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Desired By The Cowboy (Love In Collin's Ranch 2)

Page 28

by Veronica Wilson

  “Whether or not Aila was pleased isn’t my concern.” Dagmar tried to steer the conversation back to what he needed to know.

  “The way I heard it,” Bregnan smirked. “Aila looked hurt when she noticed Asgurda in your bed. Hurt like a woman who’d seen herself taking up permanent residence there.”

  Frustrated, Dagmar pulled a hand through his hair. “Aila and I had one night together. If she read anything further into it, it’s her fault and not a bit of mine.”

  “Bad form, Dagmar,” Breslin smiled. “A woman who pictures herself with a man long term is worth looking twice at.”

  “And I suppose you two, who have yet to marry, are the pictures of wisdom on women?”

  “And who says that marrying has anything at all to do with knowing how women think, or what they want?”

  “And who says we aren’t about to get married?”

  “You two? Please,” Dagmar laughed. But when the two brothers exchanged a glance, Dagmar had to ask. “When?”

  “Just after Solstice. Our women are headed here from across the sea.”

  “Will you marry as soon as they arrive?”

  “It is our custom to marry once a woman has been chosen, but we may wait a few days and let them get settled first.”

  “Congratulations,” Dagmar said, trying to swallow his shocked surprise. “I hope that if Aila and I do split the village up that you’ll both consider coming with me.”

  “We’ll give it some thought,” they both agreed. “Although it’d be a much finer arrangement to give Aila a good shag and have her singing your praises until eternity, wouldn’t it?”

  “You’d be surprised how fast those praises run out.”

  Both men were laughing heartily when Dagmar walked away.


  “So you really think Dagmar will push it to the point of breaking the village up, just to manipulate you into ruling with him or letting him rule alone?”

  “I don’t know,” Aila told Svenbreck. “I’d like to think that our friendship means more to him than that, but he’s proving incredibly stubborn on this.”

  “It seems like it,” Sven agreed. “Well, if you’re asking me, you’ve got to know that I’m coming with you. I like your style of leadership. It suits our community well and provides a stable environment where everyone’s needs are met in a timely and adequate manner. I’m afraid Dagmar’s ability to keep us safe and provided for is less than exemplary.”

  “Oh, if I could be a fly on the wall if you told him that to his face,” Aila laughed. “Dagmar would make a suitable leader, if he’d only listen to reason.”

  “What reason?”

  “We had, as you know, a solution-based meeting of the townspeople a few days ago. Tonight we read the solutions to see if any of them will work between us.”

  “What if they don’t?”

  “Then we’ll have to decide how and when to split the village. We’ll need to decide who goes with him, which would largely be up to our people. Then I’d have to find a place to build my people a home.”

  “That’s a lot to take on if no solution is found, Aila.”

  “Don’t I know it,” she agreed. As they made their way back into camp, Aila stopped. “Thanks Sven, for listening and for not offering your two cents, even when you easily could have.”

  “It’s not a problem Aila. Like I said, I’m always here for you.” Before Aila could move away, Sven cupped her cheek, sliding a firm forefinger under her chin. His lips claimed hers in a heated, not-so-subtle kiss. When he pulled back she saw the dark desire in his eyes before he smiled and turned to walk away.

  Stirred more than she was willing to admit, Aila headed for the infirmary. Stepping into the dark building, Aila smelled liniment and the nearly overpowering smell of iron, mainly from blood.

  “Ah, Aila. What brings you here?”

  “It’s good to see you, Ragnick,” Aila smiled. Hugging the man warmly she stepped back. “I hear business is slow right now.”

  “Of that I’m thankful,” Ragnick sighed. “In my line of work if I have a slow day it means no one died.”

  “That is always a good day.”

  “So, what really brought you by?”

  Aila had never been able to hide anything from Ragnick, not even as a child when she’d wanted desperately to keep her boo-boos from being treated. “I came by to talk to you about the predicament we’re all in.”

  “You mean about who should rule our people?”

