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Unraveled Heart [The Exiled 5] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  “Sounds like it was a recon mission.”

  “Recon mission for what?” Palmino asked.

  “I have no clue, but I’m gonna find out.” The guy was still locked up, and Silo planned on paying him a visit.

  * * * *

  Nazaryth normally went to Silo to have someone vetted, but he couldn’t very well ask Silo to look into Palmino.

  Something was off about Palmino. Nazaryth had felt it in his gut. Either he wasn’t who he said he was, or he was hiding an even deeper, darker secret. Before Nikoli had moved out, Nazaryth would’ve been positive that Silo would bring his zaterio to the castle. Now he wasn’t so sure. From what he’d been told, the fairy had an apartment above the tavern.

  It wouldn’t be a wise decision if Silo moved upstairs. Too many people came in and out of the tavern. The apartment would be the least safest place for them to live.

  But just in case Silo decided to move Palmino to the castle, Nazaryth wanted a full background check on him. He needed to know who would be living with them. After the Morgan fiasco, Nazaryth wasn’t taking any chances.

  “Is that his mate?” Vydeck asked when Nazaryth took a seat.

  “That’s him,” Nazaryth said. “His name is Palmino.”

  “Good-looking guy,” Dog commented. “Silo did good for himself.”

  That remained to be seen. Nazaryth would take a trip to the demon realm to have a conversation with Panahasi. If anyone could figure out who Palmino really was, it was the demon leader.

  * * * *

  After having dinner with his brethren, Nazaryth made his way from the tavern, stepping out into the crisp, fresh air. The sun had already set, and the streetlamps were on. He walked down the sidewalk, heading to the closest alley. As he passed a few businesses, he saw that everyone was indeed gearing up for the approaching holiday. Decorations were in shop windows, advertisements for pumpkin spice coffee, cakes, treats, and anything else humans could shove that flavor into.

  Nazaryth had to admit, he did enjoy a cup of pumpkin spice coffee, if it was made right.

  When he reached the mouth of the alley, Nazaryth ducked down the litter-strewn space. He searched for the darkest alcove and then stepped through it.

  The ability to walk through shadows was given to him by the demon leader. Nazaryth was thankful for that. He hated shouting for one of the demon warriors to escort him to their realm.

  On the other side, he emerged right next to the demon warriors’ apartment building. Before he could pull his phone out and dial, Panahasi appeared behind him.

  “Troubled mind?”

  Nazaryth really hated when he did that. Panahasi had just scared the shit out of him, but thankfully he’d caught the reaction before it had shown. “You could say that.”

  The demon leader waved his hand toward the street. “Then let us talk.”

  * * * *

  “Why haven’t you invited me to your place yet?” Palmino asked as he and Silo headed upstairs. He’d wanted to take an evening stroll, but Silo had argued against the idea, saying it wasn’t safe until he knew why the stranger had taken those pictures.

  “Because I don’t need one of my brethren figuring out what kind of fairy you are,” Silo said. “But if you really want to go, I’ll take you.”

  Palmino could tell Silo was truly against the idea, so he shook his head. There was no denying that he was curious. Kyle had told him about the castle in the side of the mountain, and who wouldn’t want to see something as fantastic as that? Maybe one day, but as Silo had stated, Palmino needed to fly under the radar for now.

  “So tell me, my little fairy, why did you have to run up here earlier?”

  He shivered when Silo started to nibble at his nape as Palmino tried to unlock the door. He hated locking it, but his mate insisted Palmino think of safety first. It didn’t help that Silo had his hard chest pressed into Palmino’s back. All those muscles and that manly scent made Palmino’s task at hand hard to concentrate on.

  “I had to use the bathroom,” he lied.

  “There was one downstairs.”

  “Have you used public restrooms before?” Palmino asked as he shuddered. “Those places are disgusting. Besides, why use the one downstairs when I have all the privacy I need in my own? Bonus, it isn’t far from the tavern.”

  The door swung open and they both walked in. With a quick glance, Palmino made sure he hadn’t left anything damning out. If Silo knew what he’d done, his mate would have questions—questions Palmino wasn’t willing to answer.

