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Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Dawn Doyle

  I felt us moving, and only knew how far we’d gone when my back came into contact with the wall.

  “I can’t wait,” Blaine whispered between kisses. “I need you right now.”

  “Fuck, yeah,” I replied, shoving his hoodie over his shoulders. He tossed it back while holding me up with his hips then freed me of my pink tank before yanking my bra down before taking my breasts and teasing my hard tips with his thumbs and his tongue. My head fell back, and I grasped his hair, holding him to my chest for more.

  Blaine’s hands gripped my thighs, then ran up the sides and under my white skirt, sending waves flowing down through me to meet him. “These need to go,” he said, then I heard a rip at the same time his lips found my neck, sucking the skin and nipping it between his teeth.

  My panties were torn at either side and discarded just as quick. I sucked in a breath when his fingers found my clit, rubbing and teasing, my hips bucking with every touch. “Oh god,” I gasped as his thumb took over, applying just the right amount of pressure to catch my breath and make my heart dance wildly in my chest. The air left my lungs in one long breath as his finger circled my entrance before dipping inside.

  “Jesus, Robyn, you’re so fucking wet for me.” He added another finger, stroking over the spot that made me see stars.

  I held onto Blaine’s shoulders, my arms wrapped around him as he removed his fingers. He dipped his hands between us, fumbling with his black sweatpants. He tore a silver packet with his teeth, the speed reflecting my own impatience to have him inside of me.

  “I want you,” I panted.

  His lips closed around mine, his tongue gliding over the bottom one before he dove in again as he guided his cock to the place that was pulsating with want. With one thrust, he entered me, filling me completely and taking my breath away.

  My head fell back against the wall with a thud as he pulled out and then drove back into me, causing every muscle in my body to contract around him.

  My thighs gripped him, my fingers dug into his back, and my pussy clenched around him while he hammered into me, my climax stirring deep in my core, growing stronger and more furious with every thrust of his hips.

  “Look at me, Robyn,” Blaine said, but I could barely open my eyes from the sensations he was inflicting in and out of my body. “Robyn.”

  “Oh, God, Blaine,” I whimpered, my voice trembling as I fought to hold onto the ledge I was about to tip over. His blue eyes were dark, penetrating me with the blackness of his large pupils, and the way he looked at me hit me square in the chest. When his eyelids twitched, his mouth opening and his breaths coming quicker, I knew he was with me too.

  “Fuck, baby, I can’t hold on,” he ground out, his jaw flexing, the tension in his neck standing proud as his speed increased, my back jerking up and down against the wall.

  I don’t know what he did, but in a split second, my clit was in agony as his pelvis rubbed against mine, and I lost every ounce of control I had. I came crashing down with so much force, I screamed out as euphoria hit me, my nerve endings searing as Blaine found his release inside of me.

  “Fuck, you look incredible when you come,” Blaine panted as his movements slowed. He brushed my messy hair away from my face, then kissed me gently. “Was I too rough?” I shook my head, unable to talk. I closed my eyes and jerked as aftershocks attacked me. “That good, huh?” He chuckled.

  I smiled through my hard breaths. “You could say that,” I managed. I opened my eyes to see him staring at my neck. “What is it?”

  He glanced at my eyes then back to my neck. “Uh, okay, don’t be mad.” He held my waist as he slid out of me, making me wince. I still hadn’t fully recovered from before. He set me down then ran his finger over a spot at the point below my ear. “I’ve marked your neck, I’m sorry.”

  I placed my hand over the area, then turned around the mirror on the wall beside me. Sure enough, there was a dark purple bruise-like mark, about the size of a quarter.

  My mouth hung open. “Oh, fuck.”

  Blaine stood behind me, his hands snaking around my waist. “I kinda like it,” he said with a smile. “And I’m not sorry at all.”

  I turned in his arms and tipped my head back to look up at him. “If that’s how you want to play it, then it’s on.”

  His smile turned into a devilish grin. “Oh, yeah?”

