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Bought for Her Baby

Page 13


  He held her gaze for interminable seconds, his dark, unfathomable eyes boring into hers until she was sure he was seeing her soul laid bare.

  ‘Perhaps in time we will not be so fervent in our distrust of each other,’ he remarked. ‘After all, we desire one another, so there is hope that somewhere amongst all the ill feeling there is something that could be more lasting.’

  Charlotte wanted to believe him but her only hope was for her name to be cleared. How could he ever develop the feelings he’d had for her before while he still believed her guilty of betraying him in such a despicable way?

  Damon brushed a strand of her hair away from her mouth, the touch of his fingers sending a wave of deep longing through her.

  ‘Come to bed, agape mou,’ he said gently. ‘This is the first night of our new life together. We should start it as we mean to go on.’

  She moistened her dry lips, her stomach giving a little kick of excitement deep inside. ‘Y-you mean…sleep together?’

  His eyes darkened as he outlined the curve of her mouth with his fingertip. ‘Is that not what husbands and wives do?’


  He moved closer, half a step, but it was enough to bring his body into intimate contact with hers. She felt the heat emanating off him, scorching her from the waist down as his desire for her became apparent. She could feel his swollen thickness pressing against her, making her heart begin to race at the thought of feeling him moving inside her.

  His mouth descended as she tipped hers upwards, somehow meeting in the middle with an explosion of feeling. His tongue drove through the shield of her lips in search of hers, calling it into a tantalising dance that mimicked the stroke and sensual glide of his physical possession. Her body strained to get closer, her breasts swelling with need as his hands moved over them to shape them possessively.

  His kiss deepened with urgency, her lips crushed beneath his as his mouth fed hungrily off hers as if the past three weeks without touching her had driven him to the very limit of his control.

  He lifted his mouth from hers as he backed her towards the bed, his eyes glazed with passion. ‘It is always this way with you,’ he said, his tone rough and deep. ‘I only have to touch you and I want to drive myself into you and explode.’

  His words fuelled her need of him to fever pitch. She clung to him, her mouth searching for his in desperation as he pressed her to the bed, his long legs entrapping hers. She fought with his clothes in her quest to find his naked skin, her mouth anointing him with hot little kisses as soon as his shirt and trousers were dispensed with.

  Damon drew in a sharp-edged little breath as she moved her way down his body to taste him, her tongue a tormenting pleasure as it licked and stroked in turn. He dug his hands into the cloud of her tousled hair as she drew on him, the sucking motion of her mouth lifting every single hair on his scalp in exquisite delight.

  He could stand it no longer and pushed her away, his hands taking control of hers by holding them above her head. She squirmed and writhed beneath him as he used his other hand to remove her top so he could caress her breasts, his mouth taking each one in turn until she was whimpering with pleasure.

  ‘Oh, please…’ she panted and grabbed at him impatiently as he took his time removing the rest of her clothes.

  ‘Be patient, agape mou,’ he growled playfully as he kissed his way past her cleavage to her belly button, lingering there a moment to insert the tip of his tongue into the tiny sensitive cave.

  She felt him momentarily tense as he came to her Caesarian scar, his eyes coming back to hers with a question in their dark depths. ‘You had a difficult birth?’ he asked, his tone deep and huskier than normal.

  ‘Yes…I was in labour for twelve hours and Emily was getting distressed…I had to have an emergency Caesarian.’

  A shadow of regret flicked in and out of his gaze. ‘Was anyone there with you to support you?’

  Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers splayed over her belly where his child had lain for nine months. How she had longed for him to be have been present on that day. To encourage her to keep going, to mop her brow and hold her hand through every contraction as it marched back through her abdomen. Hearing that first mewing cry had been one of the happiest and yet loneliest moments of Charlotte’s life. She had held that sticky, wriggling little body to her chest and grieved that Damon had not been there to share in the joy and relief of Emily’s birth.

