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Haven 5: Invincible

Page 12

by Gabrielle Evans

  “I take it that you didn’t know.” Torren’s stilted, formal speech was grating. Aslan had only heard Torren like this once before, and it had resulted in devastating rejection. Is that what was happening now? Was Torren essentially telling him good-bye?

  Instead of destroying him as he thought it would, the knowledge pissed him off. Flying out of bed, he knocked Torren’s ankle down from his opposite knee, pushed in between his legs, and poked him right in the chest. “You fucking bastard!” Obviously, his mate hadn’t been expecting his reaction because his eyes rounded as he sucked in a sharp breath. Just as quickly, though, he returned to his cool disinterest. “Aslan, calm down.”

  “Shut up,” Aslan warned, his tone dripping with venom. “My whole life people have decided I wasn’t worth it. Hell, I never even understood what ‘it’ was, but apparently, I just didn’t measure up. I get it. Everything has been hard for me, but you try living your entire life with these goddamn voices in your head.”

  “Why didn’t you tell anyone?” Torren asked in polite interest…nothing more.

  “I tried!” Aslan exploded. “My parents couldn’t decide if I was crazy or possessed, so they sold me like a faulty stereo in a yard sale.

  Would you tell anyone else after that? Would you open that part of you to other people just so they could strip you bare and leave you to bleed? You’re not the only one with trust issues, Torren Braddock.”

  “This isn’t about me.” Calm. Collected.

  “You’re damn right it’s not. It’s about us. Four different times we’ve found each other, and that means nothing to you? You’re just going to throw it all away? Other people can think I’m strange, weird, or just plain stupid. It’s okay for them to turn their backs, but you…you are my protector, my rock. You do not get to walk away from me.”

  The barest flicker of emotion passed through Torren’s eyes, too quickly for Aslan to name it. His anger deflated as quickly as it had flared, leaving him drained and weary. Slowly lowering to his knees, he rested his head on Torren’s thigh and wrapped his fingers around his lover’s calf. “I need you, Torren. I can’t do this without you.”

  “But you don’t need him. I can show you things. You can be strong, fearless…powerful. Let me show you.” The longer Torren remained silent, the more Aslan’s resistance began to crumble. How much more could he take before he just caved in on himself?

  “It’s better this way,” Torren said stubbornly, but Aslan could feel the muscles quiver in his thighs. “Four times we’ve found each other, and three times it has ended in tragedy. It can’t happen again.”

  “He speaks the truth and you know it. Together your lives are forfeit. Alone, you can soar.”

  He hated that voice, hated the intoxicating sound of that siren’s call, but it had done the trick to pull him out of his despair. It would be so easy to stop fighting and just give himself over to the growled demands and the promises offered to him. Someone else had made a promise to him, though, one he was much more interested in, and he intended to make his lover remember it.

  Torren had given him what he needed, allowed him to slam the door on his insecurities and bolt it shut. While Torren might think he was doing the right thing, separating them to protect Aslan, he was wrong.

  Crawling up his mate’s body and straddling his hips, he grabbed Torren’s face in both hands and kissed him with every ounce of joy, devotion, desperation, need, and desire that raged inside him. “We’re stronger together. I’m not letting you give up on us. We were meant to be together, two parts of a whole in the most elemental sense. I belong to you.” He sealed their mouths together for another taste of his lover before pulling back again. “Belong to me.” Torren panted against his lips, his cock rising up in his pajama bottoms to rub against Aslan’s crease. He wasn’t finished being an obstinate bastard, though. His fingers gripped Aslan’s hips, holding him frozen in place. “Aslan, stop. This isn’t going to happen. It was wrong of me to claim you without your permission, and I apologize. I don’t want you, though.”

  They’d never talked about it, but Aslan knew Torren had claimed him their first time together. It was one of the most beautiful memories Aslan had and his lover was trying to sully it with his lies.

  “That might hurt if you weren’t such a horrible liar. You love me, Torren. Admit it.”


  “Say it.” Aslan tickled the seam of Torren’s lips with his tongue, coaxing them open. “Say it.”

