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by Jonathan W. Jordan

  3 “Soviet-Polish Rift Laid to Nazi Guile,” NYT, 5/2/43; “Russo-Polish Quarrel Involves Other Allies,” NYT, 5/2/43; “A Lesson in Maneuver,” Time, 5/10/43; Coatney 15, citing Chicago Tribune, 4/28/43 and Public Opinion Quarterly (Summer 1943), 334.

  4 “Davis Warns Nation of Axis Propaganda,” NYT, 5/5/43 (“very fishy”); “Cairo to MILID-AGWAR,” 5/30/43, NARA-OL (RG 319); OWI Special Guidance, 4/25/43, NARA; Henry Szymanski to George Strong, 5/29/43, NARA; FDR to Stalin, 4/36/43, FDRL (Map Room box 8) (“stupid”).

  5 O’Malley to Anthony Eden, 5/31/43, FDRL; WSC to FDR, 4/25/43; “Eden Seeks to Heal Breach,” NYT, 5/5/43; Coatney 10–15.

  6 O’Malley to Anthony Eden, 5/31/43, FDRL (“We have”).

  7 WSC to FDR, 8/13/43, FDRL (PSF box 49); WSC, Hinge of Fate, 759 (“if they are dead”); Cienciela 193–94.

  8 “Report Condemns Lewis Strike View,” NYT, 4/3/43; “Coal Parlays to Resume Today,” NYT, 4/5/43; “Mr. Lewis’s Defiance,” NYT, 5/1/43; “Stoppage of Coal Hits War Output,” NYT, 5/1/43.

  9 “Strike Three,” Time, 6/28/43; HLS, 2/26/43, 6/9/43.

  10 FDR to HLS, 6/7/41, FDR-PL 2:1167–68; HLS, 11/7/41 (“We hate”), 6/19–22/43; “Army Will Start Seizures in Coal Zones,” NYT, 5/1/43; “Expect New Test of Lewis’s Power,” NYT, 5/6/43.

  11 HLS, 6/9/43, 6/25/43; FDR, message, 6/25/43, FDR-PP, 1943, 268–69 (“99”).

  12 “Strike Three,” Time, 6/28/43; HLS, 6/25–28/43 (“The President”).

  13 HLS, “Memorandum re Race Riots in Detroit,” 6/21/43; HLS, 6/21/43, 6/25/43; “Domestic Messes Hurt Our Standing in the World,” NYT, 6/27/43 (“Our President”); “Single Food Chief Urged by Hoover,” NYT, 6/4/43; “The Nation,” NYT, 6/27/43.

  14 HLS, 5/28/43 (“man of courage”); Ickes 3:610.


  1 HLS, 7/1/43; GCM, interview, 2/11/57, GCML.

  2 Roberts 385, citing CCS, minutes, 7/16/43.

  3 HLS, 7/1/43.

  4 EJK to Nimitz, 5/27/43, Nimitz, Gray Book; Buell 336–37, 383.

  5 Pogue 3:251–53, quoting EJK to GCM, 6/11/43, and EJK to GCM, 6/14/43.

  6 Pogue 3:251–52, quoting JCS, memorandum, 6/14/43 (“tantamount”), and JCS, minutes, 6/15/43.

  7 Pogue 3:252–53, quoting GCM to DAM, 6/14/43, and DAM to GCM, 6/20/43 (“I am”).

  8 Cornelius Bull, “The Fourth Seminar,” 4/5/43, KP (box 6); Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 4/5/43, KP (box 11); Buell 338–39; JCS, minutes, 6/29/43, in Pogue 3:253 (“great service”).

  9 EJK, interview, 8/29/49, KP (box 8); HLS, 7/7/43; EJK, “Notes Based on Flight Book No. 3,” 8/33/50, KP (box 4) (“The reason”); EJK to Hanson Baldwin, 6/12/50, GCML (Baldwin Papers, box 2).

