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Worship (Sinful Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Trilina Pucci

  I motion for him to take a seat and he accepts, sitting down. I walk to the desk’s edge and rest my bottom against it, crossing my arms and looking down at him.

  “What exactly can I do for you today?” My voice is stern. I want him to hear my dismay with his presence.

  “I want to see results. I’m getting the runaround here, and I’m happy to take my business elsewhere.” Empty threats.

  “So, take it. We don’t need your business. I’ll have contract dissolution papers drawn today. If that’s all, I have a meeting. You can see yourself out.”

  I begin to walk back around the desk, catching Luca’s smiling face in my doorway. My eyes falter, but I’m in the middle of negotiations, so I don’t misstep.

  “Gretchen. Please, you know that’s not what I want. I just need the best you can give me.” Wells pleads.

  “My name is Ms. Andrews. Please don’t overstep. Mr. Wells, we’ve given you a comprehensive and effective branding and marketing package. And frankly, I don’t tell you how to make razors; you shouldn’t tell me how to sell them. Stay in your own lane if you want a successful partnership.”

  Yes, this is what a spanking feels like, buddy.

  His face is stoic, but I can feel his embarrassment. “Understood.”

  He thought he was going to come in here and bulldoze me. Wrong girl.

  “Now, if there isn’t anything more, we will be laying out the package next week as planned, and then you can celebrate your company becoming relevant. Sound good?”

  He nods.

  “Yes. I apologize for interrupting your day, Ms. Andrews.”

  I smile.

  “I always have time for a new client. Let me walk you to the door.”

  I hold my arm open to the door and he joins me, looking aptly contrite for his stupidity. When I get to the door, Luca is standing off to the side, and Mr. Wells stops. “Is that Luca King?” I forget he’s kind of a big deal in the business world. He’s an even bigger deal to my lips.

  “Yes, he’s a client.” I wink conspiratorially, lying through my teeth, and hear Luca chuckle.

  I walk away from Mr. Wells and over to Luca, but ignore him and turn to my assistant.

  “Keep it quiet for me for twenty minutes.”

  She nods in understanding, and I look at Luca.

  “I get a whole twenty. I must be special.” He smirks.

  “No, I’m going to lunch,” I answer disingenuously, and he holds up two white paper bags.

  Always one step ahead.

  He motions his head to my office and walks past me, letting himself inside. I can’t help but chuckle and follow him.

  “You’re a fucking shark, you know that? I was impressed.”

  The look on his face makes me feel like he’s proud of me, like he wants to brag about me. I like it, too much.

  “Well, thank you. I try.” I hope for humble, but I know I’m damn good.

  “Sit, eat.”

  He sets my food on the coffee table.

  “Gladly. I’m always so hungry after I hand someone their ass,” I say honestly, and he laughs again, sitting next to me.

  Luca leans in and wags his eyebrows. “Blood in the water makes sharks hungry.”

  “Shut up.”

  I start unpacking the deli sandwiches he’s brought us. Opening my food, I take a bite and moan my appreciation. “So delish,” I mumble around a mouthful.

  “Agreed,” he says, looking me up and down unabashedly.

  My eyes grow wide at his audacity.


  “What? Would you rather I pretend I don’t like what I see? Or do you just want to let me chase you in dark hallways and pretend that it didn’t happen?”

  I knew this was coming, I’d just hoped to get in another bite of my food. I place my sandwich down and look at him, wiping my hands on the napkin in my lap.

  “We can’t keep doing this. Last night was a huge complication. I know we said friends, but we both know that’s not happening here. I don’t want to be your dirty little secret.”

  His gaze is so intense, as if he’s angry I would label us as something dirty, but then shifts into amusement.

  “You aren’t a secret—dirty and little, yes, but not a secret.”


  I take a drink of my soda and pick my sandwich back up.

  He shakes his head.

  “Why do you do that? Push back against everything I say?”

  “I don’t always push back. Only when you aren’t full of shit. Tell me something, does Shelby know you’re trying to date me?” I challenge.

