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Waiting for Willa (The Big Sky Series Book 3)

Page 16

by Kristen Proby

  “You like that,” he says.

  “Of course, I like that.” I take a deep breath, and he does it again, making me bite my lip. But then he moves back down my leg before moving over to the next one. The calf receives plenty of attention, then the thigh, before his fingers wreak havoc on my core once again, making me moan in pleasure.


  “Time to turn over.”

  But rather than lie on my back, I sit on the side of the table and pull him between my legs, my fingers running beneath the band of his shorts and skimming over the head of his hard dick.

  “I’ve had a lot of pampering today,” I say, enjoying the way he’s breathing hard, his eyes hot with lust. “And it was awesome. But now, I want to pamper you.”

  “Taking care of you is all I need.”

  I lean in and press a kiss to his collarbone. “You’re sweet.” I kiss his chest. “And I appreciate you.” I kiss his nipple over his shirt, then slip my hands under the hemline and over his smooth, warm skin. “But it’s my turn.”

  I slowly peel his clothes off him, my fingers skimming over his flesh.

  “Now what?” he asks.

  “Let’s switch positions. You lie on the table.”

  He cocks a brow but doesn’t argue as I hop off and gesture for him to lie down, on his back. I splash some massage oil in my hands and take my time rubbing his thighs, up his sides, and across his shoulders before trailing my fingertips down to the rigid cock lying heavily on his belly.

  As soon as I cup him in my hands, he hisses in a breath through his teeth, making me feel powerful. I play with him for a moment, jerking him softly, then firmly. Slow, then fast.

  Finally, I lean over and lick him from the root to the tip, and he jackknifes off the table.

  “Jesus, Wills.”

  “You like that?” I don’t expect an answer as I take him into my mouth and suck gently, then push down until the tip tickles the back of my throat before firming my lips and pulling back up.

  “You keep that up, and I’ll come in your mouth.”

  “I’m doing it right, then.”

  I repeat the motion, over and over again while still massaging the shaft and his balls, until he grips onto my hair and loses himself completely.

  I swallow, then kiss his hip and his lower abdomen as he catches his breath.

  “Whoa,” he says at last, making me laugh.

  “I’ve been saying that all day.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “I DON’T KNOW THAT I’m ready to go home,” Willa says with a wistful sigh, leaning her forehead against the window of the plane as we take off from the airport.

  “We can go back anytime you want,” I remind her and reach over to take her hand in mine. The past week was what we both needed: time to reconnect without interruptions. To just be together. She ended up borrowing a laptop so she could peruse her favorite suppliers for her store, which didn’t bother me in the least because I also spent time working.

  But we also had plenty of time to talk, about everything from the weather to our deepest dreams and wishes. To make love and cuddle while we watched the whales breaching in the ocean.

  To be us.

  But we both miss Alex, and it’s time to get back to real life in Montana.

  “If you don’t want to go to San Diego,” I continue, “we can go anywhere else you like, and take Alex with us. The plane is always available.”

  “Thank you,” she says, then squirms in her seat. “You do know that I’m not using you for the money, right?”

  I narrow my eyes at her. “This is a thing for you. You’ve mentioned it several times.”

  “I just know that women must throw themselves at you and take advantage of what you can buy them. I’m not like that.”

  I clear my throat. “Let’s take care of this subject right here and now so we don’t have to revisit it again. I hate that the money makes you uncomfortable, Wills. You once loved me when I didn’t have two nickels to rub together.”

  “The money doesn’t matter to me,” she clarifies. “That’s what I’m trying to say. I’d be with you whether you have it or not.”

  “I appreciate that,” I reply and squeeze her hand. “But I do have it. A lot of it, like I told you before.”

  “I know.”

  “And I can give you your heart’s desire, any day of the week. I don’t say that to sound arrogant or like an ass. It just is. I don’t think you’re here because of that. Hell, it took us years to get here, Wills. So, no, I don’t think it’s because of the money.”

