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Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3)

Page 40

by K E Osborn

  “Is this really happening?” I ask.

  Mum nods. “Yep.”

  I exhale and shake my head. I can’t believe this. Annie’s mum has come to find her, and all of a sudden I feel utterly alone. Danger and I are no longer together and Chad and I are God knows what. I can’t help but to think…why haven’t my birth parents ever come looking for me? And with that thought, right now I feel completely and utterly alone in this world.

  “Umm…I might go back to my room,” I say and Mum and Dad look at me and wince.

  “Ella, are you okay? This must be weird for you,” Dad asks and I nod and wrap my arms around myself as I stand up.

  “I’m fine, just tired,” I say and turn to walk off.

  “Ella if you need to talk, we’re always here,” Mum says. I turn back and smile then walk out of the kitchen and back to my room feeling like I might actually be losing it. This is huge. I make my way to my room and to my bed, flopping down on the mattress. Even though we’ve broken up and he probably wants nothing more to do with me, I need a friendly ear right now so I message Danger.

  Me: So Annie’s birth mother just rocked up and I’m freaking out a little bit.

  I hit send and not two seconds later my phone rings and it’s Danger. I swipe the screen and answer.


  “Oh my God, are you okay?” he asks and I exhale and pause because I really don’t know how to answer that question.

  “I have no idea,” I reply honestly.

  “So her birth mother just showed up out of nowhere?” he asks and I nod even though he can’t see me.

  “Yeah apparently,” I say and he exhales.

  “Jesus Ella, what can I do? You must be feeling all sorts of things right now. How can I help?” he asks and I can’t help but let out a small giggle.

  “Just you talking to me, after everything, is helping. I didn’t know if you would even want to speak to me.”

  “Hey, we broke up. It doesn’t mean I stopped caring about you,” he says and as usual butterflies flutter away in my tummy.

  “Thank you for being here for me,” I say and take a deep breath.

  “You’re welcome. I’m just sorry I’m so far away that I can’t be there to help you. I know this must be painful for you.”

  “It does make me think about my birth parents,” I say.

  “Yeah, I can imagine. But Ella, you’re better off with Colt and Lia, always remember that,” he says.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. You can lean on me anytime you need to, sugar,” he says and I smile.

  “Thanks. I better go. But thank you for being there, it means a lot.”

  “Anytime, and anything for you Ella,” he says.

  “Bye,” I say and hang up.

  I take a deep breath and shake my head. I have no idea how Annie is going to handle this with her birth mother, but all I know is I’m going to try and not let it get me down.

  The past few days have been hectic and filled with crazy meetings and things regarding Annie’s birth mother, Loretta Banks. We met her and to me she seems terrible! Mum and Dad took Annie to the lawyer and had a maternity test done to prove whether Loretta really is her mother or not, and for Annie’s sake I hope she’s an imposter. Because with that tatty hair and detestable look she has going on, Loretta is not someone I’d want to be related to. I have no idea how Annie is coping with the thought of her being her biological mother. Something about her is off and definitely doesn’t add up. To me, she’s after Annie for something other than a mother / daughter relationship. I think she might be after money or fame because she seems to be putting on this front that I can see right through.

  It makes me believe that if my birth parents are anything like Loretta, I’m glad they haven’t shown up on my doorstep. I don’t want to know anything about them if they are anything like her. It just makes me appreciate the parents I do have. I know Mum is struggling with it all, she’s worried Annie will leave us and go live with Loretta, but of course, that won’t happen.

  The results of the maternity test came in and it was found that Loretta was, in fact, Annie’s biological mother. None of us could believe it, especially Mum who was a bit of a wreck. Annie was happy, though, she had finally found a piece of her past, but I was so concerned about Loretta’s intentions. Throughout the whole ordeal, I’ve never felt more alone. Everyone was focused on Annie, as they should have been, but it just made me realise just how utterly alone I am in this world. I messaged Danger a lot and he talked with me nearly every day helping me through my moments of distress.

