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Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Dawn Doyle

  “Hey, that’s my colleague you’re talking about, Bob,” he snapped. “And if she heard you talking about her like that, you’d need a different kind of protection, cos she’d cut off your balls.”

  I grinned. She sounded just like my kind of girl.

  After Greg dropped me, the fucker not giving anything up on Robyn, I jogged the couple of miles home. The house lights were off. It was after two in the morning, so I never expected my mom to be up. As quietly as I could, I carefully walked over the gravel path to my car and locked Cecil in my trunk before taking the steps up to the front door.

  I got to the door and took out my keys, glad that my grandpa wasn’t around to sneak out of the spare bed and drag his crusty old ass down the hall to lock me out again. The last time he’d done that, I’d had to sleep in my car, then got woken up to the sounds of my mom banging on the window and screaming at me, demanding to know where I’d been. Yeah, once she knew the reason, she took off on her dad. That was sweet. Watching her laying it on, saying anything could’ve happened to me, all he could do was stand there and give me his worst sneer. It was so full of evil that he could’ve turned into the devil right then, or blew up in flames.

  Once inside, I locked the door, sliding the two bolts across, and crept up to my room.

  “Shit.” I hissed when the floor creaked. I stopped and listened, and when I couldn’t hear my mom, I continued to my room on the other side of the bathroom.

  In the safety of my room, I unzipped my hoodie and saw my chest was damp from my jog, the sweat soaking through my white T-shirt. I stripped off and threw all of my clothes into my laundry basket before walking my naked ass into my bathroom for a shower.

  The warm water cascaded down my body, and I grabbed the shower gel, lathering it in my hands, then rubbing over my torso, my muscles still wound tight from the night’s events.

  There was only one thing clinging to my thoughts, and that was the purr of the sex kitten through the speaker. Damn, she got to me, and my cock stirred to life again as I recalled the brief but flirty conversation between us. I hadn’t gone after any girls, hadn’t gotten laid like I’d needed, so I decided she was getting to me a hell of a lot more because of that.

  I ran my hands further down, taking my neglected cock in my hand, thinking of Robyn while I began stroking back and forth, picking up speed as the sensations leading to my goal began to take hold of me. I didn’t know who she was, but that just added to how fucking horny I was right then. My dick thickened as I pumped faster, gripping harder as the base of my dick tingled, my balls tightening.

  “God, fuck, yeah,” I groaned, gritting my teeth as I shot my load. Thick, ropy liquid slid down the tiles into the water stream, the volume greater through underuse. I hadn’t come hard or fast like that in a while, and I fucking needed it. I had to take my mind off what I’d become, the very thing that could send me spiraling further down the black hole I was clinging onto, my head barely above the ledge.

  There was only so much self-love I could handle before I needed the real thing, a pair of smooth thighs wrapped around me while I drove into whoever it was at that time. I was satisfied for now, but it wouldn’t last long, and now that I’d gotten that out of my system, my mind was free to torment me once again.

  In flashes, I saw the silver car, and me taking it right from under the owner’s nose while they sat in their living room, then driving it away to the place I’d been instructed. I was paid, then I left, no words exchanged and no hint of what had just gone down.

  “Fuck,” I whispered, pressing my forehead against the cold, white tiles, looking down and seeing the last of my cum rinsing down the drain. Guilt tore at me from inside, but there wasn’t a fucking thing I could do about it.

  Like Lucian, if at any time I tried to put an end to the shit I was in, I would be putting the people closest to me at risk. Only, he’d done it; he’d gotten out. I was left behind, the fire still burning from when I’d lit it, with no end to the continuous fuel that was feeding the flames that were only burning hotter.


  After my shower, I went over to my nightstand and opened the drawer, picking up my original phone. I switched it on and waited for it to load up. I had fifteen missed calls from Luca, two from Lucian, and three calls and a text from Charlie.

  I swiped the screen to open the message he’d sent and read.