  ‘No…’ she said, unable to hold his gaze. ‘My mother had died three weeks earlier and Stacey…Well, I’m not sure to this day where she was…She’d promised to be with me, but…’

  He tipped up her chin to bring her eyes back to his. ‘Charlotte…’ He seemed to be having trouble speaking, his throat was moving up and down but no further sound came out.

  ‘It’s all right,’ she said with a tight little smile. ‘I had a good midwife and the doctor was wonderful.’

  His eyes moved back to her scar and his fingers traced over it gently. ‘Did it hurt?’ he asked.

  ‘Not as much as the thought of losing her,’ she said. ‘I would have gone through any pain to avoid that. I still would.’

  His expression was thoughtful as he looked deep into her eyes, as if he was seeing her for the very first time.

  ‘You have done well to raise her alone,’ he said.

  ‘Thank you…’

  He bent his head to reclaim her mouth, the passion rekindling in the first movement of his tongue against hers as his hand moved from her belly to the secret treasure below.

  Charlotte let out a tiny gasp as his fingers separated her, her back arching as he stroked the tender nub of aroused flesh that pulsed and flickered with longing.

  He lifted his mouth from hers and moved down her body, the intimate invasion of his lips and tongue sending her out of control. She sobbed with the sheer force of her response as it rocketed throughout her body like a thousand miniature earthquakes.

  Her breathing was still nowhere near normal when he moved back over her, his weight stabilised by his arms as he entered her with a deep, gliding thrust, his low grunt of satisfaction sending a shivery feeling over her skin.

  He drove harder and deeper, carrying her along with him on a fast ride to paradise, the tension building all over again as she matched his rhythm.

  His skin was hot and damp on hers, his chest hair an erotic abrasion on the tender swell of her breasts. His strong legs were like a vice holding hers apart for the next deep surge and retreat of his body.

  She could feel him approaching the ultimate moment, his breathing beginning to get harder and faster and his body tensing all over, as if poised on a precipitous edge. She lifted her hips slightly but it was enough to tip him over. He gave a deep shuddering groan and spilled himself, the pumping movements against her swollen femininity sending her into oblivion with him.

  Charlotte let out a sigh of total relaxation as her body gradually floated back to earth, her eyelids feeling as if they were weighted with anvils as she snuggled into the warmth of his collapsed weight above hers.

  ‘Am I too heavy for you?’ he asked against the creamy softness of her neck.

  ‘No…’ She gave another little sigh and wrapped her arms around his waist. ‘No, you feel wonderful…’

  It was a while before Damon realised she had fallen asleep. Her breathing was relaxed and even and her body totally pliant, all except for her arms.

  They were holding him as if they never wanted to let him go…


  AS SOON as the plane touched down in Athens Charlotte felt her stomach begin to twist and tighten with nerves. It had been a pleasant flight, all things considered. Certainly the luxury of Damon’s private jet had more than a little to do with it, but in spite of that she couldn’t help noticing a softening of his attitude towards her. He had chatted to her on neutral subjects during the times she had been unable to sleep, his demeanour showing no sign of his earlier anger or resentment. She won
dered if it was for the benefit of his attentive staff or whether he was genuinely trying to put the past aside and build a bridge of friendship with her.

  Their connecting flight to Santorini was leaving in just under an hour, which meant that she would come face to face with Damon’s mother for the first time in four years. She wondered how the older woman would receive her, especially since Charlotte had kept the existence of her only grandchild a secret. She also couldn’t help wondering how Damon had explained his hasty marriage. His mother was too astute to be fooled into thinking it was a love match. Alexandrine was close to her son and would soon see for herself the cracks in his relationship with his new wife.

  ‘Are we dere yet?’ Emily asked with a sleepy yawn as their luggage was transferred by Damon’s staff.

  ‘Not quite, darling,’ Charlotte said, cuddling her close. ‘We have one more short flight and then you will be able to see your granny.’

  Damon met her eyes briefly and he gave her one of his slow smiles. ‘Would you like me to hold her for you?’ he offered. ‘You look tired.’

