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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

Page 69

by Smith, Wendy

  I smile as she walks into the living room.

  “I’ve been thinking.”

  She grins. “Did it hurt?”

  I roll my eyes, shaking my head. “Smartarse. I’m serious.”

  Ginny laughs. “I’m sorry.”

  “Do you think we should find a bigger place? I never planned for two people to live here, let alone three.”

  “I think it’s fine. There’s room, and the yard for Ava to play in.”

  I nod. “I just thought we might want to expand one day. For if we ever have more people living here.”

  Understanding registers on her face. “Well, there’s a possibility there won’t be any more people living here. So, for now, I think we should stay. Ava knows this as home, and how else is she going to sneak through into the bakery to steal a cookie?”

  My jaw drops. “Do I have a cookie thief in this house?”

  “To be fair, I think Mel is guilty of aiding and abetting. At least the first time.”

  I lean forward, crooking my index finger at her. “Come here?”

  She stands, walking toward me and flopping onto the couch beside me. “What’s up?”

  Wrapping my arms around her, I nuzzle her cheek. “I know there’s a chance we might never have a child of our own. But one day, maybe we’ll try, and if it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen. If that’s okay with you.”

  Ginny turns her head and presses a kiss to my cheek. “It’s very okay with me. Once we’re more settled.”

  “I wasn’t thinking of starting tomorrow, and I don’t want to put pressure on you. I know it could be a big thing to deal with.”

  She sighs. “I know. But I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone in my life I’d rather try with. One day.”

  Ava appears in the doorway, and I raise my eyebrows at her.

  “A little birdie tells me you’ve become a cookie thief.”

  “Daddy.” Ava laughs, and the word hits me square in the chest.

  “Is that what you’re calling me now? What happened to Owen?”

  Her face falls.

  “It’s okay. You can call me that.”

  She lights up. “I have two daddies.”

  I nod. “Yeah, you do, sweetheart.”

  “One makes yummy gingerbread men.”

  I lean back on the couch, my hand over my heart as if I’ve been stabbed. “You only love me for my gingerbread men.”

  She giggles, launching herself onto the couch and into my arms. “Silly Daddy.”

  I hug her tight, catching Ginny’s gaze. Love’s written all over her face, and my heart’s more settled than ever being with my two girls.

  “That’s right. Silly Daddy.”

  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Hunter’s Mark



  He has blue eyes. They both do. Just like their mother.

  I cradle my nephew in my arms, and those big blue eyes stare up at me. Not blinking, just staring. Like my face is the most fascinating thing he’s ever seen.

  He’s six months old. It probably is.

  Him and his sister are already permanent fixtures inside my heart. Hooking his fingers into my beard, the little fella pulls my face closer.

  The living room in my brother Adam’s house might be full of family celebrating the christening of the twins, but for my nephew, I’m the only person in the room.

  “What are you doing?” Drew asks.

  “Ask your son. He’s taking a closer look at Uncle Corey.”

  Drew shakes his head. “Why on earth would you want to do that, Logan? Daddy’s so much better to look at.”

  I chuckle. “He likes my beard.”

  Drew sighs. “Well, I don’t know if your mum would like me growing a beard, little man.”

  Logan’s eyes widen as he grips me tight.

  “I can because I’m not pussy-whipped.”

  Drew slaps me on the arm. “Don’t say that shit around my son.”

  “What on earth are you two doing?” Hayley walks toward us, Logan’s sister, Amelia, in her arms.

  “Drew’s swearing in front of the baby.”

  One of her eyebrows rises, and I smirk.

  “Just to tell Corey off. Logan will never pick it up,” Drew hedges, looking sheepish.

  She nods, sighing. “You two are so naughty.”

  I chuckle. “Say that again? But just me this time.”

  Shaking her head, she turns away and heads toward the couch and Ginny. Ginny’s eyes widen, and I smile at the look of pure joy on her face as she takes Amelia in her arms.

  “Well, that’s the christening over. I guess there’s nothing more to worry about until their twenty-firsts.”

  I laugh. “That’s if they’re good.” Shifting my focus back to my nephew, I shake my head. “Don’t you be like Uncle Corey when you’re a teenager. Be good to your mother.”

  “What about his father?” Drew laughs.

  “Oh, you can be naughty for him.”

  He laughs. “Oh well, give him here. I’m going to take him to see Mum.”

  “Good thinking.” I hand over the baby, but not before pressing a kiss to Logan’s forehead and disentangling his fingers from my beard. “See you later, bud.”

  Mum’s face lights up as Drew walks toward her with the baby. She’s so frail now, and even being out at Adam and Lily’s is a lot of effort.

  When she meets my gaze, I give her a smile. Once she started going downhill, there was no stopping it. I don’t know how much longer she’s got.

  It makes moments like this more precious.

  A hand lands on my arm, and I turn. “Have you got a minute? I want to show you something.”

  I smile. Lily’s been my best friend for so long, and if it’s something that makes her as happy as her smile would indicate, I want to see. “Of course.”

  “Come into my bedroom in about five minutes.”

  I place my hand on my heart. “Are you propositioning me? We’re surrounded by family.”