  ‘You can’t stay in your house forever. Get your ass over here so we can talk about what’s going on with you.’

  So, Charlie had spied on me like I knew he would and, of course, I had to go to them when they wanted to see me. It was always the way; it always had been. Nobody came to me—not once. They could all kiss my ass.


  “I thought we got on so well that, you know, we could see how things could develop.”

  I turned to Mica, the frothy milk container still in my hand. “But we’re friends,” I said with a shrug. “We get on well just fine without complicating things.” I didn’t have the heart to tell him I wasn’t attracted to him. Anybody else, sure, I would come right out and say I’m not interested, but Mica was usually a nice guy, and I was trying not to hurt his feelings, but, God was he beginning to annoy the shit out of me.

  “We could at least try,” he said gently placing his hand on my shoulder. “Just one date, and if it’s weird, then I’ll leave it.”

  Oh, you’ll leave it if it’s weird for you? And what about me? Do I not get a say in the matter?

  I bit my tongue before that could fly out of my mouth. I was in earshot of Aunt Joan who was checking the stock levels of coffee beans and milk behind the counter, and there were a few tables occupied with customers.

  My eyes darted to more people walking through the door. I shrugged his hand off of me, and his eyes narrowed. “No, Mica,” I said between my teeth. “Look, I like you—I do, but as a friend, okay? And you’re starting to make that weird, so can you drop it, please?”

  He blew out a breath and cast his eyes down, but that sympathy act didn’t work with me. I’d seen it before when he’d asked to change shifts, and Aunt Joan had folded right away. He couldn’t hide the victory smile from me.

  “Sure, but if you change your mind, you know where I am.”

  “Yeah, I do.” I turned my back on him to put down the used container in the sink and then headed into the back room to collect a fresh one from the storage.

  “What can I get you?” Mica asked just as the door closed behind me.

  When I came out, I didn’t make any eye contact with Mica, but I knew he was looking at me, and so was whoever was on the other side of the counter. It was hard to describe, but every movement I made, I felt like I was being watched. The person’s stance changing as I did, their head turning wherever I moved, and the unnerving urge to turn and ask them what the fuck was their problem.

  “One flat white,” Mica said, placing two white slips on the small space next to me. “Then a large skinny cappuccino and a latte with a shot of hazelnut syrup.”

  Just keep your mouth shut and make the damn coffee.

  I clenched my jaw tighter, the muscles there beginning to ache the longer I held them. What should have taken me less than a minute to make, seemed to take forever as whoever it was that studied me, continued to do so. I could see them out of the corner of my eye, but I didn’t want them to know I was bothered by their stares, that I wasn’t going to turn to them like some nervous kid who was going to shy away from whatever it was they thought they were doing.

  I placed the lid on the cup and turned, quickly reading the name on the side as I placed it down. “One flat white for Blaine.”

  “That’s me.”

  I was taken by surprise by the invisible ice-bucket challenge that was thrown over me, taking my breath away and freezing me to the spot, rendering me an idiotic statue. Fuck, I would know that voice anywhere. My heart thudded loudly in my ears as I slowly lifted my thawing eyes to see who the owner was, the beats hitting harder and harder the lon
ger I stood there. When I finally raised my gaze to his face, I met the bluest eyes I’d ever seen in my life, and that was including my own.

  He was staring at me, his gaze fixed on mine as though he was reading the most interesting thing that was written across my heating face. My skin blazed, the warmth seeping up from under my uniform, scorching my cheeks.

  “Hi,” he said, his tone low and doing things to my insides that made me want to hurdle the counter and chew on his full lower lip. “Can I have my coffee?”

  Oh, my fucking God.

  “Shit, sorry,” I fumbled, releasing my tight grip on the cup. “There you go.”

  To say he was handsome would be stupid, because with those eyes, lips, and the whole blond bombshell think he had going on, it did not do justice to the fantasy that had given me late night inspiration.

