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My Body-His Marcello

Page 3

by Blakely Bennett

  Luke had chosen a traditional three-tiered, white wedding cake, capped off with a clothed bride and groom. The irony was not lost on me. I felt slightly annoyed by the fully dressed bride but she also made me laugh. A traditional cake to go along with our crazy wedding?

  Luke deserved some credit, though. He had the decency to feed me my first bite of cake without mashing it into my face. He did take a dollop of frosting and cover my lips. Leaning forward, he tickled the frosting ever so sensually with his tongue. In spite of an urge to laugh aloud, I finally submitted and joined him in sharing one of the best and tastiest kisses ever.

  Other than Janice’s intrusion at the beginning of the reception and the fact that I had to prance around nude, the wedding turned out wonderfully. That is, until I no longer could avoid dancing with Marcello. His strong lead felt like steel compared to Luke’s. I didn’t mind being led, but his considerable, hard cock pressed up against me left me feeling exceedingly uncomfortable.

  “I can’t wait until later,” he said after our dance ended.

  “Later?” I said. “I don’t think so.” I pulled myself free from his grip and furrowed my brow.

  “You might want to watch how you speak to me,” Marcello said. He looked directly into my eyes as if he could will my obedience.

  “I think you’ve mistaken who you’re speaking to,” I said, and went in search of Luke.

  I pulled him away from a conversation with his friend Jim and said, “What does Marcello think is going to happen later? He’s an extremely rude man and very disrespectful of you, I might add.”

  Luke laughed. “Of me? I don’t think so.”

  “He kept rubbing his cock against me the whole time we danced and then he tried to talk to me as if he were you. That is disrespect, if you ask me.”

  “Well Marcello certainly has his ways and it might serve you well to be nicer to him.”

  “Nicer to him? You must be joking.”

  “I’m not.”

  I stood there with my mouth open. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “What about protecting me? Wasn’t that part of your vows?”

  “When you require my protection, you will have it. Until then, be reverential of my friends and acquaintances.”

  “I’m going for a stroll,” I said, taking a step toward the beach.

  Luke clutched my hand and pulled me back toward him. “Jane, you still need to throw the bouquet.”

  I flounced off toward Parker’s table to retrieve my flowers as Luke summoned all the single women. I hoped Sandy would catch the bouquet. It would make her happy, and perhaps she could leave my wedding with one positive memory. As the women gathered behind me, I glanced over my shoulder and I noticed where Sandy stood. I also noted that Marcello loitered off to the side, staring me down.

  Luke moseyed up to me and said, “Go for it.” With a wink he added, “She’s shifted over to the left a bit.”

  I threw the gold roses over my left shoulder, knowing they would fly straight to Sandy. I spun around in time to see Marcello stretch out his long arm and snatch them from the air right above Sandy’s head.

  What the hell is doing? I thought. I looked over at Luke, who grunted and started to laugh. How could he?

  All the women returned to their seats as I stormed over to Marcello.

  “What was that?” I said, hands on my hips.

  “I caught them for you?” he countered, a look of the devil in his eyes. He said it almost like a question.

  “They were meant for Sandy! What is your prob—” I started to say, pointing at Marcello, but then Luke grabbed my wrist and whirled me about to face him.

  “Jane, we just spoke about this,” he whispered harshly in my ear, pinning my arm to my side. “You will not disrespect my friends. Know you owe me for ...”

  I wrenched my wrist free and ran toward the beach without looking back. Although the sun had gone down, the houses on the coast cast enough light for me to find my way. I tightened my robe as I headed north, close to the shore, keeping my feet out of the water. Finally I found a lounge chair and sat down to watch the waves come in.

  There seemed to be no middle ground for me. One minute I felt elated and happy, even blissful, and yet in a matter of seconds I could sink to such depths of despair. Why had I chosen this life—this path of extremes?

  In the days to come, I would ask myself that same question over and over.


  Alone on the beach, I wondered if I had made a huge mistake. After a while I lay back and watched the moonlit clouds shift and change shape. I must have dozed for a bit because the sound of my name being called brought me back to the waking world. I looked around to get my bearings.


  “Yes,” I said, sitting up. I couldn’t make out the person standing there in the dark.

  “People are looking for you,” she said as she approached.


  “Oh. Okay.” I stood up and followed her.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. Her voice held so much compassion that I wondered what could have possibly gone wrong between her and Luke. Her beauty was intimidating—from her jet black hair that shone blue in the light, her deep onyx eyes, to her stunning proportions. Although she was close to my height, her body, shown to the best advantage in the corset and jeans, was far more curvaceous than mine.

  “He asks too much of me sometimes.”

  She put her hands on my shoulders. “The only way you’ll survive this relationship with your mind intact is if you truly give your body over to Luke and to a large extent, your life. If not, you’ll be at war with yourself the whole time and not be able to live with him or without him. Take my word for it.”

  I knew she was giving me the advice I needed to hear but it’s a whole other thing to actually take it.

  “I wanted to hate you,” Janice said. “You, who have stepped right into my shoes, but instead I see you as his next conquest. You seem far more innocent than I was in the beginning. I’m worried for you.”