  “Yes,” Aila said. She talked to Ragnick for another fifteen minutes before she left. She pretended not to see Dagmar headed her way and ducked behind the chicken pens to hide. When he ducked into the infirmary she grinned. Ragnick would certainly put him in his place.

  Chapter Two: Love and War

  “Dagmar, how nice to see you.”

  Dagmar hugged his longtime friend, thumping the older man on the back with gusto. “Good to see you too my friend.”

  “Is there something I can do for you?”

  “I came by to talk to you about this disagreement I’ve been having with Aila.”

  “Go on.”

  “As I’m sure you know, we’ve been at odds for quite some time now about which of us should rule over Hail.”


  “It appears that if we cannot settle this argument between us, we will likely split Hail in two, her taking her people and me taking mine.”

  “Does that seem prudent, with the Winter Solstice coming and winter already sprinkling the ground with snow?”

  “No, it’s not prudent, but I'll be damned if I can get Aila to bend on this. She’s always been stubborn, but on this she’s like a mountain, totally immoveable.”

  “She has her father’s spirit.” Ragnick smiled when Dagmar only grunted. “I will support you both Dagmar. Both of your peoples will be treated here, I don’t care who’s ruling.”

  “I figured as much, old man,” Dagmar laughed. “Can you at least tell me which way Aila was headed?”

  “I suggested she take some quiet time and relax at the bathing spring.”

  Dagmar hugged Ragnick again and headed toward the spring. He couldn’t explain the excitement that raced through him as he drew closer to the spring. It was common for the people of Hail to take advantage of the warm springs, even during the winter. But the idea of seeing Aila there sent a rush through Dagmar that he hadn’t felt since the last time he’d touched her.

  He found her easily enough, her milky white skin moving through the water like that of a seal. When she surfaced, her dark hair spilled down her shoulders and back, drawing Dagmar closer like a hungry fish to bait. He inadvertently stepped on a twig and heard it snap before he made his presence known. He heard Aila gasp and turn around, her arms instinctively covering the breasts he knew intimately.

  “Who’s there?”

  “It’s me,” Dagmar said, stepping out into the clearing.

  “Did you follow me?” Dagmar had to hide his smile when irritation flickered over her face. If she only knew that her face said everything her mouth didn’t.

  “No, but I did ask Ragnick if he knew where I could find you.”

  “Go figure,” Aila sighed. “Traitor. And what if I’d been here with someone else? I do have a life you know Dagmar. One that doesn’t revolve around you.”

  “First, Ragnick loves us both as you well know. Secondly, I’m well aware that you think you have a life. One that became surprisingly more interesting after we’d been together. Trust me Aila, had you been here with anyone else, you’d have been sorely disappointed, I can assure you.” Seeing that she wasn’t going to come out, Dagmar started to strip, quickly discarding his outer clothes.


  Furious, Aila flicked her finger at Dagmar, power surging down her arm from her chest. Dagmar was suddenly sitting cross-legged on the ground, his mouth immobile. “Let me tell you something Dagmar, something you might not know. If I choose to take a man to my bed, it’s my choice and you’ll have no s
ay in it. Just because you were my first doesn’t give you rights where my body is concerned. And, for your information, Svenbreck is very interested in me. I may decide to be interested in him as well.” A careless flick of her finger had her now white eyes turning back to their original gray and Dagmar found himself under his own control again.

  “That was beneath you, Aila,” Dagmar said, clearly angry. Aila hadn’t expected to see the disappointment that ran alongside it though. “Your powers are marvelous, but using them on me was low.”

  “Oh?” Aila chuckled. “And who died and made you supreme moral ruler? You take any number of women to your bed and I’m supposed to feel bad for using powers that were obviously given to me for a reason? Would it have been better if I’d let you run right over me as if I was a little wife to be subservient to you? I’m the one who’d lose, Dagmar.”

