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Page 18

by Monroe, Mallory

  She was torn between two ideas. Either preparing a salmon and white-bean salad, or roasting a duck. She was considering these two options while she entered the home glancing through his mail. Most of the letters were business related, but then there was a thick letter from one female, and some sort of card from another female. She used to be tempted to open such letters. She even used to bring them up to Daniel. But he would dismiss them as letters from friends, and then would be upset with her for suggesting otherwise. She knew now that she should not have allowed him that kind of leverage over her, where just questioning his mail created problems for them. But she was so young then, only twenty when they first started dating, and she had fallen so completely in love with Daniel that she wasn’t about to do anything to rock the boat. Now that she knew better, it was too late. She didn’t feel she could give a man a level of freedom and then try to take it away. Besides, a man his age undoubtedly would have a large network of friends. And some of them were undoubtedly female. She paid attention, but she didn’t overreact.

  But as she pushed the door closed with her hip, and proceeded to head further into the house, she noticed another piece of mail on the floor. This piece had apparently been slid under the door because it barely made it inside. And unlike the other mail, this piece was in a letter-sized manila envelope. And it was already open.

  She placed the rest of his mail on the side table in his foyer, and picked up the manila envelope. She proceeded to head for the kitchen. The envelope felt loose, as if whatever was in there definitely wasn’t made of regular letter paper. Since it was open, which was odd in and of itself, she looked inside. But when she realized what she was actually looking at, her smile disappeared, her joy tumbled, and her walk slowed until she could walk no further. She stopped where she stood.

  A little over an hour after she arrived at her boyfriend’s home, her boyfriend arrived home. Daniel was pleased to see her Lexus on his driveway, and he stepped out, with his suit coat off, and tossed it over his shoulder. He walked happily toward his front door.

  “Honey, I’m home!” he said jokingly when he entered, as the smell of wonderful cooking met his nostrils.

  “I’m in the kitchen!” Nikki yelled back.

  Daniel sat his briefcase and suit coat by the door and made his way to his gourmet kitchen. To his unbridled delight, Nikki was at the stove stirring a big pot that contained an aroma that watered his mouth. And Nikki watered his mouth too, from just the sight, as he walked toward her. She wore one of his dress shirts that dropped down just above her knees, this one a dark blue silk shirt, revealing her shapely legs and her little brown bare feet. He knew nothing else was underneath, which pleased him mightily.

  She glanced back at him, as he began moving her way. “I didn’t expect you this early,” she said.

  “I didn’t expect you at all,” he replied as he was upon her. He placed his arms around her waist and pressed the front of his body against the back of hers.

  Nikki frowned, but continued to stir. “I hope you aren’t disappointed,” she said.

  “Disappointed that you took the time out of your busy schedule to come over to my house and cook dinner for me? Yeah, that’s real disappointing,” he said with a grand smile as he began to kiss her on the side and back of her neck. The longer he kissed on her, the harder he pressed against her. The harder he pressed against her, the bigger his member became. Then he turned her face to the side, until his mouth could reach her lips, and kissed her with passion and aggression. As soon as he tasted that sweet taste he knew so well, he immediately knew whatever she was cooking was going to have to wait.

  “We need to talk, Daniel,” she managed to say.

  “We will,” he said, without slowing his passion one bit. And when he lifted her shirt, revealing her naked ass, and pressed his member into her crack, she knew, like he already knew, that all bets were off.

  “We need to talk,” she said again, although her eyes were getting heavy-lidded and her entire body was already aroused.

  “We’ll talk,” he said, pressing into her harder and harder, and kissing her as if he hadn’t had the pleasure in years. “I promise you, babe. But not now. I want to be with you right now. I have to be with you right now.” Then he said, “let’s go,” as he was moving away from her. “Now,” he added as he glanced back at her.

  She understood the urgency of his now as he began hurrying out of the kitchen, removing his tie and unbuttoning his shirt as he went.

  Nikki stirred her pot one more time, turned it down to simmer, and began washing her hands. They needed to talk first, and whether he believed it or not, that was exactly what they were going to do.

  She felt this way, however, before she followed him. When she walked out of the kitchen and saw him in his living room, his pants and briefs down to his ankles, his shirt completely off, sitting on the sofa with his fully aroused dick in his hand, her body forced her to change her tune. Because she suddenly had that sense of urgency too. Everything else could wait. She needed this too.

  “Get naked, honey,” he said as she approached him, and as soon as she lifted the shirt completely off of her naked body, his member reacted with a remarkable lift of stiffness.

  “Get on and ride me baby,” he said to her. And after many nights of getting it from him this way, she knew exactly what to do.

  She faced him as she saddled him, her legs bent and on either side of his thick thighs. He rested his penis against her ass and began kissing her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands slipped into her folds and began massaging her as he kissed her. But when his kisses moved downward, to her breasts, she leaned her head back to give him fuller access. She loved the way he did her breasts. And this time was no exception. He sucked until they were swollen. He massaged her pussy until it was so wet that his fingers were saturated with her cum.

  And then he held his dick erect, lifted her ass, and then eased her down on his member until there was nothing left out but his balls.