  “For me?” I asked. “I think it’s a mistake to confuse your situation with mine. I’m wondering if you’ll be okay.”

  We both began making our way toward the house and she said, “There’s no going back. You might want to remember that, too.”

  Her words sent a chill jetting through me. My body felt their truth even if my mind refused it.

  I trod in her footsteps back to the house, trying to hang onto the hate I’d initially felt for her. But as I watched her sashaying barefoot through the sand in front of me, I thawed. Luke had never asked her to marry him and just because Janice still longed for him didn’t mean he still wanted her. My thoughts were in turmoil as I climbed the stairs to the back of our new beach home.

  Most of the guests had left but my mother, Parker, and Marcello remained. It was an odd group. They sat at one table together but none of them spoke. I didn’t see Luke but could see the caterers cleaning up inside.

  “Damn girl, you had us all worried,” Parker said.

  “Sorry. I went for a walk and I guess I dozed for a bit.” I sat down at the table, avoiding eye contact with either my mother or Marcello. “Where’s Luke?”

  “He went looking for you in the other direction,” Janice said.

  “Oh, then I should ...” I began but Luke climbed up the steps toward us. He didn’t seem pleased.

  “Jane,” he said as he approached. “Come with me.”

  “Let me say my goodbyes first,” Parker said.

  “Of course,” Luke said.

  I strode with Parker to the front of the house and my mother followed a few steps behind.

  “Be strong and don’t take any shit from him.”

  I laughed so hard at Parker’s advice. If she had only known, she would’ve kidnapped me right then and there.

  “I’m serious, Jane.”

  “I know, Parker. It’s what I love so much about you. I will take care of myself. Thank you again for all your support. I wouldn�
��t have made it through without you and I know I owe you big time.”

  She hugged me and said, “That’s what friends are for. Call me if you need me. Anytime, Jane. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes. I love you, Parker.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I watched her depart and then shuffled over to my mother’s car, where she sat waiting for me.

  “Mom,” I said as I tapped lightly on her window.

  “Jane, I promised Luke I would not ruin your wedding, but seeing that it’s over, I will no longer hold my tongue.”

  I went around and got in on the passenger’s side.

  “Get an annulment. Come stay at my house until you can get a new job and a place to live. This is not the place for you. I know you can’t see it for yourself and you see me as always being critical of you and maybe in a way I have been but this is different. Jane please, I’m worried for you. I don’t think Luke is who he appears to be and I’m truly afraid for you.”

  I didn’t respond right away. I thought it had to be the most sincere thing my mother had ever said to me. Tears pooled in my eyes and I struggled to keep my emotions in check. I knew I had to reassure her but I was at a loss.

  We sat in silence. A tear escaped down my cheek.

  “Mom, I so appreciate you coming to the wedding, especially considering the circumstances. I also value your concerns for me. I want to assure you that I can take care of myself. I knew what I was getting into, marrying Luke. I love him, Mom, and he loves me.”

  “Not all love is good love, Jane,” she said, placing her palm on my knee.

  I looked down at her hand. I couldn’t remember the last time she had initiated physical contact. “I can’t thank you enough for offering your place. It’s good to know I have somewhere to go if I need it.” But even as I said it, I knew I would never live in my mother’s house again. I questioned the wisdom of marrying and living with Luke, but I knew I wouldn’t survive living in the same house with her. “It will all be fine,” I said.

  “Please keep in touch,” she said.

  “I will.” And at that moment, I meant it.

  I went back through the living room to the French doors and signaled to Luke. Marcello and Janice still remained. He didn’t say anything but took my hand and led me back to the bedroom.

  “I was worried,” Luke said, rotating me to face him.

  “I dozed off. I didn’t mean to,” I said with a shrug and a sigh.

  He gazed down at me and shook his head. “All those people wanted to say goodbye but you weren’t here.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.” I felt nervous but my anger goaded me on. “I had to get away. It was clear to me that your loyalty is not with me. You are more loyal to Marcello and Janice. Maybe this was all a mistake. My mother certainly thinks so.” I couldn’t look directly at him. Was the expression on his face anger or concern?

  “What do you think? That’s all that matters here,” he asked. He tilted my chin up so I had to confront him.

  “I think what you call having control over my body is just an excuse to treat me badly, an excuse to not consider or respect me. Janice says I just need to give myself over to you, but if that’s really what you want, then why pick me? Maybe you should have picked her.”

  “Maybe I should have, but I didn’t. I chose you. You’re the one I want to spend my life with.”

  I took a step back, but Luke did not relinquish his hold on my shoulders. “Then stop putting other people before me. Stop making Marcello’s opinions and feelings more important than mine. I happen to think Janice is okay but your inviting her to our wedding was completely inconsiderate. Myopic? I think, very much so.”

  He released my shoulders and cocked his head, as though contemplating his choices. As he clasped my hands in his, I could feel his energy.

  “I had plans for us tonight that I have to rethink,” he said. A smile played at his mouth and I felt relief. “Marcello won’t be happy but I’ll postpone it until the morning. I think you and I need to spend some time alone and I know I have some ground to make up with you. I wanted today to be perfect, and I failed.”