  She punches my bicep. “No, you dick. Seeing as you’re giving me away for the wedding, I want you to see the dress.”

  “Don’t you want to show Hayley and Ginny?”

  “They saw it last night. I’m just so proud of it. Made it myself.”

  I grin. “Did you now? This I have to see. Make sure Adam knows that’s why I’m disappearing into your bedroom.”

  “I already told him. He thinks it’s weird that I want to show you, but he loves me so he’s fine.”

  Laughing, I cock my head. “Go on, then. See you in a few minutes.”

  As soon as she’s gone, Adam walks over to me. “Is she going to show you her dress?”

  I nod.

  “Everyone’s seen it but me.”

  “You’re not supposed to see it until the day.”

  He sighs. “I know, but I can’t wait.”

  I slap him on the back. “Dude, it’ll be awesome. You two have waited long enough.”

  Nodding, he grins. “You’re not wrong.” The wistful look on his face is so good to see. If anyone deserves to have their happy ending, it’s Lily and Adam.

  “Anyway, I’m off to your bedroom to hang out with your fiancée. Suffer, little brother.”

  He laughs. “Go on, then.”

  Max sits out in the hallway, his dog, Lucky, at his feet. “Hey, bud. What are you doing out here?”

  “It’s too noisy in there. And everyone just wants to see the babies.”

  I squat in front of him. “Do you know when I come here, it’s to see you?”

  “Really?” From the unimpressed expression on his face, I’m not sure if he believes me.

  “Every time.” I hold out my hand, and he fist-bumps me. “How about next time I’m here, you and me take Lucky for a walk in the bush?”

  His eyes widen. “Dad said I’m not allowed back there. Now the fence is up, we have to keep the gate closed in case Rose goes through.”

  I nod. “Your dad’s making sur
e you guys are safe. But I’m sure he’ll be fine if I take you.”

  Max grins. “That’d be awesome. Thanks, Corey.”

  “Any time. Give me a few minutes with your mum, and I bet anything I can beat you in Mario Kart.”

  He laughs. “I’ll go and set the Switch up in my room.”

  “You do that.”

  I watch him run toward his room, Lucky right behind him.

  Now to check on Lily.

  * * *

  Reaching Adam and Lily’s bedroom door, I knock. “Are you decent?”

  “Come in,” she calls.

  I push open the door, closing it behind me.

  What I see takes my breath away.

  I have been in love with Lily Parker since I was fifteen years old.

  Not that I could ever tell her, or anyone else.

  She’s only ever had eyes for Adam, and even when he wasn’t here, her heart belonged to him.

  Even if she didn’t know it.

  I did.

  Max was four when I offered her my world. It would have been platonic, but I’d been prepared to give her and Max everything they needed—a roof over their heads, food on the table, and love. I was stupid enough to imagine that one day she’d love me back.

  Maybe I should be thankful that she said no.

  It doesn’t mean she no longer has any effect on me.

  Especially when she’s standing there in her wedding dress.

  My mouth is dry, my palms are sweaty, and she’s got this wistful look on her face that I know has got nothing to do with me.

  “Well? What do you think?”

  I nod. “You look amazing, Lily.”

  Her mother was a seamstress, and Lily inherited her skills. I know she’s poured hours into this, finding the cream fabric she wanted, stitching it into a figure-hugging, low-cut thing that Adam’s going to love.

  Her blonde brows knit as she frowns. “Are you sure? You don’t seem sure.”

  I lick my lips. “You’ll be the most beautiful bride that’s ever been in Copper Creek.” My lips twitch as I rethink my words. “Just don’t ever tell Hayley I said that.”

  She laughs. “I don’t know why I asked you. I’m never going to know if you’re being honest, or just being nice.”

  “I can’t remember ever being dishonest with you.” I grasp her arms. “Seriously, just you being there will make Adam the happiest man on the planet.”


  I sigh. “I didn’t mean that the way it came out.”

  Last time they were scheduled to be married, Lily never showed up. We didn’t know at the time, but her crackpot mother had locked her in the basement. Everything fell apart for Adam and Lily after that, and they weren’t reunited for a further twelve years.

  “It’s okay. I know what you mean. It’s just … I’ve waited so long for this, and it’s finally here. I don’t want to let him down when it comes to any aspect of this wedding.”

  “There’s literally no way you can let him down. You two have been to hell and back, and seriously, doll, all you need is each other.”

  They’ve been back together for more than three years now, and it still breaks my heart a little thinking of her getting married to him. I let go of the hope she’d see me a long time ago, and yet it hurts.

  At the same time, I’m truly happy for both of them.

  I’ll be happy to give her away.

  * * *

  After dinner with the family, I drive home.

  I scowl as I pass my neighbours’. That fenced-off community makes me angry every time I see it, and there’s no way for me to avoid it on my way home.

  Graham Taylor, the senior sergeant at the local community police station, is on my doorstep when I pull up to the house. I jump out of the ute.

  “Graham,” I say, extending my hand. He’s here so often that I view him as a friend now “Always a pleasure.”

  He smiles. I gave him and the rest of the police department permission to use my property to keep an eye on the community next door ages ago. While I know undercover investigations take a long time, this seems to have gone on forever. They have two guys living in the community, and others who monitor the property basically living in my back yard.

