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The Wolf Siren

Page 26

by Karen Whiddon

  Instead, his lips left hers, blazing a path down her neck, making her shiver. Finally, after one last kiss at the hollow of her throat, he moved away from her and the car began to go. She felt like he’d stolen her ability to breathe.

  Luckily, she managed to get herself under control. The sensation of driving without her sight was disconcerting, to say the least. Even her inner wolf went quiet, as intrigued as her human half. She kept wondering if he’d touch her, even the slightest caress. The thought made goose bumps rise on her skin and her nipples pebble. But, to her disappointment, he must have kept his hands on the steering wheel.

  She felt when they left the pavement for the gravel road, knew every turn and bend, and could tell when they’d passed the main house. Nevertheless, Kane didn’t tell her she could remove her blindfold, and she couldn’t help but picture what it would feel like to make love with it on. Judging just from the kiss, every other sense would be intensified, magnified to compensate for not being able to see.

  She barely hid her disappointment when, as soon as Kane parked and cut the engine, he took the silken cloth off. She blinked, dazed and disoriented, and glanced his way to find him smiling at her.

  Again, he looked as if he hadn’t a care in the world. No, more than that, she thought as she climbed out of the car. His entire body practically vibrated with excitement, his eyes bright and full of half promises. She didn’t understand this and even considered asking him, but knew whatever he might reply would most likely decimate her pride.

  Still, it really was a struggle not to let this put her in a bad mood. And right before the big going-away party.

  Once they were inside the cabin, he stretched and grinned. “I’ll let you have the first shower.”

  She nodded, fisting her hands to keep from crossing the room to him, grabbing him by the shirt and making him kiss her again. What the hell had that been? Another form of torture? His way of saying goodbye, by letting her know exactly what she’d be missing?

  “You’ve got a little over an hour to get ready,” he continued, the warmth of his smile echoing in his voice. “Mom said we need to dress what she calls resort casual, whatever that means.” He shrugged. “It makes me think of Hawaiian shirts and swim trunks, even though I know that’s not what she means at all.”

  Puzzled, Lilly knew she’d better ask. “So what does she mean?”

  “I think she wants you to wear something like you’d wear on vacation, like a cruise or at some beach resort. You know, like that sundress you wore the last time we were going to visit Woodstock.”

  Nodding her thanks, she hurried into the bathroom, glad to escape the constant temptation.

  After a nice long shower, she felt a lot better. Confident even, certainly able to deal with the myriad of emotions she was sure to experience that night.

  Back in her bedroom, she ignored the carnal images dancing through her mind as she heard the sound of the shower start up. The thought of Kane, naked and wet... Shaking her head at herself, she went to her closet, wanting to dress carefully for the party. Instead of the flirty little sundress Kane had mentioned, she chose the only maxi dress she’d brought with her. The slinky material clung to her figure lovingly, and the green and navy diagonal slashes of color went perfectly with the necklace and earrings she’d bought in Woodstock.

  She even applied a little makeup, her mood improving as she laughed at herself for her ineptitude—it had been too long since she’d used cosmetics.

  By the time she’d finished, she felt much better. Confident even. Surveying herself in the mirror, she thought she looked good, maybe even pretty. Her hair, usually the bane of her existence, fell in natural waves past her shoulders.

  When she emerged from her room to find Kane waiting, she even managed to smile at him.

  Staring at her, he slowly stood, his gaze traveling over her, as intimate as a caress. Her pulse leaped, but miraculously she kept her expression merely pleasant.

  “Are you ready?” she asked, her voice cool.

  “You look...amazing,” he said.

  “Thank you.” Deliberately, she surveyed him in much the same way he’d done her, praying her rapid increase in pulse didn’t show. Kane wore khakis and a short-sleeved, button-down shirt, along with deck shoes. As always, he carried himself with a masculine air of self-confidence. His stance emphasized the force of his muscular legs, and the well-fitting white shirt did little to hide his broad shoulders.

  Her mouth went dry as she stared at him.

  Smile widening, he held out his hand. “Let’s go.”

  She slid her fingers through his and, at the contact, her entire body felt energized, as though his touch had delivered a powerful jolt of electricity.

  Marveling at this, she wanted to ask him if he’d felt it, too, but she chickened out.

  Dusk darkened to night as they walked outside. Kane drove the short distance slowly, and she gasped as they rounded the curve and she caught sight of the hundreds or thousands of tiny white lights decorating the trees and patio in back of the main house.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, stunned. “Simply amazing.”

  When they pulled up in front, all the other vehicles parked there told her everyone else had already arrived.

  Inhaling deeply, she smoothed down her dress as she climbed out of the car.

  “Nervous?” Kane asked.

  “Maybe a little.” But she wasn’t, not now that the moment had actually arrived. She owed these people so much, and the fact that they cared enough to throw a party to say goodbye was humbling.

  “Come on.” Again, Kane took her hand, leading her in through the front door instead of their usual way out back.

  The front room was completely devoid of people.

  “Where is everyone?” she asked.

