The Fighter (The High Rise, Book 1)
Page 11
“You look…” He stares at me as he shakes his head. “You look absolutely stunning, Laney.”
Okay. I’m feeling way better now and I actually allow myself to breathe again.
“You look very handsome yourself,” I answer with a shy smile.
“Go!” Dani says loudly. “You’re gonna miss your dinner. And Andre’s, damn, I wouldn’t miss that for anything.”
Heath and I walk toward each other and he takes my hand before leaning in to touch his lips to mine. “You’re beautiful,” he says before standing straight again.
“Thank you.” I’m glad that he appreciates my efforts and in half the normal time it’d take me!
Still holding his hand, I walk to the hall tree and take the beige wrap from it, and he helps put it across my shoulders then I grab my clutch from the table by the door.
“Ready?” he asks.
I nod and turn to Dani. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“You’d better,” she says dryly which makes me giggle.
“’Night,” Heath tells her before closing the door. He takes my hand again and we walk to the elevator where he punches the down button. He then turns to me. “Tonight, while we get to know each other better, you’re wearing those fucking shoes.”
I chuckle as the doors open. Getting on, I look up at him, smarting off. “Tonight, while we get to know each other better, you’re wearing nothing.”
“Laney,” he growls. “Do not say shit like that to me or we’re going back to my apartment now.”
“Yes, sir,” I mumble and get a hand squeeze which makes me look up at him again.
“Stop bein’ cute.”
I frown. “I’m being cute?”
He’s looking straight ahead at the front of the elevator. “Yeah.”
“How am I being cute?”
I see his jaw muscles jumping and he looks like he’s getting mad. Uh, okay. The doors open and he pulls me with him as we head toward the garage door. We walk to his Explorer and he opens my door but before I get in, I turn to him.
“How am I being cute, Heath?”
He lets out a breath then narrows his eyes at me. “You’re lookin’ fuckhot tonight, Laney. So much so that I seriously wanna take you back upstairs and ravish your sexy body all night long. But I also wanna show you off and you bein’ cute isn’t helping the situation.”
I decide to let it go because I’m still not sure what he’s saying. It must be a man thing. “Oh. Okay,” I say, turning to get in the car.
“Fuck me,” I hear him mumble before he turns me back to him and smashes his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck as his arms go around my waist crushing my body to his and we’re in the most passionate lip lock to end all lip locks.
Good lord, the man can kiss.
When he finally pulls away, he shakes his head. “I’m guessin’ you can’t help it so I’m just gonna have to maintain my composure.”
I giggle as he helps me in because I’m guessing I’m just going to have to take his word for it because I’m still clueless. When he gets in the driver’s side, he gives me a wink before starting the car and backing out of the space.
“So why were you on the phone with the engineer?” I question.
“Fuckin’ idiot drew up some of the pipes the wrong way for the plumbing. Must’ve been drunk when he did it because he’s got shit going every which way. This is a chain convenience store. There’s a stock set of blueprints but for some reason this guy felt the need to draw his own plans. He doesn’t fix it, I’ve gotta put a call in to my boss and let him know. And my boss can be an asshole, so I do everything in my power not to have to call him. I’m gonna be really pissed if things aren’t set right.”
“Sorry you’re having trouble with him,” I reply. “Do you wear a hardhat?” Heath in a hardhat would be hot.
He looks at me like I’m nuts. “Uh, yeah. It’s construction.”
I think I just let out a helpless mewl because he looks questioningly back at me.
“Do you wear one of those tool belts?” I can’t help myself. I have to know.
He’s watching the road and I see him frown before he says, “Sometimes.”
“Hot,” I whisper suddenly needing to fan myself. “It’s kinda hot in here, isn’t it? Are you hot?”
He chuckles and reaches a hand over to adjust the thermostat on my side. “Better?” he asks a few moments later.
I nod because it’s much better. I don’t want to sweat in this gorgeous dress!
“I think now you’re getting where I’m coming from when you’re being cute.”
Ah. I do get it now which makes me chuckle.
“How’d your day go?” he says looking over at me then back at the road.
“Pretty well. I had three showings and made fifteen appointments.”
“Damn. The apartment business does well, huh?”
“Oh, yeah. People always need somewhere to live,” I say with a chuckle. “And Dad not only owns apartment buildings but condos too. He’s also bought houses from a couple celebrities then sold them to other celebrities. I think the last one he bought was from Jessica Simpson and then he sold it to Jennifer Lawrence. Isn’t that cool? I mean, he didn’t get to meet them or anything. It all went through the realtor, but it’s still kinda cool.”
He nods. “Pretty cool.” He reaches over and grabs my hand, resting the back of his on the console and runs his thumb over my knuckles. “Since we’re name dropping, my crew and I built one of Tom Cruise’s houses.”
“Really? Did you ever see him?”
“I think we did once. It wasn’t up close or anything but if it was him, he’s a pretty small guy.” He snorts.
“I always think actors are built and tall like… well, like you.” He leans his head down a little and brings my hand up to his lips holding it there as he watches the road. “But then when you see them, they’re usually not anything special,” I remark.
