Playboy Heir

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by Brandy Munroe

  Not without the right impression, including a pair of Boardroom and Beyond shoes. I knew I couldn’t keep going back and forth with indecision. That had never been my style, not in life and not in business. At least it wasn't until Ashley's exposé of a book had me questioning my values and lifestyle.

  I decided coffee first and headed to the kitchen. I was lucky to have a housekeeper who understood my needs and moods. The coffee was ready; Annette had set the timer for five am instead of my usual six. Coffee then a call to Sylvia, my oldest sister; she always had a calming effect on me.

  Today Aleksander Manos was going to come into his own, at last, thanks to my best friend Richard Van de Graaf Jr.

  I knew Richard was nervous because he had decided to go public, calling a press conference to announce the partnership. He felt there was no way his father could object or refuse with the country watching. This press conference was very risky; Richard Sr. hated pompous fanfare and that was what was going to happen this morning.

  I, on the other hand, was not as nervous about Richard Sr.'s reaction. Richard Sr. had always been a fair and practical man. He would hear the reasons for the partnership and make his decision based on the benefits to the company. It would not be personal and the world would find out through this press conference what that decision would be.

  But not without me and my Armani suit, the caramel one with the mocha shirt. I didn't even have to call Sylvia. Now came the quest for the perfect shoes. I owned several pairs of Van de Graaf’s shoes. Surely I must own a pair of the famous Boardroom and Beyond Oxfords?

  Searching through my closet, I found that of course, I did not.

  Now what?

  This press conference was taking place at The Boutique, their flagship store for launching new product. I could go in early, buy a pair of Boardroom and Beyonds and rock this press conference like a pro. Like my future depended on it, because it did.

  I was happy with my decision to purchase a couple of new suits. If I wanted a fresh start then I needed a fresh wardrobe. I was not going to take a chance of some tabloid reporter finding an old photograph of me in an unflattering light and try to pass it off as a new one from today's press conference. I should have thought of those bloody shoes at the same time. I knew how to take care of that opportunity easily enough.

  I really enjoyed driving along the shore in my restored 1967 Camaro. It was my first major purchase when my investments starting paying out. A symbol of what I had accomplished on my own. Today, I would park my baby at the cottage and take a cab.

  Arrive low key, not be noticed until I was called upon. That would be best, and my baby did not appreciate this unpredictable New England weather. Freezing rain in early spring was something I may have to get used to if this was going to be my new home.

  If all went as planned, I would be looking for a new house soon. I should have done some research on this place to see what I was getting myself into. I loved the way Richard always talked about his small seaside town of Tranquility in boarding school. I always thought this was where people would go to start over. Somewhere small, somewhere that when they really got to know you, they accepted you.

  The way Richard had those many years ago to a twelve year old boy.

  I wished I had pressed harder for my father to let me visit Richard and his family on vacations. Evander insisted his children spend all their free time at home with the family. Mob lawyer or not, with Evander it was always about the family.

  It was a nice cab ride down the coast. It gave me time to think, to clear my mind and concentrate on today's task.

  I anticipated that some of the less reputable reporters would be there hoping to capture my follies. I noticed myself in the driver's rear view mirror. I needed to wipe that smirk off my face, the one that told the world I was successful and they could suck it. That smirk that told me no one was going to diminish what I had accomplished, what I would be accomplishing here today.

  I was not surprised to see the press had already lined up in front of The Boutique. Vultures. I needed to get in through the the delivery entrance where I hoped I wouldn't be noticed until the right time, until Richard arrived, until I had my Boardroom and Beyonds.

  As the cab pulled up I instructed the driver to head to the delivery entrance.

  I could see someone heading for the back door. Thank you lord. I paid the cab and didn’t wait for any change. I needed to get to that door before it closed.

  Whoever she was, she must have heard me coming from behind because without notice, she swung around, facing me.

  She was so close I could see the ring of sea green circling the most piercing grey eyes I’d ever seen, surrounded by thick sooty lashes. I wanted to touch them to see if they were real.

  Contacts, I instantly thought — no one has such clear grey eyes, so crystal clear you could almost see through them. I found myself having to look a long way down. Goodness, this woman was petite, only an inch or two over five feet. She was curvy with full and thrusting breasts. The nipping cold had done nothing to conceal her delicate nipples that were protruding from those full breasts against her suit jacket.

  She wasn't very tall but she was rocking that pencil skirt, showing just enough leg that I wished I could see more. Chanel jacket; nice pairing. Whoever this was, she had good taste.

  Must be a family friends, another bored housewife looking to fill her days working in The Boutique while the kids were in school and hubby was off busy playing golf with his buddies.

  No ring, why had I noticed that? No tan lines. She was also extremely beautiful, her face dominated by those piercing grey eyes. Her skin was peaches and cream, her long dark lashes batting at me. I wasn't sure if she was wearing makeup. Or was her glowing skin natural? What were definitely natural were her full sensuous lips below her pert tiny nose.

  What was wrong with me? I didn't have time for this. Had I not learned my lesson that women were only interested in me for my bank account and reputation?