  “Not completely,” I said. I leaned over, kissing his breath into me. He seemed to finally hear me, finally get who I was, and I felt reassured. “I need to shower and get all the gold off me.”

  “Give me a minute. I’ll tip the caterers and say our goodbyes to Janice and Marcello.”

  “I’ll wait here,” I said. After removing all the adornments from my body, I lay back on the bed.

  Something caught my eye and I twisted toward the doorway. To the left hung a new painting. I sat up and scooted to the other side of the bed to get a closer look. There I saw the canvas that he’d worked on the night of the party when we first met. I could see clearly now that I was the girl sitting in the gazebo. The uncanny resemblance left me spooked. Had he already painted me there or had he altered the original? At that moment I felt that he had manifested me into his life with some sort of magic.

  “I see you’ve seen your wedding gift,” Luke said as he strolled back into our bedroom. “What do you think?”

  I didn’t know what to say. “She looks a lot like me.”

  “She is you, Janey.”

  “Thank you,” I said, swallowing my fear.

  “You’re welcome, love. Everyone is gone.”

  The fact that Luke had sent Marcello and Janice on their way scored huge points with me. Looking back on it now it’s surprising that I never considered the fact that on our wedding night he had made plans to share me.

  He held out his arms to me and said, “Come here, Mrs. Hall.” He scooped me up and carried me into the bathroom. We exchanged soft kisses while he ran us a tub, and when it was ready, we both got in.

  “Marcello wasn’t happy,” he said. He soaped up a wash cloth and began removing all the gold.

  “And I should care about that because …?” I lifted my right arm so he could clean beneath it.

  “Because you’ll be having contact with him in the near future.”

  “Why would you let another man have any say over me?” I said, lifting my other arm.

  “Any say over you, no, but a chance to spend time with you, yes.”

  “I suggest you revoke that opportunity or you’ll have an unhappy wife on your hands.”

  “I’d like to remind you that you still owe me for your rude behavior and I will punish you as I see fit. Are you refusing something I have requested of you? By now you should know the consequences.”

  “Of course not. I’ll do what you ask but that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences for your choices. I’d like to know what kind of hold this man has over you.”

  “He has no hold over me whatsoever. Call it loyalty if you will but I think I showed clearly tonight that my loyalty is to you above all else.”

  “But tomorrow I will pay for it. Isn’t that what you’re saying or warning me about?”

  “We have a long history, Marc and I, and over the years I’ve learned a lot from him. He has taken a liking to you, Jane.”

  “You have to be kidding, Luke, or you’re kidding yourself. That man despises me. He wants to hunt me down and hurt me. I see it in his eyes.”

  “He wants to control and discipline you. Not hurt you.”

  “What do you plan to let him do to me?”

  “Not to worry, love, I will be there. He wanted you for a weekend, suggesting that he could help with your transition, but I said no.”

  “Transition? You mean obedience? Jesus Christ, Luke, do you have a blind spot for this man? And why was Janice still here?”

  “Marcello is taking her on.”

  “Oh my god, no. What is she thinking? Luke, if you care at all about her, do not let that happen.”

  “I no longer have a say in the matter. She wants to do it. He wants to have her. Why should I get in the middle?”

  “Because it’s your fault, Luke. She can’t go back to a normal life and is
lost without you. Going with Marcello is a desperate decision, don’t you see that?”

  I felt defeated. I knew I would survive one encounter with Marcello but Janice wouldn’t survive a full commitment. I felt certain that she was hoping to die inside, that somehow being treated like a nothing would make her outsides match her insides. I wanted to save her but I had no idea why. It didn’t occur to me at the time that I needed saving myself.

  While Luke dried me off and carried me to bed, I let him briefly distract me from all that had happened on my wedding day. He explored my body with his kisses and influenced me in a way no other man had ever done. I lay there with my arms above my head as if tied to the headboard. He kissed and bit my nipples. My body responded in kind but my mind wandered. Making his way down my stomach, he pushed my legs up, baring my clit for his tongue.

  I worried for Janice as though she were the sister I’d never had. I hated Marcello. I hated that I thought of him as Luke expertly licked the juices from my nether lips. Marcello scared me, but at the same time my body craved the challenge of him. I wouldn’t let him get the best of me. I wouldn’t let him break me.

  “Luke, please tie me up,” I said, needing the distraction of a fully charged libido to wash my mind of my thoughts.

  “I must say this is an odd turn of events … you asking me to top you,” he said, shaking his head as he swung around to sit up. “This being our wedding night and all, I thought ...” He shook his head and continued, “At any rate, it’s not up to you.” He pierced me with his eyes a moment longer, as if to drive his point home.

  Sliding back down, he continued to expertly savor my wetness, using the juices to lubricate my anus. He pushed his fingers in and out of my pussy and ass while licking my clit at his leisure. Removing his finger from my vulva, he smelled and tasted me. He then caressed my folds, pulling on them as he continued to increase the pressure of his tongue. He brought me up to and back from the cliff’s edge over and over again, letting my orgasm climb higher and higher until I screamed out my release.

  “That was for you, love,” Luke said with an arrogant grin. “This is going to be for me.”


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