  “Out back,” he told her, with a gentle smile. “This way.”

  Feeling like a fairy-tale princess, she let him lead her through the kitchen, out the back door, and into the transformed backyard.

  Everyone waited, smiling at her. A little girl broke away from a group of children and ran to her, shouting her name.

  “Hailey?” Stunned, Lilly caught her niece midjump. “What are you doing here?”

  Beyond excited, the five-year-old grinned and pointed. “Mommy and Lucas are here, too!”

  To Lilly’s amazement, her brother and his new bride appeared, gathering her close. Blythe wore white flowers in her hair, and a long champagne colored dress that appeared to be made entirely of lace. Lucas was still growing out his dark hair, giving him a slightly dangerous air. They both glowed with happiness.

  Hugging them, Lilly struggled not to cry. She blotted at her eyes, glad she’d chosen waterproof mascara. “What on earth are you two doing here?”

  Lucas grinned. “Kane invited us. He wanted us to see where you’ve been living, and to meet his family.”

  Still perplexed, she smiled back. She nearly gasped out loud as she realized what this most likely meant. She’d be going home with Lucas. This, then, would be her last night with Kane.

  She wished he would have warned her.

  As she tried to keep smiling, the rest of Kane’s family surrounded them. Kris and Debi, Kyle and Sharon, Kathy and Tom. Not to mention their combined brood of children. Someone put on music, everyone talked at once, and Kane’s mother began bringing out the food as Kane’s father manned the grill.

  There was steak and chicken and fish, every kind of protein a carnivore could desire. Head swimming, Lilly found herself being pulled here and there, as Kane’s family all had brought her small gifts. Sharon and Debi gifted her with a bottle of their favorite tequila and margarita mix, Kathy with a box of homemade cupcakes.

  She didn’t think she could eat, but to her surprise as the meal was set out buffet-style, she found herself with a heaping paper plate. Kane sat next to her, his thigh touching hers. She tried not to let it affect her while she ate.

  The celebratory air of the party made her wonder, but she
put it down to the fact that the escaped cultists had finally been caught. Still she couldn’t help but question all the smiling glances everyone cast their way. As if they all knew some big secret to which she was not privy.

  Once everyone finished eating, the tables were moved away. Kathy’s husband, Tom, set up a drum set on a brick area to the side of the large patio, and Kane’s brothers appeared with guitars. To Lilly’s surprise, Kathy joined them, carrying a guitar of her own.

  “What is this?” Lilly asked Kane. “Are you going to play, too?”

  Never taking his gaze from her face, he slowly shook his head. “Nope. They’re making music so you and I can dance.”

  Stunned, she looked around. “I don’t know how.”

  He laughed, lightly touching her chin. “It’s instinctual. I’ll guide you and all you have to do is follow my lead.”

  Still she balked. “In front of everyone else? I don’t think so.”

  “Lilly, I’m sure Lucas and Blythe will dance, too. Even my parents will probably take a spin around the floor. It’ll be fun, I promise.”


  He silenced her with a quick kiss, right there for anyone to see. She felt her face turn to fire, but his tactic worked. “I’ll try,” she finally said.

  Kane’s mother appeared, carrying drinks. A beer for Kane and some orange concoction for Lilly. “It’s a mai tai,” she explained. “Try it. You’ll like it.”

  Lilly took a tentative sip. Fruity and sweet, it tasted a bit like punch. “It’s good.”

  Both Kane and his mother laughed. “Enjoy yourselves,” Mrs. McGraw said, patting Lilly on the shoulder. “This is a special night.” She waved to a teenager who was watching the children play on another part of the back lawn, and bustled off.

  The band started playing, leading off with a catchy song that had Lilly inadvertently tapping her feet. She stood next to Kane, watching as her brother and Blythe began dancing.

  “Do you want to?” Kane asked.

  She shook her head and sipped her drink. “Not yet.”

  The next song was slower. Lilly couldn’t get over the feeling that everyone was watching her as if they expected something to happen. But what?

  Lucas and Blythe swayed to the music. A moment later, Kane’s parents joined them.

  “Come on.” Kane took Lilly’s arm. “Let’s give it a try.”

  She couldn’t say no to the beseeching look in his eyes. Setting her drink down on one of the small tables that had been set up with chairs on the perimeter of the dance area, she walked with him out to the center.

  Lucas smiled with approval as Kane took her into his arms. Then he began to dance and she forgot all about her brother and everyone else.

  There was only Kane.

  Slow dancing, body to body, he moved and she moved with him, stunned by the way they seemed to flow together. It was sensual and more. Gazing up at Kane’s chiseled profile, her heart swelled, her throat ached, and she realized she’d never been as happy as she was at that exact moment.

  This man...this wonderful, beautiful, rugged man. Dancing with him, she craved him. She ached to have him desire her, just this once, without any siren song compelling him.

  The song ended and they stepped back to the side. Stepping to the mic, Kathy announced they’d be taking a short break.

