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Big Bad Bear (Forbidden Shifters Book 3)

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by Vanessa Devereaux

  “How many sanctuaries are there?” I asked.

  “Hey you’re not going to get me to tell you that no matter how many times you let me fuck you.”

  “Who says I’m going to let you fuck me again? And I only want to know because I want to try and find my father.”

  He put his hands on either side of my face. “You’re serious about this aren’t you? I mean it’s not a trap for me.”

  “Of course I’m serious. I don’t think it’s fair what they did to him.”

  “But you had no problem putting me on the hit list.”

  “I’m sorry okay and I’ll think of some way I can get you off it.”

  “Promise?” he asked.


  “And you promise to be good from this point on?”

  “Depends on what you call good.”

  He rolled on top of me and his hard dick strained against my pubic bone.

  “You smell so good when you’re aroused,” he said. “First time I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing both the human and werebear mix. It’s like high-quality perfume.”

  “Did I taste good too?”

  “Like expensive wine. You look good too, real pretty and you get those curves from your father’s genes.”

  “So that’s why I can’t ever lose weight.”

  “I don’t ever want you to because that’s your appeal.”

  He kissed me and I threw my arms around him as he moved and dragged the very tip of his shaft over my belly.

  “Are you ready for some werebear loving? Liam asked.

  “You’re not going to tease me again are you?”

  “No, it’s the real deal this time.”

  I spread my legs for him and from underneath my pillow he produced a little gold package. He sat up, tore it open and within seconds had sheathed himself.

  This was how I dreamed about losing my virginity. On top of my bed, handsome man between my legs, and me falling in love.

  Holy cannoli, I think I was falling for him, maybe I already had. Maybe that would be my excuse for the whole mess I’d gotten both of us into.

  Liam speared my pussy with his cock, and oh yeah, it was good. So much better than the first time. He began a slow steady thrust and I held his biceps that were big and bulging and he made me feel safe and happy.

  Was this how my mother had felt with my father? I’d never bothered to ask her if she loved him or whether it was just a sex thing that happened between them.

  I held Liam tighter, determined if this was the real thing that we wouldn’t end up like my parents.

  “Just relax baby,” Liam said.

  I’d obviously tensed up and he’d sensed it, maybe even felt it. This was my time to enjoy Liam and how my body reacted to him being inside me.

  “Hang on because you’re going on a ride,” Liam said.

  He went straight into fourth gear, making my toes tingle and my thighs shake. He raised himself up, partly taking some of his weight off me which caused his cock to slide deeper than it had the other night. My eyes were almost crossing and I was moaning something and this time it wasn’t my usual holy cannoli thing.

  I was pretty sure I was repeating Liam’s name over and over again.

  He moved at speeds I knew a human guy wouldn’t be able to and my climax built slower than it had before but that was perfectly okay. I could savor it and remember this moment forever.

  He jerked his body and that’s all it took for me to cry out and then whimper into his shoulder. Liam mumbled something too now, and I was pretty sure it was Josie, Josie, Josie.

  He went still and I felt a warm pressure in my pussy and I knew he’d come too.

  We wrapped our arms around one another and he stayed inside me for a bit until sliding out and shimmering up next to me.

  “Is it okay if I stay the night?” he asked.

  “I insist that you do,” I said, knowing that by now, everyone could be looking for him.

  Chapter Nine

  I wanted to meet the lady who made the meatloaf I was devouring. Strange breakfast food but I’d seen it sitting in Josie’s fridge and it had called my name.

  “Hey, that’s my lunch you’re eating,” said Josie. She wore a bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her freshly washed hair and I almost wanted to take her upstairs and make love to her.

  “You make this?” I asked.

  “No, my grandmother.”

  “Then I think she’s my mate. Any woman who can make ground beef taste like this is my forever sort of girl.”

  “Believe me you wouldn’t like her. She’s feisty and tells it like it is.”

  “Doesn’t that sound familiar. How about I leave this last little piece and you can stick it between two slices of bread.”

  “I guess I’ll have to now. Haven’t you heard of cereal or yogurt?”

  “Sure I’ve heard of it but I just don’t like either of them.”

  I leaned back on the countertop. So you think I’ll be safe hiding out here for the day while you’re at work?”

  “This would be the last place they’d look for you.” She broke off a banana from the bunch that sat in a bowl and put it in her lunch bag.

  “You think you can handle things. I mean you not going to give in under pressure?”

  “I have everything under control, and while I’m gone I want you to do some research on trying to figure out where my father was taken.”

  That I was definitely going to do. She deserved to know where he was, if he was alive, and maybe they could finally meet.

  “Okay, I’m just going to dry my hair, get dressed and I’m out of here so don’t go getting yourself in any trouble.”

  I watched the news while Josie finished getting ready for work. I was the third topic of the day and the fact that so far I hadn’t been caught or even seen.

  “See you around six,” called Josie.

  “See ya,” I called back.