  10 Pogue 3:253, citing EJK to GCM, 7/22/43, and GCM to EJK, 7/29/43, and GCM, memo, 8/4/43; Matloff, 1943–1944, 192; EJK, interview, 8/27/50, KP (box 8); Shaw et al. 26; Buell 339.

  11 EJK, interview, 8/27/50, KP (box 8); Matloff, 1943–1944, 255.


  1 HLS to FDR, 8/4/43, in HLS, 8/4/43; HLS, 7/12/43.

  2 HLS to FDR, 8/4/43, in HLS, 8/4/43 (“foul blow”); GCM, interview, 2/11/49, GCML.

  3 HLS, 7/12/43 (“pledge”); HLS to FDR, 8/4/43, in HLS, 8/4/43 (“unless”).

  4 GCM, interview, 2/11/49, GCML.

  5 HLS, 7/12/43, 7/19/43.

  6 HLS to FDR, 8/4/43, in HLS, 8/4/43; HLS, 7/22/43 (“Roundhammer”).

  7 HLS, 7/22/43 (“eye,” “start”).

  8 HLS, 7/23/42 (“fatigued”), 8/9/43.

  9 HLS to FDR, 8/10/43, in HLS, 8/10/43 (“We cannot” “vital difference”).

  10 HLS to FDR, 8/10/43, in HLS, 8/10/43.

  11 “Minutes of a Meeting at the White House,” 8/10/43, KP (box 9); HLS, 8/10/43 (“whole hog” “astonished”).

  12 JCS, minutes, 8/10/43, FRUS, Washington-Quebec, 501 (“preponderance”); HLS, 8/10/43.

  13 HLS, 11/1/43.


  1 William Rigdon, “Log of the President’s Visit to Canada,” FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 329).

  2 WSC to FDR, 7/21/43, FRUS, Quebec 1943, 394; Wilson Brown, draft of Four Presidents, 161, FDRL (Brown Papers); V. D. Long to EJK, 2/10/46, KP (box 4).

  3 William Rigdon, “Log of the President’s Visit to Canada,” 3, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 329); Leahy 209; FRUS, Quebec 1943, v–ix; Reilly 68, 124.

  4 WSC, Grand Alliance, 596–97 (“American mind”).

  5 EJK to Ruthven Libby, 8/31/43, KP (box 5) (“show-downs”); Leahy, 8/16/43, LC (Leahy Papers, box 2) (“undiplomatic”).

  6 Reginald Winn, reminiscences, 92, GCML (Small MS Collections, box 3) (“Come on”); Leahy 208–09; CCS, minutes, 8/15/43; Pogue 3:245, quoting JCS, minutes, 8/16/43; Roberts 393; Buell 373–74; Betsy Matter, interview, 12/9/74, 4, KP (box 10).

  7 Brooke 8/15–16/43; Brooke, interview, 5/5/61, PL.

  8 Brooke, 8/15–16/43.

  9 CCS 319/5, “Final Report,” 8/24/43; Buell 375.

  10 EJK, “22 January 1943,” KP (box 4); CCS, minutes, 8/19/43; EJK, “Notes Taken From Flight Log No. 3,” 8/13/43 entry, KP (box 4).

  11 Brooke, 8/19/43; EJK, interview, 7/31/49, KP (box 9) (“damn fool”); EJK, “Notes Taken From Flight Log No. 3,” 8/13/43 entry, KP (box 4) (“one of those”); Buell 375.

  12 CCS 315/2, “Habakkuk,” 8/29/43; CCS, minutes, 8/19/43; EJK, “Notes Taken From Flight Log No. 3,” 8/13/43 entry, KP (box 4); JCS, “Minutes of Meeting,” 11/15/43, KP (box 9) (“better leave”); EJK, interview, 7/31/49, KP (box 9); Leahy 212–13; G. A. McLean to Thomas Buell, 8/9/74, KP (box 2); Buell 375.

