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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

Page 24

by Smith, Wendy

  Lily’s appreciation is clear in her eyes, and she stands, bending to kiss Max on the head. He doesn’t protest, he’s so pre-occupied with his acquisition.

  “I’ve got this, Lily. Enjoy.” I keep my eyes on her as she heads straight for one of the stores she had her eyes on.

  “Dad?” Max places his hand on my arm.


  “Can you help me?”

  With a song in my heart and a smile on my face, I connect Max’s iPad to the free Wi-Fi and start setting it up. “Just you wait until we have internet at home.”

  “I like our new house.”

  “So do I. I think we’re going to be really happy there.”

  He links his arm in mine. “Mum’ll be happy. I like Mum being happy.”

  I smile down at him. “You and me both, Max. You and me both.”

  * * *

  We spend the next half hour finding games and downloading them. Seeing the excitement in his eyes is worth all of this. I think back to when I’d first left the army. I’d been a mess, and no way would I have been any type of decent father to Max.

  He deserved better than that. He needed me, and I had the ability and means to make his life better. Already, he’s made my life better. Made me better.

  “Is that it?” I ask.

  Max nods. “I think that’s enough.”

  “Wanna go find Mum?”

  His face lights up.

  “We’ll find Mum, get home and hook up all this stuff. Maybe we can find a good movie to watch tonight.”

  “Or play games?”

  “We’ll see. Depends on how late we get home. I think we might have to stop and get fish and chips on the way.”

  He grins, and my heart stops. Max looks so much like Lily, but there are times when I can see me in him. There’s no doubting who his parents are. How did I miss this the first few weeks?

  I tidy the empty boxes and packaging from the table as Max gathers his things. I’m not sure what store Lily’s in, but I know which direction she went.

  We get about three doors down when she nearly bumps into me as she exits the store, bags hanging off her arms. After her initial reluctance, it looks as if she’s been on a spree.

  “Are you sure you have enough?” I look at her with bemusement.

  “You told me to spend it.”

  I laugh. “I’m just teasing. There had better be something in there for me.”

  She nods. “I bought Max some new underwear, pants, and T-shirts, and I got a couple of shirts for you too.”

  Shaking my head, I pass a bag to Max to carry and taking the rest in my arms.

  “I was meaning more something skimpy from the other shop.”

  “You have a one-track mind.” She rolls her eyes.

  “You love me anyway.”

  Lily’s cheeks flush pink, and I reach out to push a stray lock of hair behind her ear, just from the need to touch her. “I do. God knows why.”

  “Shall we go home, Max?” I ask.

  He nods.

  “Ready to play on your iPad on the way?” It’s clutched in his hand tightly.

  “Yep. Can we get in the car now?”

  Laughing, I nod. “Let’s go get our TV and get home.”

  Lily holds out my credit card. “You can take this back too.”

  I take it, but I squeeze her hand as I do. “Only until I get you one of your own.”

  There’s no way to miss another eye roll as she steps past me, and I grin to myself because she loves me.

  And I love her.

  * * *

  Max falls asleep on the way home. The long drive is one thing—the winding roads at the end of the journey finish him off. Lily and I pull over in town, and I grab fish and chips for dinner.

  Max’s so tired, he can barely stand up as we get in the door. At the realisation that I’m bringing in the television, he finds his second wind.

  “Dad,” he says it over and over again as I carry in the boxes.

  “What’s up?”

  “When’s it going to be plugged in? I want to play.”

  “It won’t take long. I don’t know if we’re going to play anything much tonight. You look like you need to eat and get some sleep.”

  He screws up his face. “Can we watch a movie, then?”

  “I’m sure we can. What do you want to watch?”

  “Wait for it,” Lily mutters.

  “Finding Nemo!” Max jumps up and down, and all I can do is shake my head. Chances are he’ll be asleep five minutes into it.

  “So, how about we eat some dinner first and then we’ll watch Nemo?”

  I’ve never seen a kid shovel food as fast as Max does. His eyes are on the box containing the TV the whole time as we sit in the middle of the living room floor and eat our dinner straight out of the paper.

  “I don’t think we’ve ever eaten so many takeaway foods.” Lily laughs.

  “I’m looking forward to the new house and that kitchen. We can take turns cooking meals.”

  “Do we have to have vegetables?” Max asks.

  “Yes, Max. We do have to have vegetables.”

  Once the fish and chips are gone, we unpack everything. The TV and surround sound system all comes out of the boxes, ready to be plugged in and connected.

  I pick up a bag, beckoning Lily. “I bought you a present, too.”


  “This.” From the bag I produce two night lights.

  “Adam.” Her tone tells me she’s touched, but she frowns. “I tried one of those. It wasn’t enough.”

  “That’s why I bought more than one. One for each side of the room. We’ll give it a go. I just want to be able to close our bedroom door so we get our privacy.”

  Tears appear in her eyes and roll down her cheeks. “What if it’s not enough?”

  “Want to know what I think?” I ask as I drop the night lights on the couch and raise my thumb to her cheeks to wipe the evidence of her sadness.


