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Fire in the East wor-1

Page 43

by Harry Sidebottom

  The late Mary Renault should need no introduction. Bagoas is named after the hero of her novel The Persian Boy (London, 1972).

  Mystifyingly, Cecelia Holland seems little read on this side of the Atlantic. Maximus's original name, Muirtagh of the Long Road, is a combination of two of her heroes, Muirtagh from The Kings in Winter (London, 1967) and Laeghaire of the Long Road from The Firedrake (London, 1965). Various Quotes The Anglo-Saxon poetry from his youth that comes into the mind of Ballista, of course, is Beowulf.The translation used here is that of Kevin Crossley-Holland, The Anglo-Saxon World (Woodbridge, 1982, 139).

  The 'Persian poems' sung by Bagoas are (gloriously anachronistic) quatrains from Edward FitzGerald, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (ist edn, 1859).

  When Acilius Glabrio and Demetrius quote sections of Ovid, The Art of Love, the translation is that of Peter Green in the Penguin Classics Ovid: The Erotic Poems (Harmondsworth, 1982).

  The translation of the Iliad of Homer is that of Robert Fagles in the Penguin Classics (New York, 1990). Thanks As with all first novels, the list of people whom I have to thank is long. First, my family. My wife, Lisa, for looking after our sons, Tom and Jack, and keeping some normalcy and contemporary fun in our lives when I have been living so much in an imaginary version of the third century AD. My mother, Frances, and my aunt, Terry, for their wonderful faith in the idea and for taking on the roles of tireless unpaid publicity agents. Then, colleagues and friends: Maria Stamatopoulou at Lincoln College, Oxford, and John Eidinow at Greyfriars Hall and St Benets Hall, Oxford, for helping me find the time away from teaching to write the novel. All my students at Oxford – especially Vicky Buckley, Ed Maclennan and Mohan Rao, who managed to take excellent degrees, despite their tutorials often turning into extended discussions of historical fiction. Simon Swain of the University of Warwick for checking the Historical Afterword and the Glossary for any really awful mistakes. Anne Marie Drummond, Senior Tutor at Lincoln College, Oxford, and Michael Farley of Woodstock Marketing, for providing me with two ideal refuges in which to write the thing. All my friends in Woodstock for their encouragement – especially Jeremy Tinton. Last, but crucial, Jim Gill, my agent at United Agents, and Alex Clarke, my editor at Penguin – I could not hope to have a better team around me.

  Harry Sidebottom Woodstock Glossary The definitions given here are geared to Fire in the East. If a word has several meanings only that or those relevant to this novel tend to be given.