  I nodded slowly. “If that’s your way of marking your territory, then I’m going to do the same to mine.”

  “I’m a blank canvas, baby,” he said, then kissed the tip of my nose. “I’m ready to be marked.”

  I chuckled, then ran my finger down his bare chest to his stomach. “I intend to turn all of this”—I gestured to his torso, then down to his cock—“into a work of art.”

  Chapter 11


  I hated every fucking fiber in the demon’s body that stood in front of me, and that was saying a lot considering my grandpa had spewed one of his worst rants at me in a long time, making me feel like I was ten years old again.

  After spending all day and night with Robyn, I had to head home. I never wanted to, but I needed clean clothes and some supplies I didn’t want to leave lying in my car while I was parked out front. My grandpa had stayed over, deciding to scold me for something or other.

  “You treat this house like a hotel! Why don’t you just move out so your mother can stop worrying when you’ll be home?” he’d added at the end. I didn’t fucking know what his problem was that day, but he went off on me until my mom came rushing down the stairs to yell at him. Whatever, I just put my hand up, told him to go get laid, and went to my room to grab my stuff. I had to be out of there and on my way, so him being there actually did me a favor. My mom would’ve wanted breakfast and a morning chat, and I didn’t have time to sit.

  I had a message to go to the junkyard, and with Robyn being at work all day, I made my way there to see why I was being summoned.

  Now here I was, standing face to face with a woman I despised, and with no fucks left to give.

  “Aww.” Her hair bounced as she sashayed her poisonous hips toward me, her death-defying heels clicking on the ground with every step that she took.

  “Darcy,” I ground out between my teeth. “Get the fuck out of my face.”

  “Or what?” she purred. “What are you going to do about it, Blaine?” She walked right up to me and pressed herself against my arm, her tits squashing up against my bicep, and her hands tugging at my hoodie.

  I yanked my arm away and took a few steps back. “You seriously want me to tell you? How fucking stupid do you think I am?” I asked, snarling at her. She licked her bright pink lips and blinked a few times. “You’re a fucking parasite, Darcy. A nasty little cretin that serves no purpose in this world other than to make people fucking miserable.”

  Her left eye twitched, indicating that I might have hit a nerve. I fucking hoped so, too. That girl never showed an ounce of fucking emotion except for pure evil.

  “Hmm, well, I could make you a lot more miserable than you are right now, but I think I might save it for another time.” She gazed at me through hooded lids, slowly batting her long-ass eyelashes that were as fake as her smile.

  “I doubt that,” I spat. “You being in the same breathing space as me is enough punishment as it is.”

  Darcy curled a lock of her hair around her finger. “You know, I’ve missed you guys so much.” She pouted, then wiped an imaginary tear from her heavily made-up face, the kind that looked like it had been applied with a trowel. “I miss the parties, the people, Lucian and his hot body…” She spun in a circle, then faced me again. “I miss us, Blaine.”

  “What?” I reared back. “There was never an us, Darcy,” I ground out.

  “Oh, but your little girlfriend doesn’t know that,” she replied, waggling her eyebrows and shaking her shoulders as though teasing me. “Oh, the things I could make her believe, and it’s not like I would be lying. I could tell her a lot of details about a lot of things, a
nd just replace one of the many girls’ names with my own.”

  Violent thunder rolled inside of me, balling up my fists and getting every fiber in my body ready for attack. I wanted to tear her fucking head off for even thinking about going near Robyn. Acid pooled in my stomach, getting ready to spew out and destroy everything in its path.

  “You so much as say one fucking word to her—”

  “And what, hmm?” She held her hands under her chin as though she was an innocent child, her eyes wide and full of wonder. “You’ll spank me?” She cracked up and then turned around to smack her ass. The slapping sound against the tight denim was louder in the small office. She spun back then straightened her arms down in front of her, pushing her tits together so that they popped up over her low-cut top. “Oh, baby, I need to be punished. I’ve been a naughty, naughty girl.”

  “You need to be put down, you evil bitch,” I snapped, my tone low enough to notice the brief hesitation before her mask was back on.