  I had to make some calls to see if anyone had any information about her dad but I had to make sure they weren’t intercepting any of the signals. I turned to the sports channel and decided to make myself a coffee. I hadn’t realized half the day had gone and I’d been stuck in front of the TV watching all sorts of terrible reality shows that had sucked me in. I was about to get up and find something to eat when I heard a key going into the lock of the front door. It couldn’t be Josie because she’d used the garage service entry door.

  Whoever it was, was already in the hallway because I heard two floorboards squeak.

  I was about to hide in the pantry when something heavy hit me in the crotch and I realized an older woman had caught me off guard with an umbrella for a weapon.

  “Shit, that hurt,” I said doubling over.

  “It was supposed to.”

  I looked up at her.

  “You’re him.”

  Oh shit, she was going to turn me in.

  “If you mean the fugitive yes, I’m Liam Quinn, so pleased to meet you.”

  I held out my hand and to my surprise she threw down the umbrella and slipped her hand into mine.

  “Maggie Moss…Josie’s grandmother and you’re more handsome in person young man or should I say young werebear.”

  “With compliments like that you can call me whatever you want.”

  I liked her already and threw my arm around her.

  “I sampled your delightful meatloaf for breakfast this morning,” I told her.

  “So I’m guessing you stayed overnight and did the dirty deed yet again with my granddaughter.”

  I burst out laughing, loving her more by the minute.

  “She did say you were a straight talker.”

  “So you want me to make another meatloaf and then how about some Texas Hold’Em?”

  “Now you’re talking.”

  “And Josie keeps beer in the fridge so let’s break that out too,” she said.

  Chapter Ten

  Liam had been right. I’d had a tough time handling work and not g
iving anything away. I was more than relieved when I drove into the garage at home that night. I heard Liam’s voice long before I opened the service door. I hoped he hadn’t been foolish to invite other werebears over but when I looked into the kitchen there he sat with my grandmother. The smell of meatloaf baking filled the air and in the middle of the kitchen table sat four empty beer bottles and a pile of money.

  “You have a good day, sweetie?” asked Gran.

  Liam turned around. “Your grandmother’s cleaned me out but she has promised to marry me.”

  “He’s slowly learning and when he does, look out because he’s been taught by the best.”

  “Watch out because she cheats,” I told him.

  Grandmother raised her finger to me. “You young lady watch your tongue because you’re not too old to be spanked.”

  “That won’t do any good because she loves being….”

  Gran looked at him.

  “Oops, too much information,” said Liam.

  “You have to add some variety in the bedroom that’s what I say,” Gran said, picking up another card.

  “So what are you doing here Gran besides drinking beer and playing cards?” I asked.

  “I came to return your raincoat, you left it at my place last night. I think it’s because your head was in the clouds from having sex with this hunk of a man.”

  “I love this woman,” said Liam.

  “The meatloaf should be done now so how about you pull it out of the oven and we can eat while we watch my favorite game show.”

  I smiled as she and Liam continued to play cards and chat away like they’d known one another for years. If only it could be simple and easy. If only we could live in a society where humans and werebears could co-exist without all the rules. Despite the lifting of the ban, nothing had really changed and I was determined I’d see a peaceful harmony come into place before my own life was over.

  “Oh, and I forgot to tell you, your grandmother provided me with your dad’s name and what prison they helped him escape from so I think I might be able to get a lead on where they took him.”

  I leaned against the door jamb. Holy cannoli there was a good chance I was going to meet my father.

  Chapter Eleven

  What wasn’t there to love about Josie? Well apart from the fact that she worked for Enforcement and had me placed on the hit list?

  She was still asleep and I laid and watched her chest rise and fall. And no it wasn’t because I liked looking at her bare breasts although they were quite lovely especially where the cold air turned them into pink pebbles I so wanted to touch.

  I lifted myself up and rested my head on my arm so I could watch her from a more comfortable position. Her eyelids fluttered and her lips twitched. She was beautiful and I could imagine waking up like this every morning. It could happen if I wasn’t in such a fucking mess.

  It wasn’t entirely her fault. I knew the risks when I signed up to be a Transporter but I didn’t think things would go this far.

  She turned my way and her arm went over my body. I didn’t want to wake her but my need to touch her was stronger. I ran my fingers over her body, down its side, and over her hips and thighs.

  Josie opened one of her eyes and then the other.

  “Good morning,” I said.

  “Morning,” Josie yawned.

  “I like waking up with you in my bed…well I know it’s your bed, but you know what I mean.”

  She smiled. It melted my heart and made the waking up even better, if that was possible.

  I leaned over and kissed her.

  “That’s brave of you,” she said. “Morning breath.”

  “I like the smell of yours,” I told her.


  I nodded.

  “Well in that case, you can kiss me again.”

  She rolled on top of me and we kissed. At first it was an innocent morning one but as my cock grew hard and I began to smell Josie’s need for me, my tongue passed over her lips and into her mouth.

