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Code of Silence: Cosa Nostra #2

Page 6

by Denton, Jasmine

  He was quiet as he listened. Those wisdom filled eyes searching his brother, taking in every word. “Nobody ever claimed peace was easy.”

  He clenched his jaw, chewing on those words.

  Rafe stood. “The only ones who don’t want this wedding to happen are the two of you,” he said. “And if you want to try to stand against the entire mafia…well, you can try. I don’t see it ending pretty, though.”


  Boiling Point

  In the parlor, Bela sat on the couch, flipping through the bridal book Claudia had assembled for her. Most of the preparations were made, all of them except for the rehearsal dinner. Rafe was supposed to have arrived at one o’clock to finalize the arrangements, but he was half an hour late. She hated the way he always kept her waiting, as if his schedule was so much more important than hers, and one of these times, she was just going to leave before he showed.

  That wouldn’t work this time, though since she was at her own house. “What do you think of china patterns, Gio?” she asked.

  He was standing by the window, looking out. Never far from her side. He glanced over at her. “What about them?”

  “Do you think, for example, that the world has way too many china patterns? I mean, how many ways can you decorate a plate? Some things are just overboard.”

  He chuckled.

  “You think that’s funny?” she asked. “You should see the different ways to fold napkins.”

  After flipping to the right page, she held the bridal book up to show him the pictures of the different folding styles. “There’s more, too,” she said. “Three pages more.”

  They were still laughing at this when Rafe entered the room, followed by one of his men. She recognized his face, but didn’t know his name.

  “You’re late,” she said, placing the book on the coffee table. “Again.”

  “Compared to your indiscretions, tardiness is nothing,” he said.

  She looked up at him. “What?”

  “Does this alliance mean nothing to you?” he asked. “Is it all just a joke?”

  Though he spoke in the same bossy tone and calm inflection, she could see hints of anger in his eyes. “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  “Why am I still getting reports of you sneaking off to see my brother when I’ve specifically told both of you to stay away from each other? Do you know how that makes me look?”

  Bela glanced away from him in guilt.

  “If I can’t keep my personal life in order, how is anybody going to think I can run my business? If my own fiancée is disloyal, my men will think they can pull the same stunt. Do you understand me yet?”

  Crossing her arms, she gave a single nod to answer his question.

  “What’s it going to take for you to take this seriously?”

  “I do take this seriously—”

  “For you to leave him?”

  “I can’t!” she exclaimed, standing to her feet in frustration. “I love him. So much more than I’ll ever love you.”

  He stared at her a moment; his fist clenched at his side. For a second, he looked like he would strike her. Instead, his fist uncurled and he reached inside his blazer and came out with an envelope.

  She was confused as he handed the envelope to her. “What is this?”

  “Your punishment.”

  With a mix of anger and fear, she tore open the envelope to find a letter from the dean at her school. As her eyes scanned the typed page, her mouth dropped in shock. “You had me expelled?”

  “He owed me a favor,” he said.

  “You can’t do this,” she said, glaring at him. “I’ve been busting my ass to get that degree. You can’t just get me kicked out!”

  “Who’s going to stop me?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “You think your father’s going to pull some strings to get you back in? You think he’ll find the time to make the call? I doubt it. He’ll probably thank me for killing this ridiculous dream of yours.”

  “You’re despicable,” she said.

  “And you’re being selfish. If this little affair of yours doesn’t end before the wedding, I’ll have no choice but to take Vincent off the playing board.”

  Her mind racing with millions of enraged thoughts, she glowered at him in contempt. “You’d kill him? Your own brother.”

  His jaw tightened. For a moment—the quickest of seconds—she caught a glimpse of regret in his eyes. Then it vanished. “I won’t have a choice. We all have an image to uphold.”

  A visceral fear took hold in her gut.

  “Nobody is going to be loyal to a man when his own wife isn’t.” Giving her a wicked smile, he took her chin between his forefinger and his thumb. “Make your allegiances carefully, princess. You hold my little brother’s life in your hands.”

  Gio eyeballed the door as Rafe and his associate left, as if contemplating going after them. He stayed with Bela instead. “Are you okay?”

  No, she wasn’t okay, she thought bitterly. She was trapped in an engagement-of-convenience with the heartless man who had just crushed her future when she was in love with his virtuous brother. And it didn’t seem like there was any escape.


  Bela confronted Trey when he came home. Meeting him inside the entrance of the home wing, she stopped him just short of going to his bedroom.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at her in concern.

  “What’s wrong?” she repeated. “Where do I start? Dad is forcing me to marry a guy I hate. And if I don’t walk away from the man I love, I’ll get him killed.”

  She could see pity on his face, but not enough. “I am sorry, Bela, but you just have to let Vincent go. In time…you’ll get over him. It’s just an infatuation, anyway. I know it feels real, but—”

  “So that’s why you haven’t been helping me?” she demanded. “Because you think this is some kind of crush? You’ve never taken Vincent and I seriously, have you?”

  “If you really love him as much as you say,” he said. “Then you need to let him go. You know infedility is punishable by death.”

