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Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1)

Page 27

by K. J. Dahlen

  Wiley dropped to the floor like a stone.

  She stood there for a moment, her breathing deep, her chest heaving. The rage inside her was leaving. She glared at him. “I told you not to fucking touch me.”

  Deke watched stunned at the swiftness of her attack. Wiley was a man twice her size and a hell of a lot stronger than she was. But she had taken him on and defeated him as sure as she claimed she would.

  Peaches reached out to her and grabbing her hands she whispered, “You’d better run before they kill you.”

  Cassie lifted her hand to Peaches’ cheek. “I don’t run, remember?” She turned to Deke and squared her shoulders. “I didn’t come here to make trouble, not for you, not for anyone. I told that bastard not to touch me but he didn’t listen. All I wanted to do was find my friend and make sure she was all right. That’s all I wanted.”

  “You realize the kind of trouble you’re in now, don’t you?” Deke asked her. “We can’t let it be known that a woman took out our Sergeant at Arms. That just wouldn’t look good.”

  Cassie sighed. “So what are my options here? If you promise not to hurt Peaches, I’ll do what you say. I didn’t start this thing but as I have no choice, I will honor whatever you decide my punishment should be for as long as I chose.”

  Deke thought for a moment then suggested, “You become property of the club.”

  Cassie frowned. “I will not become a whore.”

  “You will become whatever I tell you, you are,” Deke reminded her.

  Cassie stared at him for a moment before she declared, “You sir, are a fucking bastard. A rotten, fucking, cock sucking bastard.”

  Deke moved to stand in front of her. Raising his hand, he struck her across the face.

  Cassie swayed but didn’t move. Tears formed but she wouldn’t allow them to escape.

  Deke glared at her for a minute then turned to Peaches. “Don’t you have work to do?”

  Peaches nodded and left the room in a hurry.

  Deke motioned for his men to leave.

  Jack and Jared helped Wiley to his feet and they lumbered out.

  Deke then walked over to the door, closing it behind them.

  Cassie heard the snap as he locked the door.


  Deke leaned against the door and watched her. “What do you have against people touching you?” he finally asked.

  “I don’t like it.”


  Cassie shrugged. “I just don’t that’s all. If you grew up like I did, you wouldn’t like it either.”

  “Is this where I hear about your rotten childhood?” he asked with a roll of his eyes. “If so, please skip it. I’ve lived it, I know it by heart.”

  “Then you know how it is. There are some things you just don’t put up with from other people.”

  “I should probably warn you, when we get to the clubhouse you’re going to have one very pissed off old lady after you when she sees what you’ve done to Wiley.”

  Cassie shrugged. “She’ll get over it.”

  “Aren’t you afraid of anything?”

  Cassie raised her eyes to his. “If you let the fear take you, it wins and you lose. I try not to lose.”

  He studied her for a long moment. “Let’s go get your stuff and get you settled,” Deke finally said. “I’ve got business to deal with.” He opened the door and ushered her through it. As they made their way through the dance hall, he told her to wait for him. He then walked over to his vice president Gator and said, “You need to talk to Peaches. Get any and all information from her that you can about Cassie. Don’t hurt her, just ask her about her friend. Then bring her to the clubhouse later.”

  Gator nodded then had to ask, “Did she really take Wiley down?”

  Deke nodded. “Yep she did and faster than anyone I’ve ever seen. She’s got this thing about being touched.”

  “Yeah, I heard from the other boys about that.” Gator chuckled. “I’ll see what I can find out from Peaches and let you know.”

  “You do that.” Deke didn’t look amused as he answered and walked away.

  They walked out into the sunlight and Cassie brought her hand up to shade her eyes. Going to where she parked her jeep, she got in and waited while Deke went to his bike. When she heard his engine start up, she drove back to the motel.

  When they arrived, she went to her room. She didn’t seem to care if he followed her or not and he stayed right behind her as she opened her door. Without another word, she began packing up her things. When she was done, she carried her suitcase out to her jeep and waited. “I have to follow you to wherever it is you’re taking me.”

  Deke stared at her for a moment and had to wonder if this was the smart thing to do. She owed him for her actions but he knew the club could be hard for an outsider. She wasn’t used to being in a biker’s club and it wasn’t for everyone. There was also the backlash that would come from the old ladies about the beatings today. He shrugged. “Follow me and try not to get lost. I will chase your ass down.”

  Cassie glared at him. “You could try.” Reaching over, she turned the key and started her engine.

  ~* * * *~

  When Deke pulled out of the parking lot, she followed him all the way to the outskirts of town and turning left, they traveled another couple of miles to a compound. There were several buildings behind a chain link and razor topped fence. Someone opened the front gate and she followed him inside. Turning the jeep off, she watched as a young man closed the gate behind them.

  Then she felt Deke beside her. He grabbed her suitcase and led her inside the main building.

  The inside was clean as she walked in. The floors were scrubbed and the walls were painted an off white color. To the left of the main doors was a huge kitchen and she could see several women standing there staring back at her.