  Torren opened his mouth, most likely to say something else stupid, but Aslan didn’t give him the chance. He plunged his tongue inside, laying siege to the warmth depths. “Say it,” he demanded.

  A glorious moan of grudging surrender burst through Torren’s swollen lips, and his arms locked around Aslan’s back like steel bands. He began babbling incoherently, words in a language that Aslan didn’t understand at first. Though he still couldn’t decipher the exact phrasing, he got the general idea when their clothes vanished and a blunt pressure pressed against his hole.

  “Sorry,” Torren grunted. “I can’t…I need…fuck!” Though Torren’s cock still rested along his lower belly, lined up beside his, Aslan felt his inner muscles stretch as though something invaded his channel. There was no burn, no pain, only an earth-bending pleasure that made him moan and jerk in Torren’s embrace.

  The pressure increased, the specter phallus invading his innermost depths, stretching him wide as an unseen lubricant wetted his outer ring and between his cheeks. “Torren, oh, sweet hell, please,” he begged, rocking his hips so that their leaking cocks rubbed together over his lover’s rippled abs.

  In one smooth, coordinated move, Torren lifted him up, positioned the crown of his dick at Aslan’s hole, and pulled him back down onto his lap as he thrust home with bone-jarring intensity.

  Torren held him crushed to his chest as he pounded into him wildly.

  One hand landed on Aslan’s right ass cheek, the fingers digging in and spreading him open.

  He couldn’t move, didn’t want to, willingly accepting everything his mate gave him. When Torren’s teeth clamped down on his shoulder just shy of breaking the skin, Aslan had to reconsider his aversion to biting when his pleasure spiked to unparalleled levels.

  “Can’t last.” Torren groaned against the side of his neck as he rode him hard, bucking up into him like a demon possessed. Then he did the one thing guaranteed to push Aslan over the edge. “I love you,” he whispered raggedly, sending Aslan spiraling out of control.

  His release blasted through him without warning as he shouted to the ceiling and long ropes of pearly semen spurted from his pulsing cock. Resting his forehead against Torren’s, Aslan rode out his climax, shuddering almost violently when his mate’s orgasm painted his inner walls, branding him as taken.

  Wrapped in the warm glow of postorgasmic bliss, there was only silence inside Aslan’s usually overcrowded brain. “If you aren’t careful I might start to think you like me.” Torren held him quietly for a long time, still buried deep inside his tunnel as he drew lazy circles on Aslan’s spine. “I’m sorry, caro.” Placing a soft kiss on the side of his lover’s neck, Aslan smiled as he felt himself getting sleepy again. “You’re forgiven. Don’t pull away from me, Torren. I need you.” His life was a chaotic mess, and he needed Torren to ground him, give him purpose, and make things a little less daunting.

  A contented sigh rose up out of his lover, and Torren nuzzled his cheek against the top of Aslan’s head. “Not nearly as much as I need you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  There were a lot of people gathered in the meeting hall the next night, most of them Torren had never met before or had only brief associations with. He felt uncomfortable sitting on the raised platform behind the elongated podium with the other elders. He’d have much preferred to sit down on one of the benches with his mate.

  Aslan caught his eye from his seat in the front row and winked mischievously as he subtly brushed a hand over his groin. Torren’s cock twi
tched in response, and he suppressed a groan while shooting his lover a look that promised retribution once they were alone. Aslan looked delighted at the prospect, laughing and blowing him air-kisses.

  “Okay, now that everyone is here, we can get started,” Elder Layke Winters said with a sophistication that Torren could only envy.

  “First, why don’t we get the introductions out of the way? Xander?” A mountain of a man with long, dark hair and creamy caramel skin stood to address the room. “Alexander Brighton,” he said, smiling widely to show off his gleaming white teeth. “My pack just arrived yesterday and will be helping to acclimate the new Moonlighters to life here in Haven.” His expression darkened, and Torren sensed a quiet fury within the big shifter.

  He’d yet to meet the men Xander referred to, but knew from some of the Enforcers that the small pack of Moonlighters had been in rough shape when they rescued them from the mountains in Arkansas.