  Yes, she was well aware. It was that code that had killed her mother. She wouldn’t let it kill Vincent, too. “So, that’s it, then? You won’t help me get out of this?”

  “I can’t,” he said. “There’s too much riding on this peace treaty to risk disgracing the Marcanos.”

  As her anger faded, a feeling of decisiveness settled over her. She knew what she needed to do.

  Biding her time, she waited until she was sure everyone was asleep or settled into their beds for the night. Then, she grabbed the duffel bag she kept—always packed and ready—under the bed. Tossing it over her shoulder, she snuck out of the house. Using the spare key she knew Trey kept under his tire, she borrowed his car and took off.

  Trey would probably view the security footage in the morning and see that she’d left, but hopefully she would be long gone by then. When Vincent let her into his hotel room, he took one look at her and said, “What happened?”

  “I can’t do it.” She dropped her bag by the door and focused her attention on Vincent. “I can’t live one more day pretending I’m going to marry Rafe. And I can’t wait for you to arrest them, because they’re always one step ahead.”

  His dark eyes studied her carefully. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m leaving town. Tonight.” Her heart thumping with trepidation, she gave him her ultimatum. “And I really hope you’re coming with me.”


  On the Run

  Scenery blurred by the windows of Trey’s stolen car as Vincent and Bela sped their way to freedom. With the wind in their hair and the open road stretching out in front of them, Bela couldn’t have felt more alive. This was all she’d ever wanted: independence.

  No longer bound by the morals and codes of her mafia family members, she would be free to make her own choices from here on out. It was a dream come true.

  “We’ll need to ditch this car in about an hour, two if we
stretch it,” Vincent said from the driver’s seat. “When we stop to do that, we’ll hit the cash machine and then head as far West as we can get. And of course, we’ll have to stop and rest—”

  “Vince,” she said with a giggle. “You’re going to worry yourself sick. Take a second to absorb the beauty of this moment, will you?”

  Glancing over at her, his lips spread in a smile. “You’re right,” he said. “It is beautiful.”


  When Sal summoned Trey to his office, he knew what to expect. He’d prepared himself for his father’s anger and disapproval. After all, he should’ve seen the warning signs last night. He should’ve been able to tell his sister was about to run, but he’d been selfish. Too focused on getting to his bedroom to see Mandi, he’d let Bela slip through the cracks.

  Now, as Sal paced back and forth across his office, a look of ravenous anger on his face, Trey searched for the words that would sooth his temper. “She’s just got cold feet,” he said. “Gio said that Rafe got Bela kicked out of NYU, so she’s rebelling by running away. So, really, when you think about it, this whole thing is Rafe’s fault.”

  “I don’t care who’s at fault!” Sal spat. “Find her and bring her back here. I don’t care if she’s kicking and screaming. She’s going to go through with this wedding, like it or not!”

  “Is that really the best way to do this?” he asked. “Is merging with the Marcanos really worth Bela hating us for the rest of her life?”

  “Unless you want to be demoted to foot soldier, you’ll do what I say.”

  Those words stung Trey like needle pricks. “Yes, sir,” he said, and then he turned toward the door.

  “And one more thing. When you find them, kill Vincent.”

  His entire body filling with dread, he left his father’s office. Outside in the hallway, he used his cell phone to dial Bela’s number. It rang five times and went to voicemail, so he hung up and tried again. This time, she answered.

  “Bela, you have to come back,” he said. “Dad’s freaking out.”

  “Good,” she said from the other end of the line.

  “You don’t understand,” he said. “He gave me orders to kill Vincent. If you come back now, maybe I can talk him out of it, but if you keep running…” Closing his eyes, he silently prayed he could get through to his sister before he had to carry out the despicable order.

  “If I come back now, Vincent’s as good as dead anyway.”

  “No, maybe not. Like I said, if you come back now, then—”

  The line went dead. Sighing in frustration, he looked down at the phone. Bela had made her choice…and now, he didn’t have one.


  Vincent was shaking. Ever since she’d told him about her father’s orders, he’d barely spoken a word except for to say they needed to ditch Trey’s car and find a place to rest for the night. Bela sat next to him on the hotel bed, taking his trembling hands in hers. Cradling them between her palms, she held them still. He was quiet, so quiet she wasn’t sure if she should break the silence.

  Finally, he did. “I should’ve known this was a fool’s mission,” he said. “I don’t know why I thought I could bring any of them to justice.”

  “You had to try,” she said, giving his hands a squeeze. “It’s who you are.”

  “We should’ve run away ages ago,” he said. “Now both families are after us, and sooner or later they’ll catch up. We can’t run forever.”

  He was right. It was a fact she’d known long ago, she’d just been waiting for him to realize it. To her, it didn’t matter how long their freedom lasted. All that mattered was that for right now, they were free. And alone. “Then we can’t think about forever,” she said. “Let’s just think about tonight.”

  “But how—”

  She quieted his question with a kiss. Tomorrow, they could be doomed and wanted. Tonight…tonight she was just his.

