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WeresDigest Page 12

by Desconhecido

  She leaned back against his arms and looked up at him, seeing his handsome face had less stress lines upon it. “Yes, dear we can. Thank you for finding him.”

  “Thane and you are worth it. Shall we go home and get some rest? The doctors want to keep him here for another week just to make sure he pulls through fine, but I feel all will be good now.”

  She caressed his left cheek fondly. “I believe that with all my heart. Give me a few minutes and I’ll join you back here. I’d like to check on Vek and thank him if he’s awake.”

  He nodded and released her. “I’ll be here.”

  She left him to go to Vek’s hospital room. Within five minutes she was near his door as his room wasn’t far from their son’s. Shaja was just about to enter the room when she heard voices filtering through the partial cracked open door. This older wing of the hospital didn’t have the newer sliding doors. She recognized Vek’s voice and that of the woman her husband once loved. Curiosity got the better of her and she listened to their words and the tones of their voices. She could always tell what kind character a person had by hearing the inflections in a person’s speech patter and tone of voice.

  “He’s a handsome child, Vek. You are lucky…”

  “I’m even luckier now,” he interrupted Letha. “I have you…”

  “Shhh, get some rest. We’ll talk later.”

  Shaja reached for the door handle and gave it a little push as she lightly tapped on it. She saw Vek drop his hand from the other woman’s face, as if he’d been caressing it fondly. Then Letha pulled her hand out of Vek’s. She glanced at them curiously, not missing their flushed faces when they saw her enter.

  “I hope I’m not intruding…I just wanted to come by to see how you fared, Vek.”

  Letha gave her a wan smile. “I was just leaving. I’ll check in on you later, Vek.”

  Letha nodded a greeting to her and left the hospital room, which didn’t quite close behind her. Shaja ignored that, thinking nothing of it as she approached the bed. She gingerly sat down on the edge near his hip.

  “You look a little pale, Vek, but the doctors say all went well for both of you. Thank you for saving our son’s life.”

  “I merely gave him genetic material. The doctors and your husband are the heroes here. I’m in Zi-Den’s debt for finding me. You two did wonderful raising him. He’s a good kid.”

  She reached out and patted his arm. “I had always hoped Zi would find you. We had people searching a long time. He took care of me just as he promised he would to you.”

  He let out a sigh, searching her face. It was as if he were looking for answers to things. She had to know what those questions were, for he was sure she had the answers to them.

  “I…um, well expect you’ll want to keep seeing him now.”

  “If you and Zi-Den allow that, I’d like that, Shaja. Does he know?”

  She nodded. “We told him from the onset when he first started getting ill and we explained what was going on. We’d always meant to tell him though, Vek. He is your son too. I think it would be good for him to get to know you.”

  He patted her hand. “I’d like that. But there’s something you should know.”

  She smiled warmly down at him. “You’re not in love with me any longer.” Shaja grinned when his eyes widened. She’d taken him by surprise. “I am a strong empath, like she is. Though she hides her feelings well, more than others can. She’s very territorial towards you and as you are towards her. I didn’t miss the sparks between her and you when I came in here. You’re in love with her. Right?”

  He sighed and nodded. “Think I have been for a long time, Shaja. I’m sorry. What we had was special in our own way, for us. I’ll never regret that or us having produced Thane. Like Zi-Den, I gave in to our society, not feeling I was good enough for you. He’s a good friend by taking care of you all these years and marrying you.”

  “He had been a great husband and father, Vek. We’ve grown very close. Perhaps in the long run of things, it all worked out.”

  “I’ll be damned. You two are in love with each other.”

  “Yes, it just happened. I’m glad you’re not angry.”

  “Never with you, Shaja. I wish you both to be happy.”

  “Thank you for coming here. I think we’ve laid our old ghosts to rest.”

  “Perhaps easier than either of us anticipated.”

  “Now there’s only one thing to find out.”