  He smiled again, both sides of his mouth curling up, flashing his teeth. “Thanks.” Then he winked, long and slow, like there was something behind that gesture, something I didn’t know about, but I’m sure he did.

  Blaine turned and walked toward the door, and my eyes dropped to the portion of jeans just under the band of his navy hoodie. God, his ass was great, too. Like two toned orbs moving in unison with each step, clenching and releasing as he traveled further away from me.

  “Robyn, the orders?” Mica said, nudging my arm.

  “Oh, sorry,” I said, flushing profusely. The waiting customers were looking between them and holding back their grins. Damn it; I’d made it so fucking obvious I was drooling over him—the faceless guy that I hadn’t stopped thinking about since our first call.

  I picked up two fresh cups, but my trembling hands made it difficult to make the drinks, taking me a lot longer than usual.

  “Do you know that guy?” Mica asked as I wiped the machine down and cleaned the steam jets, ready to make the next orders that he’d just taken.

  “Who?” I asked, but I knew exactly who he meant. For the past hour, he’d been cold with me, barely speaking except for stiffly informing me of the next order, his posture tense and expression hard. I had no idea why the hell his attitude had changed, doing a complete one-eighty from over-friendly to someone that couldn’t stand to be near me.

  “The tall blond guy,” he replied, gesturing toward the door, and I looked over his shoulder, expecting to see him there. He snorted a little and shook his head, his lip pulling on one side like he was snarling. “Yeah, I thought so. No, he’s not here, Robyn, but from the way you reacted right now, I’d say you wanted him to be.”

  My brows furrowed and I leaned back in disbelief. “Excuse me?”

  “I tell you how I feel, and you turn me down. Then, less than an hour later, you’re drooling over some guy right in front of my face, Robyn.”

  “I was not drooling,” I snapped. He made me sound like a little girl with her first crush and eyes full of dreams and wishes. Well, I could certainly dream, but they were not those of a little girl. Hell no. Those dreams were definitely not something to share.

  “Yeah you were,” he spat. “You were staring at him like he was a fucking god or something.”

  I scowled harder, my lips pursing and my face twisting in anger. “Where the fuck is this coming from, Mica? I told you right away that we were just friends. If I hurt your feelings in some way, I’m sorry, but don’t you dare think you can come at me like that for something that is none of your damn business!” I shook my head and mumbled, “Now I’ve got another reason to get away from this fucking place.”

  “What did you just say?” he asked, stepping dangerously into my personal space. “I hate when you mumble like that, you know I can’t hear you.”

  “Good,” I replied. “Then maybe you’d shut the fuck up and leave me alone.”

  “Robyn,” Aunt Joan growled, and I cringed. I walked over to her, leaving Mica to fill the orders himself. “What’s going on?”

  I checked over my shoulder, making sure nobody was listening in, although I knew Mica was trying. I didn’t want him to know what I was saying, so I gestured for Aunt Joan to follow me over toward the staff door. “He’s being a dick.” I relayed everything that happened, dampening down my reaction to Blaine, but made sure I emphasized Mica’s.

  “Why would he do that? Mica’s a nice boy,” she replied.

  My eyes bulged. Aunt Joan doubted me? We continued speaking in hushed tones, as he looked over when heard his name. “Well, I thought he was, Aunt Joan, but if he carries on acting like that, then I can’t be on the same shift as him anymore.”

  “But I thought you were friends?”

  “Me too, but he tried to cross that line a few nights ago, and now he’s just taken a huge leap in the opposite direction.” I glanced back at him as he gave a young woman with two kids her cups, smiling in that way he did that made you think he was a sweetheart, his eyes warm with happiness. “I don’t know what’s going on with him, but since we went to Donnie’s with Ella…”

  I couldn’t finish because I couldn’t explain it. Something wasn’t right, but I put it down to the fact that he’d opened up to me and I’d turned him down.

  “I think he’s just upset you turned him down, honey,” Aunt Joan said. “He’s had a thing for you for a long time.”

  Oh no.

