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Page 25

by Monroe, Mallory

  Val moved over to the bathroom door and looked out at her, his handsome face half filled with cream and concern. Nikki looked over at him.

  “We’re going to be all right,” he promised her. “I’m staying right here with you until this whole thing is resolved, you hear me? You aren’t going to anybody’s prison, so get that out of your head right now. Daniel Crane isn’t about to let anybody put his girl in anybody’s prison, okay?”

  Nikki smiled.

  “That man will have you in Australia somewhere before he let them put you in any chains. So stop going there, girl.” Then his looked turned super-serious. “I mean it.”

  Nikki nodded her head and Val went back into the bathroom, back up to the mirror, and continued his nightly ritual of making sure every inch of his face was covered in cream. He was known for having one of the smoothest faces around, and he aimed to keep that reputation.

  Nikki looked at the television screen just as the weather report was coming on. Cloudy skies, the meteorologist said, with a seventy-percent chance of showers. But not to worry, he added. The showers will be mild. Mild, he said. Nikki wished.

  But once the weather report was over, and just as she was about to get back into her crossword, a picture appeared on the screen and the name Michael Fastower appeared as the caption underneath.

  “And now in business news tonight,” the anchorman began, “corporate giant Michael Fastower has just been tapped to become the president and CEO of Dreeson, beating out the company’s current vice president to assume the top post.”

  “No!” Nikki yelled, sitting erect.

  “No what?” Val yelled back from the bathroom.

  The anchorman continued: “Daniel Crane, as you may recall, was at one time considered the leading candidate for the job until a string of bad publicity, including the arrest of his longtime girlfriend on drug trafficking charges, greatly reduced his chances. Dreeson released a statement praising Fastower and promising that the company will continue to thrive. . .”

  Nikki leaned her head back as the anchorman continued. “How could they do that?” she yelled, and Val, his face white with cream, came into the bedroom.

  “Girl, what’s your problem? What are you talking about?”

  “Fastower won.”

  Val, who had no idea what Nikki was talking about, decided to revert to form. “Yo’ mama,” he said.

  “Daniel was up for CEO of Dreeson.”

  “I heard.”

  “But they gave it to Michael Fastower.” Nikki motioned toward the television screen.

  Val looked just as the report on Fastower was wrapping up. “Really?” he asked.

  “He lost because of me, Val.”

  “Now you don’t know that.”

  “I do know it! They just said so on the news. Damn! Damn! Damn!”

  “Just settle down, Nikki.”

  “Those assholes! How can they do that to Daniel? He wasn’t the one arrested. I was. And I wasn’t even considered his girlfriend anymore at the time.”

  Val looked at her. “Now that’s news to me.”

  “We had some issues we were working out, you knew about that.”

  “Yeah, I knew about that.”

  “What you didn’t know was that I didn’t think we were ever getting back together.”

  Val walked up to the bed and sat on it. “Thanks for not telling me.”

  “I just couldn’t talk about it, Val. It was too painful to talk about.”

  “What happened?”

  Nikki hesitated.

  “Tell me.”

  “He took this female to New York with him and didn’t bother to tell me about it.”

  “He took a woman with him?”

  “She was his assistant, but yeah.”

  Val heard that qualifier. “Now wait a minute. She was his assistant?” He frowned. “But if she was his assistant, what’s the problem?”

  “Then he ended up firing her while they were there, so something happened.”

  “Oh. Well, yeah, something would have had to happen. But how do you know it was of a sexual nature? What did Daniel say?”

  Nikki paused. “Nothing.”

  “Nikki, you didn’t. You mean to tell me you didn’t even confront him?”

  “I had all the proof I needed, Val.”

  “So you didn’t even ask the man if it was true?”

  She paused. “I asked, in a way.”

  Val looked sidelong at her. “In what way?”

  “I asked him why he fired her. Was it because she wouldn’t give it up to him?”

  Val shook his head. “You will never change. You will never give a man the benefit of the doubt. He’s got to be perfect or he can’t be with Nikki. That’s why I think you chose to be with Daniel in the first place. He was as close to perfection as you was ever gonna get. And the things that man has sacrificed for you.”

  Nikki looked at Val. “What are you talking about? What sacrifice?”

  “Nikki, think about it. Daniel knew that he was in line to be CEO. He probably wanted it worse than anything he ever wanted. I mean, what man in his business wouldn’t want the top job? He knew what was at stake for him when he went downtown to bail you out of jail. He could have laid low. He could have sent lawyers down there to take care of that and stayed out of the way. But that didn’t even cross his mind and you know it. He’ll do anything for you, Nikki. Anything! And as soon as somebody comes to you talking about how terrible Daniel is, some woman who probably wants him herself, you treat the man like dirt and kick him to the curb.”

  “I didn’t kick him to any curb.”

  “This time you didn’t. Because you need him now. You’re clinging to him now like you’re a bitch going overboard and he’s the last hand grabbing your ass. And what does he do? He only hires one of the most expensive lawyers in the country to represent you and a team of some of the most expensive investigators. But that don’t even faze you. Because that’s Nikki.”

  Nikki didn’t know what to say. Daniel did a lot for her, she’d be the first to admit it.