  She laid her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped her lovingly in his arms, as he lifted her ass up and down on his shaft. He looked at her. It was a super-tight passage and he knew it was always initially painful for her when they did it this way. But she bore it until the pain turned into pleasure. He always knew, by the sparkle in the eyes, when that turn occurred.

  She rode him with the ease of somebody who knew what she was doing. And his dick responded masterfully. The urgency was still there, but there was no longer any risk of premature ejaculation. He wanted to savor this too badly. So he did. He fucked her long and hard. He fucked her in what became an urgent ease.

  He didn’t rush it. But he felt the urgency within every inch of her warm insides. And he moved in and out of that warmth with such a heightened sense of arousal, that he knew he wasn’t going to be able to stop his gyrations any time soon. She was still so tight, and he was still so in love with how she made his penis feel, that he held onto her as if he was holding onto a precious stone, as he fucked her.

  Nikki felt the intensity of their togetherness also, and her arousal matched his. But she couldn’t stop the tears as they began to flow. Her body was being rocked by the force of his sex, and his massive chest and massive arms had her so tight in his embrace that she could barely breathe, but she still could not stop the tears. She kept her head on his shoulder as he fucked her. She always knew he loved her, and cared deeply for her, but she always wondered if there were others too. Even her best friend Val, who loved Daniel too, wasn’t fully convince that a man who looked like him could be a one-woman man. But Nikki never had proof of any such assertions. Not ever.

  Until now.

  “Oh, babe,” Daniel couldn’t stop saying as he fucked her. And his gyrations responded too. His strokes began to turn manic, as he, now, started riding her. Instead of lifting her ass up and down on his rod, he was pounding his rod into her. Thrashing his rod into her. Nikki held on, and could feel her vagina giving in, as he thrashed her. An
d despite her pain, despite the tears, it still happened for her. She still came. Her body still constricted and pulsated, as he whipped her into a wonderfully erotic release.

  And then he was releasing. His penis went from the glistening moist of her wetness and his pre-cum, to the drenching of his own release. He laid into her as far as he could go up in her, as his entire body clenched and the white milky-ness began to flow inside of her. But he kept putting it on her, harder and harder, pounding her with a need that always surprised even him. He filled her up to such an extent that he had her overflowing with his cum. And then that same milky sweetness began to stream outside of her completely saturated, and whiplashed, vagina.

  He kept her in his arms when he pushed in one last time, and finally stopped pounding her altogether. He closed his eyes. He loved this woman in his arms. He loved her with a feeling that sometimes overwhelmed him. And so many of his friends had the audacity to believe that she didn’t deserve him. When he knew it was the other way around. And he hoped, by the way he treated her and loved her and cared for her, that she knew it too.

  He looked at her, ready to confess that love, but he thought he saw tears in her eyes. He frowned as he lifted her up from his shoulder and looked fully into her face. And he was right. She was crying. Her big, bright, expressive eyes were filled with tears. His heart squeezed in agony.

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” he asked her in a soft, worried voice. “Did I hurt you?”

  But she couldn’t say anything. She looked so anguish that Daniel’s heart began to pound. “Nikki, what is it? Nikki?”

  She stood up from his lap, his penis sliding out of her, and placed back on his big shirt. Then she went into the kitchen and returned with the manila envelope. She handed it to him.

  “What is this?” he asked.

  “Somebody slid it under your door,” she managed to say as she got onto the sofa. She got on her knees and then sat on the back of her legs. She was still saturated, and knew his cum was going to continue to release out of her, but she couldn’t let this go a moment longer. She had to hear what he had to say. Her heart was depending on what he had to say.

  Daniel slid the contents of the envelope out. When he saw that they were Polaroid photographs, and the subject of those photographs was one naked woman with long blonde hair and Dolly Parton size breasts, he exhaled. And stared at each and every photo. Nikki was staring at him so intensely that her eyes appeared like glass. Especially when he saw the postcard enclosed, and the note the woman had apparently written on it.

  I enclosed some of the pictures we took in Florida, the note read. I’m keeping the ones of you for my own enjoyment. Give me a call so we can get together again. I still get wet whenever I think about how you did me. Love, Jean.

  Daniel turned the postcard over. It was indeed a picture of the Miami skyline, and he had indeed been in Miami on his last business trip. Then he looked at Nikki. The sadness in her eyes broke his heart.

  “Who’s Jean?” she asked him. She was trying to be strong, but he knew she wanted to collapse.

  “I don’t know.”

  Nikki frowned. “But you know who the woman in those pictures are?”

  “I’ve never seen this woman before in my life, Nikki.” He looked back down at the pictures. He would have remembered her if he had. “I don’t know her.”

  “Then why would she be sending you naked pictures of herself?”

  “Undoubtedly to make you jealous.”

  “But that doesn’t make sense,” Nikki said, refusing to be confused like that. “She didn’t know I was going to be here. And if she wanted to make me jealous, why didn’t she slide them under the door at my house, where she could be certain that I’ll see them? But if she wanted you to see them, then she would have done what she did, and slid them under your door. For you to see.”

