Bane's Heart

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Bane's Heart Page 13

by Sandra R Neeley

  “Yes, please, more. More,” she begged him, kissing his chin, his jaw, reaching down to hold his ass in her hands, holding him tightly to her.

  He pulled back and moved inside her again. Striking up a rhythm that was enough to give her pleasure, but not too rough for her first time. She moved along with him, rocking her hips in time with his, her legs wrapped around his waist, instinct driving her. He was carefully controlling himself, afraid to hurt her. But she needed more. She moved her hands up to his shoulder blades, adjusting her position, forcing him up higher on his knees, and making him brace himself on his hands. Then lifting herself even higher, she licked his neck slowly as he continued to push into her, only a little faster now, and sank her teeth into his shoulder. He roared and slammed into her so hard her whole body jostled. And the harder she bit down, the harder he slammed into her. When she finally tasted blood, she bit just a little harder, then let go to beg for more. “Yes! Bane, please, harder, faster.” He loved it, his woman could handle him, wanted him. Needed him. He wrapped his hand in her hair to force her back to the grass, then hooked her knees in the crook of his elbows and yanked her ass back until he was buried so deep inside her that he wasn’t sure where they were connected anymore. Then…, he fucked her for all he was worth. Pounding into her so hard and deep that she was letting out one constant moan. Breathing deep, panting, mouth open, eyes hooded, unable to utter an intelligible word. And when she finally came, screaming his name, pussy gripping him so tightly that he thought he would pass out from the pleasure, he came with her, filling her full of his seed at the same time he dropped her thighs to lean forward and sink his teeth into her shoulder just where it met her neck. She screamed and came again, digging her nails into his back and sobbing with the pleasure the two of them together created. They lay like that, his tongue soothing her neck where he’d marked her. Her lying limply in his arms, gently laying little kisses on his shoulder. Totally sated, at peace, as one.

  An hour or so later, “We should get back, Heart. They’re going to come looking for us, and if Mav sees you naked, I’ll have to kill him.”

  She snickered at his comment, “He already tried to flirt all morning. I really think he was trying to make Bam mad at him. But he was very sweet, and he made me feel better about what happened, the things I said. He made me smile and convinced me to come out of the bedroom this morning.”

  Bane started to get angry, Maverik hitting on his Mate, but then realized what had happened, “He was probably trying to make Bam take you to me. Knowing that if he made Bam think he was interested, Bam would come right to me to be sure that no one but me ended up with you.” He shook his head realizing that Maverik had more heart than most of them realized and cared enough to put himself on the spot to be sure that Bane was forced to man up. And Maverik was the funny man of all of them. The one who railed against Mates. But even he knew that Janie belonged with Bane. He owed his buddy, but he had to have a talk with him about pushing Bam. Bam, pissed off and out of control, did not happen often, but it wasn't impossible. And it was dangerous as hell when it happened.

  “He’s a good guy. He’s just…, Mav. I look forward to him finding his Mate,” Bane stood and pulled her to her feet by the hand. “Let’s get dressed and head back,” he kissed her again. Full of love and full of pride that she was his. Forever. “I think I need a nap,” she yawned and stretched her arms above her head, twisting to get a full body stretch in. She grinned at him when he stopped what he was doing to watch her, and started rumbling deep in his chest again. “Gotta get you back before I lay you down on this grass again. Damn, woman. I can’t keep my hands off you.” Bear growled deeply, and Janie paused in putting on her clothes, “Is he okay?”

  “Yes, he’s just wanting more time with you,” he looked at her, a slow grin taking his face.

  “What? What has you grinning like that?”

  “You’re tired and Bear wants a little more time with you. Ride me.”


  “Ride me, I’ll shift back and you can ride me like a horse. I’ll take you home.”

  The biggest smile he’d ever seen on her face was enough to let him know she loved the idea.