  “That’s not what I’m saying and you know it.” When he stepped into the pool of spring water and sighed, Aila had trouble deciding whether she should run or move closer. Even when she could see the desire in his eyes she couldn’t seem to conjur up the power to move fast enough. His hand snaked out and grabbed her arm. With an angry little shake he drew her nearer. “Please Aila, enlighten me as to what exactly you’ll be losing by joining with me to rule our people.”

  “You obviously don’t understand what it is to know deep down inside, where it really counts, what it means to have a birth right to something. Look, Dagmar, I realize that your parents never saw you again after you came with us. I understand how much that must hurt, but-“

  “You little welp,” Dagmar said, his temper boiling. “This has nothing to do with our parents, Aila.”

  “My ass it doesn’t,” she defended. “I am my parent’s only heir. They founded our village and when they died, the leadership should have passed to me.”

  “At barely sixteen?” Dagmar scoffed. “Please. You could barely wipe your own ass then, let alone lead and be responsible for an entire village.”

  “And you would have done so much better at eighteen?”

  “No,” Dagmar smiled. “But now I guarantee I could best you, love.”

  “Don’t you dare touch me Dagmar,” Aila spat when Dagmar drew closer.

  “Oh come on, sweetheart, you know how much I want you.”

  “Enough to have Asgurda warming your bed,” Aila reminded him. “Although rumor has it all you did was warm her up.”

  The arm that grabbed her was like an iron clamp around her waist. “Do you have any idea why it is that I can’t seem to find another woman attractive enough now?”

  Aila had never seen Dagmar so frustrated. His blue eyes were glacial in their rigid stare. Aila couldn’t explain why she touched him then, what possessed her to do it. Her hand cupped his cheek before she could stop herself. “Perhaps you now know what I’ve always known.”

  “What’s that?” Dagmar spewed.

  “That meaningless trysts satisfy the flesh, but they do nothing, absolutely nothing, for the soul.”

  “So, what would you have me do? Should I forget that I ever touched you? Maybe I should touch you again and see if I can get it out of my system.”

  “I thoroughly enjoyed our time together, Dagmar, but I’m far too busy now to entertain you for long.” Aila wouldn’t close her eyes as she wriggled to get free of his grasp. She wouldn’t think too long on how amazing it was to feel Dagmar’s skin against her own. She had her own things to do and Dagmar clearly had his. If he wanted to take every woman in their village to his bed she wouldn’t care. Her people deserved more than a philandering ape for their leader, and she’d see that they had it.

  “Dagmar, our people deserve more than you for their leader.”

  “I know exactly what our people need,” Dagmar said, abruptly releasing her. Aila dipped below the surface and sprang back up, her breasts breaking the surface. With severely clear eyes Aila watched Dagmar lunge for her. He caught her foot, dragging her beneath the surface again. But this time when she came up, she spit a jet of warm water in his face.

  Aila couldn’t hold in the giggle that rippled through her at the look on that face. This was the Dagmar she remembered, always so serious until you looked beneath that stony exterior to find the fun-loving boy. The only difference now was that she knew exactly what he felt like when that stony exterior got nice and hard.

  “You don’t know what anyone needs,” Aila laughed. “Except maybe for yourself, but even then I’m not so sure.”

  “I know what you need,” Dagmar said, those cool blue eyes challenging her.

  “Oh?” Aila grinned. “Do tell.”

  “I’d rather show you,” Dagmar said.

  “No thanks,” Aila said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “What do you mean no thanks?”

  “I mean,” Aila said, her gray eyes stormy, serious. “That I don’t consider being a notch in your bed post an accomplishment.”

  “Who said anything about being a notch in my bedpost?”

  “It’s sort of a given with you. No offense,” Aila smiled. “I was with you and I genuinely liked being with you. Then I realized that you obviously aren’t built for just one woman, and I don’t like sharing.”


  Dagmar hadn’t fully appreciated how much Aila had matured. He’d always seen her as a little girl and, despite their being together, he knew he still did. “Aila,” he sighed. “I haven’t been with anyone since you and I… I know you saw Asgurda with me this morning, but I couldn’t… we didn’t do anything.”