  Loretta ended up asking Annie for money, and of course, Annie refused as she should. Loretta showed her true colours and revealed she was only there for her payday from Annie. I felt so sorry for her, but I guess it’s better that we knew what Loretta was like before Annie got too attached to her.

  That night Loretta broke in and hit Aston over the head with a brick, kidnapping Annie. She drugged her and broke her thumb and when Mum, Dad and Aston went to rescue her I stayed home. Mum and Dad didn’t want me anywhere near Loretta, so I waited in my room crying on the phone to Danger telling him everything. I was distraught and he said he couldn’t stand to hear me so upset. He talked with me on the phone for hours until Dad came and took me to the hospital to see Annie. I’d never been so happy to see her in all my life.

  We brought Annie home from the hospital and Caleb’s thrown a surprise party for her and Aston proposed, and even though I was happy for Annie, I feel sad because I’m missing not only Danger but Chad as well.

  I’m missing both the men in my life and even though Chad is in the same room as me right now, I’m keeping my distance. I feel utterly alone in the sea of happiness that’s invading this party, and then to top it all off Caleb announces that he and Indi are married and she’s pregnant.

  I gnaw on my bottom lip thinking back to my lost baby and the breakup of my relationship with Danger and the loss of my friendship with Chad, and it’s all a bit much to handle in the joy that’s currently surrounding me. I casually walk past all the smiling and jovial people and make my way out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room. This is Annie and Aston’s day, no one will notice if I’m gone. I make my way to my room feeling miserable. I just can’t be a part of the love fest downstairs right now. My eyes slowly fill with tears as my tummy churns with knots. Lying down on my bed, I place my face on my pillow. A gentle knock on my door startles me and I look up and wipe away the tears while sitting up on the bed.

  “Come in,” I say cheerily to throw whoever it is off the scent that I’m actually upset.

  Chad walks through the open door and I relax as he comes in and closes the door behind him. I smile as he walks over and sits down next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders pulling me close to him.

  “So all that downstairs, all that joy, is it a bit much for you? I knew you’d be upset,” he says and I bite my bottom lip.

  “You did?”

  He nods. “I know you, Ella. I know hearing about the happy couples and the baby would be bringing up hurtful memories and it’s okay to be upset you know?” I nod and a stray tear falls down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away and he exhales and holds me tighter.

  “I don’t know why I feel so utterly alone,” I admit.

  He scoffs and shakes his head. “You’re not alone, you have me. I’ll always be here for you,” he says turning to face me.

  I look into his luminous green eyes and they’re sparkling with intensity. My breath catches at the beauty of them as my heart starts to pound faster. My skin begins to flush hot as the sparks shoot off between us. He licks his lips looking at me like he wants to devour me. And right now, I’m absolutely sure that I want him to. I’m breathing faster and swallow hard with the chemistry that’s filling the room. We’re close together and I inch even closer needing to be near him. I move my hand up caressing his face, pulling him toward me.

  Chad and I could neve
r get our timing right, maybe now is our time. I look down at his lips noticing he’s breathing harshly, his chest heaving at the intensity of the connection we’re sharing. So I take the next step. I lean in pulling his face to mine and kiss him. Our lips meet and it’s like fireworks exploding inside me. He kisses back, but there’s a hesitation in his kiss that has me confused. He pulls back and rests his forehead against mine as I furrow my brows wondering why he’s stopped our kiss.

  “Ella, I need you to really think about this. Is this really what you want? You’re upset and looking for comfort, and I don’t want to abuse the situation,” he says. I smile and move my hand from his cheek into the back of his head into his hair.

  “Chad, I’ve always felt this pull to you and I’ve been trying for so long to deny that it’s there. Danger has always been in the way and he’s not anymore, so now we’re free to explore whatever this is,” I say and he smiles.

  “Are you sure now is the right time, though?” he asks.