  It sounded logical, and Daniel never argued with logic. But he did argue with assumptions. “Did you mention to anybody that you were coming to my house today? Anybody at all, Nikki?”

  “No,” she said quickly.

  “Anybody, Nikki? Now I want you to think about this.”

  She thought about it. “I mean, I might have mentioned it to Luke.”

  Daniel stared at her. “Luke?” he asked.

  “But that was at lunchtime. He wouldn’t have had time to photograph some naked woman and do all of this. Besides, he wouldn’t do something like this anyway. He’s a friend of mine, he wouldn’t do this to me.”

  Daniel took note of her affection for Luke Finley. Months ago he took note of her affection for Luke Finley.

  But Nikki went on. “And how could he know about Florida? I didn’t even know him when you went on that business trip to Florida. And after we did meet, I never mentioned that trip to him. Why would I?”

  Daniel tossed the photos back into the envelope. He didn’t know what was going on, but he for damn sure was going to find out. He looked at Nikki. That anguish, that hurt, that disappointment was still in her eyes.

  “Come here, babe,” he said to her. She hesitated, but she eventually moved and got onto his lap. He bear hugged her.

  “Look at me,” he said to her. She looked at him. “I want you. You, Nikki Graham. You’re who I want. And I want you to understand how committed I am to our relationship. I’m not going to do anything to compromise what we have. You hear me? I don’t know what this is about, but I promise you I’ll find out. But I don’t know the woman and I don’t want to know her. I have you. I don’t want anybody else.”

  Nikki traced his face with her finger. She so wanted to believe it. But those photos! She frowned. “Do you love me, Daniel?” she asked him.

  Daniel was hurt by the question. “Of course I love you,” he said. “Why would you ask me something like that? You know I love you. You’d better know it, Nikki.”

  “And there’s nobody else?”

  “There’s no one else,” he made clear. He pulled her closer against him. “No one,” he said again.

  Nikki wasn’t sure if she believed him or not. But she was certain that she didn’t want to lose him. But it was a staggering, sober reality she was facing. All she had was his denial. Because he denied it firmly. He denied it to her face. She never knew him to be a liar, so she decided to rest on that. It was a thin resting place, and she knew it. But what else could she do? Google every female named Jean? Search the internet for a photograph of a woman that looked like this person calling herself Jean? That could take years. Or she could do as she knew she had to do, and hope and pray and trust and believe deep within her heart that he was telling her the truth.

  It was a tradeoff she never dreamed she’d have to make. She could see her friends now calling her all kinds of crazy, and how she was a pure fool and just dick-whipped, and they would be urging her, begging her, to walk away. He’s a dog, they would proclaim. One day he’s going to bite you.

  But talking was cheap. She was in love. Walking away from Daniel, no matter how easy it was to say it, was impossible. And she hated herself for allowing it to get this way. But it was this way.

  “I need to clean up,” she said, as she got off of his lap, and headed for the bathroom.

  The next day, Daniel paid a visit to his jeweler, and picked out a ring.


  Three days later and it was turning out to be a particularly slow day for Nikki, as the hours seemed to lumber by and no assignments had yet come up that required her expertise. At least none Luke wanted her to cover. “You’ll be wasting your time on that story, Nikki,” he would say. Or, “I’m not about to send my best reporter on something that lame.” It was always something. Always an excuse to keep Nikki right under his nose. She wanted to confront him about it, to tell him to hold on, he needed to get a life if he thought for a second he’d be controlling an inch of hers, but she didn’t even go there with Luke. Ever since that riot he’d been this way. Overly cautious about every story he assigned to her. But today, she thought, he was especially o
verdoing it.

  She went to the restroom. When she returned to her desk, one of her colleagues yelled that she had a call waiting on line two. Maybe it was a source with a juicy tip, she thought excitedly as she hurried to her desk and took a seat.

  She looked at the Caller ID. Unknown name and number. “Nikki Graham, may I help you?” she said cheerfully as she picked up line two on her desk phone.

  “Is this Nikki Graham?” the voice on the other end of the phone asked.

  “Yes. May I help you?”

  “How are you, Nikki?”

  The voice was a slow, soft, female’s voice, a voice unknown to Nikki. “I’m fine,” she said. “May I help you?”

  “It won’t work. You’ve got to understand that.”

  Nikki hesitated. “What won’t work?”

  “He said you were just a piece on the side for him. I asked him repeatedly and he told me you were just a piece of ass. Now this new shit.”

  Nikki frowned. “Who is this?”

  “He’s my man, you understand that? Ain’t no bubble gum ho like you taking my man away from me.”

  Nikki could feel her heart racing. Who was she talking about? Luke? Daniel? “Look, lady, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I know your type. Think you’re all that. But your little magical charms will not be working this time, slut. I love him, you understand me? We were trying to make our relationship work, and it was working. He bought you that townhouse so that you wouldn’t always be over to his house, so that we could spend more time together. And now this new shit. But it won’t work, not this time.”

  It was Daniel. She was talking about Daniel. Nikki held onto the phone with both hands, as if she needed the support. “Who are you?”

  “None of your damn business, that’s who. Don’t worry about who I am. Just leave him alone.”


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