eyes went wide.

  “Lick,” he demanded.

  The candlelight shone bright off of the wetness of her eyes. Was she crying? If she felt ashamed already, she’d never be able to handle what he had in store for the rest of the night.

  Her tongue circled the tip of his finger, then pulled it inside. He didn’t dare look at the other table ‑‑ didn’t want Kate to see those men just yet ‑‑ but knowing they were watching, and guessing where his hand had been, made his cock swell to full hardness. When she pulled his forefinger into her mouth and suckled, he almost came in his pants. The sensation was too close to the mind-searing blow job she’d given him that afternoon. If he wasn’t careful, he’d end up the one begging for sex tonight.

  He pulled his finger away, slipped his hand inside her jacket, down the front of her top, and rubbed the wetness over one hard, pebbled nipple. Little white teeth bit down on her lip.

  “If I tell you to expose this lovely breast to another man, you’re going to do it.”

  She licked her lips. “Maybe.”

  He captured her nipple between two fingers and pinched hard. “I said you will.”

  Her eyes closed in surrender. “Yes.”

  “That’s more like it.”

  He hadn’t kept his voice down at all. A quick glance at the other table found the men casting nervous glances their way, probably eager to see if he made Kate flash them.

  A soft footstep, the tinkle of ice cubes against glass ‑‑ he pulled his hand back from her breast a second before a lackey appeared to fill their water glasses, the waiter right behind him. “Are you ready to order?”

  They hadn’t even looked at the menu. “Yes.”

  He saw confusion and concern in Kate’s eyes, but she didn’t make a peep. Not even when he flipped open the menu and ordered the first two things he saw. “A Caesar salad with shrimp for the lady, and the grilled sea bass for me.”

  “Would you care for something from the bar?”

  Liquor would only dull his senses. “An iced tea for her, and a Pepsi for me.”

  “Very good, sir.” The waiter took their menus and disappeared.

  Jake slid his hand under the tablecloth again, onto the satin smoothness of Kate’s upper thigh. “That was good, baby. Just let me tell you what to eat tonight. Let me make all the decisions and do all the work. You relax and enjoy.”

  “All right.” There was something in her tone, some h
esitation, that told him she wasn’t fully committed. Not yet.

  She reached out for her water glass.

  He grabbed her wrist and held firm. “Now what did I just say?”

  Startled green eyes looked up at him. She looked confused for just a second, then her expression cleared. “May I have a drink, Jake? I’m thirsty.”

  If he gave in this easily, she wouldn’t learn. “Not right now.” He stroked her thighs lightly, back and forth. “Let me see if I can make you salivate.”

  Her cheeks blazed fiery red; he could see it even in this dim light.

  “Part your legs.”

  A little jerk made her shoulder press into his arm. “Someone will see,” she hissed.

  “Maybe so. That’s not for you to worry about, baby.” He loved calling her baby. When she was all nervous like this, all shy and obedient, he felt unbelievably protective of her.

  But her resistance did get annoying. “Don’t make me punish you right here in public.”

  Her mouth dropped open in alarm. Her thighs stayed tightly clenched.

  He patted her leg and lowered his voice so the men at the nearby table wouldn’t hear. He didn’t care what they thought, but getting thrown out of the place would suck. “Open your legs. I want to play with that pretty pussy.”

  She gasped.

  “You know you want me to. I already felt how wet you are.” He traced light scratches on her thigh with his fingernails. “If you make a scene about it, I’ll have to do something worse than put my fingers in your cunt.” He almost wished she would. Maybe he’d pull her breast free of her skimpy top. Show the guys watching what they were missing.

  Her muscles relaxed, opening her thighs slightly.

  “Good, baby.” His fingers burrowed through the slick folds. “Here’s your reward.”

  Anyone looking at her face would guess exactly where his hand was. Her lips were parted, her eyes half closed, her chest lifting with each deep breath. A sidelong glance found the men leaning closer, practically craning their necks to get a better view. His cock throbbed.

  He turned his head to make it harder for anyone but Kate to hear him. “I’m gonna keep my fingers in you all through dinner.”

  Her throat moved as she swallowed. “I won’t be able to eat a bite.”

  “I’ll feed you. You’ll eat exactly what I tell you, and no more.” He’d seen that trick in a kinky movie. If Kate gave him that level of trust, let him dictate exactly what to put in her mouth, he’d be thrilled. But for now…He speared her with two fingers and spread them wide, pushing the walls of her vagina open as far as he could. “Are you going to behave and let me feed you?”

  Her head moved in quick little nods.

  What would she do if she knew those men were watching? Their mouths practically hung open, as if they waited to see Kate climax right there in the restaurant.

  His fingers went on autopilot, dipping and stroking, gently pulling the lips of her pussy. Amazing how well he knew his way around her body after just one night. When he slid higher and squeezed her clit, she closed her eyes tight and gasped. Too hard? No, she spread her thighs wider, silently pleading for more. She opened so far, her knee tapped his.

  He held her clit delicately between his middle finger and thumb, then flicked his forefinger across the top.

  Kate whimpered and turned her face into his shoulder. He strummed her clit like a guitar string, wringing little shudders from her body. She pressed her face so hard against him, he might see an imprint of it when she let go.

  He smirked at the nearby businessmen. They pretended not to look, but weren’t doing a good job of it.

  When tinkling glasses signaled the return of their waiter, she jerked her head away and tried to close her legs. Jake pinched her clit in warning and stared hard into her worried face. Her mouth opened, her chest lifted with shallow pants, and sweat beaded on her upper lip. But she didn’t protest the tight hold he had on her most intimate parts.

