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Karma (Endgame Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Leigh Ann Lunsford

“I need all the information you know regarding the sport of . . . baseball.” I bite my lip staring at her.

  “Is someone gonna end the great freeze out of Mason?”

  “Maybe.” I smile. “Definitely.”

  “Why the change of heart?”

  “A conversation with my mom. An amazing darkroom he built for me. And the most important— my heart. So help me. I need a grand gesture.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I want to compile a portfolio of his best games, stats, with cute analogies. Like it’s fourth down and I say we go the extra yard.”

  Her belly shakes in laugher. “That’s football, honey. I promise to keep that secret because the guys will freak the fuck out if they knew you made that mistake.”

  “Whatever. They both have balls.”

  “I can email you some photos I have and I’ll call his mom to do the same.” She smiles. “I’m glad you’re taking a chance.”

  “No, don’t call his mom. I want to have this done when he gets home. Sort of a thank you.”

  “Breck, strip and be in his bed— that’s the kind of thanks he’ll want.”

  “Ew. Talking about sex with Mason with you is awkward.” Her eyes roll. “I’ll do some research. Do you have your old yearbooks?”

  “At home. When your brother gets home I’ll have him run us over there.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He had a meeting with Coach Gill and I mentioned I was craving Frosty’s and french fries . . . so he’ll be walking in with Wendy’s any minute.”

  “But you just ate ice cream?”

  “And?” Her eyebrows arch and I take the smart path and zip my mouth.

  I managed to set up the enlarger and other equipment by myself and I’m pretty proud. I open the pictures and scan a few from the yearbook. Researching his old games took tons of time but I think I’ve compiled a book that does him justice. I’ve incorporated shots and states from t-ball until current. Photos, stats, awards . . . analogies. That was hard and Emberlee helped me. Lack of sleep for two days was worth it.

  Tying the ribbon, I grab their spare key and bring his present and tiny tree I bought to his house. Setting it up so it’s the first thing he sees I make my way to his room and collapse on the bed. This time feels different. I don’t have doubts that this is where I’m supposed to be. I curl up to his pillow inhaling his lingering scent and close my eyes to wait for him. Hoping he still wants this . . . praying I didn’t ruin everything.

  Our plane was delayed in Colorado due to mechanical failure and if the parental units hadn’t been up our ass I would’ve found some way to down a few drinks. I hate flying and as much as I’ve done it you’d think it wouldn’t bother me. My mind is still stuck on the blonde that’s taken residence in my heart. I wonder if she liked the darkroom . . . it isn’t like I got a phone call confirming either way.

  I’ve gone from worry to anger . . . my worry was eased when I talked to Lee Lee and she assured me Brecklynn was fine. I’d like to say fuck it, and be done but she won’t let me. Whatever spell she placed upon me has me bound to her . . .

  “What the fuck?” Caden trips over his feet trying to stop in the entryway. He’s dropping his stuff off real quick and helping Avery unload. Thank goodness he volunteered for that job because I’m beat.

  “Jesus, Caden. You’re gonna make me bust my ass. Move.”

  “I can’t. There’s a tree stopping me.” What in the actual fuck? “Not a tree-tree. It’s supposed to be a Christmas tree but it’s tiny. Not tiny like the size of your dick . . . but little.”

  “What is wrong with everyone and obsessing over the size of my dick? It’s more than a handful and much more than a mouthful so we’re good. Get off my jock.” I shove him and as he crashes forward I hear glass breaking.

  “Fuck. What’s wrong with you?”

  “I’m tired.” I whine.

  “You’re cleaning this up and you need to get laid.”

  “Shut up.” I side step him and hear the crunch of broken ornaments under my shoes. I feel an ounce of remorse because whoever did this went through a lot of trouble and if it’s Lee Lee’s doing she’ll be in tears . . . “I’ll get the broom— do you know where it is? We can’t have glass everywhere when Julie comes over in the morning.”

  “I don’t know where that shit is. Call Saylor.” I stare at him.

  “You’ve lost your mind. Deacon will have a hissy fit. Can you ask Avery?”

  “Fuck no. She’s exhausted.”