  He takes a deep breath in and grins, knowing he’s lost.

  “No. I didn’t ask her permission. I kissed you because I wanted to. And I plan to do it again and as many times as you’ll let me.”

  What the fuck?

  “And your wife?”

  I look at him expectantly, hoping the reason in my question will highlight the insanity of what he’s saying.

  “Is still my wife,” he answers dismissively, grabbing his soda to take a drink.

  I take it from his hand and place it back on the table.

  “No, that’s not okay. You don’t ice me out…not me. You tell me how this situation is different, how I shouldn’t feel like I’m committing to being someone’s mistress.”

  If he wants something with me, then there has to be a really damn good reason for me to act in a way I feel is wrong. I may have misstepped, but diving all the way in is completely different.

  He looks at me with that broody beautiful face of his.

  “It’s complicated, Angel. But it has nothing to do with us. Can’t you just give me that?”


  We sit in a staring standoff. He’s pissed, frustrated that I won’t give, but I’m not budging.

  “I just need some time, Gretchen. Give me time.” Luca’s voice is so sincere, it makes me hope for things I shouldn’t.

  “Okay. But we can’t do this…be in the same room, alone. We can’t hang out, right now, because it won’t end well. I’ve already done some things I’m not proud of with you. And even with that knowledge, all I’ve been able to think about since you walked in is how your lips felt on mine.”

  The last part slips out before I can stop it, and Luca’s gaze focuses in on my lips.

  His voice is sexy and filled with all his dirty intentions, but his words are the opposite.

  “Deal. No alone time. I’ll be a Boy Scout. You can trust me.” Such a liar.

  Nothing exists when he gets this way. I can’t see outside of being his target, his prey. God, I want him to kiss me, everywhere. My intercom buzzes and I jump in my seat at my assistant telling me my twenty is up. Saved by the fucking bell!

  I narrow my eyes at him, mad that I almost fell in again.

  “Liar. Now clean up your mess and get out of my office. I’m very busy and incredibly important. I don’t have time for you.”

  I stand to walk away, but a deep growl and two large hands grip my waist, jerking me back onto his lap and causing me to let out a squeal.

  My hair flies across my face, and he brushes it away, his eyes serious and sexy as hell.

  “Kiss me goodbye.”

  “No.” Fuck I want to, bad.

  Luca ignores my answer and pulls me closer to his body.

  “Kiss me and make sure you mean it. It’s the last one I get before I leave you alone.”

  I won’t say no, not after yesterday, but how many yeses before I lose myself completely?

  “Last kiss,” I mouth.

  The side of his eyes crinkle from his smile. Sexy Luca is hard to ignore, but this Luca, the one asking for the kind of kiss that’s filled with my heart, is the one I crave. So much so that I’m willing to make very poor choices.

  I lift my chin to meet his lips, parting slowly as we kiss softly. I wrap my arms around his neck as his fingers dig into my back, our kiss deepening, picking up pace. Our tongues dance together, making my body
heat up. I hope he’s going to honor walking away because I don’t want this moment to end.

  The intercom buzzes again.

  “Miss Andrews, your one o’clock is here.”

  Luca pulls away yelling, “Go the fuck away!”, immediately returning to the kiss, and I laugh into his mouth.

  My senses returning, I pull away, wishing it could last forever.

  “You need to go before I really cement myself as a homewrecker.”

  “I’ll call you later unless you want to fuck me later?”

  I smack his arm, and he winks.

  “I’m serious about the call, Angel. You don’t get to take yourself away from me. If I can’t see you, then we’ll talk.”

  He sets me next to him as he goes about clearing the table our lunch is cluttered on. I watch him care for me. I know that’s what he’s doing, showing me because he can’t tell me.

  It’s all too complicated.

  He tosses our garbage in the bin, pausing for a moment, keeping his eyes on the door. “Qualunque cosa stia succedendo tra di noi non è nulla che mi sia mai aspettato, ma non so come smettere di volere che ciò accada. Mi fai sentire debole, Gretchen, e non sono sicuro di cosa fare al riguardo.” Whatever’s happening between us is nothing I ever expected, but I don’t know how to stop wanting it. You make me feel weak, Gretchen, and I’m not sure what to do about that.