  “I think you need to get out of your own head and not overthink it. We’ll try it together and if it doesn’t work well, we’ll come up with another solution.” Raising her hand to my face, I brush her fingers with my lips. “I told you. Maybe we can help fix each other.”

  “You seem way more together than me.”

  I chuckle. “Sometimes. Being back with you I feel more settled than I have been in a long time. I think you and Max have been the best medicine.”

  “Speaking of Max, I think we need to get this movie underway. Once it starts, I don’t think it’ll be long until he crashes.” She runs a finger down my chest.

  “What are you up to?”

  “I bought you a present too.” A smirk crosses her face. Clearly, she’s pleased with herself. I love seeing the light in her eyes, the sparkle that’s returned.

  “Can’t wait for that.”

  “Dad got me a present too, Mum. My iPad.” Max clings to his device, and I have to smile at our little family.

  Nearly settled.



  It’s late by the time everything is set up, and Max, lying on the floor with me, tries his best to keep his eyes open as we watch our first movie on our new TV. I catch Lily’s gaze during the part of Finding Nemo she always cries at. Sure enough tears are welling, and Max climbs up on the couch and rests his head on his mother’s lap.

  “Tired, bud?” I ask.

  “It’s been a long day for all of us,” Lily says, stroking Max’s hair.

  “Bet you’re looking forward to the new house,” I say, sitting up.

  She shrugs. “It’ll be amazing, but this place has been our home for so long. Moving out is going to be weird.”

  “It’s gonna be cool,” Max murmurs. He’s so close to sleep and fighting it.

  Lily smiles at me, her contentment clear in her eyes. Coming home has been a whirlwind. In a matter of weeks, I’ve reunited with Lily, and we’re planning our future. It’s almost like t
he time in between never happened, and while I know the changes scare her, I’ve never been more confident of anything in my life. We’ve slipped into what our life would have been like had we been married all those years ago.

  “He’s asleep,” she whispers.

  I crawl across the floor until I reach him. He’s snoring softly against his mother’s thigh, and I raise my finger to stroke his cheek.

  “He had so much fun today. You spoiled him.” There’s so much affection in her voice, and it warms me.

  “I hope I spoiled both of you.”

  She reaches over and strokes my hair. “You did. It’s so much, Adam—it’s overwhelming.”

  “Consider it an attempt to make up for everything. I know there are some things that can never truly be made up for, but I’ll do my best.” I stand, reaching down to scoop Max into my arms. “Must be bedtime.”

  “For him or us?” A devilish smile plays on her lips, matching the glint in her eyes.

  “It’s still early. Are you that tired?”

  She stands. “No.”

  “I have no idea why you’d want to go to bed so soon, then.”

  Turning toward the door, I take a step, and she slaps me on the arse and laughs. “I’m sure there are plenty of reasons.”

  “Are any of them in that little bag from the lingerie shop?”


  I carry Max upstairs and tuck him into his bed. He’s dressed in clothes his mother bought him today, and I’m not about to wake a sleeping boy and make him change into pyjamas. He mumbles as I pull the blanket over him and pause for a minute to stroke his hair.

  My mind wanders back to the day James called. I’d been so lost, finished with the army, finished with Jenna. Drinking had become a habit, and yet I’ve barely had a drop since being back here.

  Now, I’m found, and this boy has been such a big piece of that.

  I bend and kiss his temple. We have so much to catch up on, so many days of hanging out. It’s funny when I consider my reason for coming back. That’s been pushed to the side for this life-changing discovery.

  I only wish I’d done it sooner.

  * * *

  Lost in those thoughts, I traipse to the bedroom. All the things Max and I can do together roll through my head. I may have missed out on a lot, but there are still so many years together. How did I get to be so lucky?

  Max not only fills my life now, he helps give that life meaning, gives me a reason to go on when there have been times when everything felt too hard.

  When I push open the bedroom door, I widen my eyes at the sight of Lily on the bed. She’s taken my words to heart and wears a barely there, white translucent nightgown. One she won’t be wearing in about thirty seconds.

  She’s way out of her comfort zone. Her fingers grip the edge of the blanket as if she’s fighting pulling it up and covering herself, defeating the purpose of wearing it.


  “I feel like a dick.”

  “You’re gorgeous.” I pause as I take a micro-second to consider the wisdom of my next words. “If you feel like a dick, I’ll give you dick.”

  She picks up a pillow and throws it. It hits the door behind me, falling to the ground with a soft thud. “You are a dick. Stop making fun of me.”

  Turning, I make sure the door is closed and pick up the pillow. Flicking the light switch fills the room with the soft glow of the night-lights. It’s romantic and warm, and hopefully enough to stop her freaking out.

  Lily’s breath hitches, and I make my way to the bed, sitting down and grasping her hand.

  “You okay?”

  She nods. “It’s beautiful.”

  “So are you.”

  Even in the dim light I can see her cheeks flush. She hates attention on herself, always has, but I’m going to lavish it on her. I don’t ever want her doubting how I feel.

  “I just feel so awkward.” She slams her head against her pillow.

  Standing, I tug my shirt over my head and unzip my jeans. Lily relaxes a little and lets go of the sheet. My eyes drink her in, the light highlighting the curve of her breasts.

