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The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1)

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by William Roach

  With the way she was dressed and the way she looked Megan didn’t see how any man could say no to her. The western shirt partly unbuttoned with no bra, the short cutoffs, her cowgirl boots and the white Stetson on her pony-tailed head was a picture for a glamour magazine.

  Tracy started over to her and Turk stopped him. “Tracy she has to learn to do this for herself.”

  Turk spoke up, “If you don’t want to go, I don’t care but we have to leave. The sun is coming up and it is a long ride.”

  Macy stormed into the house while Turk watched her wiggling butt. She was really hot in those shorts and Turk liked what he saw.

  Turk could hear shouting in the house as Macy tried to convince her Aunt that she shouldn’t go.

  He smiled to the other men.

  “She is wasting her breath. She should be out any second.”

  Sure enough the door flew open and Macy came storming out.

  She stomped over to her horse and jumped for the saddle horn.

  Her foot missed the stirrup and she hit her face on the saddle. She fell to the ground with her lip bleeding.

  The men busted out laughing. She got up and tried again to no avail.

  Macy’s face turned bright red and tears formed in her eyes as blood trickled down her chin. She looked over at Turk with a helpless look in her eyes. She couldn’t understand why he was treating her like that. He had been so nice to her in the corral yesterday.

  Turk seeing that she had blood running down her chin from her lip walked over to her.

  “Macy, I showed you how to do this yesterday now grab the saddle horn.”

  She reached up and got the saddle horn in one hand.

  He placed her foot in the stirrup and put his hands on her upper thigh to push her up. She didn’t like his hand on her the back of her upper thigh. She was hoping he was going to pick her up like he did yesterday.

  His fingers accidentally slipped under the leg of the shorts onto the bare skin of her cheek. Immediately it frightened and shocked Macy.

  She slapped him from a natural reaction to where his hand was.

  He let go of her and she fell off the horse again this time hurting her arm on the stirrup.

  Turk looked down at her tear soaked face and said, “I tried to help you and I get slapped. Well you little bitch you can figure out how to get on that nag all by yourself. We’re leaving with or without you.”

  She sat there for a minute with dirt on her leg and the back of her shorts completely overwhelmed.

  He walked over to his horse and mounted him in one slick motion and rode out of the stables. The guilt hit him right away as he realized what he had just done. Here he was mistreating a beautiful helpless girl.

  She doesn’t have any experience riding horses so why was he being so mean to her.

  He hardly felt her slap but he had to be a big man in front of the other hands. He didn’t want them to think he was kissing her butt when they all knew that he hated her.

  By this time the other men could hardly stay in the saddle, they were laughing so hard at what Turk was doing to her.

  Macy sat on the ground crying while she watched Turk leaving.

  He glanced back at her one time but he didn’t turn around even though he wanted to. He wanted so bad to turn around and pick her up. He wanted to set her on her horse softly but his ego just wouldn’t let him do it.

  Megan led her horse over to Macy and said, “Macy take the horse over to the fence and climb on from there.

  “What I ought to do is go in the house, pack my clothes and go back to civilization. This land is full of barbarians. At least in Boston a man knows how to treat a lady. I refuse to be treated like this no matter how bad Aunt Maude wants me to go with that bastard.”

  Megan looked in her tear flooded eyes and she knew Macy meant every word of it.

  “Macy, please don’t do that. I don’t want you to leave. I will help you and I want let Turk give you a hard time.”

  Macy by this time had tears streaming down her face again.

  “Megan the only reason I agreed to come out here in the first place was to get a little peace and quiet so I could relax. I would have been better off staying at home where I belong. I don’t belong out here, I know nothing about the ranch and Turk. I really don’t want to know anything about either one. If Turk does one more thing to me I am out of here. I am not going to be treated like this by no man. I have a good man in Boston that would love to have me in his arms right now. He would never treat me bad.”

  Macy thought of Turk as a real jack ass and she didn’t even want to be nowhere near him much less riding out to no telling where.

  She could be on the golf course or playing a few rounds of tennis with Beth instead of having to put up with anyone like Turk.

  Macy didn’t realize that most of Turk’s actions were for the other men’s sake. He didn’t want them to think he was bowing down to her. She embarrassed him when she slapped him in front of the men. He wasn’t mad about the slap. Women had slapped him a lot harder. He just didn’t want anyone doing that in front of his men. It probably had a lot to do with his age and maturity.

  They would tease him about being afraid of her if he hadn’t reacted and he wasn’t about to let them do that.

  Macy stood up, brushed the dirt off, took the reins and led the horse to the fence. She climbed a couple rungs of the fence and easily mounted Sam.

  By this time everyone was out of the gate and half way across the field.

  She was hesitant about going after them. She could climb off the horse and go in the house. She knew her aunt would protest but she really didn’t care.

  Megan kept looking back to see if she was coming.

  Macy sat on the horse in the stables trying to make up her mind if she was going to go with them are go in the house and start packing to go home. She watched the others just about to disappear over the horizon.

  She dug her heels in the horse and it took off in a full gallop making her hold on to the horn to keep from falling off backwards.

  She could see Megan up ahead riding along beside Turk.

  Megan was talking to him, “You big idiot. What are you trying to do? She probably went back in the house and packed her clothes.

  She was in the stables crying her eyes out. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  She hasn’t ever done anything like this so you should be trying to teach her instead of letting her hurt herself trying to get on the stupid horse.

  You wait till I tell mom how you acted. She will have Buck running this operation instead of you.