  Chapter 16

  Bam stalked all the way back to the main house. When he got there, sitting on the porch were Kaid, Avaleigh, Daniel and Mav. Goldy and Sadie were walking around the back of the house, where Goldy’s scrap pile of old motorcycle skeletons was kept. Bam could hear him talking to her, explaining about all the different pieces and parts and how he reassembled them to make good sturdy bikes that he could sell for a little extra money. She seemed really interested and asked questions which just thrilled Goldy. He could hear the happiness in the man’s voice as he spoke to her. Bam went up a step or two and took a seat about halfway up to the porch, his back to the others where they sat in rockers, his elbow resting on his knee, his chin on his fisted palm, staring out at the tree line he’d just come from. Wondering how long it would be before Bane manned up and did right by Janie. He knew Bane was hurt and afraid of being rejected again, but at least he had a chance with his Ever. Bam knew he never would. He just didn't see himself all warm and glowing golden in his mind’s eye, like he could see the others when he thought about them. He knew that meant they were bonded, happy and mated, or at least would be one day. Even the human mates glowed a little bit golden when he watched them meet their mates in real life. It’s how he knew they went together. But when he thought about himself, he was cold and still, no glow in his mind’s eye, so he figured that meant that he’d been born without a Mate. He just wasn't enough to warrant one. But Bane did have one. And if he had to, he’d march right back out there and whip his little brother’s ass if necessary, in order to make him take that risk.

  “Where’s our girl?” Mav asked him.

  Bam didn’t turn around to look at him. But he answered low and deadly. “She’s not our girl. She’s Bane’s girl. My sister.” Then he turned to glare at Mav, “Your nothing.”

  Mav’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline, and he tried desperately to stifle the grin that he knew would just piss off Bam more. “Bam, dude, you know I was just playing around. I would never touch any of your women. I just wanted you to take her out to Bane since he obviously wasn’t where he was needed most. I figured you’d do just that if I flirted with her a little.” Bam just lowered his eyebrows and looked at him. “Truth, dude! I swear!” Mav told him, his right hand in the air and his left over his heart. Bam watched him for another few seconds before answering, “Fine,” and turning back around to watch the tree line.

  “I left her in the clearing by the creek,” he finally said, to no one in particular.

  “Alone?” Avaleigh shrieked at him. Sitting upright in Daniel’s lap, “You left her alone?”

  “Not exactly, Ave. Bane was up there following us around. I kept waiting for him to talk to her. But he didn’t. So I walked away and left him there with her, so he’d have to talk to her.”

  Kaid leaned forward, arms on his thighs, “You sure he’s up there, Bam? She doesn't know this property like we do, we can’t leave her lost.”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I called him a bad name before I left and pushed him into a tree. I know he’s there.”

  Daniel snorted, “You called him a bad name and pushed him into a tree? Bam, you wouldn't hurt anyone. What the hell happened?”

  Bam kept staring at the tree line, “He wasn’t coming to talk to her. He was just following, hiding,” he dropped his head, “so I pushed him into the tree with my chest, and I called him a name. Do you think he’s really, really mad?” He turned to look at Kaid as he asked.

  “Naw, Man. He knows it’s because you want the best for him. He won’t be mad.”

  Mav couldn’t leave it alone, though. “What did you call him?”

  Bam turned back around to watch the trees for any sign of Bane and Janie.

  “Bam!” Mav prodded.

  “I called him the P word, Okay! I heard his Bear cal
l him a P word, so I told him his Bear was right, he was a P word!”

  Kaid was taking a drink of his beer when Bam elaborated, and he just about spit the beer all the way across the porch.

  “I know, it’s pretty bad, huh?” Bam asked looking to Kaid.

  “No, it’s fine, Bam. He was being a pussy. But you heard his Bear call him a pussy? Is that what you said?” Kaid asked him, cocking his head to the side a little like a confused animal would.

  Bam realized then what he’d admitted. He was wringing his hands when he answered quietly, “Yeah. That’s what I said. Sometimes I can hear your animals. They talk to me sometimes. And other times they just show me feelings.”

  Kaid looked at him for a minute, things starting to make sense now. “That’s how you know what we’re feeling, even when we don’t talk about it. You always know what we need. That’s how isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” he barely whispered, “Is that okay?”