  Accensus: The secretary of a Roman governor or official. Adventus: An arrival; the formal ceremony of welcome of a Roman emperor or high official. Agger: Latin term for a siege ramp. Agora: Greek term for a marketplace and civic centre. Agrimensores: Roman land surveyors. Ahriman: In Zoroastrianism, the evil one, a demon, the lie, the devil. Alamanni: A confederation of German tribes. Angles: A north German tribe, living in the area of modern Denmark. Antoninianus, plural antoniniani: A Roman silver coin. Apodyterium: Changing room of a Roman bath. Archon: A magistrate in a Greek city; in the fictional city of Arete the annual chief magistrate. Auxiliary: A Roman regular soldier serving in a unit other than a legion. Bahram fires: The sacred fires of Zoroastrian religion. Ballista, plural ballistae: A torsion-powered artillery piece; some shot bolts, others stones. Ballistarius, plural ballistarii: A Roman artilleryman. Barbalissos: A town on the Euphrates, scene of a defeat of the Roman army in Syria by Shapur I, probably in AD252. Barbaricum: Latin term for where the barbarians live, i.e., outside the Roman empire; in some ways seen as the opposite of the world of humanitas, civilization. Barritus: German war-cry, adopted by the Roman army. Borani: A German tribe, one of the tribes that made up the confederation of the Goths, notorious for their piratical raids into the Aegean. Boukolos: A Greek official supervising the entry and exit into a town of herds of animals. Boule: The council of a Greek city, in the Roman period made up of the local men of wealth and influence. Bouleuterion: The council house in a Greek city. Bucinator: A Roman military musician. Caestus: Roman boxing glove, sometimes with metal spikes. Caldarium: The hot room of a Roman bath. Caledonia: Modem Scotland. Campus martius: Literally Field of Mars, a Roman parade ground. Cantabrian circle: A Roman cavalry manoeuvre. Caracallus: A northern hooded cloak. Carpi: A barbarian tribe on the Danube. Centuriation: Roman system of marking out land in squares or rectangles. Clibanarius, plural clibanarii: heavily armed cavalryman; possibly derived from 'baking oven'. Cingulum: A Roman military belt, one of the symbols that marked out a soldier. Coele Syria: Literally 'Hollow Syria', a Roman province. Cohors: A unit of Roman soldiers, usually about 500 men strong. Cohors XX Palmyrenorum Milliaria Equitata: A double-strength Roman auxiliary unit, consisting of about 1,000 men, part mounted, part infantry; historically part of the garrison of Dura-Europos; in Fire in the East part of the garrison of the city of Arete. Commilitiones: Latin term for 'fellow soldiers', often used by commanders wishing to emphasize their closeness to their troops. Concordia: Latin term of harmony, concord; in Fire in the East the name of a Roman warship. Conditum: Spiced wine, sometimes served warm before dinner. Consilium: A council, or body of advisors, of a Roman emperor, official or elite private person. Conticinium: The still time of the day, when the cocks have stopped crowing but men are usually still asleep. Contubernium: A group of ten soldiers who share a tent; by extension 'comradeship'. Curule: A chair adorned with ivory, the 'throne' that was one of the symbols of high Roman office. Cursus publicus: The imperial Roman posting service, whereby those with official passes, diplomata, would be given remounts. Denarius: A Roman silver coin. Dignitas: Important Roman concept which covers our idea of dignity but goes much further; famously, Julius Caesar claimed that his dignitas meant more to him than life itself. Diplomata: Official passes which allowed the bearer access to the cursus publicus. Disciplina: Discipline; Romans considered that they had this quality and others lacked it. Dominus: Lord, Master, Sir; a title of respect (Latin). Draco: Literally a snake or dragon; name given to a windsock-style military. standard shaped like a dragon. Dracontarius: A Roman standard-bearer who carried a draco. Drafsh-i-Kavyan: The battle standard of the Sassanid royal house. Dromedarii: Roman soldiers mounted on camels. Dux Ripae: The Commander, or Duke, of the Riverbanks; a Roman military officer in charge of the defences along the