by Jan Reid
Clinton, Hillary Rodham: AR introducing speech of, 286; and AR’s esophageal cancer treatment, 418; and AR’s public memorial, 420; AR’s relationship with, xxii; and McGovern, 71; and presidential election of 1992, 333, 334, 335, 340; and universal health care bill, 405
Clinton, Sam Houston, 16, 43, 44, 103–104
Clower, Ron, 79
Clyde (private investigator), 171–172
Coffee, Linda, 77
Cold War, 363, 365
Cole, Pat, 128, 227, 261, 268, 274, 320, 390
Coleman, Brady, 421
Coleman, Suzanne: and AR’s Democratic National Convention keynote speech, 177, 178, 179, 181; on AR’s political prospects, 202–204; and AR’s primary campaign for Texas governor, 213, 224; as AR’s speech-writer, xix, 128, 177, 202, 202, 274, 279, 332, 390; and AR’s transition to governing, 268; and junket to Mexico, 326; as Treasury employee, 153, 155, 178
Collins, Jim, 124
Colorado Democratic State Convention, 415
Colton, Frank, 76
Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, 305
Comanche Springs, 234
Commission for the Blind, 286
Communications Workers of America, 286
concealed handgun law, 373–374, 374, 394
Congress Avenue Bridge, AR’s march on, 268–269, 396–397
Coniglio, Anita, 72
Connally, John: and AR’s dinner for Queen of England, 301; AR’s parody of, 26; death of, 389; and Estates of Barton Creek, 93; and farmworkers’ march, 41; as governor, 69, 273, 283; and Kennedy’s Dallas trip, 32; and Nixon, 70, 71, 389; and David Richards, 38; and Texas governor’s election of 1962, 28; and Texas Rangers, 295; and Texas State Cemetery, 423; and Ralph Yarborough, 28, 32
consumer rights, 142
contraceptives, 75–77
Cook, Harold, 404
Cornyn, John, 229, 231
Corpus Christi Caller-Times, 177, 348, 349
Cortés, Ernesto, 169
Cosby, Bill, 318
Costanza, Midge, 97–98, 102–103
Couric, Katie, 418
Cox, Jack, 28
Cranston, Alan, 158
Craymer, Dale, 278
Crenshaw, Ben, 330
Criss, David, 357, 359, 360
Cronkite, Walter, xix, 184
Cryer, Bill: and AR’s Democratic National Convention keynote speech, 176, 180, 181, 187; and AR’s general election campaign for Texas governor, 251; and AR’s political prospects, 143–145, 170; and AR’s primary campaign for Texas governor, 213; and AR’s reelection campaign for Texas governor, 400, 401, 402–403; AR’s relationship with, 332; as AR’s Texas governor staff, 275, 278; and Clements, 134–135; and Texas National Guard, 349; and Texas Republican Party charges, 369
C-SPAN, 335, 338
Cuban Missile Crisis, 30
Cuomo, Mario, xix, 176, 178, 184, 339, 364, 405, 407, 410
Daily Oklahoman, 254
Dallas Committee for Peaceful Integration, 29
Dallas Cowboys, 23, 193
Dallas Crime Commission, 251
Dallas Morning News: and AR on redistricting, 308; and AR’s campaign for Texas governor’s election of 1990, 211, 381–382; and AR’s celebrity, 340; and AR’s Democratic National Convention keynote speech, xx; conservatism of, 20; and Guerrero’s academic claims, 344, 345; and John F. Kennedy’s trip to Dallas, 32; and Mattox, 134, 229; and Shrake, 37; and Texas governor’s election of 1994, 397; and Clayton Williams, 240, 241
Dallas Notes, 40
Dallas Times-Herald, 37, 229, 251, 252–253, 254, 260, 288–289
