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SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2)

Page 6

by Vox Day

  This over-the-top outrage even inspired me to paraphrase Gandhi in creating the SJW REEEEEE sequence, “REEEEEE” referring to the sound SJWs metaphorically make when they are triggered. It turned out to be a very reliable predictor of the average SJWs reaction to Alt*Hero, although more than a few SJWs were so triggered that they couldn’t even manage to pretend to be indifferent and skipped step two.

  1. First they “laugh”. So hard.

  2. Then they don’t care. At all.

  3. Then they get mad. REALLY, REALLY MAD!

  4. And then they go silent.

  It really was rather remarkable how indistinguishable the various reactions were, and how closely they tended to follow the sequence over time. Virtually every SJW initially began by “lol”, “lmao”, “lmfao”, “hahahahahaha”, “HAHAHAHAHAHA”, or some other variation on this theme. But rather than responding to their fake laughter, I ignored it and increased the pressure by focusing on another trigger point, namely, their reverence for Jack Kirby.

  Now, you have to understand that I really had no idea who Jack Kirby was, other than a vague impression that he had worked with Marvel’s Stan Lee at one point in time. But his name was invoked frequently by the SJWs when they weren’t laughing too hard to do so, and so I pointed out that these days, the SJWs who run Marvel and DC would consider him problematic and so he would prefer to work with me. As it turns out, this was almost certainly wrong, because I subsequently learned that Kirby was a very small man who portrayed himself as a streetfighter and was a teller of tall tales about both his World War II experiences and his pre-war habit of punching Nazis. In other words, he really was a proto-SJW, and were he alive today, would probably be advocating transgender Iron Man and gay Muslim Captain America as fervently as anyone else in the industry.

  This somehow led to the bizarre response of SJWs repeatedly threatening me with being beaten up by the corpse of Jack Kirby. Lest you think I am inventing this, here are but a few examples.

  You don’t know a f——— thing about Jack Kirby, do you? If he were alive he’d beat your ass for not keeping his name out your damn mouth.

  Jack Kirby would have literally beat you to death even in his later years.

  Jack Kirby would beat you to death with his bare hands.

  Kirby would beat the hell out of you, friend.

  jack kirby would of wooped your ass and then tell the story for laughs at parties for years

  If Jack Kirby were alive today he’d beat the living s—– out of you without hesitation and burn you a good one with his cigar to boot.

  “The only real politics I knew was that if a guy liked Hitler, I’d beat the stuffing out of him and that would be it.” —Jack Kirby, 1990

  Now, you would have to see pictures of Jack Kirby and me to understand how these utterly ridiculous responses are even funnier than they sound. Kirby was a midget, about 5’3” tall and he might have weighed 120 pounds dripping wet. Alive or dead, he wasn’t going to beat up any grown man, let alone one who dwarfed him like Thor towering over the teenage Spider-Man. SJWs can be seriously weird.

  But however weird their triggered responses, I was encouraged by them, because they were spreading the word about Alt*Hero far wider than I could have ever accomplished on my own. Knowing this, I poured more gasoline on the fire by questioning Kirby’s artistic talent, pointing out his tendency to draw hands with excessively long little fingers, noting his habit of drawing women without necks, and observing the improbability of some of his more exaggerated war stories.

  As you might expect, the SJWs reacted to these provocations in the calm and measured way for which they are so justly known. Their sacred Narrative of the great Jack Kirby was not merely being questioned, it was being publicly violated, and the resulting REEEEEEs may well have alerted alien races many light-years away of the fact of our existence.

  The end result of this mass triggering of SJWs was more than satisfactory. Late on the evening of September 28th, Castalia House launched the Alt*Hero campaign on Freestartr, hoping to raise $25,000 in 30 days. I posted an announcement on Vox Popoli, did a short Periscope to announce it, and went to bed. By the time I woke up, the campaign was fully funded, having hit the initial funding goal in only four hours. It closed out the end of the first day at $37,000, and as of the time of this writing, had reached its first four stretch goals, with 885 backers contributing more than $70,000 to produce six volumes of the comic.

  The lesson is this: while defying the SJW Narrative and fighting back in the cultural war is absolutely necessary for the survival of Western civilization, the predictability of the thought police can be also exploited for fun, political leverage, and even profit.

  Chapter 4: Convergence and the Corporation

  “Society should treat all equally well who have deserved equally well of it, that is, who have deserved equally well absolutely. This is the highest abstract standard of social and distributive justice; towards which all institutions, and the efforts of all virtuous citizens should be made in the utmost degree to converge.”

  —John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, 1861

  Convergence is the ultimate destination for all organizations infiltrated by SJWs and all individuals who devote themselves to the philosophy of social justice. For an organization, convergence is the process of transforming all of its existing priorities and purposes and redirecting them towards those that serve the interests of social justice, while for an individual, convergence is the transformation of his beliefs and opinions, and even his appearance, to conform to the current social justice Narrative.