  “I’m glad.” She nods once, then boosts herself into my lap, straddling me. “It’s all about your body.”

  “Really?” My eyebrows climb into my hairline as my hands find the nice, round globes of her tight ass. “Well, that’s convenient. I guess the dad bod is definitely out. I’d better keep working out.”

  “I don’t want to sound shallow or anything,” she says while unbuttoning my jeans, “but, yeah. Work out.”

  She yanks the jeans open and traces a finger down the sides of my hips.

  “It’s this. This is what makes me wetter than I can say.”

  “Is that so?”

  “You have sexy powers,” she continues, making me snort. “No, really. Screw the money; it’s this body and your hands and the way you smirk at me.”

  She’s in a blue sundress with a denim jacket that she brought along for when we reach Montana. It won’t be warm enough, but now I’m eternally grateful for the easy access as my hands slide under the dress to find her ass naked.

  “You’re not wearing anything under there.”

  “I’m wearing a bra,” she says. “Because you know, mom boobs.”

  “Hey, I like your boobs.” I dip my head to kiss one, just out of principle. “Don’t dis your tits.”

  She’s grinding against me, sending me into crazy town, which seems to be easy for her. All she has to do is look at me, and I’m hard as a rock.

  It seems some things never change.

  Finally, she slips over me, taking me inside her, and begins to ride me like a woman possessed.

  “You feel so damn good,” she groans, her fingers in my hair. “Who knew plane sex could be so fun?”

  “Not me,” I reply and hold onto her hips, guiding her. “But we’re going to do this more often, I’ll tell you that right now.”

  “Oh, good.” She tips her head back, a sure sign that her orgasm is close. “Jesus, Max, I’m gonna come already.”

  I reach back and tickle her anus, which is something new I learned this week that drives her wild. She gasps and spasms around me, milking me with an intense orgasm, and just as she starts to come out the other side, I follow her, pushing up and grinding my pubic bone against her clit.

  Once I’ve caught my breath, I set her on the seat next to me and walk back to the restroom to get a wet cloth and a dry towel to clean us up.

  “That was fun,” she says with a wicked grin after I dispose of the towels.


  “I love you, Max.”

  My gaze whips to hers, surprised and elated to hear the words.

  “I know it’s not a super romantic time to say it, but I do. And I’m grateful for every minute with you, at home and anywhere else.”

  I scoop her up again, cradling her to me, and kiss the fuck out of her.

  “I love you, too, Wills.” I tip my forehead against hers. “I never stopped loving you, all these years.”

  She blinks slowly, soaking it in.

  “Same here.” She sighs. “I felt guilty about that for a long time.”

  “You carry around too much guilt.”

  She nods. “I do, you’re right. I guess I worry about hurting others, and if I’d admitted before that I still loved you, it would have hurt Cary, his parents, and me. Because you weren’t mine anymore.”

  “I’m yours now.” I kiss her cheek, her jaw, and then her lips. “I’m always going to be your

  She grins and snuggles against me. “Oh, good, because if there was a blond bimbo, I’d have to kill her, and I look horrible in orange.”

  “Not to mention, you can’t get spa treatments in prison.”

  “And that would be awful.” She giggles. “I miss Alex. It sounded like he was having a good time with Jean and Dan. Jean said he’s been good for her, and he did his homework without an issue.”

  “Good.” She nestles herself under my chin. “I’m sorry he’s been difficult lately.”

  “I think it’s a phase,” she replies softly. “It’ll pass. Maybe he’s having a tough time adjusting to having a guy around. He loves you, and is always excited to see you, but it’s an adjustment all the same.”

  “True.” I nod, thinking it over. “Do you want me to have a talk with him?”

  “If the moment is right, and you want to talk to him, it won’t bother me,” she says. “Oh, and I spoke with Tom right before we went to California. I forgot to tell you in all the excitement. He still doesn’t have an ETA on my car.”