Daniel, Price, 16–17, 23, 27
Davis, Edmund J., 67–68
Davis, Steven L., 50, 193–194
Davis, Tom, 6
death penalty: and Allred, 392–393; and AR’s campaign for Texas governor, 222, 320; AR’s policy on, 332–333, 392, 393; and U.S. Supreme Court ruling, 319
DeGuerin, Dick, 359, 360, 372
DeLay, Tom, 353, 360
Delco, Wilhelmina, 78, 100
DeMarco, Susan, 177
Democratic National Convention (1960), 23
Democratic National Convention (1980), 108
Democratic National Convention (1988), AR’s keynote speech, xviii–xxi, 176–187, 195–196, 201, 222, 223, 244, 253, 279, 377, 381, 421
Democratic National Convention (1992), 318, 339, 343
Democratic Party. See Texas Democratic Party
Democratic State Convention (1994), 396–397
Denny, Reginald, 335
Denton, Lane, 132, 133
Dickerson, Eric, 166
Dirksen, Everett, 24
Djerassi, Carl, 76
Dodd, Diane, 48
Doggett, Lloyd, 212, 354
Dole, Bob, 411
Donaldson, Sam, 99
Dos Passos, John, 15
Douglas, William O., 40
Dow Chemical, 324
Dowd, Matthew, 315–316, 339, 385
Dowd, Maureen, 410–411
Draper, Robert, 380
Driscoll, Clara, 97
Dr Pepper, 7
Dubose, Lou, 314, 344, 424
Dugger, Ronnie, 25, 46, 137
Dukakis, Michael: AR associated with, 244, 251; and AR’s Democratic National Convention keynote speech, 182; and presidential election of 1988, xviii, xxi, 175–176, 177, 187, 189, 196, 209, 379, 400
Dukakis, Olympia, 175
Duncan, John, 85, 104
Earl, Nancy, 291
Earle, Elizabeth, 292, 358
Earle, Ronnie: and AR’s appointment for Bentsen’s Senate seat, 353–354; and AR’s ethics bill, 292–294; and Bullock, 125; and DeLay indictment, 360; and Harding, 133, 292; and Hutchison indictment, 356–357, 358, 359–361; and Mattox, 143, 231; and Public Integrity Unit, 125, 126, 133, 143, 292, 356–357, 360, 366; reputation of, 360
Eckhardt, Nadine, 139
Eckstein, Deece, 390
Edwards, Chet, 257
Edwards Aquifer, 92–93, 366
Eighth Amendment, 318
Eight Tray Gangster Crips, 335
Eisenhower, Dwight, 13, 16, 23, 24, 73, 243, 375
Elizabeth II (queen of England), 301–302, 379
Ellerbee, Linda, 182
Ellis, Fred, 221, 249
Ely, Jane, 226
eminent domain, 250, 379
Enabling Act, 68
Endangered Species Act, 366–367
Enron, 325, 396
environmental policy: and AR as Travis County commissioner, 92–94; and AR’s appointments, 289, 304; and AR’s clean-air initiatives, 323; and AR’s general election campaign for Texas governor, 245, 249, 377–378, 382; and AR’s legislative agenda, 304–305, 307; and AR’s New Texas, 269, 281, 284, 414; and AR’s talks with Mexico, 326; and AR’s veto of anti-SOS bill, 367; and Reid, xv, 245, 377–378, 414; and Rieff, 274; and Texas Environment Department, 303–304; of Clayton Williams, 238
Environmental Protection Agency, 281, 303, 304–305, 414
Equal Rights Amendment, 95, 98–99
Erwin, Frank, 92, 108, 271, 287
Erwin Center, 271, 420
Escalante, Mike, 407
Estrich, Susan, 176
Evans, Walker, 46
Excellence in Highway Design competition, 94
Fabelo, Tony, 392
Fainter, John, 359, 371, 385
Farenthold, Frances “Sissy,” 69–70, 71, 73, 83
Farmers and Ranchers for Property Rights, 367
Fath, Conrad, 87
Faulk, John Henry, 46, 46