  “It’s fine, Bam,” Kaid reassured him, leaning forward to reach out and place his hand on Bam’s shoulder. “For how long?” he finally asked.

  “How long what?”

  “How long have you been able to do this, to feel what our animals are feeling?” Kaid asked.

  “For always.” He shrugged, “Always been able to. It’s why I was asking Avaleigh all the time if she was okay. How she felt. If she was going to stay. She doesn’t have an animal for me to talk to. So I didn’t know what to do to make her feel better. The same with Janie. She don’t have an animal to feel. I don’t know if she’s okay or not. It confuses me.”

  Avaleigh got up and took a seat beside him, wrapping her arm around his massive shoulder. “That is so amazing, Bam. What a gift God has given you.” He smiled at her, though unbelievingly. “Naw, Avaleigh. I’m just stupid ole Bam.”

  Avaleigh was getting upset, “You are NOT stupid, Bam. You will not say that again!”

  Before Bam could answer Avaleigh, Daniel spoke.

  “My people call you a Healer, Bam. People with your gift are able to soothe our beasts, help us maintain control. Let us know what our beasts need when we are unable to tell. You keep balance and harmony within the clan and within each of us. Healers are very rare. It is a position of great honor, Bam. You are to be much revered.”

  Bam just looked at Daniel with his mouth hanging open, absorbing every word of praise that Daniel had to offer.

  “It explains everything now, why everyone is drawn to you. How you are able to know just what to say to each of us when we are in need. How you have the ability to soothe each and every one of us. You have the soul of a Healer, my brother. You and your Bear are so, so unique, Bam,” Daniel grinned at him as he finished.

  Bam was embarrassed by the praise and hung his head to avoid looking the Dragon in the eye, but was smiling in spite of himself. He sat there for a few moments, then very softly said, “I always thought there was something wrong with me. I kept it a secret, so nobody would make fun of me, or make me go away and be by myself. I never even told Bane. I was afraid he would look at me different.”

  Avaleigh took his head in her hands and made him look at her, “You will never be alone! As long as I breathe, you will not be alone! And if anybody ever makes fun of you, I will personally kick their ass myself! And if I can’t, I know a certain Dragon that will do pretty much whatever I ask.” Daniel’s Dragon chuffed at her lovingly, puffing a little smoke into the air.

  Bam hugged her tight with a huge smile on his face, “Love you, Avaleigh.”

  “Love you too, Bam.”

  “Bam, it’s okay for all of us to know, and you can talk to any of us about it anytime you want. It’s fucking awesome! But I think it would be best if you kept this just in our clan. Don’t tell any other shifters, okay. We just don’t know how they would react, it’s for your safety and ours. Understand?” Kaid asked.

  Bam nodded, “Okay, Kaid. I understand.”

  Goldy and Sadie came around the side of the house and joined them on the porch. Sadie looked around, noticing immediately that Janie wasn’t with Bam. “Did you find Bane? Is that where Janie is?” she asked, looking pointedly at Bam.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he told her. “I left her up near our creek,” he looked guiltily at Kaid before glancing down when he said, “with Bane.” They all knew now that ‘with Bane’ was a matter of geography and didn’t actually mean with Bane.

  “We’re going to give them a little more time and if they don’t come down, I’ll go up after her, Sadie,” Kaid told her.

  She nodded, smiling at him in thanks, as she took the seat that Goldy indicated for her. “I’ve been showing Sadie around a little,” Goldy told them. He looked at Kaid, “I was telling her that we have plenty of room if she’d like to stay here with us. I mean, if Janie is going to mate Bane, then Sadie would be all on her own in town there, and it’s just not necessary. She could stay here with us and be near Janie, too. Don’t you think, Kaid?”

  Kaid was grinning at Goldy as he spoke, tempted to tease him a little bit with the question he was so obviously asking. Permission for Sadie to stay here with them. And he wanted Kaid to do the asking, because it was far too soon for Goldy to make his intentions toward Sadie known. She’d been through hell and back with her now dead, abusive husband, and she was going to need time to heal before she would be ready for anything like that.

