by Jan Reid
Jones, Jerry, 336
Jones, Tommy Lee, 329
Joplin, Janis, 35
Jordan, Barbara: and AR’s Democratic National Convention keynote speech,xix, 178; AR’s friendship with, 290–291; and Bullock, 85, 108, 386; and Equal Rights Amendment, 99; on ethics, 294; on Guerrero, 346–347; and National Women’s Conference, 96; and Texas State Cemetery, 425
Jordan, Hamilton, 98, 142
Justice, William Wayne, 53, 85–86, 278, 318
Justus, Margaret, 251, 339
J. W. Coop (film), 52
Kaplan, Marty, 176
Karkabi, Barbara, 156–157
Keller, Mary, 104
Kennard, Cinny, 226, 259
Kennedy, Bobby, Jr., 413
Kennedy, John F., xviii, 23–24, 28, 30, 31–33, 189
Kennedy, Robert, 23, 24, 30
Kennedy, Ted, 108, 182
Kent State demonstration, 49
Kenyon, Bill, 252
Kerrey, Bob, 333, 421
Kesey, Ken, 48
Kid Blue (film), 51, 194
Kilday, Anne Marie, 211, 212
Kilday Hart, Patricia, 186–187, 309
Kilgarlin, Bill, 22
Kinch, Sam, 283
King, Coretta Scott, 95
King, Larry, 185, 415
King, Larry L., 173
King, Richard, 298
King, Rodney, 334–335
Kinnock, Neil, 175
Kinsley, Michael, 185
Kirk, Paul, xviii, xix, 176
Kite, Tom, 330
Knobler, Peter, 9, 187, 198
Kohler, Danny, 349
Kohler, Nancy, 166, 274, 326, 349
Koppel, Ted, 185
Koresh, David, 371–373
Korioth, Ann, 113
Korioth, Claire: and AR’s alcohol intervention, 112; AR’s friendship with, 28, 34, 121, 151, 330; and AR’s transition management, 274; and Moya, 78; and South Padre Island planning sessions, 268; and Texas State Board of Insurance, 283
Korioth, Tony, 34, 112, 113, 337–338, 384
Kralj, Nick, 106, 193
Kristofferson, Kris, 212, 266, 299, 329
Krueger, Bob, 131, 212, 354–356, 358, 361
Krueger, Kathleen, 356
Kugle, Bill, 34, 53, 99, 423
Ku Klux Klan, 7
Kuykendall, Karen, 367
Kuykendall, Marshall, 367
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, 93
Lance, Bert, 103
Landon, Alf, 23
Landry, Tom, 423
Laney, Pete, 366
Lange, Dorothea, 46
Lay, Ken, 325, 396
LBJ Library, AR’s dinner for Queen of England, 301–302
Lea, Tom, 423
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), 170
Lear, Norman, 329
Lee, Jean, 15
Lee, Russell, 15, 46
Lehrer, Jim, 339
Leland, Mickey, 137, 230
Leno, Jay, 329–330
Leo, Billy, 253–254
Levine, Richard U., 415
Lewis, Charles, 413
Lewis, Gib, 301, 302, 305, 307, 308, 309, 366
liberal Texas Democrats: and AR as Texas governor, xxii; and Armstrong, 124, 134; and AR’s relationship with Ivins, 313; in Austin, 43; and Bentsen, 124; and conservative Texas Democrats, 13; in Dallas, 27; and election of 1982, 137; and First Friday, 46; and Hightower, 144; and Maury Maverick, Jr., 74; and presidential election of 1960, 22; and Rapoport, 287; and Scholz Garten, 16, 20, 22, 43, 337; and Shivers, 13, 15–16; and Ralph Yarborough, 13, 17, 273; and Young Democrats, 15
Lightsey, Rebecca, 274, 339
Lincoln, Abraham, 67–68
Linklater, Richard, 329
Lockheed, 324
Lonesome Dove (miniseries), 329
Lone Star Steel, 324
Loop 360 bridge, 94
Lost Gonzo Band, 271
LoVoi, Annette, 274
Luce, Tom, 237, 240
Lyndon Law, 23, 27
Lyon, Ted, 320
MacNeil, Robert, 339
Mad Dog, Inc., xviii, 50–54, 77, 121, 245, 271, 292
Madison, James, 77
Majors, Sandra, 301
Malick, Terrence, 329
Manges, Clinton, 143
Marcus, Stanley, 31
El Mariachi (film), 329
Mark Stiles State Prison, 349
MARPOL treaty, 168