  Silo tossed his leather jacket over the side of the couch and took a seat. No sooner had he patted his lap for Palmino to sit on than his mate’s phone rang.

  Grunting, Silo fished it out of his leather. “What’s up?” A frown puckered between his eyes before he said, “When?”

  Something was up. Silo shoved from the couch and snatched his jacket from the arm. “I’m on my way.”

  “What’s wrong?” Palmino asked as soon as Silo had hung up. Silo had a determined look in his eyes as he gazed Palmino’s way.

  “That was Nikoli. Kyle is missing.”

  Chapter Eight

  “I hate that I had to bring you along.”

  If Palmino had to hear his mate say that one more time, he just might strangle the man. “It’s not like I’m helpless,” he argued. “I do know how to fight.”

  Silo stopped hustling along the street to stare at him. “You will not do anything that jeopardizes revealing who you are.”

  “But I can help!” Palmino shouted. “Kyle is my friend, my only friend, and he’s missing. I’m willing to bet it had something to do with that recon mission. I’ll be damned if I stand by and do nothing.”

  They heard the commotion before they made it to Nikoli’s house. Nikoli was inside, going batshit crazy as Nazaryth and some other guys tried to calm the man down.

  “Damn,” Silo whispered.

  Nikoli was making a shouting-slash-growling sound, as the veins along his temples stood out. His fangs were not only bared, but as Palmino stood behind Silo, he watched in fascination as Nikoli transformed into some sort of beast. His skin was blue, his claws were black, and Nikoli had grown taller, thicker. He could even see the man’s expansive wings.

  “We’ll find him,” Nazaryth said. “But we can’t do that if we have to stay here to stop you from tearing the fuckin’ town apart.”

  Palmino didn’t blame Nikoli one bit. If someone had taken Silo, he would unleash darkness upon this place. He shuddered just thinking about that, but it was nonetheless true. Silo was the only person Palmino would break his careful constraints for.

  He would’ve told them about the picture in the phone, but that guy had been arrested. “Do you think it was Hephner?”

  Silo slowly shook his head as Nazaryth talked quietly with Nikoli. “He usually only handles the big stuff. I can’t see him coming into town to take Kyle.” He shrugged. “Then again, he’s been gone for twenty years. He might’ve changed.”

  Palmino could find Kyle but was afraid to mention it to Silo. His mate had already insisted that Palmino wasn’t to use his dark magic. But this was different. Kyle was in trouble.

  Tugging on Silo’s sleeve, Palmino jerked his chin toward the front door. Silo followed him outside. Palmino kept walking until he knew they were out of earshot.

  “What is it, babe?”

  Palmino wrung his hands as he chewed on his bottom lip. “I have a way of locating where Kyle is, but I’m not sure you’re gonna like how I have to do it.”

  Silo ran his tongue over his bottom lip as he placed his hands on his hips. He glanced toward the house before looking back at Palmino. “How bad?”

  “The spell?”

  Silo nodded.

  “Just need a bit of blood and something that belongs to Kyle. I can use my own blood, but see if there’s a brush in there that has Kyle’s hair in it.”

  “How much of your blood?” Silo didn’t sound happy, but Palmino knew everyone was desperat
e to find Kyle before anything happened to him. Kyle wasn’t a fighter, and Palmino didn’t want to think of what could be happening to his friend at that very moment.

  “Damn it, babe.” Silo glanced toward the sky. “I trust you, and I know we need to find Kyle, but I don’t like this. What if working your magic backfires somehow?”

  Palmino was touched that Silo cared so much. He wasn’t mad at the thought of Palmino doing something he swore he’d never do, he was just concerned Palmino would somehow get hurt.

  He curled his fingers around Silo’s wrist. “It’s just a locator spell. Nothing fancy or complicated.”

  Silo frowned. “Can your father use one on you?”

  Palmino held up his arm. “My tattoo sleeve isn’t just for show. It’s intricate protection spells…from everyone, including other fairies.”

  “How much protection?” Silo asked.

  “Not against darker magic, but the basics and few more complicated ones. It also protects me against attackers.” He thought of the day Nikoli had saved him in that alley. Palmino didn’t believe Kyle when he said it was just pure luck that Nikoli showed up when he did. Unseelie magic was pretty powerful, and the scrolls inked into his arm weren’t just for show.