  ‘OK…thanks…’ She handed Emily to him, her hands brushing against his. She felt the exchange of sexual energy and her skin began to tighten all over in reaction.

  ‘My mother will be so thrilled to see Emily,’ he said as he stroked his daughter’s sleepy head where it was resting against his shoulder. ‘You have no need to be concerned over anything else.’

  She gnawed at her lip without answering.

  ‘Truly, Charlotte,’ he assured her. ‘The past is not going to be mentioned while we are here.’

  ‘That doesn’t mean it’s going to go away,’ she said as the flight crew assembled prior to boarding.

  Damon watched as she moved towards the boarding gate, her shoulders bowed with exhaustion, her chestnut hair falling in cascading waves about her shoulders, the normally smooth creamy skin of her face now looking pinched and white.

  He felt something catch in his chest, like a small sharp tug on the feelings he had locked away four years ago. Although he hadn’t told her he had loved her in so many words, her bubbly nature and enthusiasm for life had been so refreshing. She had captivated him from the very first moment their eyes had met across a crowded restaurant. He had felt a connection that had been instant, electric and enthralling and, even now, in spite of what she had done, he could still feel it beating like a pulse deep inside him.

  Maybe she was right, he thought as he moved towards the boarding gate with his tiny daughter fast asleep in his arms.

  The past was not going to go away.

  It would stay with them like a menacing presence, casting a long dark shadow of uncertainty over their lives…

  The Latousakis residence was in the traditional settlement of Finikia, just east of the village of Oia, the starkly whitewashed buildings in the bright summer sunlight making Charlotte quickly shield her eyes. The inimitable blue of the Aegean Sea sparkled below, the faint smell of donkeys and fish and salt in the air bringing back a host of bittersweet memories.

  She had arrived on the island four years ago with a backpack and had fallen in love on the second day, and with Damon as her guide had explored all the tourist spots. They had sat and watched what were reputed to be the best sunsets in the world by the Kastro walls, jostling for a position just like everyone else, their smiles only for each other.

  They had swum at the tiny port of Ammoudi, and most of the black sand beaches, glorying in the heat of the summer and the fire of their love. He had taught her the language of love and the choreography of mind-blowing sex, all within the space of a few short weeks. She had never been happier; each bright sunny day had been a gift as she had basked in the glorious experience of being adored by a man who was perfect in every way.

  It was painful to be back where it had all started. It brought the loss of it all so sharply into focus after years of trying to keep it out of sight and out of mind.

  Alexandrine was waiting for them in the doorway, her arms outstretched for Emily who had not long ago woken.

  ‘Are you my granny?’

  Charlotte saw the bright tears in Damon’s mother’s eyes as she reached for her only grandchild and felt a lump come to her already tight throat.

  ‘Oh, my darling one,’ the older woman crooned, her voice breaking over the words. ‘You are the image of Eleni.’

  Damon smiled and bent down to kiss his mother. ‘She is a beautiful child, Mama.’

  Alexandrine turned her dark brown eyes to Charlotte, her expression warm and welcoming. ‘It is good to see you, Charlotte. I am so glad you are here and a part of our family.’

  Charlotte found it hard to know what to say in response. She stretched her lips into a smile and offered a hand but Alexandrine ignored it to press a soft kiss to both of her cheeks, with Emily still locked in her embrace.

  ‘It’s good to be here again…’ she mumbled.

  Emily rubbed at her eyes. ‘Do you want to see my special toys?’ she asked her grandmother.

  Alexandrine’s eyes brightened. ‘I would love to see your special toys. Did you bring them all this way with you?’

  ‘Mummy wasn’t going to let me, but Daddy said I could,’ Emily said with a borderline reproachful glance in Charlotte’s direction.

  ‘I am sure your mummy was worried about your things taking up too much room,’ Alexandrine said graciously.

  ‘Do you have a swimming pool?’ Emily asked as she slipped her tiny hand into her grandmother’s outstretched one.

  ‘Yes, we do.’ Alexandrine smiled. ‘Would you like to see it?’

