Playboy Heir

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Playboy Heir Page 3

by Brandy Munroe

  Leona let go of my arm and stared. “Alliance, explain yourself Aleksander!” she stammered.

  "Short version, Richard is bringing me on as a partner. He thinks doing it at a live press conference would prevent his father from changing his mind. No objections and deciding not to retire until Richard Jr. comes to his senses."

  I continued, "How can I expect the press not to crucify me if I step out there saying I am now in charge of the new men's line we plan on expanding, and I don't even own a pair of Van de Graaf’s Boardroom and Beyond? This stays here; no one knows I just bought these. I will have the rest picked up later today when this all dies down."

  "I’m going to set up the boardroom." Shoe girl turned and walked away, essentially blowing me off. "Richard will want the figures after the press conference and I want to be ready."

  I watched her leave, noticing the sway of her hips, her confident stride. There was something about her that was going to get me into trouble, I just knew it. I wasn’t sure I cared.

  "What's up with Shoe Girl — she seems a little paranoid. Wouldn't let me through the door," I scoffed. I wanted to ask about her without being too obvious of my attraction to this mysterious beauty who’d captivated me.

  "Shoe girl has a name, Haley, and did you think you could charm her to let a perfect stranger waltz in and make demands? She doesn't know who you are and she did the right thing." Leona was protective of her protégé.

  "She’s a really good person and has been working hard to complete her marketing degree. Today was supposed to be her big day. Her day to show Richard what she can do in the boardroom. He already knows what she can do in the showroom, and of course, after this morning, so do you."

  "You trained her well," I complimented.

  Leona laughed. "I didn't train her, she came to me this way. Worked for one of those big box stores. They wanted her on their management program. She wanted more than to be stuck in retail driving into the city everyday, long hours, lousy pay." There was a hint of pride in Leona's voice.

  "She did her research before coming here, knew exactly what we needed, and impressed the haystack out of me. We were very lucky to find her. Or should I say, we were very lucky she found us. Have you seen a shoe store sell men's ties? That was all Haley. She convinced me we could make a killing selling them to wives. Kind of a peace offering to their husband. See dear, I thought of you when I went shopping. Our markup on those is eighty percent."

  Leona strolled to the tie display and added a few more the ever growing list of items I would be purchasing today. “That’s why I am letting her take this meeting. She prepared all the stats and has been following the buzz and checking what our competitors are doing better than us and where we can improve."

  Haley did sound smart — I'd give her that. My body wanted to give her more, and I tried to hide the lust in my eyes. Leona sighed. "I know that look, Aleksander; she does not need any distractions. She is really good at what she does. I don't want all her hard work shadowed by this press conference or any of your shenanigans, do you hear me?" She poked her finger into my chest.

  "Don't worry, Leona, I won't let my ambitions stand in the way of anyone else's." I knew what it was like to work hard for what you wanted and to overcome other’s perception of what you could or could not offer. Here is what's going to happen. Richard is going to thank the press for coming, introduce me as his new partner, putting me in charge of the new men's line."

  I made eye contact with Leona. "We are talking about rebranding an already established brand. Richard knows I have no interest in the legal department. Even though I also have a degree in designing, my reputation is for being a lawyer." I surprised myself with the intensity and seriousness of my voice.

  "Richard decided to bring me in through the back door. Which, come to think of it, is ironic since I literally came in through the back door today. I don't want to sound like I am throwing the rest of my family under the bus, but I have to do this for me, for my sanity, for my chance of a normal life, with a normal wife and kids."

  "Seriously, I never would have thought that the great playboy Manly was looking to settle down and here in this small town," she teased poking me in the chest with her well manicured finger. "Well, blow me over with a leaf blower."

  "Hey, slow down," I interjected. "I didn't say today. I meant some day, after I established myself without my father's reputation dogging me. Without my reputation dogging me. No more Manly, please."

  "Look, there's Richard," Leona interrupted. "The rain stopped so you won't be needing this." She took the pink umbrella I came in with. "You are going to love this unpredictable New England weather,” she snickered.

  "I think we should have a representative from The Boutique with us. I'll go get Shoe Girl. Like you said, this is her show." I stuck my head in the boardroom. "Shoe Girl, Richard's here, so it's showtime. You coming?"

  "Why? I have nothing to do with this," she stammered nervously, all the while staring me down with those piercing grey eyes.

  Was she questioning my judgment, the man who could one day be her boss if she planned on getting into marketing? I had to make it clear who was the boss.

  "I think we need a representative from The Boutique, and I choose you."

  I wanted her there standing beside me. I was not sure why. There was something mentally calming about her presence. That suited me in this situation.

  I hoped my libido was going to find her just as calming. I did not need that distracting me any more today.

  Chapter 5


  The press conference started with the usual fanfare as reporters tripped over each other for prime real estate near the front. Richard looked out at the crowd.

  "Thank you for coming," he stated. Gesturing towards Aleksander and myself, he continued. "We will make time for questions after our presentation. Please limit yourselves to one question each so everyone can participate."