Martin, Crawford, 69
Martin, Jack: and AR’s general election campaign for Texas governor, 246, 248; and AR’s primary campaign for governor, 187, 209, 210, 211, 212; and AR’s reelection campaign for Texas governor, 385; and AR’s reelection plans, 317; and AR’s transition to governing, 268; and Bentsen, 124, 258, 268; and Bullock, 258; and Democratic National Convention of 1992, 339; and Matthew Dowd, 315; and Hickie, 387; and Public Strategies, 414
Martin, Steve, 318
Mattox, Jim: and AR as Texas state treasurer, 140, 142; and AR’s Democratic National Convention keynote speech, xix, xxi, 176–177, 186, 222; as attorney general, 230, 274, 276; and capital punishment, 142; and Congressional election of 1976, 100; and consumer rights, 274; and election of 1982, 131, 134, 137; and Fisher, 361; indictment of, 143, 170, 227, 231, 360; and Mauro, 140, 169, 231–232; political strength of, 144; and presidential election of 1984, 145; reelection of, as attorney general, 170; David Richards as chief of litigation for, 142, 143, 170–171, 177, 213, 230–231, 314; and Rove, 168; and state lottery for public school funding, 223, 229, 307; and Texas governor’s election of 1990, xix, 169, 170–172, 176, 187, 211, 213, 214, 218, 219, 221, 222–223, 225, 225, 227, 228–230, 231, 240, 241, 245, 246, 251, 325, 342, 398
Mauro, Garry: and Armstrong, 131, 140, 146; and clean-air initiatives, 323, 395; and Hillary Clinton, 333; and election of 1982, 131, 134, 135, 136, 137; and General Land Office funds, 148; and John Hall, 306; and Krueger, 355; as land commissioner, 167–169, 241, 281, 304, 305; and Mattox, 140, 169, 231–232; and McGovern, 71; political strength of, 144; and Rampton, 288; Reid as speechwriter for, 167, 169, 214; and Texas governor’s election of 1998, 231, 423; and writ of mandamus, 140–141
Mauzy, Oscar, 17, 22
Maverick, Maury, Jr., 25, 27, 60, 74–75, 78, 109, 384–385
Maverick, Maury, Sr., 74
Maverick, Samuel, 74
Maxey, Sam, 299
McCall, Brian, 166, 227, 228, 356
McCarthy, Cormac, 370
McCarthy, Eugene, 200–201
McCarthy, Joseph, 25, 46, 74, 314
McCorvey, Norma, 77
McDonald, Chuck, 251, 252, 332, 339, 344, 345, 347, 397–398
McDuff, Kenneth, 319–320, 370
McGovern, George, 71, 72, 131
McGregor, Malcolm, 34
McGuane, Thomas, 191–192
McKinnon, Mark: and AR’s general election campaign for Texas governor, 247–248; and AR’s primary campaign for governor, 212, 214, 215, 222, 226; and George W. Bush, 385; and Democratic National Convention of 1992, 339; and Edwards, 257; and Guerrero, 344, 345, 347
McKool, Betty, 29, 29, 41, 58, 62, 151
McKool, Mike, 29, 59, 62
McMurtry, Larry, 118, 329
McNamara, Robert, 30
McNeely, Dave, 115, 166, 257, 302, 308, 309, 386
McPherson, Clay, 39, 411
McPherson, Harry, 24, 39, 178, 410, 411
McQueen, Steve, 192
McVeigh, Timothy, 373
Meacham, Sarah, 45, 112, 166
Meacham, Standish, 45, 82, 112, 301
Medicaid program suit, 279
Medrano, Pancho, 21, 31
Mega Borg tanker, 249
Meno, Lionel “Skip,” 302
Meredith, Don, 52
Meredith, James, 30
Mexican American Democrats, 342
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), 308
Meyer, Fred, 358
Middleton, Harry, 301
Miles, Charles, 77–78
Militia Bill, 68
Mills Corporation, 413, 414
Minton, Roy, 125, 126
Miramontes, Luis, 76