  “Sadie, Goldy’s right. I wouldn’t feel right about you being in town all alone. I’m sure that things will be fine between Bane and Janie. They’ll be moving into their own home before too long. We have more than enough room here, and we’d love to have you.”

  Avaleigh joined in on the sales pitch, “Yes, and now that I have Daniel, I don’t have as much time to devote to the guys. I try to cook all their dinners, and do as much laundry and cleaning and all as I can, but it’s hard to keep up. Not that I have to, but I like to take care of them. And I could really use a hand. Plus, Janie will be here, and you’ll want to be near her, too, won’t you?”

  “Well, yes, I would like to be near Janie. And all of you have been so nice to me, but I don’t want to impose.”

  “You ain't imposing none, Sadie-girl. Janie’s family and that makes you family.”

  She smiled warmly at Goldy, “Thank you, Goldy. You have been so wonderful and supportive.”

  He grinned, and then the big man actually blushed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  “Well, I really don’t like the idea of going back to that house. It just holds so much sorrow,” she whispered.

  “Then it’s settled, you’ll stay here with us. We’ll work out the details later. And don’t feel like you have to clean up or cook. Avaleigh just likes to take care of us. It don’t mean you have to, too,” Kaid told her.

  “Oh, but I’d like to. I love to cook, and I’d really like to help out, if you don’t mind.”

  Kaid smiled gently at her, “Whatever you’re happy with is fine with us. You could just hang out and keep us company, and we’d be just as happy.”

  Kaid watched Goldy, the man was so happy at hearing that Sadie would stay with them. Kaid was happy for him. Truly happy for this man who had thought he would never have a Mate. It seemed that Mates were showing up for most of his clan lately. And he was thankful. But he couldn't help but wonder why his hadn’t made an appearance. Maybe he was the one that would end up alone, Mate-less. Just going through life alone, trying not to be a burden to his family.

  He realized suddenly that Bam was standing there, almost shoulder-to-shoulder with him as he watched Goldy. He turned to look at Bam, and Bam wrapped him in a huge bear hug, no pun intended. “She’s coming, Kaid. Just hold on a little longer.” Kaid froze and pulled away from Bam to be able to look him in the eye. Bam was smiling at him, a huge genuine smile, “I promise. I can feel her,” and he nodded his head to emphasize his point, clapped Kaid on the back and went back to retake his seat on the steps.

  Kaid looked around to see if anybody else heard and immediately caught Avale
igh's eyes. She was smiling at him, with tears in her eyes. “I told you she was out there. We just didn’t know Bam could feel her, or I’d have asked him a long time ago. I’m so happy for you, Kaid,” and she threw herself into his arms. He grinned while he hugged her, not missing the huff that Daniel’s Dragon puffed at his female throwing herself into their Alpha’s arms, “She’s not here yet, Ave. And just because Bam feels her, doesn’t mean that she’ll find me.”

  “Yes, it does, too!” Bam assured him. “She’s coming, Kaid.” He grinned and turned his attention back to the tree line just as movement from the trees started to become apparent.

  “I’ll be a sonofabitch,” Mav muttered.

  They all turned their attention to where Mav looked. And there, coming out of the trees was a huge-ass black Bear, lumbering toward them with a big goofy grin on his face, and Janie astride his back, kicking her heels into his haunches as she would a horse that was moving too slowly. They all watched as she leaned forward and hugged her arms around his thick neck from behind and rubbed her face into his fur. Which made the Bear grin even bigger. Sadie reached out, smiling, and clutched Goldy’s forearm at the sight of her happy, laughing daughter riding in on her Bear. “She’s so happy,” Sadie whispered. By the time they made it to the porch, Kaid and the rest of the clan had all scented her and knew that they’d completed their mating. She was clan, family now. Kaid led the way down the stairs to where Bane’s Bear stopped to allow Janie to climb down from his back. Kaid wrapped her in a hug, “Welcome to the family, Janie.” Avaleigh wrapped her up right after, “I’ve always wanted a sister!” she told her.


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