  “Whatever. I’ll look for it.”

  “Wait. There’s a box over there. I must have kicked it when some jackass pushed me.”

  “Pussy.” I walk to pick it up and he heads to his room to drop his shit off. Someone went to a lot of trouble to wrap this. It’s a white box and looks like holes punched in the top with red ribbon laced through to give the image of a baseball. My name is scrolled atop it in bold letters.

  Opening it there’s a black scrapbook inside. The first page contains a message that stops my heart and makes it race at the same time.


  Pitcher Extraordinaire

  Breaker of records

  Maker of plays

  Here’s your history . . . I hope we aren’t.



  I see myself in T-ball. Move to Little League. All-Stars. At the end of each journey my stats for that season are listed with a catch phrase.

  Tiny-tot. I laugh at how small I was running the field playing in the dirt. It’s what t-ball is notorious for.

  Knocking it outta the park. My first home run in Little League. I was riding cloud nine and that’s when Caden, Deacon, and I knew we’d found our home.

  Cheese. Right as I made All Stars . . . I perfected my fastball.

  Forty-Forty Club. Year two of All Stars and first year of traveling— by age eight I’d joined this club. Stealing and home runs.

  Give me the Heat. Junior High and I beat the record for fastball.

  Mix Up Pitches. Freshman year in high school starting Varsity. Those chumps didn’t know what was being thrown at them.

  Pitcher of Record. Playoffs and I was that pitcher. Of course, it was for a win.

  Punch Out. Junior year . . . no batter had a chance against me.

  Starter. My senior year . . . every game.

  Grand Slam. Signing and playing my first year of college.

  The last photo . . . the last caption weakens me.

  My boy of summer. A photo of us at Lee Lee’s pool party— after the most amazing blowjob and her agreeing to give us a fair chance.

  I sit and stare, holding my breath wondering what this means. Taking deep breaths to alleviate the tightness in my torso and stinging in my eyes. My breath is bottled in my chest yet I’m peaceful. Floating like sensation fills me.

  “What was it?” Caden walks into the living room. I can’t speak without losing my shit so I give him the book.

  As he flips through the pages I hear chuckles, gasps of astonishment, sighs of reliving those memories. “Holy shit, Mace.”

  “I know.”

  “What the fuck are you doing sitting here? Go get her.”

  “I can’t stand yet. Dude, she fucking makes me weak.”

  “Man card— hand it over.”

  “With pleasure fucker. Anything for her.”

  “Need a piggy back ride?” He jokes.

  “You just want my dick rubbing your back . . . quit being desperate.” He flips me off.

  “Want me to make Avery stay here so you can surprise her?”

  “Yeah. Let me drop my suitcase in my room. Don’t take her stuff over there in case Brecklynn is asleep. I want to be the one to wake her up.”

  “Make me proud. Wrap your hitter before you split her.” He laughs at himself as I hurry to my room. My hand rests against the light switch as my eyes catch sight of her in my bed. Staring and taking in her sight . . . one I’ve missed. I drink her in and smile at how
comfortable she looks here. Sitting my bag down softly so I don’t wake her, I back from the room to stop Caden.

  “Hey. She’s here. Can you stay at their place tonight?”

  “Yep. Let me get some clothes. And earplugs. I have a feeling you’ll wake up the entire street.” He knows my plans well.


  “Fucking pervert.”

  “You have no idea.” I waggle my brows.

  “Yeah, dude. I do. That’s why I’m agreeable to forego sleeping in my bed after being gone two weeks. Sick fuck.”

  “You wish you were as good as me.”

  “I’ve had no complaints in my box.”

  “How long has it been since you’ve been in anyone’s box?” This guy holds his cards tight.

  “Two nights ago.” I decided I don’t want to think too hard on which girl he bagged in Colorado. I have other things to attend to . . . many, many times.

  “Hurry up.”

  “I will but you shouldn’t. Girls don’t like that shit.”

  “Fuck off.” I stand tapping my foot with my arms across my chest trying to speed him up.

  “You’re impatient.” He has his shit and is leaving. “I’ll be back in the morning. We have a work out at ten.” He warns me.