  “You know what I’ve learned, Nikki?” Val asked, and Nikki looked at him. “I’ve learned that sometimes things aren’t what they seem. We’re young still. And I know we believe in facts and truth and all that, and I know you’re Miss Crusader from way back. But Daniel deserves the benefit of the doubt, Nikki. He’s earned it. You need to treat the man better.”


  “Yes, you! Like tonight. You hear the news about that CEO thing and it hasn’t even occurred to you yet that he may be off somewhere hurting inside. All you can think about is how you might have lost the job for him. It’s all about you. But nobody thinks about Daniel. He’s so strong. He can handle it. It’s nothing to him. But I’ve been around him earlier today, and I’m telling you the man is in pain. He’s so worried about your crazy butt that he can hardly function. And you don’t even bother to give him a call.”

  “I used to call him every day, Val, remember? Four or five times every day. And half the time he wouldn’t even take my calls.”

  “Because, once again, you were over-doing it. You’re an extremist to your heart. You go all out in one direction or the other. Never a middle ground with Nikki.”

  There was a long pause. Then Nikki exhaled. “I know,” she said.

  “Am I right?”

  “You’re right.”

  “You just need to check yourself, girl, that’s all I’m saying.”

  Nikki leaned her head back just as the doorbell rang. Val went to the window and looked out. He saw Daniel’s Jaguar parked on the drive.

  “It’s just Daniel,” he said.

  Nikki’s entire face lit up. It felt like a second chance. “For real, Val?”

  Val looked at her. “Yeah. What’s so surprising about that?”

  Nikki tossed her crossword puzzle book and her reading glasses aside, jumped from the bed, ran down the stairs, and flew open her front door. As soon as she saw Daniel, who had taken
a last puff on a cigarette and was tossing it in the bushes by the door, she jumped into his arms. She wrapped her legs around him and held him tightly. He entered the house and closed the door behind him, and then fell back against that door. He had been craving her for so long, craving this very moment. And now that it was here, he was desperate.

  “I love you so much, Daniel,” she said the way she used to say it, and his heart raced with excitement.

  “I love you too, Nikki,” he said. “I love you too.”

  She kissed him. She pressed into him as if she couldn’t breathe without his breath in her. He placed his tongue in her mouth and held the back of her head. They kissed, undaunted, for nearly a minute. Then he began carrying her, kissing her still as he walked, up the stairs and into her bedroom. They stopped kissing only when Val came out of the adjacent bathroom.

  “Val?” Daniel said. And then he smiled and sat Nikki on the bed.

  Val wanted to smile, but held it in. “Hello, Daniel. You appear to be in good spirits this evening.”

  “I guess I am. How are you?”

  “Good. And you?”

  “Val?” Nikki asked.

  Val rolled his eyes. “I’m talking to Daniel.”

  “Val?” Nikki said again.

  “Yes, Nikki?”

  “Get lost.”

  Both Val and Daniel smiled.

  “I will, but only for Daniel,” Val said and then walked briskly out of the room.

  He closed the door behind him and walked downstairs, smiling as he went. Nikki was off again, he thought. To yet another extreme. Now she was going to smother the man to death. All because Val had told her that she didn’t treat Daniel right. Now she had to prove him wrong. She was going to treat that man and treat that man until the last thing he needed was treatment. Val shook his head. That’s Nikki, he thought.

  He sat on the sofa and phoned Bruce in Detroit. He looked at his nails as he talked. He was amazed, absolutely stunned, to catch Bruce at home.

  “You aren’t doing the town yet?” he asked him.

  “Not yet.”

  “I’m flabbergasted.”

  “Don’t be. I’m not as untrustworthy as you think I am.”

  “Is that right? Well excuse me for misjudging you.”

  “You’re excused.”

  “So now that the bullshit’s out of the way,” Val said with a laugh. “But seriously, why haven’t you hit the road yet? I’m sure the boys are waiting on you.”

  “I figure I’ll wait on your ass.”

  Val smiled. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Why not?”

  “You make me want to come home tonight.”

  “Can you?”

  Val sighed. “Unfortunately no. I’m still not ready to leave Nikki yet. Although she’s beginning to come around.”

  “It’s about time.”

  “I know.”

  “And I’m glad she is. For your sake. Because I can’t stand her, know what I’m saying? She never liked me and I never liked her.”

  “I know it, Bruce. But what can you do?”

  “Gary called.”

  “That queen knows I’m still in Indiana. What did he want?”

  “He said he was just calling to say hey to me, thank-you very much. He also said your precious art gallery was doing just fine without you.”

  Val laughed. “Yep. That’s Gary for you.”

  What sounded at first like a little bed-shaking, lovemaking activity upstairs, a minor noise Val chose to ignore, became a furious round of bounces, as if the bed was lifting up and plopping down, over and over, and then faster and faster. “Damn!” Val said and looked up at the ceiling.

  “What is it?” Bruce asked.

  “Some serious banging going on up in this mother.”

  “Daniel and Nikki?”

  “Who else?”

  Nikki started screaming, as the banging sounds intensified, and Val couldn’t hold in the laughter.