  13 WSC to HLH, 2/27/43, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 132).

  14 WSC to HLH, 2/16/43, 2/27/43, 4/1/43, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 132); WSC to FDR, 2/27/43 (“breach”).

  15 FDR and WSC, “Agreement Relating to Atomic Energy,” 8/19/43, FRUS, Quebec-Washington 1943, 1117.

  16 Pogue 3:249; Wedemeyer, Wedemeyer Reports!, 245.

  17 CCS 319/5, “Final Report,” 8/24/43; CCS, minutes, 8/23/42; Morton, Pacific Strategy, 596.

  18 CCS 319/5, “Final Report,” 8/24/43; Brooke, 8/23/43; Leahy 210–11; Roberts 407; Buell 377.


  1 HLS, 9/6/43; EJK, interview, 8/25/50, KP (box 6); EJK, interview, 7/4/50, KP (box 7).

  2 Ickes, 6/21/43, Vogel 251; Thomas Handy, interview 7/9/70, PL; GCM, interview, 11/13/56, GCML; Sherwood 760–61; Pogue 3:265, citing Somervell to GCM, 9/12/43.

  3 Vogel 252 (“ruthless”).

  4 Pogue 3:264–65, citing Army and Navy Journal, 9/4/43, Somervell to GCM, 9/12/43; Sherwood 759–61.

  5 EJK, interview, 7/7/47, PL; EJK, “Remarks About ‘Quadrant’ Which I’ve Forgotten to Write Down,” n.d., KP (box 4) (“no time”); EJK, interview, 7/4/50, KP (box 7); Glenn Perry to Edmond P. Bartnett, 12/20/43, KP (box 11); Buell 388.

  6 Glenn Perry to Thomas Buell, 6/25/75, KP (box 11) (“Heaven and Earth”); “Marshall to England?” Time, 9/27/43.

  7 “Marshall Rumor Brought to House,” NYT, 9/20/43 (“American rights”); Sherwood 759–60, quoting Army and Navy Journal, 9/18/43 (“powerful”); Pogue 3:268, citing Newark Star-Ledger, 9/19/43; Washington Times-Herald, 9/19/43 (“technical”); HLS, 9/20/43, 9/28–29/43 (“upstairs”); “The Rumored Transfer of General Marshall,” NYT, 9/20/43; Frank McCarthy, interview, 9/29/58, PL; Glenn Perry to Thomas Buell, 6/25/75, KP (box 11); Pogue 3:267; Leahy 226–27; Buell 388–89; Pogue 3:270–71, citing Congressional Record, 9/27/43, Detroit Free Press, 9/23/43, New York Herald Tribune, 9/22–23/43, New York Sun, 10/1/43, and Washington Times-Herald, 9/26/43 and 10/19/43; Pershing to FDR, 9/16/43, in Katherine Marshall, 156–57.

  8 HLS, 9/28/43 (“We are asking”), 9/29/43 (“reputatio

  9 HLS, 9/7/43 (“We both”).

  10 Katherine Marshall 165–66; “Two-Year Report,” Time, 9/13/43; HLS, 9/15/43.

  11 HLH to FDR, 9/16/42, 10/4/42, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 332); HLS, 9/15/43.

  12 Sherwood 761 (“Dear Harry”).

  13 Katherine Marshall 175; Truman Smith, interview, 10/5/59, PL; Pogue 3:275–77, citing Thomas P. Handy to GCM, 10/5/43, GCM to Jacob Devers, 9/24/43; Sherwood 761.