  I needed to get through that door before the press saw me and jumped the gun speculating on why I was here today. I promised Richard to stay out of sight until it was time to make the announcements. Only then would I present myself.

  What I did need was to get in that door and get those shoes.

  I needed to make sure she was who I thought she was. I couldn’t take the chance that she was some rogue reporter trying to get back room access. What would it hurt to use my god-given charm to gain access through the back door?

  I put on my best panty melting glare and my most low seductive drawl.

  "Hey… shoe girl… right?" There was that telltale blush I understood all too well. She was responding exactly on cue.

  This was going to be a piece of cake.

  Chapter 3


  I searched my mind; I wouldn't have forgotten meeting someone who could make such an impression at first sight. Someone tall, beautifully tanned. He filled out that suit better than what was legal, in my opinion. My most inappropriate opinion about someone who was putting me into a tailspin on sight.

  Then he added "hey, shoe girl, right?" in a velvety smooth voice as he stood there with his unmistakable brooding pout and smoldering glare.

  How could I have thought he was calling me by name Haley? Hey, shoe girl. He was asking if I worked in The Boutique as he stood under my umbrella. So close I could feel his hot breath brushing the top of my head.

  “Yes,” I answered curtly, "I work in the Van de Graaf's shoe boutique, but we aren't open for another hour." With an air of confidence I didn’t feel, I turned my back on him and proceeded to enter the building. I needed to step away from this stranger before he got me into trouble.

  With a strong grip on the door, he leaned in and whispered in my ear like he was confiding a secret. "That’s why I’m here. I need a pair of Oxfords. Not last year's off the rack; I need a pair of next year's style, the ones kept in the stockroom for VIPs. Size thirteen, brown."

  He knew about
the shoe stash the Van de Graaf's kept; he must be a close friend. Not even the employees at the main office knew about those, but he did. He was also demanding he get them now before we even opened.

  I mentally scolded myself for lingering too long, but could not block out his scent, light, woodsy and all male . Heavenly sweet but devilishly dangerous. It had been a long time since I’d had male companionship, but was I that deprived that I was fantasizing in a back alley about a complete stranger?

  If he was connected to the Van de Graaf's, I was sure I would have met him somewhere along the way. The Van de Graaf's were very generous people, always throwing family picnics and inviting all their employees and close friends.

  Mr. Van de Graaf always said if you treated everyone like family they would treat you the same. Who would not want to do their best to help family? It was a smart business move because he was right. His staff was loyal like no place I had ever worked before. Nothing ever got leaked to the press before production. No one ever got fired; they just moved on to better things because of the skills they learned.

  Who was Mr. Tall, Dark and Brooding to want special treatment? I had the access to let him in; was I going to?

  "I am so sorry," he apologized and put out his hand, inviting a handshake. "I'm Aleksander, a very good friend of Richard."

  I felt an electric shock when I touched his hand, the kind you get from static on a carpet. Did he brush his thumb across my wrist? What a douche move. That didn't stop the uncomfortable pooling between my thighs. I wasn't one of those girls who swooned over a good looking man. This was far beyond swooning. Did he not feel it, I had to wonder as I quickly pulled my hand away.

  "Where’s Leona," he demanded. "She'll take care of anything I need and right now I need those size thirteen brown Oxfords before the press eats me alive for not owning a pair."

  He was the reason the press was present. Regaining my composure and straightening my spine, I forcefully told him, "Let me check with Leona. Wait out here.”

  "No," he pushed. "I can't be seen yet; I can't let the press know I’m here."

  “No, " I mockingly repeated. “I am not at liberty to let any stranger who claims to know Richard have free range of The Boutique," I chastised him. "How do I know you are who you say you are? You seem to know why the press is here. Maybe you're one of them trying to get a jump on whatever this story is."

  I noticed Mr. Tall, Dark and Brooding run his hands through his perfectly styled hair, giving him a ruffled appearance. The movement made my breath hitch. This was not good. I needed to get away from this man before he had me mindlessly doing whatever he asked and then some.

  "Wait here," I said with an exasperated exhale. "I will check with Leona."

  I couldn’t let this man know what effect he was having on me. I took in a deep breath. "If Leona says it's okay, I will personally fit you for anything you want in whatever size and color. I will even get you the matching man bag."

  I gave him a once-over and determined, "No, you look more like a briefcase kind of guy.” I figured if he was desperate enough to want the shoes, might as well get the add on sales to go with them.

  Desperate men will buy anything you throw at them, like the husband who shopped for his wife Christmas Eve or remembered his anniversary on the way home from work.

  This was different; he was buying for himself. No last minute birthday or special occasion to save face for. It might be a little harder to push the extras. Either way, if he was going to throw a wrench into my plans today, I might as well get maximum recovery for it.

  I handed him my pink umbrella. "Take this, you might it need before I get back," I smirked, leaving him to wait in the back alley in the chilly spring morning.

  Serves him right, I muttered to myself, thinking he could charm his way in with his demands and good looks and those smoldering eyes.

  I headed inside the backdoor to find Leona.