  “Man, what’s so funny?”

  “Nikki, child. She got the do-me holler going like a song, Bruce. You oughta hear her. Ah! Ah! Ah! And it’s so high-pitched it sounds operatic. Daniel bangs, she hollers. A bang, a holler. Like a damn song!”

  Bruce laughed. “You shouldn’t be listening to that shit, man.”

  “And how do you suggest I not listen? I’m down here minding my own business. They bringing it to me. They’re the ones trying to break through the ceiling, not me.”

  “I thought she was crazy, but give me a break. How can she think about fucking at a time like this?”

  “I’m glad she can think about it. She need to think about it. She hasn’t been thinking at all, and that’s been her problem. This is exactly what that heifer needs.”

  “She needs an attitude adjustment, that’s what she needs.”

  “Don’t even try that, B. She has good cause not to care for your behind and you know it. You did, after all, steal from me. You did, after all, try to beat my ass. Remember all of that? So don’t act like she’s just being crazy.”

  “Man please. Let me get off this phone.”

  “Asshole,” Val said, and hung up the phone.

  Upstairs, where the noise originated, Daniel was on top of Nikki pumping his ass off. Nikki was underneath holding on, as he rammed into her repeatedly. They were both naked, both holding onto each other, and were too far gone to care that the bed was creaking so loudly that it would have been impossible for Val not to hear them. But Daniel kept on thrashing. Even after he began releasing, and the white milky substance began to pour out, he couldn’t stop thrashing. Even after Nikki had cum with a trembling, energetic cum, he couldn’t stop thrashing. He poured and thrashed until every ounce was out and every pulsation, every throb, had ceased.

  Then he lay still for a few moments longer, and then slid off of Nikki and onto his bare back. The sweat was all over his chiseled body and his breathing was so heavy, with his muscular chest heaving up and down, that even Nikki got concerned. She turned sideways and looked at him.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  He smiled. “I’m fine,” he said and took his arm and pulled her against him.

  “Yes, you are fine,” she said with a smile, as she laid her head onto his chest and pressed her fingers into the ridges of his stomach abs. “That was incredible, Daniel,” she said.

  Daniel began stroking her hair. “Think so?”

  “I know so. I thought I was going to pass out about ten different times. I mean damn.”

  Daniel laughed. “We did get a little carried away.”

  “It was another dimension, I’m telling you.” Then she paused. “You think Val heard us?”

  “I would hope not.”

  “I doubt it. The door was closed. But if he did, I’ll never hear the end of it. Dang, I hope he didn’t!”

  Daniel smiled.

  “I met with the attorneys today,” Nikki said.

  “Yes, they told me.”

  “It’s so many.”

  “We plan to mount a vigorous defense.”

  “Thank-you,” she said heartfelt.

  Daniel kissed her on her forehead. “You know you’re welcome, baby.” And then he thought about something and stopped stroking her hair.

  “I have a question, Daniel.”

  “Fire away.”

  “Why did you fire Melanie?” She asked this and looked up at him.

  He exhaled. “She came on to me sexually, I rebuffed her, and then I fired her.”

  Nikki stared at him. “I should have known that was what had happened. I’m sorry, Daniel.”

  “Don’t be,” Daniel said, pulling her into a bear hug. “I should have seen her interest from the beginning.” But then he looked at her. “Now I have a question.”

  “Fire away.”

  “What brought this on?” he asked.

  Nikki looked back up at him. He loved the way she looked, with her ruffled hair and big, brown eyes. He kissed her, again, on the forehead.

What brought what on?” she asked him.

  “You could barely speak to me without getting upset. Now you open your front door and literally jump into my arms? Why?”

  “Because I love you.”

  “You loved me when you couldn’t stand me.”

  She laughed.

  “So what changed your mind about me?”

  Nikki hesitated. “Two reasons,” she said.

  “Number one?”

  “I saw the news. Dreeson selected Fastower.”

  Daniel hesitated, and then nodded. “That’s right.”

  “It’s unfair, Daniel. The only reason they gave it to him was because of me. What I do shouldn’t have anything to do with you.”

  “Well, it does, Nikki. You have everything to do with me. That’s just the way it is. And I didn’t lose out to Mike Fastower because of you. He was the best man for the job.”

  “No, he wasn’t.”

  “At this time in my life, yes, he was. I’m not particularly interested in taking on any more responsibility. Not now.” Then he smiled. “You’re enough.”

  But Nikki didn’t return his affectionate gesture. “The second reason for my change of heart,” she said as she laid her head back onto Daniel’s shoulder, “is because of Val.”


  “He talked to me. He reminded me of how selfish I can be sometimes. He said you were so worried about me you couldn’t hardly function.”

  Daniel began stroking Nikki’s hair again. “Oh, yeah?”

  “That’s what he said.” She then looked up at Daniel. “Was it a lie?”

  Daniel looked at Nikki. And smiled. “What do you think?”

  “Daniel, I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you. You’ve got to start telling me how you feel. You’ve got to stop holding everything in like you do. I can’t read your mind. If you’re in pain, say so. If you’re worried about me, tell me that. We’ll both feel better if you open up some.”


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