  To the right of the doors were tables, sofas and chairs. Several rather large men sat around and they too were staring at her. In front of the doors on the opposite wall was a long bar with row after row of bottles of alcohol and a couple of beer kegs.

  Deke didn’t say a word as he walked down the hall to the back of the main floor. He opened a door and she walked in.

  It was a good sized room with a big bed and dresser. The walls had shelves filled with motorcycle parts and books. Off to the left was another door and when she opened it she could see a bathroom. There was a closet filled with men’s clothes.

  She turned to study Deke. “Whose room is this?”

  “It’s my room and you’ll be sleeping here.” He leaned against the door and waited for her to say something. He didn’t wait very long.

  “I will not be a whore. Not for you or anyone else.”

  “I remember something along those lines but I also remember telling you that you would become whatever I said you would be.” Deke crossed his arms over his wide chest. “You told me you would honor the option the club made for you. Or is your word no good here?”

  Cassie gritted her teeth. She’d always kept her promises. Her honor was all she had. “You’re nothing more than a bully and a bastard.”

  Deke nodded. “Yes I am, but I’m also so much more than that.” He held out his large hand. “I’ll let you get settled in. I’ll take the keys to your jeep now.”

  Cassie handed her keys over and moved over to the window. She didn’t want him to see the fear in her eyes as she suddenly realized what her life had become. She heard the door close behind him and the snap of the lock as the tumblers turned. She took the blanket off the bed and went to the far corner of the room. Putting the blanket around her shoulders, she sat down on the floor and brought her knees to her chest. Remembering the past, she felt the heat leave her body and soon, she was shivering from the coldness that came from her memories.

  ~* * * *~

  Deke made his way out to the main room and walked over to the bar. He nodded to the man behind it and accepted the glass of whiskey
he was given. He was joined shortly by one of the women from the kitchen.

  It was Wiley’s old lady, Connie. “They brought Wiley home in the van. Someone beat the shit out of him and I want to know who did it.”

  Deke turned and stared at her. “What did Wiley tell you?”

  “Wiley has busted balls, a broken nose and a bruise on his jaw.” She seethed. “He told me some bitch tore him up but I don’t believe that for a minute. No woman could do all that to someone his size.”

  Deke raised his glass to his lips. Taking a good swig, he let the liquor burn his throat and then he answered, “I didn’t think so either but it happened. I was there when she did it.”

  Connie stared at him in shock. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  Deke shook his head. The clubhouse was filling up and everyone was taking note of their conversation. Deke looked around at everyone and said, “I strongly suggest you all keep your distance from the woman that just came in here. Cassie will protect herself and she won’t care if you’re female or male. She will take you down. She hates to be touched as Wiley, Jack and Jared found out earlier. I suggest for at least the time being, you all give her plenty of space.”

  “I’ll give her the back of my hand.” Connie growled.

  “Connie, don’t do it. I’d hate to see your pretty face all bruised up,” Deke told her.

  “She really took down three of us?” Killian asked in a hushed voice from behind the bar.

  He nodded. “For now, don’t push her and for god’s sake, don’t touch her. It sets her off.”

  The main doors opened and Deke watched as Gator came inside. He then followed his VP down the hall and into his office. Closing the door behind them, Deke poured them both another drink. Looking at his second in charge he asked, “Well, what did you find out?”

  Gator slammed the drink down and reached for the bottle. “Peaches told me very little. She said her name was Cassie and that they had gone through the foster system together. She said they both were ten years old when some bastard tried to rape her. Peaches that is, not Cassie. Cassie killed the man and they ran away together. They survived because of Cassie. They grew up on the streets and it wasn’t easy. Cassie always promised to keep Peaches safe and until three months ago, she had.”

  Deke stared off into space for a moment then asked, “What happened three months ago?”

  Gator snorted then poured himself and Deke another shot. “Some lowlife snatched Peaches off the street. He took her to a whorehouse and sold her to Big Jimmy. Big Jimmy used her until she got injured, then threw her out into the street. She heard about the dancehall and when she got better, she came looking for a job.”

  “What was wrong with her?” Deke asked.

  “Some lowlife stabbed her when he was fucking her. She said she thought she was gonna die. Big Jimmy just dumped her along the highway. The next morning, she was found and taken to the hospital. She wouldn’t tell them her name or what happened to her. When they patched her up, Peaches said she took off. She managed to find a place to hide until she was well enough to come here.”

  “What about Cassie? Did she say any more about her?”

  Gator shook his head. “She said she wouldn’t talk about her to anyone. She said if you want to know, you’ll have to ask Cassie.”

  “Put a couple of guys on Peaches. I don’t want anything to happen to her. If Big Jimmy knows where she’s at, he might come looking for her.”

  Gator nodded. “What are you gonna do with the little Spitfire?”

  Deke paused at the moniker, then he shrugged his wide shoulders. “I haven’t made up my mind yet on that one. For now, I’ve warned everyone to steer clear of her. “

  Gator grinned. “Yeah, I heard she can be a hellcat.”