Mitchell, George, 305, 410–411, 413
Mitchell, John, 70
Molly Ivins Can’t Say That, Can She? (Ivins), 252–253, 313–314
Mondale, Walter, 100, 145–146, 145, 158–159, 169, 176
Montagu, Ashley, 76
Montford, John, 283, 306
Montoya, Ramón, 393
Monzon, Carlos, 49
Moore, James, 343, 344, 347, 395
Mopac, 93
Morales, Dan, 218–219, 231, 260–261, 309, 322, 353, 412–413
Morgan, Marabel, 79
Morris, Celia, 179
Morris, Shawn, 331, 332–333, 339, 415
Morris, Willie, 34, 48, 191
Morrison, Van, 49
Morrison’s Old Corner Drug Store, 7
Mosbacher, Rob, Jr., 241, 258
Moya, Richard, 78, 86–87, 113, 275–276, 339
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 167
Mullinax, Otto, 33
Mullinax, Wells, Morris & Mauzy, 17, 27
Murphey, Michael Martin, 35, 49
Murphy, Eddie, 192
Murr, Mark, 413
Mutscher, Gus, 68–69
Myles, Charlie, 337
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 325–326
Naishtat, Elliott, 374, 417–418
NASA, 383
National Conference on Drugs and Crime, 391
National Governors Association, 389
National Labor Relations Board, 20
National Rifle Association, 394
National Women’s Conference (1977), 95–96
National Women’s Education Fund, 83
National Women’s Political Caucus, 158–159
NCAA, 166
Nelson, Byron, 37
Nelson, Willie: and Armadillo World Headquarters, 49; and AR’s general election campaign for Texas governor, 208, 227, 246, 255; and AR’s inaugural party, 266; in Austin, xviii, 48; and Gary Cartwright, 58, 267, 299; films of, 299, 329; and Shrake, 193
Newberg, Esther, 186, 187
Newsweek, 377
New Yorker, 185
New York Times, xx, 252, 357, 410–411, 413
Nixon, Richard: and Barnes, 70; and Connally, 70, 71, 389; and Endangered Species Act, 366; and Equal Rights Amendment, 98; and Jaworski, 143; and Political Paranoia shows, 41; and presidential election of 1960, 23–24; and Rove, 122; and voting age, 84; and Watergate, 60
No Child Left Behind Act, 393–394
Noonan, Peggy, 189
“no pass, no play” rule, 165
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 325–326
Northcott, Kaye, 46, 104, 130, 131
North Dallas Democratic Women: AR’s involvement in, 28–29; AR’s performances in Political Paranoia skits, 26, 28, 41, 86
nursing homes, regulation of, 274
Oakes, Wayne, 16, 20
Obama, Barack, xxi, 418
Office of State-Federal Relations, 364, 383
O’Hair, Madalyn Murray, 86
Oldham, Sam, 371
Once Upon a Time in Texas (David Richards), 14–15, 20, 27, 31, 54, 100, 105
O’Neill, John, 111–112
O’Neill, Pat, 111–112
O’Neill, Tip, 184
Onion, John, Jr., 359–360
OPEC embargo, 235–236
Open Records Act, 369
Orlando Sentinel, 358
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 30–31, 33, 35
Oswald, Marina, 30
Overbeek, Will van, 150
Ozer, Bob, 322
Pace Bend Park, 89
A Pair of Aces (film), 299, 329
Palin, Sarah, xxi
Parker, Carl, 303, 305–306, 310
Parker, Cynthia Ann, 97
Parker, Jim, 275
Parton, Dolly, 53, 154, 271
Patterson, Jerry, 373
Pauken, Tom, 230
Pauley, Jane, 211–212
Penick, Harvey, 330–331
Pennybacker, Percy, 94
Peoples, Clint, 295
Perez Rueda, Leoncio, 393
Permanent School Fund, 140, 141
Perot, Ross, 104, 165, 237, 301, 333, 347, 363, 402
Perry, Anita, 419
Perry, Rick: and agricultural commissioner election of 1990, 241, 242–243, 257, 275, 278; and AR’s esophageal cancer treatment, 419; background of, 242; and pesticide regulation, 306; and Rove, 241, 242, 257, 343