“Yeah. Funny how you think one thing about someone only to find out it’s not true,” he mutters against my hand and keeps driving.
Dinner is fabulous, the company’s even better and we’re actually getting to know each other. Imagine that. You talk, then listen and there you go. I want to roll my eyes at how stupid I’ve been panicking about everything.
“Tell me more about Aaron,” I say to Heath over dessert.
“I told you we were little shits growing up. When I was twelve and Aaron was ten Dad had promised to take us up to Yosemite to go camping, you know, for a little guy time. It was summer and Mom was ready for us to get out of her hair. Dad’s the manager in hazardous waste at Chevron and there’d been an earthquake the day before so he couldn’t take us. Aaron and I were pissed. So to get him back, we snuck into his and Mom’s bathroom and made a fake roll of toilet paper and put it on the holder then took the rest of the rolls out.”
I raise an eyebrow.
He laughs. “Dad loved his bathroom time. Mom never uses theirs because Dad always hogs it.” He now looks embarrassed which is way cute. “Nice dinner talk, huh?”
I laugh with him then ask, “So what happened?”
He shrugs getting a little twinkle in his eyes and I can see where he would’ve been ornery. “Aaron and I heard him yelling all the way down the block. We didn’t go home until we were sure he was in bed because he would’ve tanned both our hides.”
“So did you eventually get in trouble?” I question.
“We were always in trouble but this time was the worst. We had to do the housework for six months. Everything Mom did, Aaron and I had to do. Tell you what, it made me appreciate her a whole lot more when that six months was finally up.” He chuckles then takes a bite of his tiramisu. “What about you? Any brothers or sisters?”
“I have an older sister but she lives in DC. Her husband’s a lawyer and is one of those political types who’ll probably run for president someday. Tara’s twelve years older than I am so we’re not really close. Mom calls me her and Dad’s
‘little surprise.’” I roll my eyes at the euphemism since we all know I was definitely an accident.
Heath reaches across the table and holds my hand giving it a squeeze. “It could be worse. My cousin Brad was called ‘Whoops’ his first ten years until he put his foot down.” He cracks up at this.
“That’s terrible,” I say through my giggling.
He smiles now, shaking his head. “Bad thing is, Aaron and I really thought that was his name. We didn’t understand until we were older and of course we gave him all kinds of hell for it then.”
We finish dessert and he pays the check. I get up and he helps me with my wrap then puts his hand at the small of my back as we walk toward the front. I take his arm in my hand as we walk outside and wait for the valet to bring his car around.
He opens my door for me helping me in the Explorer and just before he closes the door, I turn to him. “Thank you for this. I’ve really had a good time tonight.”
His eyes go soft as he looks at me then he cups the side of my face.
“Thank you. I was proud to have you on my arm tonight.” He gives me the softest kiss and my stomach goes all mushy at both his words and good his lips felt on mine.
I watch him walk around the front of the vehicle, sighing at how handsome he is knowing I too was proud to be with him.
This date has been the best I’ve ever had, even beating out my sophomore year in high school when I took Alexa Moore (who was a senior) to see The Notebook and she not only let me feel her up in the theater but she fucked my brains out in my truck in the parking lot after the movie.
On our way back to the apartment building, Laney and I make small talk and when we get back, I park in the garage coming around to help her out of the car. Walking together it’s like the air is electrified between us. It’s so strange, like our pheromones, or whatever this is between us, are crackling like crazy. I’ve never had this happen with any other woman and I’m not sure what to make of it.
We don’t speak in the elevator and I’m not sure what’s going on inside her head.
“Can I come to your place?” she asks as soon as we get to our floor.
Hell yes, she can. Like I’d say no.
“Of course,” I say, putting my hand at the small of her back as we walk to my door.
When I pull out my keys, she looks up at me. “I wanna play a game.”
I unlock the door letting her go in first and upon closing the door, I announce, “If this game has us getting naked, I’m in.”
She chuckles as she looks around my place. There’s not much to it, just the usual living room shit—couch, chair, tables, lamps, TV.
“It does if you get the answers right,” she replies biting her lip and giving me a dubious look.
Huh. She’s nervous. What’s this about?
I take her wrap and drape it on the coat rack. “Would you like a drink to go with this game you’re wanting to play?” I ask walking to the kitchen.
“What’ve you got?”
“I’ve got several wines, Moscato, Chardonnay, Merlot. I’ve also got scotch, whiskey, beer.”
“I’ll take a beer,” she answers and I think I love her.
I grab a couple of Zombie Dusts from the fridge, opening them and heading back to the living room. She’s looking at the framed poster I have on the wall of the last scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and I take in how stunning she is. That dress looks amazing on her and those heels would make a friggin’ monk hard. Jesus.
I hand her a beer then stand and look at the poster with her.
“This is one of my favorite movies,” she informs me then takes a drink and now I really think I love her.
“Mine too. Can’t top Redford and Newman,” I comment. We stand there for a moment before my curiosity gets the best of me. “Tell me about this game.”
She bites her lip again before taking another drink then turns to me. “Well, we got to know a bit about each other tonight. So the game is, we ask each other more questions and if one gets the answer right, the other has to take off a piece of clothing.”