  It had taken a little persuasion, but eventually The Council granted the funds to purchase the acreage that ran adjacent to Haven.

  As a Moonlighter himself, Xander was certainly the most logical choice to help the newcomers. While Haven was one huge melting pot of those beaten, broken, and homeless, unfortunately, it could still be dangerous for the white-pelted shifters.

  Torren didn’t know much about shifters in general, but everyone knew about the Moonlight Breed curse. There might be a wide variety of shifters, but none of them became an animal with a white coat other than those who had been cursed.

  The breed had been hated and hunted for as long as he could remember. People feared them, claiming that being in the presence of a Moonlighter during his or her shift would drive anyone to madness almost instantly. While the myth had been somewhat disproven in recent months, it would take much longer to change the mass’s opinion and curb their mistrust.

  A smaller man with stylishly mussed hair stood beside Xander and took his hand. “Xander is our alpha,” he offered proudly, though unnecessarily.

  Xander brought the man’s hand to his lips and brushed a kiss over the knuckles before offering a soft smile. “Hush now, chulo.” Ah, his mate. It was getting easier for Torren to recognize other relationships now that he had Aslan in his life—and therefore a basis for his analysis. “And this is?”

  “Braxton Carmichael,” Xander responded, returning his attention to the elders. He didn’t release Braxton, though, even going as far as to curl a protective arm around his shoulders. Motioning behind him, several other men stood, including Flynn, Boston, and Malakai.

  Torren wasn’t really on a first-name basis with the three, but he’d met them and liked them well enough. As for the others, he had no issues with them or their status as Moonlighters, but he was never going to remember all of their names. God, his head was starting to hurt. Why had Layke insisted on these introductions? Wouldn’t it be more prudent to just get down to business? Hell, Torren could mingle and meet everyone at the party afterward if it was that important.

  Once Xander was finished and everyone resumed their seats, four other men rose from across the aisle. “Alpha Ridley Thatcher of the Trinity Pack,” the tallest of the group announced then proceeded to introduce his beta and two Enforcers. “We’re here to talk guns.” Okay, now they were getting somewhere. Still, there were other things to discuss first, orders to issue, and hopefully new elders and Enforcers to swear in. Elder Means sat to Torren’s right, staring down at his lap as though he’d rather be anywhere than in the room at that moment.

  “Elder, is there something you’d like to say?” There was a sad smile on his lips when the representative of the lycans and weres looked up. “I’m an old man, Elder Braddock. I know you think that I harbor ill feelings toward you, but that isn’t true. I simply feel that I have served my purpose—and possibly not as well as I could have. I just want to rest and be left in peace.” He gained his feet and nodded to the crowd. “I resign.” Then he stepped down from the stage and exited through one of the side doors without another word.

  “Uh, yes.” Layke looked to be fumbling for something to say.

  “Good riddance to the old codger,” Elder Cortez boomed with a lazy flick of his wrist. “Times change and if he can’t learn to adapt, then we need new blood.” The vampire smiled lasciviously and licked his lips, but ruined the effect by laughing shortly afterward.

  “Now we need to appoint another elder,” Torren said, only a slight pout to his voice. Why couldn’t things ever just be easy for him?

  Aslan chuckled at him and shook his head. “Behave,” he mouthed.

  “I nominate Kieran Delaney,” Cortez said casually.

  Kieran jumped his feet and shook his head. “Oh, hell no. That really isn’t going to happen.”

  “What about Raina?” Galen stood as well and linked his hands in front of him. “She’s smart, understanding, compassionate, but fierce as they come when crossed. She’d make an excellent elder.”

  “Oh, Galen, I’m really not qualified.” Raina Delany jumped up beside him, blushing all the way to the tips of her tiny ears. “There has never been a woman on The Council.”

  Torren idly wondered where the twins were, but after a quick scan revealed that Teegan was absent from the proceedings, he figured he had his answer. “I think it’s a great idea.” Whether she knew it or not, Raina had the perfect temperament, the exact balance of kindness and ruthlessness needed to lead. “I second the nomination.”

  “All those in favor?” Layke asked.