  “Yes, Chad. Please, kiss me. I need to feel you,” I say and move my lips back to his.

  He kisses me running his hands up into my hair softly caressing my scalp. His gentle touch is something I’m not used to, but the feeling is more than amazing. His tongue massages mine as I kiss him passionately. I don’t know where tonight will lead us, but I want to spend it lost in Chad. He moves into me slowly and I lean backward falling onto the bed. His body falls on top of mine, but he eases his weight so he doesn’t squash me. Feeling Chad surrounding me completely has my head in a spin, we’ve never been this close and having him pressed up against me is definitely making me happy. His kiss is so full of passion, I can feel how much he wants me from the devotion pouring from him. My hands run down his back and to the bottom of his shirt and I start to pull it up. He pulls back from me breaking the kiss and raises an eyebrow.

  “Don’t over think things Chad, just let this happen,” I say and he sits up on the bed and I sit up with him pulling his shirt off over his head. The sight of his toned stomach instantly makes my clit throb. Seeing the six pack of abs and the perfect V shape leading down inside his jeans makes me lick my lips in appraisal. He smirks and I smile and move my hand to his chest following the curves of his muscles taking in every inch of him. He breathes heavier at my touch, the tension in the air is thick. Looking back at him, his eyes are so full of lust I decide I want to take this to the next level. I don’t want to just make out with him. I want Chad. I want all of him, and I want to give all of myself to him.

  I move my hands to my shirt and start to lift it over my head.

  “Ella, wait,” Chad says stopping me.

  I look at him and furrow my brows. “You don’t have to do that,” he says bringing his hand to my cheek. I smile and shake my head.

  “Yes I do and I want to. I want you, Chad. I want all of you,” I say and he smiles brightly.

  “Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want you to feel pressured—”

  I put my finger to his lips to stop him from talking. “I don’t feel pressured. I want this. I want you. Don’t you want me too?” I ask taking my hand away and looking at him waiting for him to reply.

  “Of course, it’s all I’ve ever wanted,” he replies.

  I smile and grab his hands moving them to the bottom of my shirt. “Then undress me,” I say and he grins and leans in kissing me softly while dragging my shirt up. He pulls back to pull my shirt over my head and then moves back in to continue kissing me. His hands run up my naked back and the warmth of his touch is setting me on fire. His tongue collides with mine and kissing Chad feels like the most natural thing in the world. This feels like my new normal, it seems so familiar, so natural.

  He moves his hands to my bra and unclasps it with ease and it falls down onto the bed between us. I fling it off onto the floor as I move our bodies closer so I can feel his warmth. His hand snakes around my body to the front and then massages my breast tenderly. There’s no harsh force like I’m used to with Danger, and the gentleness of the gesture is soothing me.

  Moving my hands down to Chad’s jeans, I unbutton and slide down the zipper. His breathing is becoming more rushed and he stands from the bed pulling me with him. His pants fall to the ground leaving him in his grey brief shorts. He pulls our bodies together so our chests are flush. I wrap my arms around his neck and tangle my hands through his hair as my lips meet his again. He steps out of his jeans and shoes as his hands come down to my pants and he quickly undoes the button and zip, and they slide down my legs. I step out of them and my shoes, not breaking our passionate kiss. We’re both left in our underwear as his hands run up and down my sides taking every inch of me in. His hands slide down my side and onto my arse, then his hands grip my cheeks and he clenches pulling me to him. I gasp as he lifts me up and I quickly wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me across to my chest of drawers. His tongue is dancing with mine passionately and I can’t help but feel his arousal pressing up against my pussy. The thought of him being turned on by me is only turning me on more. He lowers me onto the top of the drawers and grinds himself in between my legs. I moan into his mouth as he kisses me harder.

  His hands make their way to my face as he holds and kisses me passionately. Pulling back, he looks me in the eyes.