  “In English, Luca.”

  I beam at him, loving this little game he’s started with me.

  He turns around but shakes his head.

  “Not yet.”

  Luca opens the door and walks out just as my assistant walks in with my next meeting.

  NOT BEING IN THE SAME room is an inconvenience I’m not looking forward to, but I want Gretchen, wholly and completely, so I need to change my tactics.

  She’s fucking incredible, and having a taste has made me crave her. My thoughts were about her last night before I fell asleep and this morning when I woke up. Gretchen’s running through my veins. But she needs to be patient because I have some unfinished business.

  I take a left out of the building, heading toward my office. Her building is only a few blocks from mine, and the walk helps to clear my mind. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out, seeing Matteo’s name on the screen.

  “Hey, man, what’s up?” I answer.

  “What up, Luca. Just checking in. Last night was smooth as silk, and we have a dozen new applicants to vet.”

  When I was hospitalized, Matteo took over my duties at Church. It was beneficial for both him and his dad. The senior Prozzi asked for my assistance, and I gave it.

  “Send them to Dom. Liquor sales?” I ask, my voice clipped.

  “Fantastic. Your gig is easy. You sure you don’t need me to stay on permanently? The thought of going back to the clubs for my dad makes me wish I’d taken up law rather than following in his footsteps.”

  Matteo has a strained relationship with his father, and he hates the lifestyle too. We have that in common. I hate my uncle and this lifestyle more than anyone knows.

  “I’ll talk to Dom.” I reassure him.

  We’ve spoken about bringing him on. Neither of us has the time to devote to the club anymore.

  “Thanks, Luca. Oh, by the way, one of Drew’s friends came in last night. She brought some jackass with her; they stayed for a while. We took care of the bill.” Now I’m curious.

  “Good. Which friend?” I ask.

  “Blair. You ever meet her?” Matteo questions.

  A smile spreads across my face. Blair asked me question after question the night I met her at Dom’s. It was a matter of time before she found a way into Church.

  “Yeah, she was at the wedding party. She’s fun.” I say amused at the information.

  He laughs when I say fun.

  “She’s a fucking knockout, and holy shit can her mouth…”

  Jesus H. “All right, enough. And keep your dick in your pants while you’re on the job.”

  At thirty-three, Matteo is the youngest of the guys, but he makes sure not to act a day over twenty-one. I suspect it’s because he doesn’t have a direction; I hope to provide him one with Church.

  “Roger that, Dad.” He jokes sarcastically.

  “Fuck you, son.” I laugh.

  I round the corner to my office, tucking my phone back into my pocket, and head back to finish my day.

  The second half of my day blew by, and now I’m headed home to meet with some of the guys. Dom texted me earlier to say that we needed to meet. Told me he was rounding up the guys, minus Dante and Matteo, and would let himself into my house. I’m assuming this is unofficial King Enterprise business since half the outfit will be present. We try never to mix the two worlds.

  George pulls up to the house, and I hop out as the engine dies and the garage begins to close. I didn’t get a chance to ask him if he knew what Dom wanted because I was on the phone with the lawyers closing up the deal for Charlie’s on First. But he would be the one to ask, seeing as he does security for the both of us.

  “You know what this is about?” I ask him.

  “Not at all.” His response is as clueless as I feel.

  I leave him behind and enter my home.

  “Have a good night, George,” I say as he follows to head to his section of the house.

  I can hear the mess of them laughing in the living room, and the cheers get louder the closer I get. They must be watching the game. As I walk into the room, I see them all sitting or standing, eyes fixated on Ella, who is stacking blocks and knocking them over. Each time she knocks the tower down, they cheer. So much for a bunch of tough guys.

  Clearing my throat, I accept the drink Dom hands me. My voice raises enough for the group to hear.

  “She’s got you right where she wants you.”