  Any kind of organization can be converged. Every type of organization has been converged. From churches to science fiction conventions, from rock bands to research science fellowships, there is not a single organization that has demonstrated itself to be immune to SJW convergence. Even ancient organizations, such as the Roman Catholic Church, have shown themselves to be susceptible to SJW infiltration, corruption, and convergence. And, remarkably enough, we have even seen that as the adherents of social justice gain more power and influence throughout the West, they have developed the ability to forcibly converge organizations from the outside. They no longer even need to obtain entry to an organization or an institution to converge it, but instead can simply exert social and financial pressure in order to force it to transform its operations and objectives.

  Convergence is, in some ways, like a societal cancer. Once an individual is successfully converged and accepts the social justice Narrative in place of his previous religion, politics, and philosophy, that individual will usually begin to proselytize for one form of SJW Narrative or another, and will either attempt to corrupt other individuals he encounters or begin to start trying to converge the organizations to which he belongs. The more fully that an organization is converged, the harder it is for the non-SJW to survive in that organization, and the more organizations that are converged, the easier it is to impose social justice principles and practices on other organizations as well as individuals outside those organizations.

  Remember, Mill stated that all institutions and all virtuous citizens “should be made” to converge. Unlike Christianity or even Islam, social justice does not present one with a choice to accept it or not. The only question is whether the SJW possesses sufficient power and influence to force your submission or not.

  And thanks to the increasing convergence of corporate America, particularly the Fortune 500, that power and influence has steadily grown over the past three decades. The technology leaders, particularly the social media giants, have not only rejected the patriotic GM model famously articulated by the former U.S. Secretary of Defense and CEO of General Motors, “what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa”, but have turned it completely on its head. Now patriotism is divisiveness, and the most important corporate priority is no longer maximizing shareholder value or customer satisfaction, but demonstrating superior global citizenship through corporate dedication to tolera
nce, equality, progress, inclusiveness, and diversity. Instead of market or technological leadership, this new breed of SJW CEOs now seek to provide moral leadership to a world that neither hired them nor asked for it.

  Apple’s Tim Cook, who succeeded legendary founder Steve Jobs as the landmark computer manufacturer’s CEO, is a prime example of the new breed of technology executive. Smart, well-educated, progressive, and typically possessing one or more Diversity attributes, these SJW technology executives are given to delivering pious corporate lectures as full of social justice platitudes as technological jargon. They see their influential positions as more than just very highly-paid jobs, but as platforms for effecting the social change they deem desirable.

  Mr. Cook is one of the many business leaders in the country who appear to be filling the void, using his platform at Apple to wade into larger social issues that typically fell beyond the mandate of executives in past generations. He said he had never set out to do so, but he feels he has been thrust into the role as virtually every large American company has had to stake out a domestic policy…. Watching Mr. Cook over the years, I’ve been fascinated to see how he has become as animated when talking about big issues like education and climate change as he is when talking about Apple.

  —“Apple’s Tim Cook Barnstorms for ‘Moral Responsibility’’’, Andrew Ross Sorkin, The New York Times

  Although notorious for their commitment to various social justice fads, Apple is far from the most-converged technology giant. Intel has launched a $300 million Global Diversity and Inclusion initiative that has adopted as a slogan the rather dubious phrase “innovation begins with inclusion”. This is not only a strange motto for a company founded by two straight white men, Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce, but flies directly in the face of the entire history of Western science and technological innovation. Twitter, which is considerably less innovative, but every bit as committed to social justice as Intel, established its Orwellian-sounding Trust and Safety Council, in cooperation with rabid SJW-infested organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League, GLAAD, Hollaback, the Wahid Foundation, and something called Jugendschutz. One can only presume that the Hitler Youth were otherwise occupied, or they would have been invited too.

  The idea behind the Trust and Safety Council is that people who are being bullied and otherwise tormented by bad people, as defined by the SJWs on the Council, will have their accounts temporarily frozen and shadowbanned, while links to websites deemed fraudulent, dangerous, or otherwise undesirable will be blocked, and the most egregious offenders will be summarily banned from Twitter.

  Being a Grade A crimethinker and confirmed Narrative denier, I have, of course, been subject to most of the Trust and Safety Council’s disciplinary actions. I was locked out of my account for several months for the crime of linking to my own blog, have been regularly shadowbanned, and was sentenced to Twitter jail for one week after responding to an aggressive SJW who had been attacking me with a meme. Twitter jail is rather interesting, as one is still allowed to access Twitter, but cannot tweet, retweet, or like anyone else’s tweets. The clever thing is that while Twitter still permits the jailbird to click on the various functions, doing so not only does not work, but automatically adds three hours to your sentence without informing you that it has done so. As an Award-Winning Cruelty Artist I can only applaud this petty sadism, but as a game designer, I have to question the probable effect on long-term customer satisfaction.

  And while I’ve never been banned from Twitter, as Milo Yiannopoulos was for offending Saturday Night Live actress Leslie Jones, for more than a year, any attempt to link to my blog is met with the following message.

  This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can’t complete this action right now. Please try again later.