  The way Richard spoke to the press reminded me of Peyton's teacher explaining to five year olds how to participate in reading time.

  "The next few months are going to be exciting," he began. "Today, it is with mixed feelings that I announce…" Bowing his head, he paused for a long moment before continuing, "…Richard Van de Graaf Senior has retired."

  Within seconds the press was buzzing. Before they could speculate too much, he spoke again.

  "This decision was not made lightly. There was no takeover. Despite the rumours, there is no illness. My father wants to be young enough to enjoy his retirement and spend time with his beautiful wife. We all know my father is not a glory hound. Unlike his son," Richard let out a small chuckle, "my father shies away from media coverage. In an early family meeting this morning, we decided I would take on the responsibility of introducing our new co-CEOs of Van de Graaf."

  The press went supernova, speaking over each other with shouted questions. It was impossible to think above the roar.

  I could have sworn Aleksander gripped my hand the way Peyton always did before he headed into class. A kind of I know I can count on you grip. I felt that jolt of electricity and heat began to melt my core. Had it really happened, or had he brushed against me and I was letting my underused hormones get away from me?

  The crowd died down, allowing Richard to finish.

  "At this time I would like to introduce my new partner and co-CEO, Aleksander Manos. He will be in charge of marketing the new men's division, leaving me to focus on the ladies. Which, as you all know, is something I have a lot of experience with," he said with a laugh.

  I was confused when Aleksander chuckled quietly along with him. I’d only know Richard to be professional and stoic.

  Richard turned and gestured to him. Aleksander cut off his laugh and put on a somber expression. "Aleksander, please join me."

  Aleksander approached the makeshift podium, leaving me to stand alone. Unsure what my role was in all this, I wondered if I was simply eye candy. I spent enough time as Brad’s trophy wife to know I d
eserved more respect than that. Although the thought irritated me to no end, I stood there and kept that million dollar smile plastered on my face.

  The questions starting flying.

  "What does a lawyer have to offer to a fashion line?" asked a journalist in front.

  "Good question," Aleksander retorted. His answer was instantaneous; I was sure he had expected it. "I majored in art and design as well as law. I'll see things from a different perspective than a conventional designer. I'll bring a fresh vision to the company."

  He spoke with such conviction no one challenged him.

  "Why are you interested in men's shoes and not the legal division?" asked another.

  Without hesitation he answered, "If I wanted to be a lawyer, I would be. I know a great law firm that would take me." The snide tone did not go unnoticed. He pressed his palms firmly into the podium. "Some believe law is my legacy. I am here today to tell everyone that art is my passion. I always believed if you want to be successful at what you do, you must have passion for it."

  The way he carried himself, fielding question after question, made me doubt whether he had actually experienced a sudden attack of nerves when he squeezed my hand.

  Had he squeezed my hand? I was sure he must have.

  "Why hold the press conference here, in front of the store? Why not at the main corporate office, in a more controlled atmosphere?"

  Richard took this one. "We want complete transparency. We have nothing to hide. We don't need a controlled environment. We are here because this is where it all starts, in the showroom." He turned and faced the store behind him. "These front line employees are the people talking to customers, hearing the complaints, knowing what works and what does not. All the prototypes start here to test the market before we decide to mass produce. This is the true ground zero.”

  I nodded to myself. Richard wasn't blowing smoke when he said it all started here. This store was where the real marketing began. Like he said, ground zero.

  Unexpectedly grabbing my hand, Aleksander pulled me forward. Eyes wide, I stared out at the crowd, hoping they couldn’t tell how startled and aroused I was from his touch. What was he doing?

  "Haley is one of our best," Alexander added. "A bright marketing student working her way up through the front lines. When she is ready to join the marketing team, she is going to have what conventional graduates don't — actual field experience. That kind of intuition you cannot learn in a classroom."

  The only way he could have known about my plans was through Leona. Had they discussed me while I was setting up the meeting room? Had Leona brought up my ambitions to help me or had Aleksander asked?

  Wait, did he say they intended to hire me? Since when? This was the first I had heard any of it.

  A thought occurred to me.

  Window dressing. That was all this was. They were using me as a smokescreen to keep attention away from their partnership. To keep anyone from asking about their true motives.

  Richard Jr. and Aleksander were taking over and God forbid anyone who questioned either of their motives or their plans.

  Richard looked down at his phone. It must have been on vibrate; I didn’t hear it ringing. He put his hands up, signifying he wanted silence. "That is all for today. We have a lot on our agenda. If we give all our secrets now, what will you have to write about us next week?"

  I caught the almost snide tone, but thankfully I didn't think the media had.

  As Richard turned to leave, Aleksander tugged on my sleeve.

  "Hey, Shoe Girl," he said with a grin. "I hope you've got something big planned to wow the board."

  Richard gave him an impatient look.

  "We need to get to the meeting room now. The board members are already on their way."

  As we headed in, Aleksander leaned down and whispered a quiet thanks in my ear.

  "For what?" I shrug.

  "For not making a big deal out of… you know."

  I felt a light brush of his hand against mine and felt my face flush. So he had squeezed my hand. For reassurance? I wanted to make him squirm a little for sacrificing me to the media gods.