Perskin, Spencer, 35, 47
Pertman, Adam, 187–189
Pharr, Howard, 400–401
Philip, Prince, 379
Phillips, Bum, 199–201, 335, 336
Phillips, Tom, 264
Pickens, T. Boone, 277, 305
Pickle, Jake, 144
Pincus, Gregory, 76
Pipkin, Turk, 193
Plimpton, George, 104
political career: AR as lobbyist, 410–414; AR as possible vice presidential nominee, 158, 317; AR as Weddington’s chief of staff, 78–80, 81, 95, 289; and AR on capital punishment, 244; AR’s announcement of candidacy for governor, 220; and AR’s appearances, 96–97, 106, 115–116, 159, 175, 176; and AR’s celebrity, 269, 318, 331, 340, 381, 387; and AR’s charisma, 273; and AR’s costume as Harry Porco, 106, 107, 150, 177; and AR’s fund-raising in Hollywood, 327–328, 331; and AR’s fund-raising in New York, 416; and AR’s ideology, xxii–xxiii; and AR’s keynote speech at Democratic National Convention, xviii–xxi, 176–187, 195–196, 201, 222, 223, 244, 253, 279, 377, 381, 421; and AR’s legacy, xxii; and AR’s marriage to David Richards, 82, 83, 97, 100, 103, 105, 127–128, 409; and AR’s personality, xviii, xix, xxi, xxii, xxiii, 79–80, 89–90, 157, 161, 177; and AR’s political prospects, 143–146, 152, 166–167, 172, 189, 196, 201, 202–204, 327–329; and AR’s press conferences, 174, 261, 286; and AR’s press coverage, 160–161, 176, 177–178, 180, 182, 185, 186, 199, 226–227, 245, 249, 254, 389, 394; and AR’s problems with Jane Hickie, 382–384, 387; and AR’s progressive status, 332–333; AR’s reflections on, 409; and AR’s relationship with Hutchison, 242; and AR’s speech at National Women’s Conference, 95; AR’s speeches after holding office, 415–416, 417; and AR’s speech seconding nomination of Ferraro, 145, 176, 183; attacks on AR concerning drugs, 205, 206, 211–212, 225, 226, 227, 229, 241, 285, 382; attacks on AR with anonymous letters, 204–207, 222; and death threats against AR, 227, 268, 390; and feminism, 81–82, 95, 121, 127, 147, 201; on longhorn, 162; and public figures as friends of AR, 290–291; and Rove, 168; and young people working for AR, 331. See also Texas governor, Ann Richards as; Texas state treasurer, Ann Richards as; Travis County commissioner, Ann Richards as
Porter, Katherine Anne, 97
Porter, William Sydney, 6
Powell, Lewis F., Jr., 77
presidential election of 1960, 22–24, 32, 74
presidential election of 1980, 71
presidential election of 1984, 145–146, 145, 158
presidential election of 1988: and AR’s keynote speech at Democratic National Convention, xviii–xxi, 176–187, 195–196, 201, 222, 223, 244, 253, 279, 377, 381, 421; and George H. W. Bush, xviii, 379; and Dukakis, xviii, xxi, 175–176, 177, 187, 189, 196, 209, 379, 400
presidential election of 1992: and George H. W. Bush, 317, 333, 343, 347, 363–364; and Bill Clinton, 333, 334, 335, 340, 347, 363–364
President’s Advisory Committee for Women, 98, 102
Printing Bill, 68
prison system: AR’s policies on, as governor, xxii, 276–278, 279, 281–282, 286, 318, 319–321, 349–350, 391, 392; and correctional construction project, 319, 321, 322, 349; crowding in, 318–319, 321; and substance abuse programs, 320–321, 392, 407
Proffitt, Tony, 134
Pryor, Cactus, 86
Public Citizen, 412
public education: and AR’s New Texas, 269; and George W.