  You have a car. But I don’t say it. She can keep the Rover. I know she likes it; she just won’t ask for it. Which is another thing I love about her.

  “Like I said, there’s no rush on that.”

  She nods. “Thanks.”

  “You don’t have to thank me.” I kiss her hair. “Do you want to nap a bit before we land?”

  “Can I stay in your lap?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then, yes. I want to nap.”


  “Hi, Jean, how are things?” Willa asks from the car on the way to her house. “We did land, and are on the way to my house now. We should be there in about ten minutes or so. Do you want to bring Alex to the house, or should I come and get him? …That would be awesome, thank you. …What do you mean?”

  I glance at her as her voice changes to concern. She looks at me with wide, brown eyes.

  “How long has he been throwing up? Oh, gosh, Jean. I’m so sorry. …Okay, see you then.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Alex has the flu.” She rubs her fingers over her forehead. “I wish she’d told me. He’s been throwing up for twenty-four hours.”

  “Do we need to go get him?”

  “No, they’re bringing him home.”

  “He’s going to be okay,” I remind her.

  “I know. I just hate it when he’s sick. I’m always with him.” She sighs. “Oh, well, it’ll be fine.”

  I pull into her driveway and quickly unpack the car. Shortly after, Jean and Dan arrive.

  “Mom,” Alex says with tears in his eyes when they come inside. “I throwed up in the car.”

  “Oh, no.” Willa cringes. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’ll clean up,” Jean says. “He got most of it in the bucket.”

  “I can clean it up now,” I offer, but Dan shakes his head.

  “It really isn’t that bad,” Dan says, reaching out to shake my hand. “How are you, Max?”

  “I’m well, thank you.”

  “I’m so glad you had a nice time,” Jean says with a smile.

  “I’m just sorry that Alex got sick.”

  Rocky sniffs about as if he hasn’t been here in a month, then he walks into his kennel and lays down.

  Alex has trained him well already.

  “We’re going to get out of the way,” Jean says. “We’ll be in town another week, so if you need anything at all, you just call.”

  “Thanks so much,” Willa says, leading Alex down the hall to his bedroom. “I’ll call you later.”

  I see the couple out, then join Willa and Alex. She’s just pulling fresh pajamas over the little boy’s head.

  “You can rest in your own bed,” she says before pulling him in for a hug. “You know the drill. Get comfy, and I’ll go fetch you a puke bowl, a towel, and some crackers.”

  “’Kay,” he says. “Can I have Rocky?”

  “I’ll bring him back with me,” she promises and gestures for me to follow her to the kitchen. “This isn’t how I imagined saying this, but thanks for this week. I had a great time.”

  “It sounds like you’re kicking me out.”

  She laughs humorlessly. “You definitely don’t have to stay. The next day or so isn’t going to be enjoyable or sexy. Let me get him back on his feet, and then I’ll call you.”

  Without answering, I lean in and kiss her forehead. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

  But her mind is already occupied as she searches for a big bowl and the other supplies for Alex. I leave, calling my mom as I pull out of the driveway.

  “Hey, bud,” she says. “How are you?”

  “I’m great,” I reply. “But Alex has the flu. Willa’s with him, and I thought I’d go to the store for supplies. I just don’t know what those are. I need mom help.”

  Her voice is full of joy when she says, “I love this phone call. Okay, he’s going to need some Gatorade. He’ll get dehydrated fast, so keep offering him lots of fluids. Crackers will be easy on his tummy. Maybe some Jell-O or pudding. Bland things that don’t upset his stomach more are the key.

  “I’d start there. He’ll also get bored as he starts to feel better, so plan to watch a lot of TV.”

  “I can do that,” I reply. “Okay, this is a good start. Thanks.”

  “Watch his fever. If it stays high, take him to the doctor. Oh, and you’ll need children’s Tylenol for the fever.”

  “Jesus, just text me a list.”

  She laughs in my ear. “How’s Willa?”

  “She’s great. Worried now, of course.”