  “Got it.” Shit. I’ll be tired as hell but it’ll be worth it. I’m in stealth mode as I make my way back to my room to my girl. She’s out cold and as much as I hate to wake her it has to be done.

  Stripping off my clothes and grabbing a few condoms from my drawer, I inch up the bed pulling the covers down as I make my way to her body. She stirs but doesn’t wake. Dropping my face to her neck I inhale and my stomach rolls in anticipation. I’m home with her . . . my nerves settle; I’m no longer on edge from the last couple months. Her thank you and apology gift all rolled in one moved something in me. I knew I was in love with her but it’s deeper. “Mason?” Her breathy tone stirs my dick.

  “Yeah, Doll. It’s me.” I pull back so I can stare down at her.

  “Hi.” She smiles with a slight quiver in her lips.

  “Hey baby. This is the best welcome home I’ve ever had.”

  “Really?” Her hands trace my face.

  “Yeah.” I wink at her.

  “It’s gonna get a whole lot better.” She winks.

  “We’ll talk later.” I tell her as I dip my head to take her mouth.

  “Much later.” She stretches her neck to meet me halfway.

  I trail my hands down her face, caress her neck and tangle my hands in her long blonde locks. After taking my fill from her mouth I pull her shirt over her head and unclasp her bra so I can trail kisses over her torso. Her long moan is music to my ears and I slide my hands in her shorts.

  She impatiently pushes them down and kicks her legs to free herself. My fingers trace her folds and I sink a finger inside. She raises her hips up letting me fill her completely. “So fucking tight.” I work my finger in and out and add another. She rides my hand as I nip at her breasts, sucking her nipples deep.

  “I need you.” Her wish is my command. I roll a rubber on and sink into her slow and easy. Gripping her hands, lacing our fingers, I extend her arms over her head. My thrusts are even and calculated. Deep and drawing pleasure from her.

  “Thank you for being here.” I kiss her lips. Her cheeks. Her collarbone.

  “It’s where I belong.” She tries to hurry me and I won’t allow it. I’ll control her pleasure tonight and make sure she craves it when she isn’t with me.

  With a little more force in pushing inside her, I spread her legs with my knees so she’s wide open for me. Settling deeper I bring her to orgasm and follow her over.

  “Dare I ask what changed your mind?” I’m hoping it was the manly skills I showed in her basement.

  “You.” She runs her fingers over my stomach. “I talked to my mom and she made me realize what an idiot I’ve been. Worrying about your past— which you’ve proved doesn’t matter. Stressing about what can happen or will happen weeks, days, years down the road.” She rises to her knees and smiles. “You make me crazy jealous. Like insane and I’ve never had that. I punished you for making me feel . . . can you forgive me?” Her eyelashes bat and she’s so fucking adorable I can’t stand it.

  “Make me a deal.” She nods. “Talk to me. Don’t run. Don’t shut me out. If it bothers you tell me and we’ll work through it. I’m as lost as you in this relationship but we can find our way together.”

  “Together— I like the sound of that.”

  “I love it. And I love you.”

  “I wasn’t sure I’d hear that again.”

  I chuckle. “Doll, that isn’t what you’re supposed to say. Do you need a refresher of how this works?”

  Her giggle has me reaching for her and settling her over me. “Say it again.”

  “I love you.” I tell her with no hesitation.

  “Music to my ears.” She sighs.

  My hand comes down on her bare ass and she yelps. “One more time.” Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she stares at me. “I love you.”

  “And I you.” It’ll have to do. I need her . . . again.

  “I have team stuff in the morning.” I inform her as I pull her close.

  She yawns and snuggles closer. “I have to be at the studio at eight.” I groan and she slaps my chest. “I like it, Mason. It’ll suck because it’ll be hard to adjust our schedules but we can handle it.”

  “You’re right, Doll. What time do you get off?”

  “Twice tonight.” Her cheeky response elicits a roar of laughter. “But two. When will you be done?”

  “Around one I think. What’s your school schedule like this semester?”

  “All morning classes except a Wednesday night class. Yours?”