  “That’s why her breasts were practically spilling out of the sorry excuse for a blanket she had?”

  “I couldn’t be with her like that,” Dagmar said, looking straight into Aila’s beautiful eyes. “I couldn’t get you out of my head.”

  “Flattery is cold comfort, Dagmar, especially because I know you.”

  “So you don’t think even a man like me can change?”

  Aila’s laugh was so automatic that Dagmar wanted to throttle her, just like he’d often wanted to do when they were kids. “Why would you change? You wouldn’t gain anything from it.”

  “Not even your respect?”

  “Probably not,” Aila smiled. “Dagmar, I like you. I just don’t want to sleep with you again. I need to get going. Tonight’s the night we see what our people want from us. One way or another, we’ll find a ruler to reign over Hail.”

  Dagmar watched Aila step out of the spring water and nearly groaned with want. He’d had the sexiest woman in their small village in his bed, yet he hadn’t had the sense to keep her there. Frustrated, Dagmar climbed out and dressed. He went in search of Breslin and Bregnan Bulcher.

  “You two up for some hunting?”

  “You just came back from a hunt, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, but considering I’d like to strangle most of the women in this village, I figured shooting an animal was a better outlet for my stress.”

  “Stress?” Breslin chuckled, his sandy beard moving with the laughter. “What do you have to be stressed about? As far as I know, you’ve bedded nearly every female in our village save maybe Dragna, and you have a shot at ruling over Hail.”

  “Bedding too many women gets complicated,” Dagmar said, not a note of sarcasm in his voice. “And my ruling over Hail isn’t nearly as secure as I’d like to think. Aila is one stubborn bitch of a woman.”

  “Ah, she turned you down, didn’t she?” Bregnan said, elbowing his brother who also laughed.

  “She told me that she didn’t want to be another notch in my bedpost, as if I’d actually keep track.”

  “Some men would. Maybe she’s seen others like you and made her comparisons.”

  “I don’t care what she’s done,” Dagmar said, frustrated all over again, that he’d have to explain his sour attitude. “Do you two want to go hunting or not?”

  “Sure,” they said in unison. “But aren’t you supposed to talk with the villagers tonight?”

  “I’ve got at leas
t five hours before I need to be back. An hour there and an hour back gives us three solid hours to shoot something.”

  “I like the way you think, Dagmar,” Bregnan smiled. “The more I can get this out of my system now, the less drama I’ll have to deal with once I’m married.”

  “I still can’t believe you two are settling down. If I would have pegged anyone to remain a bachelor for life, it would have been you two.”

  The three men headed for the only long boat they had with their spears and packs slung over their shoulders. As they were loading the boat, Aila walked by.

  “Dagmar?” Aila said, her voice showing her surprise. “We have the meeting with the village tonight.”

  “I’ll be back in time.” Turning, he left her standing there and climbed easily into the longboat, dropping his pack at his feet. “See you later, Aila.”


  Aila had never met anyone else who could be so flippantly irritating. It was all she could do to not use her powers to make him regret it, especially considering she was pretty sure he did it on purpose. She was so ready to punch him that she had to remind herself to relax her hands so she didn’t inadvertently punch someone innocent. If only she could find one other person who irritated her as much as Dagmar, then she’d have an excuse to lay her fist into someone.

  “I give up,” Aila said, stepping into the food tent.

  “Oh?” Dragna answered as she kneaded ground venison.

  “Men are pigs and I’m fed up with them.”

  “Men, honey, or just one man?”

  Aila looked into those wise green eyes before huffing out a sigh and sitting down. “Dagmar, to be specific. It doesn’t seem to matter what I say or do, he digs his heels in and is virtually immovable.”

  “Did it ever occur to you, darling that Dagmar is the way he is because you’re the way you are?”


  “Men, whether they like it or not, often change their behavior because of a woman. It could be that Dagmar acts the way he does toward you because he’s uncomfortable with how you make him feel.”

  “But we’re friends, we’ve always been friends. Even when we weren’t the only children here, we remained friends.”


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