  “Is this what every morning’s like waking up next to a werebear?” she asked.

  “It can be.”

  We kissed again and pretty soon I had her on her back. I pulled off the sheet and blanket and watched as she opened her legs for me. Another beautiful site beckoned me and after sheathing myself I was inside her. She began saying my name as her pussy held onto my cock, edging me closer to my climax.

  I said her name when I did find release and realized that only occurred when you’d found your true mate.

  Chapter Twelve

  I don’t know how I kept my excitement contained throughout the whole day at work but I did. Not only did I have the pleasure of going home to Liam again, but he’d promised me he’d try and track where my father had gone.

  I’d managed to convince Enforcement that Liam Quinn had been seen in another county and that way they’d move their resources away and give him some breathing space.

  Once again when I entered my house, he and Gran were sitting playing cards.

  “I’m actually winning some of my money back today,” Liam told me.

  “That’s because I’m letting you do it.” She winked at me. “And Liam has wonderful news for you, honey.”

  I took off my jacket and sat at the table with them, smelling what I knew was peach cobbler cooking in the oven.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “You want to tell her or should I?” asked Gran.

  “I’d like to,” said Liam.

  I looked at him, eyebrows raised.

  “I’ve located where they took your dad.”

  Gran nodded. “They think he’s still alive,” she said.

  The doorbell rang and I jumped.

  “It’s okay. I called your mother to come for dinner because I think she should know about your father too.”

  I stood and walked into the hallway, first checking the fisheye to make sure it was her before I opened the door.

  “Hi mom,” I said, throwing my arms around her.

  “Umm, smells like peach cobbler and it’s not my birthday.”

  “Come on through and I’d like you to meet someone.”

  My mother stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Liam sitting with Gran.

  “Josie, I can’t believe you’re risking everything to harbor a criminal.”

  “Nice to meet you too Ms. Moss,” said Liam.

  “He’s hardly a criminal. Now sit your butt down here because we have something to tell you.” Gran slapped the seat beside her and when Gran made a demand, people listened. My mother sat beside her all the time looking at me and then Liam.

  Gran took her hand and held it. “Honey, there’s something your father and I never told you about Josie’s father. I know you believed he was banished to a prison but some of his fellow werebears helped him escape and he was taken to one of the Sanctuaries.”

  I saw a tear begin to form in my mother’s eye that told me yes, she’d loved him and that she’d never stopped loving him.

  “We know where he is and we’re wondering if you’d like to go see him with Josie and me,” said Liam.

  That took me by surprise because I hadn’t realized we were actually going to see him and this soon.

  “I can’t, I mean I don’t look like I used to,” said my mom.

  “He probably doesn’t look like he used to either,” said Gran. “That’s what time does to you.”

  Mom shook her head and then turned to me. “You go Josie and ask him if he even wants to see me after all that happened.”

  “Is that what you really want?” asked Gran.

  My mother nodded and then burst into tears. Gran and I threw our arms around her and the three of us sobbed. I looked at Liam and he too had a tear rolling down his cheek. It was at that very moment I knew I’d found the one.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I was honest with Josie because it was going to be tough. As an Enforcement officer she knew that we’d need to dodge patrols and roa
d blocks. So far the agency has only stumbled upon one Sanctuary and luckily everyone knew a raid was imminent and they’d fled. The one Josie’s father was at was the farthest away and one of the originals. I’d only been there once. When I’d first signed up to be a Transporter I’d been there with two werebears who’d trained me and we’d traveled there as part of my initiation. It would take us a few days which meant hiding out overnight. I put the tent in the trunk of Josie’s grandmother’s car and then slipped in the back beside Josie

  “Okay, you two ready to do this,” Maggie asked.

  “Gran, I hate to think what would happen if you got caught,” said Josie.

  “What can they do to an old lady like me?”

  I knew she probably wouldn’t get a prison sentence but she might end up under house arrest for the remainder of her life. The fact that her daughter had also once gone to prison wouldn’t work in her favor.

  “Just drop us off near the wooded area and we can walk the rest of the way,” I told her.

  “You take good care of my girl,” said her grandmother, glancing at me in the rearview mirror. “She’s not what you’d call good in the outdoors.”

  “Then that must be due to her human side,” I said, glancing at Josie.

  “I hope you find your father and that you can come back and convince your mother to see him. I’ll die a happy woman knowing she’s found him again as it will make up for what your grandfather did.”

  She turned on the radio and hummed along until we got to the area where I’d told her to let us out.

  “I’m not going to kiss you goodbye because I’ll cry and then I won’t be able to see to drive back home,” said Maggie.

  “I’ll see you soon,” said Josie.

  She waved and then was gone. I hitched the tent on my back while Josie took the backpack with our supplies.

  “Lead the way,” she said.

  I knew the area like the back of my hand and being a part bear, well, it’s all second nature for us. However, by mid-afternoon, Josie was clearly having trouble keeping up. I wanted us to walk at least another two hours before we set up camp for the night.


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