  "No, I'm afraid I don't know," I feigned confusion. "Why don't you tell me?"

  "So, Shoe Girl has a mean side, does she?" he teased.

  "Only when I am backed into a corner," I bantered.

  I had to admit to myself, I liked this playful side of Aleksander. This I could work with. It was quite the contrast to Richard's seriousness.

  As the board members arrived, Richard welcomed them, making a point to give a firm handshake to both the men and women alike. Once they were all seated, he looked my way and gave a nod, the signal to go ahead.

  With a quick glance around, making sure I had the attention of everyone in the room, I caught Aleksander staring at me. Was he paying attention to the presentation? From the angle of his head, he could have just been ogling my legs.

  How was I supposed to concentrate on my presentation, or answer questions, with Alexander's smoldering brown eyes piercing through me?

  Richard had nice brown eyes. Why didn't I feel anything when he looked at me?

  It was just a combination of treading new territory and an adrenaline rush. I needed to use that to my advantage and not let it unnerve me. Right now it was time to show Mr. Tall, Dark and Brooding what I could do.

  I’d make him remember Haley Bristol, brilliant marketing student, and knock Shoe Girl right out of his mind.

  I was sure my presentation went really well with no interruptions from the board, and both Richard and Aleksander seemed impressed.

  If I could sell them on the ideal of opening a new store just for the men's line, it would mean a manager's position for the new location. The next step would be to convince them that I was the right person for that position. A nice raise would come with that and I would have more control of my schedule.

  The silence was deafening. I needed someone to say something, anything. Object or agree, I needed them to stop silently staring. I was waiting for someone to express an opinion before I imploded. I didn’t know if my anxiety was from nervousness or the adrenaline rush from nailing my presentation.

  "I like the idea of an another boutique but not sure if we should segregate the lines," Aleksander began. "You confirmed in your presentation that women do most of the shopping. Why not just expand the existing boutique or piggyback them? Why make anyone do in two trips what they can do in one? Ladies on the right, men's on the left. I also agree with expanding the men's accessories line. Driving gloves might make a great addition."

  "Thank you, Aleksander," I responded. "Does anyone else have any thoughts?” I was pleased Aleksander had broken the silence. I hoped he was genuine with his assessment of my proposals.

  Silence again. What was it with this board? Were they really just figureheads like Leona always teased? Maybe she wasn't teasing. The only thing to do now was to wrap this up and get back to work. Leona could probably use a break right about now.

  I scanned the room; still no activity. "Well, let's call it a day and take some time to absorb all the information given." I watched the board nod their heads in approval.

  Richard finally addressed the room. "Thank you for coming in on such short notice. We appreciate your time. Thank you, Haley, for the insight and projections. There are copies for anyone who wants to examine them closer. Copies of the minutes will be e-mailed to all of you as well. Have a nice day."

  Once all the board members left, Richard sat at the end of the table and let a relieved sigh, uttering, "Well, that went exceptionally better than I predicted."

  Aleksander stood up to stretch his legs. "Yes, but where do we go from here?"

  I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or Richard so I responded, "I think Leona could use a lunch break," and I headed out to The Boutique. I was correct in assuming Leona was going to need a break. The aftermath of the press conference was nothing that I or Leona could have prepared for.

  We expected that there
would be some interest, nothing like what was going on. It seemed like every member of the press suddenly decided they needed a pair of whatever was the latest style. It would have been nice to know in advance about Richard decision to hold a press conference in front of the store this morning before the board meeting.

  Leona could have made sure Evonne, the other Van de Graaf sibling, was there with her to deal with the media divas and not just the women.

  The men had no fashion sense. Their only concern was they wanted what Aleksander was wearing. He was right on the money about the press noticing his shoes and equally acute of the fact that they better be the latest Van de Graaf creation.

  To make matters worse, Leona's nemesis, Miss Caroline Quinn, shoe designer to the rich and famous, was leaving the store. She was once one of Van de Graaf's up and comings, got her experience and moved on. Leona never appreciated Caroline's vision; she felt Caroline's designs were too trashy for the more conservative Van de Graaf brand.

  Caroline enjoyed seeing her designs on the feet of celebrities at red carpet events. The Van de Graaf's were never going to take advantage of her talents and allow one of those celebrities to endorse her line. It made her decision to move to one of the more trendy fashion houses an easy solution.

  She never missed an opportunity to try to make Leona feel like she wasn't as successful. Leona finally realized that they never were friends, really. They just grew up together and their parent were best friends so it was expected that both of them would also become lifelong buddies.

  Leona was one for constantly dishing out advice and following it. She once described her friendship with Caroline as toxic. You needed to let go of toxic people and learn from that experience, she would say.

  I often thought of my marriage to Brad as toxic and understood what Leona meant.

  I couldn’t help but snicker when Leona loudly announced to Richard and Aleksander, "I think I deserve an extra long lunch after what you put me through this morning. One or both of you might want to go out there and see what chaos you created." I watched as she threw her bag over her shoulder and left.


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