  Deke laughed. “You have no idea.” He shook his head. “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believe it. She took Wiley down the hard way…in about three seconds flat.”

  “Yeah, Peaches did mention Cassie don’t like to be touched.”

  “She did warn him. Once at the motel and once in my office. I just never thought for a moment, she would do it with all of us standing there.”

  “I also hear she’s got a mouth on her that won’t quit.” Gator kept grinning at his friend.

  Deke stared at him for a moment then asked, “How many men do you know that would call me a jackass and live to tell about it?” He rubbed the side of his face remembering the slap she’d given him earlier.

  Gator kept grinning as he poured them another drink raised his glass and silently saluted the woman down the hall.

  ~* * * *~

  Hours later, Deke unlocked the door to his room and went inside. He looked over at the bed but saw it was empty. Panicking for a moment, he snapped on the light. When he found her sitting in the corner, he shut the door and locked it again. Pushing the key into his pocket, he moved over to where she was sitting. “Are you okay?” he asked as he squatted down beside her. He didn’t touch her but he knew she was aware of his presence.

  Cassie raised her head and those intense green eyes of hers stared at him for a moment. Nodding her head, she lowered it back down on her knees.

  Deke was strangely affected by the look in her eyes. So full of hurt and bewilderment, they made him feel like she’d given up hope. He moved over to the bed and began undressing. When he was naked, he walked over and turned off the light. He slept in the raw, always had. Just as long as his gun was within reach, then he would be able to chill. Settling in the big king size bed, he told her, “You can sleep here with me. I won’t bother you tonight.”

  She didn’t respond and Deke slowly settled in for some sleep. He thought he heard her crying but the sounds were too soft to hear clearly. He knew he wouldn’t bother her. He wanted for some reason he couldn’t define to give her a feeling she could trust him. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

  ~* * * *~

  It was like that for the next few days. Every morning, Deke got up and went to work, while Cassie stayed at the clubhouse. Every night, she slept in the corner while he slept in the bed. No one bothered her and she didn’t bother them. She spent her day watching everything that went on around her. Her nights were spent sleeping in his room but she was still all alone.

  The fourth night, found Cassie sitting in the same corner of the room. She sat there for a while, softly weeping. When she heard him begin to snore, she got up and went over to the bed. Staring down at him, she marveled at the sight of him. He was bigger than most men she knew and stronger. His chest and arms were rock solid. In the moonlight, she could see many patches of black on his skin. She couldn’t make out what the tattoos were but she could see he had them.

  She was tired of being alone and studied him as he slept. His face looked softer than it did when he was awake and she could make out the shape of his eyes and nose. His lips looked softer too, and she wondered how they would feel on her skin if he kissed her.

  Cassie thought about that. She didn’t know much about love, never having experienced it before. After what happened to Peaches when they were ten, she made sure no one ever touched her that way. She had always protected herself and Peaches up until three months ago. Then when she learned a few weeks ago what happened to her friend she had paid Big Jimmy a visit.

  When he saw her, he told her she could take Peaches’ place in his stable and when she said no, he hadn’t believed her. He too, learned the hard way she didn’t like to be touched and it was a lesson she knew he would never forget.

  She sat down on the bed.

  Deke opened his eyes and saw her sitting there. Then turned his back to her.

  Cassie felt him turn away but she was too tired to think anymore. Life had beaten her down and she needed some rest. Wrapping the blanket around her shoulders, she laid on top of the blankets next to him on the large bed and closed her eyes. Sleep took her and a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

  ~* * * *~
  Deke waited for a while then turned very carefully. He saw the tears on her cheeks and closing his eyes he went back to sleep. He hoped the morning would be better. He didn’t believe for a moment that tears were Cassie’s way to deal with anything life had to offer.

  A few hours later, just as the dawn was breaking Deke felt something soft and gentle touch his skin. At first, he wasn’t sure what it was. Then he felt it again. He opened his eyes slightly and found himself staring into bright green eyes. It was her fingers touching his face. He watched as she ran her hands along his jaw.

  She hesitated to touch him any further and then she touched his lips.

  Her soft hands barely touched him but he felt the burn of her tiny hands as she outlined his lips. “I thought you didn’t like to be touched?” he whispered.

  “You aren’t touching me, I’m touching you.” Staring at him she asked, “Can I kiss you?”

  Deke felt surprised but he nodded. Ever so softly, she leaned toward him. He waited as she stared at his lips then she came even closer. Her lips touched his hesitantly. It raised his curiosity. It was as if she’d never kissed anyone before. He waited while she explored his lips with hers. When she got bolder, he opened his mouth and let her tongue thrust inside.

  She moaned at her own actions.

  The kiss was getting hotter but Deke didn’t move to touch her. He let her kiss him. He groaned as her hands cupped his face. Her lips began kissing his chin, working their way to his neck and chest.

  When she suddenly stopped and pushed herself off him, she stared at him. “Was that okay?”

  Deke swallowed and stared back at her. “Was what okay?”

  “The kiss. I’ve never done that before, so I didn’t know what to do.”

  Deke frowned. “What do you mean never before?”


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