Euphrates river in the third century AD; historically based at Dura-Europos, in this novel based at Arete. Elagabalus: Patron god of the town of Emesa in Syria, a sun god, also name often given to one of his priests who became the Roman emperor formally known as Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (AD218-222). Epotis: The 'ear timber' of a trireme projecting out from the side of the vessel just behind the ram. Equestrian: The second rank down in the Roman social pyramid, the elite order just below the Senators. Equites singulares: Cavalry bodyguards; in Rome one of the permanent units protecting the emperors; in the provinces ad hoc units set up by military commanders. Eupatrids: From the Greek, meaning the 'well-born', aristocrats. Exactor: The accountant in a Roman military unit. Familia: Latin term for family, and by extension the entire household including slaves. Franks: A confederation of German tribes. Frigidarium: Cold room of a Roman bath. Frumentarius, plural frumentarii: They were a military unit based on the Caelian Hill in Rome; the emperors' secret police; messengers, spies and assassins. Germania: The lands where the German tribes lived. Gladius: A Roman military short sword; generally superseded by the spatha by the mid-third century AD; also slang for 'penis'. Goths: A confederation of Germanic tribes. Harii: A German tribe, renowned night fighters. Haruspex, plural haruspices: A priest who divines the will of the gods; one would be part of the official staff of a Roman governor. Hibernia: Modern Ireland. Hyperboreans: Legendary race of men who lived in the far north, beyond the north wind. Hypozomata: A rope forming the undergirdle of a trireme; there were usually two of them. Ides: the thirteenth day of the month in short months, the fifteenth in long months. Immortals: A Sassanid guard unit of (possibly) 1,000 men. Imperium: The power to issue orders and exact obedience; official military command. Imperium romanum: The power
of the Romans, i.e., the Roman empire. Jan-avasper: Those who sacrifice themselves, a Sassanid guard unit. Kalends: The first day of the month. Kyrios: Lord, Master, Sir; a title of respect (Greek). Lanista: A trainer of gladiators. Legio IIII Scythica: A Roman legion from the second half of the first century AD based at Zeugma in Syria; in Fire in the East a detachment, vexillatio, of this legion forms part of the garrison of the city of Arete. Legion: A unit of heavy infantry, usually about 5,000 men strong; from mythical times the backbone of the Roman army; the numbers in a legion and the legion's dominance in the army declined during the third century AD as more and more detachments, vexillationes, served away from the parent unit and became more or less independent units. Libertas: Latin for liberty or freedom, its meaning was contingent on when it was said and who by. Librarius: The bookkeeper or scribe of a Roman military unit. Liburnian: A name given in the time of the Roman empire to a small warship, possibly rowed by about fifty men on two levels. Limes imperii: Latin for the limits of empire, the borders of the Roman imperium. Magi: Name given by Greeks and Romans to Persian priests, often thought of as sorcerers. Mandata: Instructions issued by the emperors to their governors and officials. Margazan: Persian term for one who commits a sin, like cowardice in battle, and deserves death. Mazda: (Also Ahuramazda) 'The Wise Lord', the supreme god of Zoroastrianism. Mentula: Latin obscenity for penis, i.e., 'prick'. Meridiatio: Siesta time. Meshike: The site of a battle fought some time between 13 January and 14 March AD244 in which Shapur I claimed to have defeated Gordian III. Greek and Roman sources do not mention this battle. Renamed Peroz-Shapur, the 'Victory of Shapur', by the Sassanid king, it became known as Pirisabora to the Romans. Miles, plural milites: Soldier. Mobads: Persian name for class of priests. Murmillo: A type of heavily armed gladiator with a helmet crest in the shape of a fish. Nones: The ninth day of a month before the ides, i.e., the fifth day of a short month, the seventh of a long month. Numerus, plural numeri: Latin name given to a Roman army unit, especially to ad hoc units outside