  My joke elicits laughter, and Rose scoops Ella up off the floor, telling her to wave bye-bye. A room full of the scariest, meanest, most criminal individuals are now fighting for who gets a hug and who’s the favorite uncle. Unbelievable. Even the darkest men have a heart, I guess.

  “Pull your shit together. Let’s sit,” I direct, and the room grows quieter.

  Everyone starts to file over to the dining table, but I take the opportunity to walk Ella and Rose upstairs so I can spend five minutes with my baby girl.

  “Mr. King, would you like me to read to her, just for tonight? Seeing as you have guests downstairs.” Rose was a real find.

  Smart, capable, and she fell in love with Ella. She’s older, but I trust her with Ella’s life. And she always knows when to stop listening.

  “Yes, that would be great.” I give Ella a kiss and snuggle her one more time. “Sweet dreams. Daddy loves you most of all.”

  I hand her over and make my way back down the stairs.

  I hear the shuffle of cards as soon as I hit the bottom step. It’s been an unwritten rule for years now that anytime we all convene to talk, we also play cards.

  I clap my hands together and rub them back and forth.

  “Whose money am I taking tonight?”

  Dom starts to laugh when Antonio groans because last game I took him for nearly three grand. It was fucking amazing. He’s so damn cheap that his agony brought me real pleasure.

  “Oh, come on, Antonio. It’s for a good cause,” I dig.

  “Fuck you. What cause, the Keep Luca Rich Foundation? I need a beer for this.”

  He stands and walks to the bar.

  “You know where they are,” I say, patting Nico on the back as I take a seat at the table.

  The game starts, and we all laugh and rib each other, but as hands are played, everyone grows more serious.

  Dom motions for a card. “Let’s get down to business.”

  “Luca, Shelby’s been at the clubhouse,” Nico starts. “Ordinarily, I wouldn’t give a shit about what some chick is doing. But this is different.” He puts a chip out to raise.

  Vincenzo nods.

  “Yeah, I don’t know who she’s
with, but there are rumors. Talk that she’s looking for people willing to take you on.”

  Dom looks at me, and we exchange a silent understanding.

  She’s becoming a real problem, not just something I’m acting out against.

  Antonio folds his hand of cards.

  “She’s not a problem yet, but it’s heading that way, and Luca, whoever she’s with has a ‘no touch’ order out.”

  My jaw tenses because I know exactly what that means. She’s being protected. If I were to try and get rid of Shelby, permanently, that would be the same as declaring all-out war with the Chicago mob. And the brothers who sit at this table would have to choose.

  I look around the table at their faces, thinking of what could happen. Antonio, Nico, Vincenzo, Matteo, even Dante would all be forced into an impossible situation. Would they all choose my side? Have I earned their loyalty? More importantly, are they afraid of me…just enough?

  I rub my jaw and put my palms on the table, stretching my arms straight, and look up at the ceiling.

  “So, Shelby is making a play for someone she thinks is more powerful, but the question is…why? Why would she need to? To intimidate me into letting her go, or is she after more?” I ask to no one in particular.

  “Ella?” Vin throws out, grabbing two cards he’s exchanged.

  “No, she might try and use Ella as leverage, but she doesn’t want her,” I answer, still contemplating her move. I can’t help but feel like I’m missing something.

  Nico waves off, raising his bet. “But if it comes to that, you’ll have hard decisions to make, Luca.”

  I set my cards down and look at their faces, my gaze landing on each man.

  “I’m not in the business of taking lives, fellas. Just keep your ears open and let me know what you hear. Thank you for always having my back. You know I’ve always returned the favor, and that doesn’t stop now. We’re family.” I mean it.

  These men are like brothers to me, and I won’t see them caught up in whatever my beloved wifey has planned for me. Looks like it’s time to tighten her noose.

  “I can speak for everyone here,” Vincenzo says, “that no matter what happens, this is our family, not the one our fathers have created. You will always have my loyalty, Luca. My choice, all our choices, were made for us as kids. They demanded our sacrifices, but now that I’m a man, I choose who I sit with. Questa è la nostra unica vera famiglia.” This is our only true family.


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