FBI: and AR’s handgun practice, 266, 362; and Branch Davidians, 372–373; and Bullock, 125, 168, 288, 423; and Dallas Committee for Peaceful Integration, 29; and Hightower, 168, 242, 353; and Mauro, 168, 288, 353, 423; and Oswald, 30; and Rove, 122, 168, 242, 287–288, 343
Federal Highway Administration, 94
feminism: and AR’s campaign for Texas state treasurer, 128, 137; and AR’s Democratic National Convention keynote speech, 187; a
nd AR’s election as Texas governor, xxii, xxiii; and AR’s political career, 81–82, 95, 121, 127, 147, 201; and AR’s rowdiness,xvii; diversity within, 159; and Roe v. Wade,xviii; and Weddington, 72, 95
Ferguson, James “Pa,” 73, 392
Ferguson, Miriam “Ma,” 97, 392
Fero, Kelly, 170
Ferraro, Geraldine, 145, 145, 146, 176, 183
Fields, Jack, 355
Film Texas initiative, 329
First Friday, 46–47, 47, 53, 155, 156
First Gulf War, 243, 315, 333, 334, 363
Fisher, Richard, 229, 355, 361
Flying Punzars, 38, 39, 51, 58–59, 178–179, 341
Fonda, Jane, 48, 241, 251
Ford, Betty, 95, 125–126
Fort Hood, 8
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 37, 166, 335, 400
Foundation for Women’s Resources, 97
Foundation School Fund, 307
Fourteenth Amendment, 77, 318
Fox, Michael J., 339
Franklin, Jim, 50
Frito-Lay, 324, 407
Fromholz, Steven, 35, 49
Fry, Segal, 104
Fugitive Squad, 370–371
Fulbright and Jaworski, 143, 231
Fulmore Junior High School, Austin, Texas, 16
Garner, Peggy, 304
Garrett, Johnny Frank, 393
General Motors, 322–323
Gent, Jody, 193
Gent, Pete, 109, 193
Gephardt, Dick, 175
Gergen, David, 340
Gibson, Bruce, 306, 308
Gilmore, Jimmie Dale, 380–381
Gingrich, Newt, 405
Gipson, Fred, 423
Girls Nation, 1, 8
Glasgow, Bob, 287–288, 291
Glasscock, Bruce, 394
Glenn, John, 158
Goka, Jeanne, 424
Goldberg, Gary, 329
golden-cheeked warblers, 367
Golden Triangle, 335, 338, 395
Goldstein, Chris, 109
Goldstein, Gerry, 109–110
Goldwater, Barry, 30, 31, 33, 40, 41, 98, 122
González, Henry B., 21, 27, 137, 384, 385
Gore, Al, 175, 242, 343
Graham, Bette, 97
Graham, Billy, 11–12, 243, 378
Gramm, Phil, xxii, 123, 149, 212, 241, 242, 354
Grant, Ulysses S., 68
Green, Tom, 176
Greenberg, Sherri, 374
Gregg v. Georgia (1976), 142
Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), 76–77
groundwater, and rule of capture, 234, 236
Guerrero, Lena: academic claims of, 343–347, 349, 350; and AR’s celebrity roast, 335; AR’s fund-raiser for, 345–346; AR’s relationship with, 128; and AR’s Texas governor’s election of 1990, 204, 212–213, 221, 247, 248, 342, 342; death of, 347; and Democratic National Convention of 1992, 340, 343; and Rick Perry, 242; and Railroad Commission, 276, 342–343, 344, 345, 346, 347
Guthrie, Judith, 97
Gutiérrez, José Angel, 355
Halbert, Ellen, 276
Hale, Selden, 276–278, 277, 321–322, 349–350, 393
Hall, Jerry, 192
Hall, John, xv, 304, 306, 366, 421
Hall, Steve, 171, 172
Hance, Kent, 122–123, 165, 212, 237–238, 239, 354, 378
The Handbook of Texas, 69
Hannah, John, 131, 142, 230, 276, 339
Harding, Warren G.: and AR’s transition team, 146–148; and election of 1982, 132, 133, 292; as Texas state treasurer, 126, 129
Harken Energy, 379
Harley-Davidson motorcycle, 328, 338–339, 340
Harris, Fred, 131
Hart, Gary, 71, 158, 175
Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book (Penick), 331
Hatch, John, 250
Hauser, Sandy, 116–117, 213, 231, 421–422
Haynes, Anthony, 147
hazardous waste, 281, 284, 303, 304, 305
Headliners Club, 86
Henderson, Jim, 257, 302, 309
Henley, Don, 381–382
Hennard, George, 369
Henry, O., 6
Henson, Jim, 409–410
Herman, Ken, 215
Hermann Hospital Estate, 171
Hernandez, Sonia, 274
Hershey, Terry, 290
Hershorn, Shel, 35, 58
Hewitt, Gail, 265, 364
Hickie, Jane: and AR as Travis County commissioner, 88, 90; and AR’s alcoholism intervention, 111, 112, 113, 381; and AR’s appointments, 274; and AR’s campaign for Texas state treasurer, 127, 128, 129–130, 133; and AR’s campaign for Travis County commissioner, 83–84; and AR’s Democratic National Convention keynote speech, 177, 178, 179; AR’s friendship with, 90, 121, 381; and AR’s fund-raising, 177; and AR’s general election campaign for Texas governor, 246, 248, 383; AR’s political problems with, 382–384, 387; and AR’s primary campaign for Texas governor, 202, 210, 212, 227, 228, 229, 382–383; and AR’s prison policy, 319; and AR’s reelection plans, 317; and AR’s transition as Texas governor, 268; and AR’s transition team for Texas state treasurer, 146; and “Curtains” training school, 152, 196; and Democratic National Convention of 1992, 339; and Foundation for Women’s Resources, 97; and junket to Mexico, 326; and Krueger, 356; and Public Strategies, 414; and Super Collider, 364, 383; and Tomlin, 327; and trip to Europe, 151
Hickman, Harrison, 178, 182, 226, 247, 315–316, 397, 401–402
HIFI (Hunter Industrial Facilities, Inc.), 284
Hight, Bruce, 346
Hightower, Jim: and agricultural commissioner’s election of 1982, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139; and agricultural commissioner’s election of 1990, 242–243, 247, 257, 258, 260, 275, 278; and AR’s appointment for Bentsen’s Senate seat, 353; and AR’s Democratic National Convention keynote speech, 177; and AR’s primary campaign for Texas governor, 214; as editor of Texas Observer, 131–132; liberal image of, 144; and Moya, 275; and Rove, 168, 242, 288
Hill, John, 69, 122
Hitler, Adolf, 375
Hobby, Diane, 301
Hobby, Oveta Culp, 73
Hobby, Paul, 302, 303, 308, 309, 310
Hobby, William P., Jr.: and AR on committee on delivery of human services, 92; and AR’s campaign for Texas state treasurer, 127, 128; and AR’s dinner for Queen Elizabeth, 301; as AR’s mentor and friend, 73, 78, 124–125, 164, 169; and election of 1982, 134, 135, 137; and Houston Post, 73, 209; and Mauro, 140, 141; and Maverick, 74–75; political strength of, 73, 144; and Glenn Smith, 209, 210, 211, 212; and Texas governor’s election of 1990, 169, 170–172, 201, 214
Hobby, William P., Sr., 73
Hoffa, Jimmy, 20, 38
Hogan, Ben, 37
Holley, Joe, 278–279, 307, 390
Hollings, Ernest, 158
Hollywood Women’s Political Committee, 327
Holman, Henry, 15, 16, 20, 34
Holman, Mary, 16, 20
Holmes, Zan, 287
Hoover, Herbert, 405
Hopper, Dennis, 51, 186, 197–198, 214, 219, 300, 330
Horses Association, 16
Horton, Willie, 189, 400
The Hot Spot (film), 330
House Hispanic Caucus, 348
Houston, Sam, 279, 298