  He patted her hand affectionately as a brother might and did not miss her slight worry. “You’re afraid she has some old feelings for Zi-Den left.”

  She nodded. “She’s everything I’m not, Vek. Zi’s tried hard to forget her, what they use to have. I know how much he cares for me and loves Thane.”

  “Then be assured in that, Shaja. You are a good woman, and still as lovely as when I first knew you.”

  “Thank you for being here for our son.” She finished saying what was on her mind though. She had to ask the one question she’d dreaded since knowing Zi-Den’s old love had shown up with them. “Why did she come with you here, Vek?”

  “To put her own ghosts to rest. Just as you and I have.” Shaja truly wanted to believe that. Zi-Den had professed his heart to her, but still she worried.

  “Let them talk. Just as you and I have. Sit here with me and tell me about Thane. I want to know everything about him before I leave.”

  “Leave?” she squeaked out.

  “Shaja, I want you and Zi-Den to finish raising him. I want to be there for him, in his life, but Zi-Den is the only true father he’s known. I won’t take that from Thane. Just let me be part of his life. Do you think he’ll go for that? Both of them I mean.”

  She sighed deeply and smiled. “I think that can be arranged. Thanks, Vek. I think things will work out for you too.” She gave his hand a reassuring hug. “And for me. Now let me tell you about how that son of ours first came howling into this world…”

  * * * *

  Zi-Den softly stroked the dark haired child’s head for a moment then leaned over and kissed the sleeping boy’s forehead. He tucked his son in and stood fully back up when he heard the door slightly creak open. The fine hairs on his human form tingled when he felt her presence. For a split second time stood still for him. He sniffed her earthy scent and it calmed him. That’s what had startled him. Sweet flowers of lavender and chamomile had been what he’d become accustomed to, and learned to love very deeply. Shaja’s scent.

  Letha came closer towards the bed glancing from him to his son and back again. He waited for her to speak first. For long moments silence sliced through the room.

  “He looks like both of them. You’re a good person for standing by the boy and Shaja.” Her lovely eyes were keen. They always had been. Had there been a wistful tone in her voice? “He could pass as your own though, your colors are similar, so are your scents.”

  Those were not words he’d been expecting and the soft smile on her face made him know she was aware of that fact. “You’re not angry with me any longer?”

  She let out a low sigh. “No. I don’t think I have been for some time. I think seeing you again was the shock I needed to put my life in perspective. Perhaps I was angry for a time but no longer. Seeing you with Shaja made me realize it too. What we had is long gone, Zi-Den.”

  “Thank you, Letha. I lived with regret with what I did to you for a long time. I can’t take it back and I never meant to hurt you, to be such a coward…to…”

  She made a shushing sound and put a finger to his lips to stop his words. “You are not a coward. I don’t think I ever thought you were really. Just angry over what this city, this society did to us, to Vek and Shaja. He let her go as you did me, to give her a chance at life. As you did for me. I found what was right for me, Zi-Den. I just came back to affirm that. My life is back in Auck. I’ll have fond memories of you, but no more anger. We’ve all grown up, got on with our lives. Let old ghosts rest. Love your family and be happy.”

ank you, Letha. I wish the same for you too. I hope you let him love you as much as I do Shaja. As much as I hope she comes to love me some day.”

  “Shaja loves you deeply. What you two have is so much deeper than you and I could have reached, Zi-Den. Never doubt that. Be happy.”

  She reached out and squeezed his shoulder but didn’t get any more intimate or near him. Like another were female wouldn’t when she knows a man is mated to another were female. He searched her eyes and knew she meant her words.

  Zi-Den patted her hand then stood back a step. “I want to…”

  “It will work out. You are right to let them talk, to let Thane and Vek come to know each other. He’s not angry with you.”

  He tilted his head to one side. “You always seemed to know more than you always let on, Letha. You’re more intuitive than most.”

  “Perhaps not having full were-shifting caused that. Doesn’t matter. I’m quite happy in who I am now, Zi-Den. I wish you three well. I won’t be going back to your place tonight. I’m going to visit my parents’ graves and then head back in the morning.”