the regular army structure, often units raised from semi- or non-Romanized peoples which retained their indigenous fighting techniques; thus in Fire in the East the titles of the units formed from mercenaries and local levies and commanded by the caravan protectors. Oneiromanteia: Greek term for telling the future by the interpretation of dreams. Oneiroskopos: A 'dream-scout', one of the Greek names given to an interpreter of dreams. Optio: Junior officer in the Roman army, ranked below a centurion. Paideia: Culture; Greeks considered it marked them off from the rest of the world, and the Greek elite considered it marked them off from the rest of the Greeks. Parexeiresia: The outrigger of a trireme which allowed the upper level of oarsmen to row. Parthians: Rulers of the eastern empire centred on modern Iraq and Iran overthrown by the Sassanid Persians in the 2205 AD. Paedagogus: Schoolmaster. Pepaideumenos, plural pepaideumenoi: Greek term for one of the highly educated or cultured. Peroz: Victory (Persian). Pilus Prior: The senior centurion in a Roman army unit. Porta Aquaria: The Water Gate; in this novel the eastern gate of the city of Arete. Praefectus: 'Prefect', a flexible Latin title for many officials and officers, typically the commander of an auxiliary unit. Praefectus fabrum: A Roman army officer, a general's Chief of Engineers. Praepositus: Latin term for a commander; in this novel the title given to the caravan protectors as commanders of numeri. Praetorian prefect: The commander of the Praetorian Guard, an equestrian. Princeps peregrinorum: The commander of the frumentarii, a senior centurion. Priricipatus: (In English, the 'principate') Rule of the Princeps, the rule of the Roman imperium by the emperors. Principia: The headquarters building of a Roman army camp. Procurator: A Latin title for a range of officials, under the principate typically a financial officer of the emperors operating in the provinces. Provocator: A type of gladiator. Pugio: A Roman military dagger, one of the symbols which marked out a soldier. Retiarius: A type of lightly equipped gladiator armed with a trident and net. Sassanids: The Persian dynasty that overthrew the Parthians in the 220S AD and were Rome's great eastern rivals until the seventh century AD. Senate: The council of Rome, under the emperors composed of about 600 men, the vast majority ex-magistrates, with some imperial favourites. The senatorial order was the richest and most prestigious group in the empire, but suspicious emperors were beginning to exclude them from military commands in the mid-third century AD. Spatha: A long Roman sword, the normal type of sword carried by all troops by the mid-third century AD. Speculator: A scout in the Roman army. Strategos: General (Greek). Strigil: A scraper used by bathers for scraping oil and dirt off their skin. Subura: The district of Rome between the Esquiline and Viminal hills, a notorious slum. Synodiarch: Greek term for a 'caravan protector', the unusual group of rich and powerful men historically known in Palmyra and in this novel in the city of Arete. Tadmor: The name for the city of Palmyra used by the locals. Telones: Customs official (Greek). Tepidarium: Warm room of a Roman bath. Testudo: Literally, tortoise (Latin), by analogy both a Roman infantry formation with overlapping shields, similar to a northern 'shieldburg', and a mobile shed protecting a siege engine. Touloutegon: A Roman cavalry manoeuvre. Tribunus laticlavius: A young Roman of senatorial family doing military service as an officer in a legion; there was one per legion. Trierarch: The commander of a trireme, in the Roman forces equivalent in rank to a centurion. Trireme: An ancient warship, a galley rowed by about 200 men on three levels. Turma, plural, turmae: A small sub unit of Roman cavalry, usually about 30 men strong. Venationes: Beast hunts in the Roman arena. Vexillatio: A sub unit of Roman troops detached from its parent unit. Vinae: Literally Latin for vine trellises; name given to mobile covered siege shelters because of their shape. Vir egregius: Knight of Rome, a man of the equestrian order. Xynema: A Roman cavalry manoeuvre. List of Emperors in the First Half of the Third Century AD