  “Now, now, Blaine,” she said, wagging her bony finger at me, her long red nail filed to a point. “Be nice, or Robyn will get a full run-down of the deals you’ve been making.” I slammed my jaw shut, not wanting to say anything that would make Darcy pick up the phone and make things happen like I knew she could. “Good boy. Now, sit down. Eddie wants the order filling by tonight. If he doesn’t get his cars by midnight, then messages will be sent to those that have no idea you’re still in the game. Do you understand?” I nodded. My jaw ached from clenching so hard, my hands pulsating as I continued to squeeze my fists. “I need to hear the words, honey.” She picked up her phone and pressed the screen, the room filling with the ringtone and the click of somebody answering.

  “Hello, Alpha Cabs, how may I help you?”

  My blood ran cold when I heard Robyn’s voice.

  “Oh, hi,” Darcy purred. I need a ride, please. The driver was so nice the last time that I just had to call back.”

  The last time?

  When the fuck had Darcy called up for a cab? Had she spoken to Robyn before? Fuck, she’d probably bugged my phone and got the number to Alpha cabs. It was a good job I’d called with my regular phone the first night Robyn picked me up. Otherwise, things would be so much worse.

  “That’s good to hear, ma’am,” Robyn replied. “Where are you?”

  “Oh, I’m right by the junkyard. I’m in quite a hurry, so I would just love it if I could get a ride right away. I’ll be going to Lynnfield.”

  “Um, sure, we have a driver close by. Five minutes and he’ll be with you.”

  “Fuck, Darcy,” I sneered, dragging my hands over my head. “Leave her out of this. I’ll do the job by tonight, okay? Just stay the fuck away from her.”

  Darcy’s eyes lit up. “Thank you, honey, you are so sweet. Bye-bye, now.” She ended the call and gently placed her phone down as though it was the most precious thing in the world. “I hear the coffee nearby is to die for,” she added. “It’s such a shame the nice boy’s car disappeared, though. I wonder whatever happened to that cute little thing?”

  I’d had a hunch, and Darcy just confirmed what I’d worried about since I’d found out Mica wasn’t the one following us the night of the party.

  I dropped my head, murderous defeat filling every fucking inch of me, taking up every last part of my soul and squeezing the life out of it. In the space of ten minutes, this girl had driven a knife through my chest with no hope of me ever healing from the wound. Robyn would find out, I knew that much, and when she did, it would be over.

  And I deserved all of it.


  Headlights grew smaller behind me as I sped through the Dover City, the last car on my job list in my hands and ready to be handed over to Eddie. It was so fucking risky. Broad daylight wasn’t a problem for me—I was fast and made it looked like each car was mine, but being seen on the streets during the day in a couple of different cars and heading in the same direction was bound to attract attention. Usually, that would turn any heads, but as the number of cars going missing in the cities that were nestled closely together, people were noticing when expensive rides flew down the roads. They only had to see the same driver in all of them for it all to go to shit.

  Maybe that was Darcy’s plan. Maybe she was trying to get me caught, or, at the very least, test my fucking patience. They’d tested Lucian’s, and they’d tried to murder him. Me, on the other hand, I didn’t know what shit they would pull when I told them I wasn’t taking their deals anymore.

  Déjà vu was a bitch, only this time, it was me. I didn’t have anybody to fight for me, though. Nobody knew the shit I was still messed up in.

  The only thing that gave me comfort was the plan I’d been mulling over was almost fail proof. I just had to make sure I could pull it off in time before anything could come back on Robyn.

  Darcy had sealed that deal the moment my girlfriend’s name was uttered out of her slimy mouth.

  My girlfriend. Robyn was so much more than that to me. My heart squeezed in my chest whenever I thought of her, and even though I should be shit scared of the feelings I never thought would grace my ass, I was far from it. I wanted more, and to get that, I had to tie up the loose ends I’d been fanning about and seal them shut once and for all.