  Opening her lips to let the kiss deepen, she slipped her tongue past his lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and reclined against the bed, pulling him on top of her. He resisted, out of some honor bound motive, but not for long. Soon, his hands were roaming her body. Slipping the straps of her dress off her shoulders, he trailed his fingertips along the exposed skin as his mouth danced with hers. She ripped open his shirt, sending the buttons scattering across the room, and allowed her hands to drink in the feeling of his rock-hard muscles.

  Before she even realized what had happened, her dress was in the floor and his lips were working their way toward her panty line. She drew in a shuddering breath as he slipped his fingers beneath the silk. His touch was soft, gentle and sent her soaring into a spiral of emotions. Her breath turning ragged, she felt her body burn for him. All of him. Every inch, every part. She wanted to make him hers. “Take me,” she begged, her voice hoarse. She’d waited for this for so long and she just couldn’t wait any more.

  He didn’t make her ask twice. He stood, unbuttoning his pants and undressing himself the rest of the way. He laid his body over hers, looping an arm around her. Lifting her weight, he scooted them both up a foot or two until they were stretched out on the bed. His skin against hers. His body pressing against hers. His eyes locked on hers the entire time.

  With tentative care and delicacy, he slipped himself inside her. She felt her body stretch to accept him and moaned. Those gorgeous eyes of his never left hers, gauging her reaction, seducing her. His thrusts were easy and delicate, as if it was enough to just be burrowed inside her. He brought his mouth to hers once again and offered her even more intimacy. With every kiss, every touch, she could tell he loved her. She could tell he would do anything for her.

  Wrapping her legs around him, she drove him in deeper. He moaned her name, burying his face in her hair. She did this again, prompting him to groan. Hearing each throaty, animalistic sound pushed her closer and closer to the edge. He began to kiss her neck, each gust of hot breath and sensation of his moist lips filling her with pleasure. When he sank his teeth in, it pushed her over the edge. He suckled and nipped and licked until she wanted to scream. She wanted to scream his name and let her body shake underneath him.

  Finally, he unleashed all of the passion and love he so carefully hid with honor and decency and chivalry. She was spinning from the feelings. Lost in the pleasure. Overcome with need. He was making her moan things, making her whimper and groan. The sounds of his pleasure only added to hers.

  He slowed down, as if he was about to plummet off the cliff before he was ready. He ran his hands along her skin. Trailing his fingertips up the sides of her body to her breasts. He cupped them and thumbed her nipples. Then he ran his hands to her arms. Taking each wrist in each of his hands, he pinned them above her head. Then he paused, looking down at her, drinking in this sight. Her body…sprawled out and naked, anchored down by his weight.

  She cried his name as another orgasm ripped through her. This one rushed up on her quick, unexpected, and made her body tremble. Grunting, he picked up his pace. He pushed into her with tender, patient thrusts until he finally exploded inside her. Gushes of hot liquid filled her, sending her into another quick, blissful orgasm. He collapsed on top of her, sweaty, panting. Planting kisses all over her, wherever his lips could reach while he stayed buried deep inside her.

  He pulled himself away from her just long enough for them to slide under the covers. Curling close to her body, he held her all night.

  When Bela woke the next morning, she rolled over to find Vincent gazing at her with sleepy, dreamy eyes. She smiled, touching his face. “Good morning,” she said.

  “Morning beautiful,” he said, and then brought his lips to hers in a sweet kiss.

  She felt so safe and warm in his arms she didn’t want to move. Staying still too long when you were on the run could be dangerous, and she knew soon they would have to pack and hit the road again.

  They both showered—that took awhile since it was hard for them to keep their hands off each other. It was around eleven when th
ey were finishing up packing. A knock at the door startled them both.

  Bela’s gaze darted to Vincent’s in fear. Placing a finger over his lips, he motioned for her to be quiet. Then, taking out his gun, he crept over to the door and peeked out.

  “It’s Trey,” Vincent said, lowering his gun. He began to open the door, but the second it cracked open, someone kicked it open from outside. The door flew in, knocking Vincent into the wall. His gun clattered to the floor and men swarmed the room. There were four of them including Gio. Trey entered last, carrying a gun.


  Truth & Consequences

  Bela made a dash for Vincent’s gun. She wasn’t sure what she would do with it, but holding it somehow made her feel safe. “What’s going on?” she asked, her voice stammering.

  Trey’s gaze drifted across the room, from Vincent who was just now coherent enough to stand, to gun-wielding Bela and then past her, to the rumpled bed with the luggage sitting on it. His gaze raked over the couple, taking in the wet heads and the fearful looks. With remorse in his eyes, he said, “Bela, grab your stuff. It’s time to go.”

  “What?” she exclaimed. “I thought you were on my side.”

  Nobody tried to stop him when Vincent moved to stand next to Bela. His hand reached out, taking the gun from hers.

  “I am on your side.” Her brother’s expression was cold and numb, as if he’d turned his back on all emotion. “Now get your stuff and let’s go.”

  Lifting her chin stubbornly, she looked him dead in the eyes as she said, “No.”

  One nod at his henchmen was all it took; they lunged at Vincent like attack dogs. He tried to fight, but he was outnumbered and the men Trey brought were twice Vincent’s side. Each of them grabbed an arm, forcing the man to his knees. Without a word, Trey walked over to the door and locked it.


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