  14 FDR to WSC, 10/3/43 (“The newspapers”); WSC to FDR, 10/31/43; Leahy 226–28.

  15 Leahy, 10/28–29/43, LC (Leahy Papers, box 2) (“stalling”).

  16 FDR to Pershing, 9/20/43, GCML (“He is”).


  1 GCM, interview, 7/25/49, GCML (“desire to preserve”).

  2 FDR, press conference, 7/23/43, FDR-PP, 1943, 309 (“I don’t believe”).

  3 FDR to WSC, 7/25/43 (“my thought”), 7/30/43; HLS, 1/22/45; “Our Terms Stand,” NYT, 7/26/43; FDR, press conference, 7/27/43, FDR-PP, 1943, 323; “President Rebukes OWI Broadcast,” NYT, 7/28/43; Pogue, Supreme Command, 340–43; Persico, Centurions, 301, quoting FDR to DDE, FDRL (Map Room Papers, box 12).

  4 Harold Callender, “Terms for Italy Unchanged,” NYT, 7/28/43; Leahy 204, 214; Crosswell 503–04.

  5 HLS, 9/8/43; Leahy 215.

  6 HLS, 9/8/43.

  7 Garland and Smith 544–52.

  8 “Italy Will Declare War on Germany,” NYT, 10/13/43; Leahy 216–17.

  9 WSC to DDE, 10/7/43; HLS, 10/12/43; WSC to Wilson, 9/9/43, in WSC, Closing the Ring, 205; Matloff 254 (“dare”); Leahy 217; WSC to FDR, 10/7/43.

  10 Leahy 217; GCM, interview, 11/13/56, GCML; Stoler, Allies, 121, 172.

  11 FDR to WSC, 10/8/43; Pogue 3:639 n.47.

  12 HLS, 10/12/43 (“childish”).

  13 HLS, 10/25–28/43; Pogue 3:294, quoting Deane to JCS, 10/24/43, 10/28/43.

  14 HLS, 10/28/43, 11/2/43; WSC to FDR, 10/23/43 (“hypothetical”); Pogue 3:294.

  15 HLS, 10/28/43 (“Jerusalem!”).

  16 HLS, 10/29/43 (“Balkans”), 10/31/43 (“dirty baseball”).

  17 FDR to WSC, 11/10/43, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 332); Pogue 3:273–77; Pogue, Supreme Command, 23–33; Roberts 428.

  18 HLS, 4/8/43; Leahy 180–81; Pogue 3:176–78.

  19 GCM, interview, 2/18/53, GCML (“lap”).

  20 HLS, 4/8/43; “Something About a Soldier,” Time, 5/17/43; Pogue 3:177; Hunt 282 (“win-the-war”); Pogue 3:281, citing Washington Post, 9/22/43, and Washington Times-Herald, 9/22/43; Hunt 282 (“Roosevelt”); Pogue 3:283, quoting Vandenberg, 9/30/43 (“These people”).

  21 “Will You Love Me in November?” Time, 5/31/43; Cantril 630–33, 666; “M’Arthur Strong in Test by Gallup,” NYT, 9/19/43; “Trial Heat Goes to the Democrats,” NYT, 5/17/43; “Dewey Leads Poll for ’44 Nomination,” NYT, 9/18/43.


  1 Romanus 374, citing Chennault to FDR, 9/5/43; Pogue 3:284.

  2 HLS, 10/18/43; GCM, interview, 10/20/56, 10/29/56, GCML (“duck soup”); Albert Wedemeyer, interview, 2/1/58, PL; Parrish 443–44; Pogue 3:285.

  3 GCM to Stilwell, 10/19/43, MP 4:137; HLS, 10/18–19/43.

  4 HLS, 10/19–20/43 and 11/1/43; Stilwell 232–35; Pogue 3:286, citing Somervell to GCM, 10/24/43; Romanus 376–78; GCM, interview, 2/11/49.


  1 JCS, “Sextant Information Bulletin No. 8,” 11/9/43, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 331); JCS, “Sextant Information Bulletin No. 4,” 11/7/43, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 331); EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4).