  “We’re finished here,” I said, slamming the door shut. I slung Cecil over my shoulder and removed my gloves. “I think this makes us done for a fucking long time.”

  Eddie stared at the car, his sharp nose widening as his nostrils flared. “You don’t make those decisions, Blaine,” he snarled. “You’re done when we say you’re done. Larry has plans for you, my boy.”

  A cold rush ran down my spine, putting my senses on high alert. “What the fuck has Larry got to do with this?” I asked, screwing my face up as though I wasn’t concerned in the damn slightest. “He’s serving time.”

  Eddie threw his head back and laughed. “You’re so naive, kid. Did you honestly think Larry has no pull from the inside? Just how many pies did you think his fingers were in?” He walked toward me, swaggering as though he knew something of interest to me. “Let's just say he has to take off his shoes, too. My brother’s business didn’t end when the fights did, Blaine. That was just one of the many he’s invested in.”

  “And what would they be?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. I wanted him to spill his guts, to admit to the depths of their twisted dealings.

  Eddie grinned, the broad smile hitting his psychotic eyes. “Now that would be telling, my boy. Just make sure you keep your phone on and be here when summoned.” He waved his hand and turned to walk away. “Now piss off, you’re bothering me.”

  I glared at his back, wishing that my stare could puncture his lungs so I could watch him slowly suffocate on the ground at my feet. Instead, I put up my hood, walked away, and got out of the junkyard, heading down the long-ass road toward civilization. I had to get a cab, but I couldn’t call Alpha. There was only one way for me to get out of this place, and it was going to take all damn night.

  There was one thing that would take my mind off trying to get home, and that was my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and hit the stop button. I smiled as I pressed the little arrow in the middle of the screen. ‘My brother’s business didn’t end when the fights did, Blaine.’

  My insurance policy was taking shape, and I had one more week to make sure this whole thing blew sky high. I was gonna sit back and enjoy the fireworks, and then when the dust had settled, I was gonna take some, roll it in a joint, and smoke the proverbial ashes, reveling in the destruction of the fuckers who’d tried to ruin me.

  There was something I had to do, and that was to get my finances in order. Some bills had to be taken care of, and I couldn't wait to see the outcome of that.


  “Don’t leave anything out, Robyn, I want to hear everything,” Ella said, her eyes wide and hanging on to my every word as though I was about to impart words of life-changing wisdom.

  “God, Ella!�
� I laughed. “I can’t do that.”

  “Please!” she begged, her head tilting back and she held her hands together as though in prayer. “I’m not getting any lately, so I can live vicariously through you.”

  I let myself fall against the backrest of my couch, and sighed. I closed my eyes for a moment, seeing images of Blaine, his mouth open and his eyes glassy as I kissed all over his solid body, stopping to suck at his flesh and make my marks on him. He thought it was hot, and looking down at his hardening cock, I knew just how he liked what I was doing to him. I couldn’t resist climbing on him and taking control, losing myself as his hands roamed all over my body…

  “Earth to Robyn,” Ella said, poking me in the arm. “You’re grinning like a mad woman, are you fantasizing?” When I smiled, she groaned. I still had my eyes closed, but I could tell she was rolling hers. “Are you gonna tell me anything?”

  I cracked my lids a little and looked out of the corner at her. “Let’s just say I lost the use of my legs for a while.”

  Ella squealed and bounced up and down on her knees as though she were a child. “Yay, you! It’s about time, girl.” Her features softened and her lids brimmed. “I’m so happy for you. After what Mica did, I’m glad it all worked out okay. I just hope he doesn’t try anything funny to come between you.”

  “He hasn’t since the party.” We hadn’t spoken since, and he was still purposely quiet at the coffee shop today, his silent treatment evident.

  “Good. I was wondering how he was gonna be with you working the full shift today. I bet you’re glad you don’t work at Alpha today.”

  “God, yes. I don’t think I could put up with Oscar’s crap, too.”

  “Don’t worry about that asshole,” Ella scoffed. “If he tries to get rid of you because of Mica, then we’ll all back you up.”


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