  “You’re God’s most beautiful creature, Ella Slade,” he says and looks down at my body taking me in completely for the first time. He swallows hard and I see his cock twitch in his briefs. He bites his bottom lip and moves his hand down my sides and to my panties.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? We can stop at any time,” he says and I shake my head.

  “We shouldn’t have waited this long, Chad.”

  He smiles the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous smile I’ve ever seen as his fingers loop in the seams of my panties and he starts to pull them down. I shuffle helping him remove them.

  “God, you’re stunning,” he says and leans in kissing me, throwing my panties on the ground.

  He moves back in and I slide my hands down his chest to his briefs and start to edge them down over his arse. He shuffles, and they slide down his legs and he kicks them across the room leaving us both naked. His cock presses against my pussy as our bodies mould together. My hands rush through his hair as his hands run up my naked back. The heat engulfing me is surging through me like a tidal wave. The energy flowing around us is electric like one more spark could set this place on fire. Chad is making me flame for him and he hasn’t even done anything yet other than kiss me and get me naked.

  He pulls back breaking us apart and leaving me on the drawers as he bends down to his jeans. I’m breathless and trying to keep my cool. Being apart from him for even these few seconds is like torture. I just want to feel him. I look down at his cock and I’m surprised at how big he is. I smirk slightly as he pulls out his wallet opening it and grabbing a strand of condoms.

  “How many do you think we’ll need there, tiger?” I joke as he places them on the bedside table.

  “Well, if I have my way Ella, we’ll be using all of them over tonight and into the morning,” he says. I open my eyes wide as he smirks walking back over and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me back to the bed. The anticipation of him working me up is starting to drive me crazy. He lays me down on the bed and moves to my side kissing me softly. His hand glides down the centre of my body making its way between my legs. I instantly relax further when his finger finds its way to my clit. The aching need I had for him is being tended to expertly. He presses on my clit softly at first and it feels like he’s teasing me as his tongue circles with mine.

  I breathe through my nose harshly trying to calm my erratic heart rate. He presses harder and I arch my back off the bed. It feels great, and Chad’s way of pleasuring me is very different to Danger. Chad is all about the slow burn while Danger is the opposite. Chad circles slowly and with a firm pressure he’s making me shudder with every circle of his finger. His attention to detail is making this incredible and e
ven though it’s slow, the build is incredible. Heat is rising in me as he circles again. He’s kissing me passionately, working me slowly into a frenzy.

  Who knew a gentle side to things could be so exhilarating.

  He circles again and my body starts to tremble. I clench my eyes tight as flashes of light beginning to illuminate behind my eyelids. My body arches off the bed and I moan into Chad’s mouth as my body breaks out in goose bumps and sweat begins to bead across my sensitive skin.

  I’m burning up and Chad’s the one setting me on fire. He circles again and I convulse as a shockwave surges through me making my heart thud against my chest wall. My breathing stops as the explosion hits suddenly unraveling me in Chad’s grip.

  Panting as he places feather light kisses along my jaw working me down from my intense orgasm. He moves over the top of me and in between my legs. I’m still coming down from the high, but I’m with it enough to feel his cock against me. I open my eyes to see him looking down at me with a smile.

  “You’re so adorable, this feels incredible,” he whispers and leans in kissing me.

  “You’re pretty adorable yourself,” I murmur through the kiss. He chuckles and grinds his erection into my pussy. I moan at the friction he’s creating.

  “Was that adorable?” he asks and I smirk and shake my head.

  “No, that was fucking hot,” I reply and he smiles and nods.

  “That’s better,” he says leaning in and kissing me again. I run my hands up his naked back trying to feel every muscle I can. He’s so toned and fit that touching him is making me needy. I want him inside me and as if on cue he pulls back and leans over to the side table to pick up a condom. He tears one from the line and then rips the packet open with his teeth. He pulls back and rolls the condom on his long length, all while I’m panting in excitement at the thought of him finally being inside me. It’s like this moment has been building for so long and now that it’s finally here I can’t actually wait. He moves back over the top of me and looks right into my eyes.


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