  The waiter set the glasses down without a word, keeping his eyes carefully averted. The tension at the table must be obvious.

  As soon as the guy turned away, Jake freed her clit and gave her pussy a little open-handed pat. “That’s my good girl. Don’t think about anyone else. They don’t matter. You only have to worry about pleasing me tonight.”

  She made a tiny noise. Of distress? “I’ll try.”

  That was more than he had any right to ask. But selfish bastard that he was, he wanted more. He wanted total, complete trust ‑‑ total surrender. And he wanted her to get off on this as much as he did.

  Time to give her a little pleasure to go with the pain. He wriggled one finger between her folds, resting the tip on the opening of her hole. “You have no idea what it does to me, touching you like this in public.”

  She made no protest, merely closed her eyes in surrender.

  He stroked her with gentle, idle little circles, weaving his way around her clit, careful not to exert too much pressure. With such an uneven rhythm, she wouldn’t be able to climax.

  She squirmed a little, lifted, trying to press her clit against his fingertips.

  He nuzzled her ear. “You wanna come, baby?”

  “Yes.” The word was low, half-strangled.

  His grin felt like it would split his face. He scraped a nail over her clit again, then slid his finger inside and curled it against the wall of her vagina. “Right here in public?”

  Her face was gorgeous, twisted in torment and frustrated pleasure. “Please,” she panted.

  “Even though the men across the room are watching?”

  Her eyes opened wide, and this time her gasp sounded like one of horror. She grabbed his wrist and tried to pull his hand away from her.

  “Stop it, Kate.” He let go of her pussy and gripped the side of her thigh in warning. He must be leaving bruises, or near enough. But damn it, there was no way he’d let her put the brakes on now.

  She let go, but her eyes glistened with tears. “Please, Jake. Don’t humiliate me like this.”

  He frowned. This should be a little embarrassing, not humiliating. “Is it humiliating that I get you hot, Kate?”

  She blinked rapidly a few times. “In public…yes.”

  “You don’t find it exciting?” He held his breath, waiting for her reply.

  “I’m…I’m ashamed to have strangers see me like this.”

  At least she was being honest with him. That showed a measure of trust. He relaxed his grip on her leg and nuzzled the side of her head, where the soft fringes of her hair stroked his lips. “Do you know what they’re thinking, Kate? They’re not thinking you’re a tramp. They’re thinking that you’re sexier than all hell. And you are.”

  He stroked her thigh lightly, barely enough to tickle her sensitive skin. “Who cares what they think? This is about you and me. About you wanting to please me even if it embarrasses you.”

  When she looked up at him, her eyes teary and luminous, he felt like the only man in the world. “I do want to please you.”

  “Then forget about everyone but me.”

  Her eyes were fathomless, staring into his like she wanted to read his mind. “I don’t know if I can forget them. But I’ll try.” Her eyelids dropped, and she licked her lips. “For you, Jake.”

  Such a sweet response deserved a reward. He’d make her come soon, right here in his hand. Starting slowly, he stroked through her pussy hair again. “Close your eyes. Concentrate on how I’m touching you.”

  Obediently, she closed her eyes and dropped her head to his shoulder. The image of a submissive lover.

  He let his fingers roam, teasing and toying with her clit. Another sidelong glance showed the men had half-turned in their seats to get a better view. They were probably sporting hard-ons firm enough to break bricks. His own cock throbbed at the thought. For fun, he gave Kate’s clit a little twist that made her jerk and moan softly.

  The dark-haired guy’s eyes met his. Jake didn’t look away. No, he buried his fingers
deeper in the glorious wet heat of Kate’s pussy. Only after the other man grabbed his water glass and drank hard did Jake look away, bending to whisper in Kate’s ear. “I want to put you on my lap and fuck you right here. I love having an audience.”

  She whimpered, but her hips kept jogging on her chair, pressing herself into his fingers. He licked her earlobe and moved his fingers further away, teasing her clit with only one stroke in a dozen. It wasn’t time for her to come yet. He wanted her so primed, so obedient, that she came exactly when he told her to.

  Despite her earlier protests, the movements of her hips, the fluid smearing his fingers, and the dampness on her brow showed that having an audience got her hot. “They both want their hands in your pussy, Kate. They’re practically drooling over you.”

  Against his shoulder, he felt her throat move when she swallowed. “Do you enjoy that?”

  Thinking of his pleasure, even with his fingers deep inside her? That was a good sign. He kissed her on the forehead. “You bet I do.”

  A little moan escaped her throat ‑‑ loud enough for the men to hear. Had she done it on purpose? “Good, that’s real good. Show them how desperate I make you.”

  She whimpered and pressed her face further into his shoulder. How amazing was it that she’d let him finger-fuck her in public, in the most expensive restaurant he’d ever been in, just because it made him hot? Hell, it made her hot, too.

  He thrust two fingers deep inside her. She moaned, louder this time, and clenched down on his intruding flesh. Damn, he wanted to fuck her.

  With his free hand, he fumbled under the table for her hand and laid it in his lap. “Play with my cock.”

  Her fingers squeezed him through the fabric of his pants. Maybe later he’d make her open his pants and jerk him off. If she was good.

  And for now, she was very good. Her hand was magic, gripping him hard, tugging his cockhead just the way he liked it.

  When the smell of hot food wafted through the air, signaling the return of their waiter, she yanked her hand off of his cock. But a threatening pinch of her clit told her not to do more. And she obeyed, keeping her legs spread even though she opened her eyes and sat up straight ‑‑ as though he wasn’t rolling her clit between his fingertips under the table.


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