  Emily turned to Charlotte with a beseeching look. ‘Can I, Mummy?’

  Charlotte nodded, her face cracking on a smile. ‘Of course you can.’

  ‘Can you swim?’ Emily asked her grandmother as they made their way through the house to the sun-drenched terrace outside.

  ‘But of course,’ Alexandrine replied. ‘Can you?’

  ‘Only a little bit,’ Emily confessed as her thumb began to move towards her mouth. ‘Mummy has been taking me to lessons but I’m not berry good.’

  Damon turned to Charlotte once they had gone, his expression softened with concern. ‘Are you all right? You look very pale.’

  Her body slumped on a sigh. ‘I don’t know why I feel so exhausted,’ she said, rubbing the centre of her forehead. ‘Maybe it’s the heat.’

  ‘It is certainly a change from what you are used to, although as far as I could tell Sydney was not having a particularly cold winter.’

  ‘Would you mind if I lie down for a while?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course not,’ he said with another one of his rarely used smiles. ‘My mother will relish this opportunity to get to know her granddaughter.’

  ‘If Emily needs me, please wake me up,’ Charlotte said a few minutes later when Damon had shown her to their room.

  ‘Do not worry about her,’ he said as he pulled a cool sheet over her. ‘She will undoubtedly soon crash from jet lag just as you are doing now.’

  ‘I never used to suffer from jet lag,’ she said as she brought a hand up to cover her aching eyes. ‘I used to trip between time zones without a problem.’

  ‘You have been working hard for the last few weeks,’ he reminded her.

  ‘Yes…’ Her soft sigh deflated her chest as she nestled into the pillows and closed her eyes. ‘I guess you’re right…It’s been one hell of a month…’

  ‘If you do not feel up to joining us for dinner, do not worry,’ he said. ‘I can get the housekeeper to bring something up to your room.’

  Charlotte felt her stomach shrink away at the thought of food and buried her head further into the soft-as-air pillow. ‘I’m not hungry…’

  ‘My mother is the happiest I have seen her in two years,’ he said after a long silence.

  She opened her eyes to look at him. ‘I’m glad…I really am…’

  ‘The loss of a child is huge in a mother’s life,’ he said, looking down at his hands for a mo
ment before bringing his dark, unreadable eyes back to hers. ‘I hope you will forgive me for threatening to take Emily from you. If things do not work out between us, I will try to ensure she has regular contact with you.’

  ‘Thank you…’ she murmured, wondering if she could trust him to keep his word.

  ‘You have been a good mother to her,’ he said. ‘Do not be hurt by her occasional divided loyalties. It is understandable that she will be trying to work out who is now in charge. Children do that in order to feel secure; there is nothing personal in it, I am sure.’

  ‘I could never afford the toys you’ve bought for her,’ she said, not quite able to remove the hint of resentment in her tone.

  He put his hand on her shoulder, the warmth of his palm seeping through her skin like a brand. ‘I am only trying to make up for lost time. The things I buy for her are not bribes to win her away from you.’

  Charlotte did nothing to hide the cynicism in her eyes as they connected with his. ‘I can’t compete with overseas holidays and expensive gifts. I can only give her myself.’

  His hand dropped from her shoulder as his expression tightened. ‘You at least have had that opportunity for the last three years. I have not.’

  She buried her head into the pillow, her voice sounding muffled as she spoke. ‘Please close the door. I don’t want to be disturbed.’

  ‘I do not like it when you turn away from me when I am speaking to you.’

  ‘Get over it.’

  She heard his indrawn breath, his anger at her curt dismissal pulsing in the air. ‘Look at me, Charlotte,’ he commanded.

  She flipped over to her back to fling him a frosty look. ‘Just because we’re married doesn’t mean you can order me about all the time. If you wanted a compliant wife, then you should have married someone of your own culture. No doubt they would have sat at your feet licking your boots in subservience. If I don’t want to look at you, I won’t and there is nothing you can do to make me.’


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