  List of Characters To avoid giving away any of the plot, characters usually are only described as first encountered in Fire in the East.

  Acilius Glabrio: Marcus Acilius Glabrio, Tribunus Laticlavius of Legio IIII, commander of the detachment of the legion in Arete; a young patrician. Alexander: A nondescript councillor of Arete. Anamu: A synodiarch (caravan protector) and councillor of Arete. Antigonus: A trooper in Cohors XX, selected to serve in the equites singulares of Ballista. Antoninus Prior: Pilus Prior, First Centurion, of Cohors I of Legio IIII. Antoninus Posterior: Centurion of Cohors II of Legio IIII. Ardashir: King of Adiabene, son and vassal of Shapur. Bagoas: The 'Persian Boy', a slave purchased by Ballista on the island of Delos; he claims his name before enslavement was Hormizd. Ballista: Marcus Clodius Ballista, originally named Dernhelm, son of Isangrim the Dux, warleader, of the Angles; a diplomatic hostage in the Roman empire, he has been granted Roman citizenship and equestrian status, having served in the Roman army in Africa, the far west and on the Danube. When the novel starts he has just been appointed Dux Ripae. Bathshiba: Daughter of Iarhai. Bonitus: A famous Roman siege engineer. Calgacus: A Caledonian slave originally owned by Isangrim sent by him to serve as a body servant to his son Ballista in the Roman empire. Callinicus of Petra: A Greek sophist. Castricius: A legionary in Legio IIII. Celsus: A famous Roman siege engineer. Cocceius: Titus Cocceius Malchiana, a decurion in command of the first turma of cavalry in Cohors XX. Demetrius: The 'Greek Boy', a slave purchased by Julia to serve as her husband Ballista's secretary. Dinak: Queen of Mesene, a daughter of Shapur. Felix (1): A centurion in Cohors XX. Felix (2): An unlucky trooper in the equites singulares of Ballista. Gallienus: Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus, declared joint Roman emperor by his father, the emperor Valerian, in AD253. Haddudad: A mercenary captain serving larhai. Hamazasp: King of Georgia, a vassal of Shapur. Hannibal: A nickname given to a frumentarius from North Africa serving as a scribe on the staff of Ballista. larhai: A synodiarch (caravan protector) and councillor of Arete. Ingenuus: A Roman general on the Danube. lotapianus: A pretender to the Roman throne in AD248-249, from Emesa. Isangrim: Dux, warleader, of the Angles, father of Dernhelm/Ballista. Josephus: A Christian mistaken for a philoso
pher. Julia: Wife of Ballista. Karen: A Parthian nobleman, the head of the house of Karen, a vassal of Shapur. Lucius Fabius: Centurion of Cohors I of Legio IIII, stationed at the Porta Aquaria. Mamurra: Praefectus Fabrum (chief of engineers) to Ballista. Mariades: A member of the elite of Antioch who turned bandit before going over to the Sassanids. Maximinus Thrax: Gaius Iulius Verus Maximinus, Roman emperor AD235- 23 8, known as 'Thrax' ('The Thracian') because of his lowly origins. Maximus: Bodyguard to Ballista; originally a Hibernian warrior known as Muirtagh of the Long Road, sold to slave traders and trained as a boxer, then gladiator, before being purchased by Ballista. Odenaethus: Septimius Odenaethus, Lord of Palmyra/Tadmor, a client ruler of the Roman empire. Ogelos: A synodiarch (caravan protector) and councillor of Arete. Otes: A councillor of Arete, a eunuch. Philip the Arab: Marcus Iulius Philippus, Praetorian Prefect under Gordian III, became Roman Emperor AD244-249. Priscus (1): Optio, second-in-command, of the trireme Concordia. Priscus (2):Gaius Iulius Priscus, brother of Philip the Arab. Prosper: Gaius Licinius Prosper, a young optio serving in Legio IIII. Pudens (1): Centurion of Cohors II of Legio IIII. Pudens (2): A lumpen Macedonian soldier who ends up as standard-bearer to Ballista. Romulus: A trooper of Cohors XX appointed standard-bearer to Ballista. Sampsigeramus: King of the Roman client kingdom of Emesa and high priest of Elagabalus. Sasan: Prince, 'the hunter', a son of Shapur. Scribonius Mucianus: Gaius Scribonius Mucianus, Tribune commanding Cohors XX. Seleucus: Pilus Prior, First Centurion, of Cohors II of Legio IIII. Sertorius: Nickname given to a frumentarius from the Iberian peninsular, serving as a scribe on the staff of Ballista. Shapur I: (or Sapor) Second Sassanid King of Kings, son of Ardashir I. Suren: A Parthian nobleman, the head of the house of Suren, vassal of Shapur. Theodotus: A councillor of Arete, a Christian priest. Turpio: Titus Flavius Turpio, Pilus Prior, First Centurion, of Cohors XX. Uranius Antoninus: Lucius Iulius Aurelius Uranius Antoninus, from Emesa, pretender to the Roman throne AD253-254. Valash: Prince, 'the joy of Shapur', a son of Shapur. Valerian (1): Publius Licinius Valerianus, an elderly Italian senator elevated to Roman emperor in AD253. Valerian (2): Publius Cornelius Licinius Valerianus, eldest son of Gallienus, grandson of Valerian, made Caesar in AD256. Vardan: A captain serving under the Lord Suren. Verodes: Chief minister to Odenaethus. Vindex: A trooper in the equites singulares of Ballista, a Gaul. Zenobia: Wife of Odenaethus of Palmyra. Warrior of Rome


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