  I’m overwhelmed by that familiar feeling of wanting to possess her, all of her. I want her underneath me, crying my name as I bury myself inside her.

  My heart is filled to the brim, and as I lose the remainder of my clothes, I pull back the blankets and take a look at all of her. I’ve claimed her, she’s mine, but I need her more than ever. She was always my common sense, my centre of being. Losing her was always about more than simply a broken heart.

  “I love your awkwardness. I love your heart.” Slipping between the sheets, I slide her shoulder strap down, exposing her left breast. “I love these too.”

  She giggles as I take her nipple into my mouth and her shoulder slumps as her body releases the tension.

  “Come here.” I roll to my back and pull her with me, and she laughs, straddling my hips. Running my eyes down her body, I let out a low whistle. “You’re not wearing any underwear.”

  Lily licks her lips. She’s sweet and sexy all at once. It doesn’t take much to get me going when she’s concerned. “I couldn’t see the point.”


  Slowly, she peels off the nightgown and throws it to the floor.

  “That was such a waste of time,” I say, running my hands up her body and cupping her breasts.

  “You wanted me to buy it.” Lily leans over, her face inches from mine, and she pokes her tongue out at me.

  “I’m glad you did. You are breath-taking in it. Even if you only wore it for five minutes.”

  She cocks her head. “More like three and a half.”

  I chuckle, pulling her the rest of the way in for a kiss. Her confidence boosted, she grinds against me, and I’m lost in her warmth, her soft skin, the scent of her arousal.

  “You have no idea just how beautiful you are, do you?” I whisper.

  The pink in her cheeks slides down to the tops of her breasts. “Adam,” she says affectionately.

  “My sweet Lily.” All the years fall away as I brush my fingers down her arms.

  She sighs a contented sigh, and I slip my thumb between us, stroking her clit.

  “I love that I get to do this whenever I want.” I chuckle.

  “Well, after Max is asleep.”

  “I’ll concede that point.”

  Her breath hitches and she leans back a little, giving me better access.

  “I still love that I get to share a bed with you every night.”

  Lily closes her eyes, rocking her hips against my hand. Her lips part, and her breath grows heavier with every stroke. She’s lovely, her smooth skin, those puffy lips that beg to be kissed. She bucks against my hardened cock before pushing up a little and sliding onto me.

  Being inside her is like heaven, and her silky softness wraps around me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I’m lost again. Lily surrounds me and I’m more at ease than I have been in months. She’s all I need, and the only one I’ll ever love. She’s my true safe harbour.

  When I open my eyes, the brilliant blue looks back. There’s radiance to her that tells me she knows the effect she has on me.

  She keeps me under her spell as she quickens the rhythm, and I lose all control. Pressure builds inside me, and I pull her down to run my tongue along the seam of her lips before parting my own to kiss her. I shatter into a million pieces, falling apart right underneath her.

  All I see is her.

  All I am is her.

  “Adam,” she whispers my name this time, and warmth travels the length of my body.

  I have no words, and I respond by kissing her again. She giggles as I roll, pulling her with me. I bury my face in her neck and she’s left gasping as I suck gently on her ear lobe.

  Spent, I lift off her to lie flat on my back and take a deep breath.

  “I think you’ve worn me out.” I laugh.

  “I think I did all of the work.” She runs her fingers through h
er long, blonde hair.

  Grinning, I roll to my side again. “Do you know why I think this is going to work out for us?”

  She runs a finger down my arm, setting my heart alight. “Why?”

  “You. You’ve spent so long being practical and doing what you had to do. You’re my rock, Lily. Yeah we spent some money today, but we’ll settle in to get this business up and running, and you’ll control the spending and make sure we have enough.”

  “That’s a pretty big ask when there’s currently a finite amount.”

  “You and Max are motivation enough to get the work done and bring in the money.”

  She smiles. “After everything we’ve been through, this is probably one of the scariest things I’ve ever done.”

  “Me too. But I could live in a caravan at the cove with you and be happy. I think that’s the advantage we have.”

  Her smile lights up the whole room, and she giggles as I kiss her tenderly.

  This is contentment.

  This is love.

  * * *

  I wake to Lily wrapped around me. If she was disturbed during the night, she didn’t wake me. I watch her sleep, her arm draped over my chest, her right leg hooked around my left. She’s so peaceful, and I don’t want to move for fear of waking her.

  When she stirs, I brush my fingers down her arm and back up again.

  One deep breath and her eyes flicker open. That lazy smile returns to her lips, the one that shows how happy she truly is.

  “Morning,” I murmur.

  She lets out a contented sigh. “Good morning.”

  “Sleep well?”

  Lily nods. “The light worked well, and being with you helps.”

  “You are rather entangled.” I shake my leg and Lily laughs, tightening her lock on me. “I’m not complaining.”

  Her smile grows. “Good. I rather like sleeping like this.”

  I nuzzle her cheek, my lips finding hers in a tender kiss.


  The door bursts open, hitting the wall behind it. Lily jumps, and I sit up, grinning at Max standing in the doorway, his eyes as big as saucers.


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