  "I think the devil himself just gave me an orgasm in the back alley," I laughed when I found Leona. "He said his name is Aleksander and that he’s a friend of Richard's.”


  Leona always gets this odd face where her forehead crunches and her eyes narrow when she tried to remember something. Suddenly her eyes widened and the corners of her mouth lifted. Did she remember him?

  "Oh, let's check this out," she laughed as she practically ran me over heading for the door. I saw Leona throwing herself into this man's arms practically molesting him, shouting, "Manny, what are you doing here?"

  From his expression, I was sure this was the type of greeting he was used to.

  He responded, "Leona, thank God. I just need to get a pair of Boardroom and Beyond before that press conference. And it's Aleksander. I don't go by Manny anymore; haven't in quite some time. It sure is nice to see you, too. Now get me out of this alley before someone sees me," he pleaded in one breath.

  "No problem. Haley here will take care of anything you need." Leona wrapped her arm around his and led him through the door with me following.

  "Are you the reason I had to fight my way into work this morning? What did you do this time?" Leona questioned with a wicked grin.

  Chapter 4


  "You really don't know about the press conference?" I asked. I was at long last allowed into the sacred entry that would lead me to those shoes I so desperately needed.

  "Haley will get working on those shoes, and while she is setting up the boardroom for today's meeting, you are going to explain that last bit of information you let slip," Leona curiously added.

  Without missing a beat, Leona pounced. "Don't you think you are getting out of here without the matching briefcase and belt. And while we are at it, what socks are you pairing with these delicate Boardroom and Beyonds?"

  "You simply cannot go out without a tie,” Haley interjected. "What you are doing to that beautifully tailored suit is shameful," she added.

  "Since you seem to be so anxious to own a pair of Boardroom and Beyond," Haley pointed out, "you should have a pair of black ones for future endeavours. It will save you from having to skulk in back alleys and sneaking in backdoors."

  I noted the snarky tone in which Shoe Girl addressed me. I had to give Shoe Girl credit — she knew her stuff and knew how desperate I was, paying attention to the details. She was definitely right about me needing a tie. How could I have thought I could get away with dressing down the suit?

  Did she notice the tie because it was her job to notice the small details, or was she checking me out? She did give me the once over under the pretence of deciding I looked like a briefcase kind of guy. What the hell was a man bag?

  It was a smart business decision for Van de Graaf's in having ties. Most places carried ladies scarves but not ties for men. They just stocked a few classics in basic solids in case of an emergency and nothing that will go out of style, so there no worries about stock turnover.

  I was pleased with myself that I might have actually be thinking like a shoe connoisseur and we hadn't even made it to the press conference.

  Seeing that Richard had not even told Leona about what was going on, I figured I had better bring her up to speed on what we should all expect today. I had no doubt that Leona would have my back; we always got along really well.

  Shoe Girl could be another story. I had just met her. Why was I concerned about her opinion of me? What was it about her that put me at ease with her soothing voice? I had encountered plenty of women, but none that had me tied up in knots with a single touch, a single glare of those piercing grey eyes.

  I put on my new Oxfords and they did feel great. The soft leather molded to my feet. Now I understood the big deal over these. Who would think a simple pair of shoes could make you feel so pampered? I wondered if this was how my sisters felt every time they would come home from their shopping sprees with the newest Van de Graaf line.

  Or was it the person fitting the shoes on my feet? She slipped them on gently, securely, and sexier than
I would have liked. Was this how she treated all the VIPs? I was hit with a sudden urge of jealousy for the unknown men in my head whose feet she had touched in this way.

  "A good pair of shoes is like a good wine," Shoe girl commented. "These shoes are going to last you a long time. It's unarguable that the right shoes can really add elegance to an outfit and to the person who's wearing them."

  It wasn't what she said, more the way she said it, with those piercing grey eyes staring up at me while she knelt in front of me. Her siren voice had me shifting in my seat to conceal the inappropriate response my body was having to her presence. If Leona were not there, would I ask her to lift her head ever so slightly and take care of the ever growing bulge in my pants?

  Many would already be offering to relieve me of this discomfort, knowing who I was and my reputation. Shoe Girl did not look like the type who would put herself in such a compromising position. Not even for me.

  "How do they look?" I shifted my focus to Leona, hoping to break the spell Shoe Girl was casting on me.

  "Well, do you want the classic, wow I have never seen anyone wear those shoes so elegantly as you? Then there's the, these look like they were custom made for your feet."

  I give her a sarcastic smirk. "Do those lines really work? Just give it to me straight."

  She responded, "They are shoes and they fit, so yeah, they look good."

  I knew I could count on Leona to give me her honest opinion.

  I paid for my purchase which amounted to enough to feed a small village for a year, then took a seat. The Boutique provided comfortable armchairs for husbands and boyfriends to sit in while the womenfolk shopped. Now was a good as time as any to fill them in on the change of events about to take place.

  Leona took a seat beside me and waved her hand towards the entrance where the press was gathering. "Why do you think I would know anything about that?" she questioned, then settled her hand on my arm.

  "Because it’s about the alliance between Richard and myself."


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