  “By yourself? Let me arrange transport. I didn’t use the new flying machines to get to Auck because there are no safe landing areas around that town. But if you wanted to take a little bit longer route to the other side of the Between-lands one can be arranged.”

  She shook her head. “I traveled the Between-lands long before Hajin brought you or Vek to Auck. He just knows them better and the shortest routes. I know how to return and can take care of myself. The main sheriff’s office in Auck has a long-range communicator and I’ll let you know from there I got back fine. Goodbye, Zi-Den. Keep true to your heart and your family. Have the life you were meant to have.”

  “Be true to your own heart, Letha. He cares for you deeply.”

  She shrugged and took a step back from him. “We’ll see. Goodbye to you too, Shaja. Be happy with your son and husband. I wish you well.”

  Zi-Den saw Shaja standing in the opened doorway, her face showing surprise. He too had been slightly startled for he hadn’t heard his wife open the door. Letha let out a chuckle as she passed Shaja with quick movements and he had the feeling Letha knew that Shaja had been there a few minutes listening in on their conversation.

  Shaja came over to him and glanced down at their son then back up at him. “My heart will always belong to the two of you, Zi-Den.”

  He pulled her swiftly into his arms and kissed her soundly. “I love you, Shaja. Never forget that.”

  “I won’t,” she answered him quickly and firmly. “I love you very much.”

  She reached up and stroked his left cheek, her eyes beaming her deep love for him. “This Were’s heart will always belong to you, m’love.” Then she wound her arms around him and gave him a hard and thorough kiss, showing him how serious her heart and body truly belonged to only him. His heat rose.

  When she pulled back, he grinned wickedly down at her. “Thane’s asleep. I’m anxious to get you home now.”

  She chuckled seductively. “Good, I’ve missed your heat against my own. But first, and as much as I want you, we both need to make a stop and talk to Vek. About her.”

  “I think that’s a wise choice,” he agreed with her and then walked with her out of their son’s hospital room, heading towards Vek’s. The man and he had a few things to talk about, their son, and Letha. If that stubborn man knew better he’d hurry up, heal and get Letha in his arms for good.

  Chapter Seven

  “I like you, Vek.” The intelligent young lad was wiser than his tender age, “but I like my dad lots more. It’s ok right?”

  “Yeah, it is. Zi-Den is a good father. I just hope you and I can be close friends if you want to, Thane.”

  “I’d like that very much. Mom and Dad said it was ok too.”

  “Good.” He’d told him, assuring him his parents made a wise decision and glad the child had talked to them about the whole situation and letting Vek into his life. That conversation had come about during an outing they’d had together. Often in the park or around Zi-Den’s estate they would take a few hours out together every day. When Vek ran with Thane, he was amazed by the boy’s swift agility. Though he regretted not being able to teach him to shape-shift into a full-were, he could show him how to half-shift and use his abilities that way. After his talk with Zi-Den and Shaja he’d decided to stay a couple of weeks with them and get to know Thane better, to heal as the child did. Thane was a quick learner and a bright child. He was proud of the boy. The two of them had spent a little time each day together, first in the hospital and then at his parent’s home, and had somewhat become friends.

  Thane still called Zi-Den father, though he knew the truth of who his biological parents were. And Vek was good with that. He’d also talked to Thane about that and told him during one of their outings and discussions that he’d always be there for him and would never try to take Zi-Den’s place as his father. So Thane called him Vek. He asked Vek questions about his life. He even asked him about Letha. The boy had said that Letha visited him twice before she’d left. He’d liked Letha right away and said she was pretty smart. And Thane asked if he loved Letha like his mom loved Zi-Den. He said she’d make a good step-mother. That hit Vek soundly. And though he didn’t like leaving his son, he knew what he had to do. He needed Letha, wanted her in his life. And he was damn well going to show her that she needed him too.