  “I thought I’d pop in and give you an update.”

  Nodding, I unlock my front door and open it. “Come in. I think I can make a coffee.”

  “You think?”

  “Depends on how you take it. If it’s black with no sugar, you’ll probably be fine.”

  He follows me through to the living room. “I’d almost given up waiting. I popped down to see how things were going and take the guys some food.”

  I reach the kitchen and check the jug for water. Filling it, I set it down and flick the switch. “I just had dinner at Adam’s.”

  “How are they all?”

  “Good. It was the twins’ christening today. And Adam and Lily are preparing for their wedding. It’s still a few months away, but they’ve waited so long for it. Everything needs to be perfect.”

  He chuckles. “I’m sure it does. They deserve every happiness.”

  “It’s a bit surreal, you know? It wasn’t that long ago that I couldn’t imagine Adam being back. Now they’re finally getting what they both wanted all those years ago. Max is so excited.”

  “I doubt it takes much to get Max excited.” He grins.

  I grab the cups from the cupboard and spoon the coffee into them. “Not really. It’ll be eventful, that’s for sure.”

  I pour the water, then give the coffee a quick stir before passing him a mug. “Let’s go and sit in the living room.”

  He nods, following me into the room at the front of the house.

  I place my cup on the coffee table and sit. “So, what updates do you have for me? Have you got enough on that bastard yet?”

  He sighs, sitting on a chair opposite. “All I can tell you is that we haven’t got to the bottom of what’s going on, but it’s all leading somewhere.”

  I sigh. “Well, you know you have use of my land for however long it takes.”

  “We know, and we’re grateful. I’m just sorry it’s taken so long.” He takes a sip of his coffee. “How’s Hayley doing?”

  I nod. “Yeah, she’s good. The twins are on the verge of crawling, so she’s about to get really busy.”

  Graham grimaces. “One child was bad enough.”

  I laugh. “She loves it. The plan was for her to go back to work, but I think she’s enjoying herself too much.”

  He nods. “It is a shame she left. She was a huge asset to the community.”

  “Well, nothing and no one can hurt her now.” I’ll never forget the day one of Graham’s guys turned up on my doorstep. He carried my now sister-in-law in his arms—she’d been drugged by the maniac next door. What else goes on behind those walls?

  “I just want the guy caught for whatever it is he’s doing and put away for a long time where he can’t hurt anyone else.”

  Graham nods. “Me too, Corey. Me too.”



  This isn’t the life I signed up for.

  It’s not the life either Ginny or I planned.

  When we decided not to worry about contraception, and to let nature take its course, we thought getting pregnant would be the hard part.

  That turned out to be easy.

  But after two miscarriages in six months, Ginny’s shattered.

  The second one happened last night.

  There was no work for Ginny or me today, no day care for Ava.

  Instead, Ginny, Ava and I are in bed, and I’m facing Ginny, who has Ava snuggled in tight against her. Ava who won’t move because even though she doesn’t know what’s wrong, she knows something bad has happened.

  Ginny’s eyes flicker open.

  “Hey,” I say softly.

  She gives me a wistful smile. “Hey.”

  “Are you hungry? I could kill a bacon and egg panini.”

  “That sounds so
good right now.”

  I reach for her hand. “Let’s go and get some alone time before the munchkin wakes up.”

  Ginny’s smile grows, and my heart lights up. I never knew what love was until I had her and Ava in my life. Now, I’m overwhelmed by the feelings I have for both of them.

  I tug on my jeans while Ginny puts on a dress. She heads to the kitchen to get out the bacon and eggs while I go through to the bakery to grab some fresh paninis.

  “Oh, so his lordship decided to get out of bed, did he?” Mel winks at me.

  “Yep. When the stomach grumbles, you can’t ignore it.”

  I reach for the bread. The rolls are still warm, and I take a deep breath. All these years as a baker and I’ll never get enough of that smell.

  “How’s Ginny?”

  I shrug. “Alright. We’re just going to have breakfast while Ava’s still asleep.”

  “Does she even know what’s going on?” I sent Mel a text last night to tell her that I wouldn’t be in the kitchen first thing and why. She’s one of the few people who knows.

  I shake my head. “She just knows Ginny’s sad. That’s enough for her.”

  “There’s a gingerbread woman over there for her.” Mel points to a bench.

  I laugh. “You think of everything.”

  Mel places her hand on her heart. “I live vicariously through you guys. You’ve shown me what true love is.”

  Shaking my head, I throw a panini at her, hitting her on the arm.

  “What a waste of food. I’m telling my boss on you.”

  “You do that.” I pick up the cookie and another panini, and go back through to the house, chuckling.

  Ginny turns as I enter the kitchen. “Everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine. Mel made Ava a present.”

  Ginny laughs. She doesn’t even look at what I’ve got in my hand. “I’m just surprised that girl isn’t made of gingerbread. She eats enough of it.”

  I peck the woman I love on the cheek, and she leans against me. “Go and sit down. I’ll cook this up and bring it to you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Today is Take Care of Ginny Day.”


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