Bush, 380, 393–394, 399, 403; and desegregation of public schools, 85; and public school finance, 279, 280–281, 286, 302–303, 307, 315, 393, 395; and Robin Hood compromise, 307; state lottery for funding, 223, 229, 307, 308, 315
Public Integrity Unit: AR’s opinion of, 126; Briscoe’s support of, 292; and Bullock, 125; and DeLay, 360; and Harding, 133, 292; and Hutchison, 356–357; and Lewis, 366; and Mattox, 143
Public Strategies, Inc., 315, 414, 415
Quayle, Dan, 189
Quorum Club, 106–107, 108, 193
Rains, Jack, 199, 237, 287
Rampton, Greg, 168, 242, 287–288
Ramsey, Anne, 98
Ramsey, Bill, 275, 339
Ramsey, Ross, 215, 228, 251, 367
Rand, Ayn, 20
Randolph, Frankie, 16
Rangel, Irma, 221
Ransom, Harry, 108, 287
Rapoport, Bernard, 287
Ratcliffe, R. G., 215, 261, 389–390, 394–395, 400–401
Rather, Dan, 195–196, 335, 336, 339, 344
Ratliff, Bill, 289, 398
Raw Deal, 88, 104–105, 107, 109–110, 115, 149, 265, 298
Rayburn, Sam, 24
Reagan, Ronald: and George H. W. Bush, xviii; and Political Paranoia shows, 41; as president, 24, 122, 146, 181, 184; and presidential election of 1980, 71; and presidential election of 1984, 158; presidential library of, 334; and Soviet Union, 363; and Super Collider, 324, 365
Reasoner, Harry, 301
Reconstruction, 67–68
Redford, Robert, 247
Reed, Colleen, 319–320
Reed, Pam, 304
Rehnquist, William, 77
Reid, Jan: and AR’s primary campaign for governor, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218–219; and Browne, xv, xvii, 109–111; and Gary Cartwright, 267; and environmental policy, xv, 245, 414; as speechwriter for Mauro, 167, 169, 214
Reno, Janet, 373
Republican National Convention (1992), 344
Republican Party. See Texas Republican Party
Reyes, Raul, 141
Reynolds, Chula, 146, 151, 327, 339, 383
Rhea, Billy, 299
Rice, Donna, 175
Richards, Ann: and alcoholism, xvii, 55, 60–61, 100, 102, 105, 108, 116, 132, 133, 222, 251, 252; and alcoholism intervention, xvii, 111–115, 191, 195, 381; and bird hunting, 277, 290, 373; childhood and youth of, 3–5, 4; and Christmas cards with Betty McKool, 29, 41, 58, 151; death of, 420; early political involvement of, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28–29, 31, 32, 35, 41, 66, 67, 71, 72–75, 78; education of, 11–12, 13, 15; and esophageal cancer treatment, 418–420; family background of, 3–5; as grandmother, 173, 185, 187, 408; grave of, 423–424; hairstyles of, xv, xix, 1, 50, 51, 57, 73, 90, 150, 184, 265, 271, 302, 415–416; and Hanukkah Chicken character, 61; health of, 33, 55, 173, 418; and Mad Dog, 50–51, 53–54; as mother, 18, 19, 21, 41–42, 110, 112, 116, 119, 127, 128, 159; personality of, xv, xvii, xviii, xix, 79, 161; private burial of, 421; public memorial to, 420–421; as public school teacher, xx, 15, 16; seizures of, 33, 116; sexuality issues of, 152, 205, 223, 381, 398; as smoker, 89, 149, 157, 157, 173; sobriety of, 276, 292, 320, 366; as teenager, xxviii, 1, 8–9, 10. See also political career