  As they say, SJWs always lie. But what I find most interesting about all of these thought policing efforts is their utter futility. This is something that we can measure very easily, thanks to Twitter Analytics. When I was first locked out of my account in September 2016, I had 20k followers and was getting 6.5 million impressions per month. After nearly one year of periodic interference with my account, as of the end of August 2017, I had 33k followers and registered 14.5 million impressions that month. Twitter may have managed to slow the growth of my Twitter account; I am well behind both Mike Cernovich’s 335k followers and Jack Posobiec’s 193k followers, just to name two fellow Castalia House authors who are not exactly beloved by SJWs. But if the best efforts of the Trust and Safety Council have only managed to slow a notorious thought criminal to 65 percent and 123 percent annual growth, we can safely conclude that those efforts are doomed to failure.

  What the Council has managed to bring about, however, is Peak Twitter. Twitter’s seemingly inexorable growth slammed to a halt in the first quarter of 2017, then declined by two million users in the second quarter. While this is a drop in the bucket considering that it amounts to only a 2.9 percent reduction in the number of users, this demonstrates, once more, the truth of the Impossibility of Social Justice Convergence. Twitter’s business mandate is to grow, but the social justice mandate of its Trust and Safety Council is to expel and punish Twitter’s disfavored users.

  But far and away the most egregious social justice warrior among the new breed of technology CEOs is Mark Zuckerberg.

  For the past decade, Facebook has focused on connecting friends and families. With that foundation, our next focus will be developing the social infrastructure for community – for supporting us, for keeping us safe, for informing us, for civic engagement, and for inclusion of all.

  Bringing us all together as a global community is a project bigger than any one organization or company, but Facebook can help contribute to answering these five important questions:

  How do we help people build supportive communities that strengthen traditional institutions in a world where membership in these institutions is declining?

  How do we help people build a safe community that prevents harm, helps during crises and rebuilds afterwards in a world where anyone across the world can affect us?

  How do we help people build an informed community that exposes us to new ideas and builds common understanding in a world where every person has a voice?

  How do we help people build a civically-engaged community in a world where participation in voting sometimes includes less than half our population?

  How do we help people build an inclusive community that reflects our collective values and common humanity from local to global levels, spanning cultures, nations and regions in a world with few examples of global communities?

  My hope is that more of us will commit our energy to building the long term social infrastructure to bring humanity together. The answers to these questions won’t all come from Facebook, but I believe we can play a role.

  Our job at Facebook is to help people make the greatest positive impact while mitigating areas where technology and social media can contribute to divisiveness and isolation. Facebook is a work in progress, and we are dedicated to learning and improving. We take our responsibility seriously, and today I want to talk about how we plan to do our part to build this global community.

  —Building Global Community, Mark Zuckerberg, 17 February 2017

  Due to its excellent infrastructure and talented programmers, Facebook has built the closest thing to a corporate panopticon in human history. Its only real limits have been imposed by national governments who don’t trust Facebook encroaching on what they consider to be their domain of state surveillance. And while Facebook has attempted to accommodate the interests of its state competitors, as evidenced by Zuckerberg’s personal alliance with German Reichskanzler Angela Merkel and his failed attempts to curry favor with China—at one Obama administration state dinner, the ever-autistic Zuckerberg actually asked Chinese president Xi Jinping to name his unborn daughter; Xi politely declined—its global ambitions will tend to be curtailed over
time by the inevitable fragmentation of the Internet into national internets.

  Nevertheless, Facebook remains one of the greatest threats to individual privacy and freedom in human history, particularly because it is headed by a sincere and committed social justice warrior. The global community Mark Zuckerberg is attempting to build is one that is fully converged, totally dedicated to social justice, has no respect for the Christian traditions of the West, and is intrinsically opposed to the historical values of America’s Founding Fathers. It is a danger to everyone on the planet, even those who erroneously believe themselves to be protected by their fame, their money, or their power.

  The Weaponized Corporation

  Many individuals have believed, incorrectly, that they were immune to the enmity of social justice warriors. Consider the examples of two very different individuals who were vastly more successful, independent, and antifragile than the average individual, Milo Yiannopoulos and Felix Kjellberg, both of whom were to discover that neither success nor independence is necessarily a sufficient defense against a concerted SJW attack.

  At the beginning of 2017, Milo Yiannopolous was a rising star in political and media circles. He had completed an extraordinarily successful tour of U.S. college campuses, his book Dangerous was a #1 bestseller on Amazon prior to its upcoming release by Simon & Schuster, and he was employed as the Tech Editor of Breitbart News, an organization that was considered to be well to the right of Fox News, and therefore, seemingly impervious to any amount of SJW pressure. Not only that, but Milo had very nearly reached single-name status as an outrageous political provocateur, as his quick wit, flamboyant charm, and unrepentant homosexuality rendered him all but impervious to a very hostile media. In Britain, he ran rings around his would-be discreditors, invariably leaving them wide-eyed with shock and slack-jawed with horror as he won over live audiences and television audiences alike with seemingly effortless ease. At Berkeley, his appearance sparked a massive Antifa riot that caused millions of dollars of damage and set the stage for the public discourse on free speech for the next six months.


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