  Silo stood there seriously contemplating what Palmino was saying. With a sigh, he headed into the house. Palmino stood in the driveway, his stomach twisted in knots. He really didn’t want to do this, but he saw no other option. None of the beasts had come out of the house yet, and they were running out of time.

  Silo hurried out of the house, his jacket pulled tight around him. Palmino rolled his eyes. “It’s just a hair.”

  “I didn’t want anyone questioning me.”

  “About a hair?”

  “Let’s just get moving so we can find out where Kyle was taken.”

  The two hurried back to the apartment, Palmino praying the entire way that they would find the impala in time.

  * * * *

  Kyle wasn’t sure where he was, but the house was nice. He’d even been given something to eat. Still, the generous hospitality didn’t excuse his host from kidnapping him.

  “Why am I here?” Kyle asked as he sat at the dining room table. He would’ve demanded an answer, but the two muscly guards stopped him from popping off at the mouth. He liked his teeth exactly where they were.

  “Are you a fairy?” the distinguishing-looking gentleman asked. He sat at the other end of the table, had on a three-piece suit, and one leg crossed over the other. His right hand rested in his lap while the left slowly turned a glass filled with dark liquid.

  “Uh, are you asking if I’m queer?” Kyle thought that a very personal question, and why would this guy even care? He became uneasy as the man just stared at him. Crossing his arms over his chest, Kyle stared right back, refusing to answer.

  “Harold,” the stranger said and snapped his fingers. One of the guards came behind Kyle’s seat and grabbed his shirt.

  “What the hell’re you doing?” Kyle shouted as his shirt was ripped from his body. His arms stung from the violent removal.

  “No wings, boss.” Harold tossed the shirt on the table next to Kyle.

  “Are you flippin’ mad?” Kyle asked as he glared at the stranger. “You seriously think fairies exist? Whatever you’re smoking, you need to lay off the stuff.”

  Kyle knew from his friendship with Palmino that a fairy’s wings tucked into their skin when not on display. If Kyle had been fairy, examining his back would have been useless.

  The distinguishing stranger stood and walked toward him. When he stopped, he shoved Kyle’s upper body against the table. Kyle balled his hands into fists as his cheek was smashed into his empty plate. He face was slick with gravy as the guy ran his hand down Kyle’s bare back. “How do you hide them?”

  Things began to click into place. The stranger at the shop taking pictures. They must not have known that it was Palmino who was the fairy. They’d guessed, and they’d guessed wrong.

  “Hide what?” Kyle demanded. He tried to shove against the hold, but for a human, the man was strong. “You’re not making any sense.”

  The guy released Kyle, allowing him to sit up. Kyle wiped the gravy from his face with the napkin next to his plate as the stranger squatted next to him.

  “My name is Joe Hephner. Perhaps you’ve heard of me?”

  Kyle forced himself not to react to the name. He’d heard of Hephner. Nikoli had warned Kyle about him. Hephner was a Hunter, and if he found out Kyle was an impala shifter, Kyle had a feeling he would never walk out of this house.

  “Sorry, but I’ve never heard of you.” Using the mental connection he had with his mate, Kyle reached out with his mind. Joe Hephner took me. He thinks I’m a fairy.

  Where are you?” Nikoli’s voice surfaced in Kyle’s mind and Kyle wanted to cry. He wasn’t sure what Hephner planned on doing with him, and Kyle was beyond terrified.

  I don’t know. Kyle suppressed the whimper. I’m in some lavish home, sitting at a dining room table. But I don’t know where I am.

  I’ll find you, zaterio. Just please…just stay alive for me.

  Like Kyle planned on dying. He didn’t, but Hephner may have other ideas. The human seemed convinced Kyle was a fairy. Kyle had a gut feeling Hephner was about to get creative in order to prove he was right.

  “Take him downstairs, Harold.” Hephner took a step back as Kyle was lifted out of his seat by his upper arm. Harold’s grip was tight as he pulled Kyle out of the dining room.

  “Can’t we talk about this?” Kyle asked as he yanked his arm to no avail. “We’re both adults. We don’t have to resort to violence.”