This is cute but I see right through it. She wants to sleep with me but she’s too shy or proper to make a move (not understanding that I’d make it for her) and I find this interesting since she seemed so uninhibited last night. Huh. Women. I’ll never figure them out. I’m gonna chock this up to her age but I don’t have a problem with it. I’ll play her game… for a while.
I raise an eyebrow. “I’m thinkin’ there’s not gonna be a loser to this game.”
She laughs. “If I don’t miss any questions, you could be left standing with just your shoes and socks on, which might be looked upon as losing.” She snorts at the look on my face because what’d be wrong with just being in my shoes and socks? Again, women.
“Let’s do it,” I return. Hell, I don’t give a fuck if I’m left standing naked. I’m just thinking of the grand prize at the end. I finish my beer, setting the bottle on an end table and she does the same.
“You stand here.” She puts me near the end of the coffee table then goes and stands at the other end. “You can go first,” she suggests.
“So I can ask you anything?” She nods. “All right. What’s my favorite color?” I ask.
“Blue,” she guesses correctly but I shake my head.
Hey, she didn’t say we had to be truthful. I just want to see her naked the fastest way I know how.
I give her a look and twitch my fingers toward my shirt showing her I want her to take something off. She grins while taking off her necklace which makes me narrow my eyes and her laugh as she places it on the coffee table.
“My turn,” she announces. “Where was I born?”
“San Francisco.”
Her mouth drops open. “How’d you know?”
I shrug. “Lucky guess.”
She doesn’t know I had my PI friend look her up and I’m thinking it probably wouldn’t make her too happy knowing that I did.
She takes a ring off, setting it by the necklace and now I do a quick inventory of her body seeing the only jewelry left is earrings. Good.
“Where was I born?” I ask.
She screws up her mouth for a second. “You grew up in El Segundo… so I’m gonna guess that’s where you were born too.”
She’s right so I take off my sports jacket, to her satisfied look, and throw it on the couch.
“What’s my middle name?”
She’s making this too easy.
She’s shocked again. “How’d you know?”
I chuckle. “I’m interested in you. I did my homework.”
She takes off her earrings looking at me suspiciously. “Guess I should’ve done my homework.”
I smirk at her which gets me a glare. She’s being cute and I’m now ready for this game to end.
“What’s my favorite band?” I inquire.
She looks at me for a moment sizing me up. “You had on an Alice in Chains t-shirt the first time we met… which means you like grunge… but you wouldn’t go mainstream because you’d want to be different. Then again, you might just like rock and there are lots of new bands: Red Sun Rising, Nothing More, Shaman’s Harvest…”
She’s good. Those are all groups I like.
“Then again, you might go old school...” She twists her mouth to the side and declares, “Nirvana.”
I smile as I start taking off my shirt. “Look, I’m gonna give you this one because I like a lot of bands, so that wasn’t really a fair question.”
“Cheating, are you?” she teases.
Good. She’s lightening up. I grin at her, tossing my shirt on my jacket, but I’m still fully clothed since I’m wearing an undershirt.
“My turn,” she says with a smirk. “What’s my favorite band?”
I’ve heard her listening to two mainstream bands this week. It could be anyone. So I go with what’s safe.
She throws h
er head back and cracks up laughing and she’s beautiful. She can also take a joke.
Through her laughter she says, “I have to admit, ‘Barbie Girl’ was one of my favorite songs… when I was six.” She snorts.
And now I’ve definitely had enough of her game. She’s still clothed and this isn’t working for me. I smile as I take a step toward her, chuckling.
“Wh-what are you doing? We’re not done,” she stammers.
I nod because I’m done.
“Wait. Don’t tell me ‘Barbie Girl’ was your favorite too and now I’ve stolen your thunder.” She snickers.
I keep walking toward her but she retreats a step with each of mine. She’s now at the end of the couch opposite me.
“We’re not done playing,” she whispers but I see she’s trying not to laugh.
“Oh, we’re done,” I announce, starting toward her and she moves away again. “Why do you keep trying to get away? Scared?” I tease.
“Yes, I am scared,” she confesses.
This stops me in my tracks. What the fuck?
“Why’re you scared?” I question. Surely she’s not afraid of me. I squint my eyes watching her wondering what she’s thinking.
“You know how I told you I was honest?” she asks. I nod. “Well, I’m gonna be honest now.”
Is she going tell me she’s not feeling this between us? Fucking hell, if that’s the case I’m seriously going to be pissed. I’ve known her for not even a week yet I know I could fall for this woman easily.
I watch as she takes a deep breath blowing it out before she begins. “Uh, I think you’re really hot. As in very hot.”
I’m waiting for the “but.”
“And it would be so easy to fall for you.”
Still waiting.
“You’re nice when you’re not being an ass.” She gives me a sassy grin which makes me snort. But I’m still waiting for her to reject me. “I’ve dated several asses. Players, like I told you the first time.”
I nod again.
“I don’t want to date another one.”
“I’m not a player,” I declare. I have been in my past but that was with women I didn’t want to be with. I want to be with Laney.