  “Seriously?” I asked, and she nodded sympathetically, her tight smile confirming it. “I don’t like him that way. I’m not trying to be mean, I just don’t see him as anything more than a friend.”

  “Then there’s nothing more you can do, honey. If he can’t accept that, then that’s not your fault, but I wouldn’t do anything rash right now. Give him some time to adjust with you knowing how he feels, and then if he continues behaving that way, then we’ll take a look at the schedule.”

  Jesus Christ. She’s going to wait for him to fix how he’s just acted toward me? Her own niece?

  If it were the other way around, I would be hauled into the back room and warned about conduct. But, Mica? Oh no, not the wonderful Mica. No, we would wait for him to fix it himself without actually saying anything. Typical. Just fucking typical.

  Chapter 4


  Ella stared at me, her eyes wide and her mouth open when I told her what had happened a couple of days ago. I sat on my couch, getting myself irate once again with Mica’s audacity.

  “That’s so strange. I would never have thought he would act that way,” she said, tilting her head to the side as though she was thinking long and hard about it.

  “Yeah, he said he had feelings for me. What did he think I would do? Clap my hands, jump up and down excitedly, then fling my arms around him as though it was the best news I’d heard in my goddamn life?” I don’t fucking think so, not at all, but his expression when I told him no sure seemed to say that he expected me to melt at his feet.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Ella replied, shaking her head. “Why would he take off like that?”

  Mr. Tall, blond, and sexy as hell, that’s what. Blaine, that’s all I knew of him. That and the swagger he had in his step, the way his ass moved in his jeans, and the orgasm-inducing way he smiled with one half of his mouth.

  “Well, uh, he didn’t like the way I looked at someone,” I finally confessed.

  Ella sat up straight, then tucked her feet under herself, ready to hear whatever juicy gossip she thought I was about to divulge. “Spill, girl. All I’ve heard is the crap Mica pulled, but now this is way more interesting. Who is he and what’s his name?”

  I flinched back. “Damn, calm down,” I said, snorting a laugh at her eagerness. “A guy came in, ordered a flat white, and when I turned around, I just…” I slowly shook my head as I took in a long, deep breath while my thoughts traveled to Blaine once more.

  “Just what?” Ella urged, tapping my leg repeatedly.

  “He was gorgeous,” I said on a breath. “When he left, Mica was pissy with me. Later, he asked if I knew that guy.” I told her what he’d said right after, and Ella’s features changed from eag
er to murderous.

  “What the fuck does it have to do with him?” she snapped. “You can’t help reacting to a hot guy, especially when he’s right in front of your face.”

  I lifted my hand, my palm facing her. “I totally agree. Yeah, it could’ve seemed a little insensitive, but it’s not like I planned for that to happen. He was just…there.”

  I wanted to tell her he was my mystery voice guy, but something held me back. Was I paranoid in keeping that from her? Maybe, but it was one thing I wanted to keep for myself. One thing I could be selfish about, even it was a little childish. I’d met the man behind the voice, and all I could think about was seeing him again. Nothing else mattered. My car, my jobs… Hell, even the massive amount of cash I still needed to pay out was at the back of my mind right then because of him, and it scared the shit out of me. I never believed in insta-lust, the kind Aunt Joan read about, but the thoughts running through my mind with one word out of his mouth, I was ready to convert and sign up to whatever he was offering.

  “So, what are you going to do if he comes in again?” Ella asked, cutting into my runaway mind yet again.

  “I’m going to try to not stare like a fucking moron, that’s for sure,” I replied, placing my hands on my warming cheeks. The scenario came back and brought the embarrassment with it at full force, causing my heart to race and more heat to burn, but that took the southern route. “God, Ella, he probably thinks I’m an idiot.” An idiot he doesn’t know, too. He wouldn’t know I was the same Robyn from Alpha cabs, surely.

  She leaned toward me, squeezing my knee. “A hot idiot, though,” she said with a wink. “From what you told me, I doubt the attraction is all one-sided.”


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