  “And how are things between the two of you?”

  I should have known this would turn into a Q&A session.


  “Come on, Max, give me more than that. Are you serious?”

  “Oh, yeah. I’m gonna marry her for sure.”

  “Don’t play with my emotions.”

  “I’m not.”

  There’s a moment of silence, and then Mom lets out a loud whoop.

  “It’s about damn time!”

  “I take it you approve?”

  “Yes, and I’ll gain a grandson. I couldn’t be more excited. I’ll let you go; I know it’s going to be a busy couple of days with Alex being sick.”

  “Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you, too.” I can hear her move the phone away from her face, but she doesn’t hang up before I hear her yell, “We have to go to Montana!”

  I hurry through the store, checking the list Mom texted over shortly after our talk. I add some wine for Willa, along with some snacks for her and me, and a frozen pizza for dinner, then hurry back to her place.

  I walk in to chaos.

  There’s crying and dog whines coming from Alex’s room, so I leave the bags of groceries on the kitchen island and hurry back.

  Alex is covered in vomit, as is Willa, and Rocky is on the floor at the foot of the bed, watching it all unfold.

  We’re all just lucky the puppy isn’t leaping in to eat what’s covering the two people I love.

  “Okay,” I say, surprising both of them. I take Willa’s shoulders in my hands and kiss her forehead. “You go take a shower. I got this.”

  “What are you doing here?” Her eyes already look tired. “It’s really okay if you go home.”

  “Haven’t you figured it out yet?” I ask, shaking my head. “We’re in this together. I went to the store and bought provisions, which are currently on the kitchen island. You go get a shower and put those away. I’m going to get Alex fixed up.”

  She stares at me wordlessly, then blinks rapidly and kisses my cheek, careful not to press herself against me.

  “Thank you. I’ll be ten minutes.”

  She hurries off, and I turn to Alex, who’s sniffling.

  “Let’s go to the bathroom and get you cleaned up, buddy.”

  “Okay.” He doesn’t argue as I help him strip out of the pajamas that were clean thirty minut
es ago and into the shower.

  “Are you okay here while I change your bedsheets?”

  “Yeah. I don’t want to wash my hair.”

  “No yuckies in your hair, so I think you’re safe.” I kiss his cheek and hurry back to his room, where I strip the bed, put the linens in the laundry, and find clean ones in a hall closet.

  Just as I finish making the bed, Rocky hops onto it and turns a circle, settling in to rest.

  “Good boy,” I say, petting his head and scratching his ears. “You stay here and get ready to snuggle your human. I’ll have him back here in a flash.”

  I find another set of clean PJs and rush back to the bathroom.

  “How’s it going in there?” I ask.

  “I feel a little better,” Alex says, his voice weak.

  “Good. Are you all rinsed off?”


  “You can get out then. There are clean clothes by the sink. Are you okay by yourself?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I grin. Even when Alex doesn’t feel well, he has his manners. He may be pushing his mom’s patience lately, but Willa’s still doing something right.

  “I’ll meet you back in your bedroom.”

  I walk out to the kitchen to find a fresh Willa unpacking grocery bags.

  “This is incredible,” she says with tears in her voice.

  “It’s just Gatorade and pizza,” I say, not sure how to navigate this.

  “No, it’s not.” She shakes her head. “It’s a lot more than that. I don’t remember the last time I had someone here to help. My mom’s awesome, but it’s—”

  “It’s not the same.” I tug her to me and rub my hands up and down her back soothingly. “It’s not the same as having a partner.”

  “No.” She sniffles and looks up at me. “I’m afraid to get too used to this, Max. To depend on it. I’m too accustomed to being a one-woman show, and I’m good at it. I don’t know what I’d do if I had to go back to that once I settle into this.”

  “Just trust me,” I reply and kiss her forehead. “And don’t overthink it. I’m just here to help with the flu today, Wills. And I love you, so I’m not going to leave you here to fend for yourself. That would just be cruel.”


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