  He was angry she’d left so soon. She’d come to give him support and hadn’t stayed long enough to…to what? To say she loved him? Vek knew what she needed and he was going to show her that. If she wanted him to make a choice then he would, but in his own time. Perhaps that was one of the main reasons he stayed, but also to get to know Thane better.

  After a month of being with his son, he knew he wanted to get back to his old life too. And he missed her. He told that to Thane, Shaja, and Zi-Den one night over dinner. As much as he’d loved his time with them, he had to go. Though Thane was sad, the boy hadn’t asked to go live with him, but that he’d like to visit Auck with his parents if that was ok by Vek.

  Vek assured him it was and would be looking forward to the visits. He promised to visit Thane here in Strank also. That made the boy feel better and his parents too. But they should get back to their lives just as Vek needed his old haunts around him, the main one being Letha. He wanted her as much as he needed to breath. His life would not be complete without her.

  Zi-Den helped him arrange his return trip. Just a month after he left the hospital and stayed with his friends and son, he headed back to Auck. Vek realized that Zi-Den and Shaja were that to him now. His friends. But Letha was his life, his reason for living. He’d be all the father he could to Thane, but that was different from needing his true mate with him. His were-heart beat irregularly without her. Somehow, he knew he needed to show her that.

  * * * *

  Letha had settled into her regular routines within a week after her return from Strank. It’s what she needed. She’d never been a big city gal and was glad to be back in the wide open territory of the spread out smaller city of Auck. This was home to her. Perhaps she’d visit other places from time to time, but Auck would always be home to her. Only one thing would make it more perfect. But that was his choice. Braden had said his job would be here for him when he returned, if he chose to. She’d found out from her boss that Vek had communicated with him from the larger city and let him know what had gone on. So Braden knew Vek had a son and that Vek was taking some more time off. Letha hoped Vek understood her real reasons for leaving him there. He needed time there with his son, alone as much as possible, so he could just concentrate on getting to know the boy. Her couple of visits with him had told her what she wanted to know.

  The boy liked Vek, but was unfamiliar with him. But her extra senses told her he wanted to know Vek still. She’d wanted him to have that time with his son, and to come to terms with the fact Thane needed Shaja and Zi-Den in his life. It’d been just over a month now an
d he hadn’t returned. Whatever happened, she didn’t regret her decision to come back sooner. He needed his own time, just as she wanted hers, to know her own heart and more. She knew he cared for her, but she wanted him to come back on his own when he was ready. Letha felt good to be home and back in her old job again, but missed Vek like crazy. She didn’t rest well without him nearby, without knowing he was there to cover her back when the job got insane. But mostly her heart hurt with extreme loneliness while he was gone. For her it had been a long healing process. For she knew she loved him, could not live without him, but she didn’t want to force that choice on him. So she put her mind on her work and duties trying not to think about the fact that he might not come back…

  * * * *

  Vek thought the three-day trip back to Auck the longest he’d ever taken. Hajin had once more guided him to Auck, taking the shortest route. Still, it was agonizingly long to his heart and mind. He couldn’t wait to be back with Letha and she’d know just how much once he set foot in their home again. It had been their home, and their work place for the last several years. He’d been an idiot not to realize it all sooner. They’d become too comfortable with each other. Now he wanted more, to feel that zing of excitement again that they had; that he realized he’d taken for granted. Being away from her had shone him what he missed and what was most important in his life. Thane would always be important to his life, but his heart and body needed more, he wanted his mate with him. His were-heart would not be complete without her. When he got to the local sheriff’s office where they worked, she wasn’t in.

  He stowed his gear in his old room, not seeing it occupied and quickly took a long hot shower. He checked in the front office and in her room after getting out of the shower, and decided to lay down for a short nap while he waited for her. He hadn’t realized just how much the trip back had taken out of his stressed mind until his head hit the pillow. Then he was out fast, falling into a very tired and deep sleep…with thoughts of her still on his mind.


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