  Except for those who had no idea who Raina was, the vote was unanimous. “We’ll swear you in after the meeting.” Torren gave her an encouraging grin, and though she looked a little shocked, Raina nodded her agreement and settled back down beside her brothers. It took only a couple of seconds for the surprise to disappear, replaced by a very self-pleased smile.

  Yes, she would make a damn fine elder.

  “Now, I believe Jory Lahman has been selected as the representative for the demons.” Layke arched an eyebrow at Stavion’s mate. “Do you have any objections?”

  Jory chewed his lip for a long time before he stood and shook his head. “I can do this.” Stavion looked like he’d bust from the seams with pride. Torren didn’t know the whole story, didn’t want to, but he’d heard enough about Jory’s past to understand just how far he’d come. Truth be told, he was kind of proud of the runt as well.

  Layke took another vote, and again, everyone was in favor of handing the reigns over to Jory. “Camdin Maywater couldn’t be here, but he has agreed to accept The Council seat for the fae. Those in favor?” People seemed less inclined to throw their support behind an elder that couldn’t even be bothered to attend his first gathering, but in the end, the majority won out.

  “Finally, that leaves a representative for the shifters. Are there any nominations?”

  One of the newcomers from the pack of Moonlighters bounced up from the bench—a shrimp of a man with spikey, blond hair and a cocky grin. “Make Xander an elder.”

  “Keeton, sit down,” Xander growled out of the side of his mouth.

  “Why do you think he should be elder?” Torren asked.

  “Well, why the hell not?” The guy—Keeton—tilted his head to the side, a spark of defiance flashing in his eyes. He reminded Torren of Aslan, which went a long way in convincing him that he liked the guy already. “He’s smart, kind, loyal, protective of the people he cares about.”

  Braxton scrambled his feet as well, knocking Xander’s hand away when the alpha tried to hold him back. “He’s brave, honorable, and fair. You couldn’t ask for a better leader.”

  “Braxton , I am going to redden your ass when we get home.” Xander’s comment earned him a cheeky grin from his mate and several chuckles from the rest of the room.

  “Agreed,” Boston and Flynn said at the same time.

  “Absolutely,” Stavion added.

  “I don’t particularly like the fucker, but he’d make a good elder.” Raven shrugged when Keeton and Bra
xton glared daggers at him.

  “What? I was agreeing with you.”

  Several others offered their support and after putting it to a vote, The Council had itself a new shifter elder with little hassle. Thank fuck for small miracles.

  “Next on the agenda.” Cortez shuffled some papers around in front of him. “Who wants to get rid of this fucking registry?” Torren about choked at the lack for formality but hid it quickly.

  Hell, they were all friends here. What was to say that they had to act like gods on high to get the job done? And if that was the case, why did he have to sit up there without his mate?

  His expression serious, he crooked a finger at Aslan, beckoning him up on the dais. Aslan looked startled as he hurried up on the stage and grabbed Torren’s hand. “What’s wrong?” he whispered. “Did something happen? Are you okay?”

  Damn, he loved this man. How had he ever thought he could walk away? “Just this.” He pecked Aslan on the lips as he slid the man into his lap and curled his arms around him. As he’d expected, no one had a problem with Aslan perched in his lap. Most weren’t even paying attention to them, and those that were just assumed knowing grins. It was a good thing, because Torren didn’t really care if they liked it or not.

  Apparently, Aslan didn’t care, either, because he positioned himself more comfortably and refocused on the meeting. Everyone seemed to be arguing about the registry still. While most opposed the idea, there were a few in favor of it.

  The most prominent of those was Alpha Blaise Taylor from the Cloud Peak Pack. “The registry has been invaluable in helping us locate not only prisoners but fugitives as well.” Unfortunately, Torren couldn’t argue with him on that one. He also understood why most members of the gathering felt the registry was too intrusive, though. Maybe they could come to a compromise.

  “Quiet,” he called, settling everyone down and gaining their attention. “What if we do away with the official registry maintained by The Council?” Cheers went up around the room, but Torren called them back with an upheld hand. “But I propose that the packs, covens, circles, et cetera maintain their own registries that will be available to The Council only if the need arises to find a missing person or persons.”


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