  “All morning. Makes it easier with practices and travel. Do you work everyday?”

  “No. Three days a week and Saturdays. We’re working our schedules so far.”

  “Yep. It means you can be in my bed every night.”

  “Uh, no. We’re dating— not living together.” She’s so damn stubborn. I don’t play by rules and I don’t like her rules.

  “Go to sleep.” I kiss her forehead.

  “If that’s your response to stuff you don’t like the answer to I’ll be one rested girl.”

  “Smart ass.”

  “But you love me.” She grins against my chest.

  “That I do. You make me fucking crazy.”

  “Back atcha’ Ace.” Ah, she did some research for baseball slang.

  “I like it.” I pat her ass and settle down for the few hours sleep we’ll get.

  I’m dragging ass and thankful it’s Sunday. Our day of rest. Dinner tonight will be at Avery and Brecklynn’s but I have her in my arms, cuddling while we wait for every one to arrive.

  “Where’d Avery go?” I brush the hair from her face.

  “We needed milk for the mashed potatoes— some jackass drank from the carton and that’s nasty.”

  Said jackass would be me. “Don’t you add milk to hot potatoes?”

  “And your point?”

  “If you’re worried about cooties, I think heat would kill them.”

  “She said she’s seen where your mouth has been— present company excluded— and she didn’t want a trip to the clinic.”

  “Not cool.”

  “Yeah. I said the same thing.” Her voice has gone quiet and I know my past bothers her and I don’t know why Avery would bring it up.

  “Hey. I’ll talk to her. Don’t think of my past. You’re my present. And future.”

  “Don’t say anything. I know she felt bad but she was joking with me like y’all all do. You say shit to Deacon and he’s with Saylor.”

  “You’re part of y’all . . . I get it but if I need to set boundaries I’ll talk to her.” I can’t stand anything touching her . . . I finally have her and things have been great for a few weeks.

  The door opens and she tugs my arm. “Don’t say anyth
ing. I’m fine.”

  Deacon and Saylor walk in with Julie toddling between them. “Unc. Unc.” She makes my heart melt.

  “Hey, Princess.” She tugs from them and wobbles to me. “Did you miss me?”

  Her lips smack my cheek and some babble shoots from her lips. “Mith. Unc. Pop.”

  “Don’t effing do it.” Saylor snarls. Deacon takes a step from her. She’s a scary pregnant woman.

  I hand her a blue lollipop I stashed in the bowl earlier. “Here you go Princess. Only one before dinner.”

  “One. Sank ewe.” She climbs to Brecklynn’s lap and hands her the candy to unwrap.

  “Why? Why are you so damn challenging?” Saylor is seething. I try to hold my laughter but it’s useless.

  “Pot meet kettle. It’s a piece of candy.”

  “That I said no to. You have no respect for my parental authority.” Now, that’s funny and deserves the laugher I give it.

  “Shortstop, it’s one and you gave her cookies.” Deacon rubs her back.

  “After she ate fucking carrots. She hates carrots. You questioning my parenting?” Shit, here come the tears. “I’m so tired.” She’s wailing and Brecklynn is giggling playing patty cake with Julie.

  “You’re a great mom, Shortstop. I’ll do better.” I won’t, but I want the damn waterworks to stop. They make me nervous.

  “Matilda.” She spits.

  “Love you, too.”

  Lee Lee and Brody are next and he comes and sits between Brecklynn and I. Cock block. I go with it and throw my arm behind him. “Hey, darlin’— did you miss me?” I air kiss and much to everyone’s amusement he flips me off— but moves to the other side of his sister.

  “You’re a mess.” Her lips caress my ear as she giggles in my ear.

  “Did your passport come?” Brody asks her.

  “Friday.” She doesn’t have a passport? If she travels to our away games, they’re still in the states, we don’t go over seas so I’m befuddled.

  “I don’t understand why you have to have a passport if it’s governed by the USA.” He grumbles.

  “It’s a commonwealth of the US, Brody. And there isn’t a direct flight leaving Kansas City according to my itinerary, so I’ll have to have it for switching planes in Japan before we land on the island.”


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