Houston Chronicle: and AR as Texas governor, 284, 324, 332; and AR as Texas state treasurer, 156–157; and AR’s campaign for Texas governor, 226, 250, 261; and AR’s environmental policy, 367; and Bullock, 141; as competition for Houston Post, 209; and Criss, 359; and open-records requests, 389–390; and Super Collider, 365; and Texas governor’s election of 1994, 394–395, 397, 400–401
Houston Post, 73, 176–177, 209, 210, 271, 383
Houston Press, 356–357
Hubbard, Ray Wylie, 35, 271
Huber, John, 44, 57
Hughes, Chris, 218, 220, 221, 226, 252, 331, 339
Hughes, Karen, 157, 358, 368–369, 391, 393
Hugley Earle, Twila, 292, 353–354, 358
Hubert, 23, 24
Hunt, H. L., 35, 38
Hunt, Lamar, 38
Hupp, Suzanna Gratia, 369–370
Hussein, Saddam, 245, 315, 347, 380
Hutchison, Kay Bailey: and AR’s dinner for Queen of England, 301; and George W. Bush’s decision to run for governor, 393; and destruction of State Treasury records, 356–357; indictment of, 356–360, 361; and public education, 399; and Rove, 241, 257, 343; and special election for U.S. Senate, 355–356; staff of, 356–357; and Texas state treasurer’s election of 1990, 241–242, 257; and U.S. Senate election of 1994, 361
Hutchison, Ray, 242
Hutton, Timothy, 339
ICM, 415
I’m Not Slowing Down (Ann Richards), 415
Infant-Parent Training Center, 92
Inman, Bobby Ray, 290
In-Prison Therapeutic Communities, 320–321
Institute of Texan Cultures, 97
insurance industry, reform of, 274, 282–284, 395
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 20
International Women’s Year (1975), 95
Ivins, Molly: and AR’s appointments, 288–289; and AR’s celebrity roast, 336–338, 384; and AR’s general election campaign for Texas governor, 252–253, 255; and AR’s private burial, 421; AR’s relationship with, 313–314, 338, 384; and Bullock, 85, 106; and George W. Bush, 378, 403; and campouts, 57; and Bill Clinton, 335–336; on Collins, 124; controversy surrounding, 384; Grand Canyon trip of, 421–422; and 60 Minutes profile on AR, 313; sobriety of, 421; on Texas governor’s election of 1994, 403; and Texas Observer, 46, 104, 131–132; and Watergate, 60
Ivy, Frank, 88
Jackson, Jesse, 175, 177, 182, 242, 333, 339
Jackson, Joaquin, 370
Jackson, LaVada, 301–302
Jagger, Bianca, 339
Jail Standards Commission, 92
James, Craig, 166
James, Jesse, 129, 148
Jarboe, Jan, 239–240
Jaworski, Leon, 143
The Jay Leno Show, 329–330
Jenkins, Dan, 37, 173, 191, 192, 195, 197
Jenkins, June, 197
Jennings, Peter, 339
Jennings, Waylon, 49
John Birch Society, 20, 30, 32
Johnson, Ben, 51
Johnson, Evelyn Wanda, 94
Johnson, Jimmy, 336
Johnson, Lady Bird, 23, 95, 286, 301
Johnson, Lyndon: AR’s relationship with, xviii, 25; and “Baptist pallet,” 186; and Ben Barnes, 69, 70; and Christian, 258; death of, 71; and Goldwater, 98; and Barbara Jordan, 291; and William Wayne Justice, 85; and Lyndon Law, 23, 27; and Mauzy, 22; and McPherson, 411; and presidential election of 1960, 22–24, 32, 74; and presidential election of 1964, 33; and Randolph, 15–16; on Republican Party, 273; tirade of, against David Richards, 25, 74; and U.S. Senate election of 1948, 8; and Ralph Yarborough, 16–17, 39–40