  Kane led her away from the others, to a little stone bench in between two towering oak trees.

  They sat. Suddenly she found herself close to tears.

  “Lilly?” Hand cupping her chin, Kane raised her face. “What’s wrong?”

  He needed to know the truth.

  “I don’t know how to seduce you,” she said, her low voice vibrating with need. “I have no idea how to make you crave me the same way I do you.”

  “Make me?” Incredulous, he kissed the tip of her nose. “Lilly, don’t you realize you merely have to be in the same room as me and I’m on fire?”

  Gaping at him, she couldn’t find words. Then, to her complete and utter shock, Kane stood and dropped to one knee in front of her. He took out a small box and opened it.

  “Lilly Gideon, I’ve loved you since the first moment our eyes met, there in that horrible cell at Sanctuary.” The tinge of wonder in his raspy voice made her smile. “I grew to love you even more in the time we’ve spent together. If I know anything, it’s this. I don’t want to go on living without you.”

  A warm glow began spreading through her, she tried to speak, and found her throat too clogged with emotion.

  “You are my mate,” he continued, his voice breaking with emotion. “Do you realize this, too?”

  Raising her head, she took a deep breath and pushed aside the last lingering shred of fear. Her strength, deep within her, would never be lessened if she shared her life with Kane. Instead, she knew it would only be enhanced.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I definitely do.”

  For an instant he closed his eyes, as though her words overwhelmed him. When he opened them again, the silver had become molten. “Since you know we’re mates, will you marry me?”

  Cocking her head, she decided to pay him back a little for his earlier torture. “Only because we’re mates? Not for any other reason?”

  He groaned. “Because I love you. You know that. Marry me, please, and let me love you for the rest of our lives?”

  Joy bubbled from her heart. Blissfully happy, she nodded, finding words of her own. “I will, if you’ll let me love you, too. For the rest of our lives.”

  He gave a glad shout, slipping the ring on her finger. As he rose, he pulled her up with him. He kissed her, a kiss of possession and promise, before tugging her along with him, back to where his and her entire families waited expectantly.

  “She said yes!” he told them, holding up her hand so everyone could see the ring that sparkled on her third finger.

  At once, everyone cheered.

  Kane swung her around in his arms, kissing her cheek, her neck, before muttering in her ear the things he planned to do to her the instant they got back into their cabin.

  She gasped, and then laughed, her entire body growing hot as Kane caressed her with his eyes. More laughter and clapping from the others, made her see where she was, and that there were others watching. And then she realized she didn’t really care. She reached for him, feeling completely and utterly naked even though she still was fully clothed.

  He met her halfway, claiming her mouth with his, the heat emanating from him making her melt against him. “Will you sing for me now?” he rasped. “Please, sing to me.”

  “Here?” she gasped, looking around at his assembled family, all of whom watched them with a combination of love and amusement and joy. “I can’t.”

  “You can.”

  When she hesitated, he kissed her again, his mouth lingering over hers. “Do you trust me?”

  Bemused, she nodded.

  “You’re what’s known as a Wolf Siren,” he told her, his handsome face full of a fierce, possessive love. “My Wolf Siren. And legend has it that once we’ve committed to each other, your songs no longer have any kind of power. Over anyone.”

  At his words, a quiet knowing filled her. “So it wasn’t because of any of the experiments they did on me at Sanctuary.”

  Slowly, he shook his head. “No. Now please, will you sing?”

  “Only if you’ll accompany me with your guitar.”

  When he nodded, she took his hand. Completely without fear, she walked with him to the area where the band had been playing and stepped up to the microphone.

  As if they sensed something momentous was about to happen, everyone drifted back to stand in front of them. They grew silent as Kane began to play the melody.

  Lilly began to sing. She remembered the words, even though she’d only made them up that one day. Unknowingly, even then she’d sung their song, a song of love and finding the one who could complete her. Her voice rose and soared and she caught more than one of the women wiping a tear from their eyes.

  No one fell to the ground and Kane continued playing, no longer driven by the compelling and immediate need to possess her.

  Because, she realized, he already did and he always would.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from IMMORTAL COWBOY by Alexis Morgan.

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  No one was ever alone on the mountain. Sometimes voices whispered in the mists, uttering words too faint to be understood. Eyes watched from the shadows, the weight of their gaze sitting heavily on those few brave enough to venture far up the slopes. The most sensitive of the visitors might feel the fleeting touch of hands without substance, leaving a chill on their soul. Smart folks didn’t linger for long.

  Chapter 1

  Rayanne charged into the dappled shadows under the trees, following the narrow path that led toward town, the dense growth making it impossible to see more than a few feet ahead.

  Where was he?

  Her breath came in fits and jerks as she broke into a run down the game trail. A few feet in, her shoe caught on a root, sending her sprawling forward to land on her hands and knees. Ignoring the warm trickle of blood down her shin, Rayanne lurched back to her feet, wishing she’d taken the time to exchange her flip-flops for running shoes. But there hadn’t been time for practical matters, not when Uncle Ray needed her.


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