  Harold harrumphed. “What, you want to use words instead?”

  Wasn’t that what Kyle had just said? The guy had muscles, but was a bit lacking in the brains department.

  “Words sound good,” Kyle said as Harold took him into a library and opened a door on the side of one of the bookshelves. When he opened it, all Kyle saw was darkness.

  “I’m not going down there!” Kyle wiggled and kicked, and even tried to bite him, but Harold’s grip never eased. The jerk picked Kyle up and tossed him over his shoulder as he trotted down the stairs. Harold hit a light switch, and Kyle gaped.

  It looked like a torture room, and Kyle knew in that second that he wouldn’t make it out of this alive.

  * * * *

  Silo paced the living room as he watched Palmino set out everything he would need. He didn’t like this. He didn’t like it one bit. His instincts told him to stop the fairy, but if he did, Kyle could possibly die. “Can’t you use something other than blood?”

  “Like what?” Palmino asked as he set the wooden bowl in the center of the coffee table. “Chocolate pudding?” Palmino turned to him. “It’s magic, and sometimes magic isn’t pretty. But I can promise you the spell will find Kyle, and that’s all I’m concerned about.”

  Silo had a few more concerns than that. “Are you sure this is safe? I could try and track him through his phone again.”

  It had been the first thing Silo had tried as soon as they’d gotten back to the apartment. Kyle’s cell was either turned off or dead. He hadn’t been able to lock on to a location.

  “We tried it your way.” Palmino stopped what he was doing and moved to stand in front of his mate. He slid his hand over Silo’s cheek. “Do you think I really want to do this? I’ve avoided using this kind of magic my entire life. I didn’t come to this conclusion lightly. I have fears.”

  “What kind of fears?” Silo skimmed his hand over Palmino’s. If anything ever happened to his fairy, Silo knew he would lose it. He saw how Nikoli was handling the situation, and he felt for his brother.

  “I fear that once I open that door to dark magic, I’ll get sucked in.”


  Palmino shook his head. “Figuratively. Although this is a simple locator spell, the blood needed makes it dark magic.”

  “Then we’ll find another way to rescue Kyle,�
�� Silo said. He started to say more, but his phone rang.

  Pulling away, Silo answered it. “Yeah.”

  “Kyle reached out to Nikoli through their bond. Joe Hephner has him.”

  Silo cursed.

  “Where are you?” Nazaryth asked.

  “With Palmino. He thinks he has a way to find Kyle.” Silo didn’t dare say more. He was already pushing his luck by saying the little that he had. “I’ll let you know if it works.”

  “We’ll talk about that when I see you.” Nazaryth didn’t sound happy.

  “Talk about what?” Silo’s heart pounded heavily in his chest. Did his commander know about Palmino? If he did, how did he find out?

  “Ignorance doesn’t suit you, Silo,” Nazaryth said in a low and tight voice. “At least with Morgan, that came as a surprise and I knew up front.”

  Shit. Nazaryth knew about Palmino’s dark lineage. “There’s nothing to talk about, Nazaryth,” Silo said before his commander could hand him an ultimatum. “Palmino will help Nikoli find his zaterio, and after that, if you still have issues, then we’ll talk.”

  Silo didn’t plan to talk about a damn thing. If he had to, he would take Palmino and leave. As a matter of fact, that sounded like a damn good plan. Palmino had nothing here but a rented apartment and a job at a flower shop. Silo hoped his mate didn’t resist. All Silo wanted to do was keep his fairy safe, and if he had to move to the other end of the earth, he would do just that.

  Silo opened his mouth and then closed it when he realized Nazaryth was being too quiet. Pulling the phone away from his ear, he saw that Nazaryth had hung up.

  “What was that about?” Palmino pressed his front into Silo’s back. The connection went a long way in soothing Silo’s troubled mind. Reaching behind him, he placed a hand on Palmino’s lower back.

  “Kyle used his connection with Nikoli to tell him that Joe Hephner took him.”

  Palmino’s arms tightened around Silo’s waist. “That only means we have to do this, Silo. You told me Hephner was a Hunter. There’s no telling what he’s doing to Kyle. I refuse to just stand by.”


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