  2 FRUS, 1941, 4:752; FRUS, Cairo-Tehran, 3; Moran 325 (“good democrat”).

  3 Stalin to FDR, 9/8/43, FRUS, Cairo, 23–24; Stalin to WSC and FDR, 9/12/43, FRUS, Cairo, 25; Hull to FDR, 10/21/43, FRUS, Cairo, 34–35; WSC to FDR, 10/26/43; Stoler, Allies, 166.

  4 JCS, “Sextant Information Bulletin No. 2,” 11/5/43, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 331); JCS, “Sextant Information Bulletin No. 4,” 11/7/43, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 331); Brooke, 11/20/43.

  5 Brooke, 10/8/43.

  6 Brooke, 10/27/43, 11/1/43.

  7 GCM to EJK, 11/4/43, MP 4:176–78 (“We have”).

  8 B. H. Bieri to EJK, 11/7/43, MP 4:176–78 n.3 (“privacy”).

  9 EJK, “To Cairo to Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4); Robert J. Coffee, “Recollections of Dr. Robert J. Coffey Aboard U.S.S. Iowa with Presidential Party,” 5/77, KP (box 9); Whitehill 500.

  10 Wilson Brown, draft of Four Presidents, 130, FDRL (Brown Papers); “Log of the President’s Trip,” FRUS, Cairo, 274, 277; Leahy 230–31.

  11 Goodwin 409, quoting ER, interview, FDRL (Graff Papers); FDR to ER, 11/18/43, FDR-PL 2:1469; Leahy 232–33 (“Mr. President,”).

  12 EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4); Leahy 231; Robert J. Coffee, “Recollections of Dr. Robert J. Coffey Aboard U.S.S. Iowa with Presidential Party,” 5/77, KP (box 9); Whitehill 500.

  13 Reilly 59.

  14 “Birds-Eye View of History,” (Orangeburg, SC) Times and Democrat, 11/30/03 (interview with Herbert Lindahl); Robert J. Coffee, “Recollections of Dr. Robert J. Coffey Aboard U.S.S. Iowa with Presidential Party,” 5/77, KP (box 9); “Log of the President’s Trip,” FRUS, Cairo, 275 (“Welcome”).

  15 HHA, 11/14/43, LC (Arnold Papers, reel 2); HLH, notes, n.d., in Sherwood 768; Robert J. Coffee, “Recollections of Dr. Robert J. Coffey Aboard U.S.S. Iowa with Presidential Party,” 5/77, KP (box 9) (“Torpedo defense!”); V. D. Long to EJK, 4/28/46, KP (box 7).

  16 HLS, notes, n.d., in Sherwood 768; Leahy 232; Whitehill 501.

  17 “Log of the President’s Trip,” FRUS, Cairo, 278; Leahy 232; V. D. Long to EJK, 4/28/46, KP (box 7) (“hot and straight”); Reilly 167.

  18 Robert J. Coffee, “Recollections of Dr. Robert J. Coffey Aboard U.S.S. Iowa with Presidential Party,” 5/77, KP (box 9); “Log of the President’s Trip,” FRUS, Cairo, 279–80; EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4) (“It seemed”); “Bird’s-Eye View of History,” Times and Democrat, 11/30/03; Whitehill 501; HLH, notes, n.d., in Sherwood 768; Arnold 455.

  19 Kit Bonner, “The Ill-Fated USS William D. Porter,” Retired Officer Magazine (March 1994) (“Don’t shoot!”); Parrish 380.

  20 “Log of the President’s Trip,” FRUS, Cairo, 285; Robert J. Coffee, “Recollections of Dr. Robert J. Coffey Aboard U.S.S. Iowa with Presidential Party,” 5/77, KP (box 9) (“The crew”).

  21 Frank McCarthy, interview, 9/29/58, PL; Reilly 161; FDR, Trip Log, 11/20/43, FDRL; EJK, “Memorandum for the Record,” 4/2/51, KP (box 7); EJK, interview, 7/3/50, KP (box 7); V. D. Long to EJK, 4/28/46, KP (box 7); “Log of the President’s Trip,” FRUS, Cairo, 286.

  22 “Log of the President’s Trip,” FRUS, Cairo, 287; FDR and JCS, meeting minutes, 11/15/43, FRUS, Cairo, 195; Leahy 235; DDE, Crusade, 196; Whitehill 504; EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4) (“The time has come”); Butcher, 11/23/43, EL (Pre-Pres Papers, box 167) (“consoled”).

  23 EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4); DDE, Crusade, 196 (“embarrassed”); Butcher 446 (“General Marshall”).

  24 D’Este, Eisenhower, 464; Cray 11 (“obey”).

  25 “Log of the President’s Trip,” FRUS, Cairo, 287–89; Parrish 382–83; Pogue 3:303.

  26 Roberts 432.

  27 Sherwood 770 (“Ike”).

  28 “The President’s Log at Cairo,” FRUS, Cairo, 293; V. D. Long to EJK, 4/28/46, KP (box 7); EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4); Leahy 236; Reilly 164.

  29 “Roosevelt-Chiang Meeting,” FRUS, Cairo, 350;
CCS, minutes, 11/24/43; Chinese Government, Chinese Summary Record of FDR-Chiang Meeting, 11/23/43, FRUS, Cairo, 322–25; Leahy 236; Pogue 3:304; EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4) (“F.D.R.”); Goodwin 474; Parrish 389.

  30 GCM, interview, 10/29/56 (“sold”); WSC, Closing the Ring, 328–29.

  31 CCS, minutes, 11/23–26/43; Brooke, 11/23/43; Ismay, interview, 12/17/46, PL.

  32 Parrish 387, quoting JCS, minutes, 11/19/43, FDRL.

  33 CCS, minutes, 11/23–26/43; Stilwell, 11/23/43 (“bastard”); Roberts 437 (“insults,” “father”); HHA, 11/23/43, LC (Arnold Papers, reel 3); Whitehill 511; Leahy 237.

  34 Brooke, 11/18/43 (“[Churchill]”); Buell 408.

  35 GCM, interview, 11/13/56 (“muskets,” “God forbid,” “horrified”).

  36 Frank McCarthy, interview, 9/2/58, PL; EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4); “The President’s Log at Tehran,” FRUS, Cairo, 459–60; Pogue 3:309.

  37 Frank McCarthy, interview, 9/29/58, PL; Kimball, “Whodunnit?” 20–21; Danny Mander, interview, Finest Hour (Spring 2008); Reilly 172, 175–80, 182.

  38 Charles Bohlen, “Roosevelt-Stalin Meeting,” 11/28/43, FRUS, Cairo, 483 (“I am glad”); Reilly 179; Leahy 240.

  39 Pogue 3:313, quoting GCM, interview, 11/15/56 (“rough SOB”); Brooke, 8/14/42 (“doom”).

  40 Leahy, 11/29/43, LC (Leahy Papers, reel 2); Brooke, 11/28/43 (“brain”).

  41 Bohlen, “Roosevelt-Stalin Meeting,” 11/28/43, FRUS, Cairo, 483.

  42 HHA, 11/28/43, LC (Arnold Papers, Reel 2); Sherwood 778; Bohlen, “First Plenary Meeting,” 11/28/43, FRUS, Cairo, 487; HLS, 11/19/43; Leahy 240; “The President’s Log at Tehran,” FRUS, Cairo, 463–65; EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4); WSC, Closing the Ring, 347; Pogue 3:309; Buell 409.

  43 WSC, Closing the Ring, 347–48; Sherwood 778; CCS, “Minutes of First Plenary Meeting,” 11/28/43, FRUS, Cairo, 497.

  44 CCS, “Minutes of First Plenary Meeting,” 11/28/43, FRUS, Cairo, 497.

  45 Bohlen, “First Plenary Meeting,” 11/28/43, FRUS, Cairo, 489; Sherwood 778–81.


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