  You need to grow up and be a man for once instead of trying to show off in front of your buddies.

  She is nice if you would take the time to get to know her.”

  “Megan she slapped me in front of the men. I couldn’t let her get away with that.”

  “Dumbo she is a lot smaller then you and she is trying to get over losing her parents so you better change your attitude or I am going to slap you in front of the men. I’ll even kick your ass in front of them if you would rather. You know I can do it. I have done it before.”

  “Megan you don’t have to get mad at me. I just don’t like her. I want her to go home. She can’t run her own life much less something this big.”

  “Aunt Maude hasn’t told her what she has planned for her so Macy just thinks everyone is being mean to her.

  She doesn’t want to be here anymore than you want her here.

  I would say by the time we get back in a couple days she is going to be gone.

  Mom is going to run you off if she finds out you are the cause of her leaving and I am going to make sure of it. Now why don’t you try to be a gentleman for once in your life?”

  “What do you mean Megan?”

  “Try being friends with her. She damn sure needs a friend. Her feelings are very fragile and she thinks everyone hates her.

  You know if she went back in the house with her lip bleeding and tells Mom how you treate
d her you will be the one leaving.”

  “I’ll try a little harder to be patient with her but if she slaps me again I might knock her head off.”

  “Turk you know you wouldn’t do that. You have never hit a girl and you aren’t going to start now.”

  “Yea but something about her just pisses me off.”

  In just a few minutes Macy came riding up between Megan and Turk. As she rode by she drew back and hit Turk in the back of the head as hard as she could, throwing him forward and knocking his hat off. She turned her horse around and took off in the other direction. It took Turk a second to get his bearings and realize what she had done. He immediately started turning his horse around to chase her. His eyes were set on her and his jaw was clamped. Megan knew Macy was in trouble. She reached and grabbed Turks reins before he could take off after Macy.

  “Turk you deserved that for the way you have been treating her. I’m glad to see you got her mad enough to fight back.”

  Turk stopped his horse and got off to pick up his hat. He looked at Macy holding her horse back at a safe distance. He tried to give her one of his glaring intimidating looks, but as hard as he tried not to a smile started invading his face. He couldn’t help it the way she was looking at him in shear panic hoping if he came after her she could make it to the ranch before he caught her.

  Finally he hollered, “Come on Macy. You are holding us up. He got back on his horse and continued on his way.

  Megan rode back to meet Macy.

  “Damn girl, you about knocked the shit out of him. He deserved that.”

  “He’s going to kill me now isn’t he?”

  “No he’s not going to touch you.”

  Macy eased her horse forward but she kept her distance in back of everyone else. She wanted to have a little chance if Turk decided to come after her.

  Megan stayed right along beside her.

  Her lip was swollen a little and her eyes were still red from crying.

  She was so happy Macy had decided to go with him instead of going in the house. She didn’t want Turk to get in so much trouble with their mom that she would run him off and break up the family.

  “Are you ok Macy?”

  “Yea but my lip hurts and I think I sprained my wrist on the back of his head.”

  “When we stop I will doctor it for you?”

  “Megan I have never been so embarrassed in all my life. Turk likes to bully women doesn’t he?”

  “No he doesn’t Macy usually he gets plumb sickening over a pretty woman. I don’t know why he is treating you like that.”

  “Well he better stop it. I have just about taken all I am going to off him. I can make one phone call and have him locked up so he better cut it out.”

  “Macy I don’t know who you would call but Mom has a lot of pull around here.”

  “Don’t you worry? I have a lot of pull to. How many of these stupid trips have you been on?”

  “A bunch, I love getting out on the range where the air is fresh and the sky is crystal clear. The men are so great. They love to fool around and pick on you.

  You have to have thick skin around them. Show them that you can take anything they try to dish out.

  Soon they realize they can’t get to you and they will leave you alone.

  “Megan they better leave me alone. I don’t put up with that kind of thing. I don’t have thick skin. I’ll just turn around and go back to the house.”

  “You know you shouldn’t have slapped Turk at the stables. He was just trying to help you get on your horse.”

  “What do you mean? He stuck his hand in my pants.”

  He wasn’t having a kinky moment, especially in front of the guys. They would tease him unmercifully.”

  “Well he was just trying to get a cheap thrill by grabbing my butt. I had no idea that he was going to put his hand there and push me up on the horse. His fingers slid inside my shorts almost sliding into a very private place. I don’t allow any man to put his hands on me in that area.”

  “Macy he might be a flirt but he wouldn’t touch you on purpose unless you want him to. Honest he is not that type of guy.

  What you need to do is apologize to him. I think in his own way he would like to be your friend even though he may not act like it around the guys. You have to lay off him and quit pushing his buttons. He’s really a nice guy if you get to know him.”

  Macy sat back on her saddle while she looked forward in Turk’s direction. “There is no way I am going to apologize to him,” she thought to herself.

  “You know they ought to have named him, excuse my language, Turd instead of Turk. He acts like a real ass hole and somebody need to take him out and beat his ass real good. I think he should apologize to me. I didn’t do anything that a decent self-respecting woman wouldn’t do to some one that did that to them.”

  “Macy you know it would mean so much to Mom if you two could get along. She has big plans for you and it all hinges on you and Turk getting along, so why don’t you swallow your pride and go up there and tell him you’re sorry you slapped him.”

  “Look Megan she’s wasting her time making any type plans for me. I’m just here visiting. I do not plan to stay. I have too many responsibilities in Boston. I don’t want anything to do with Turk and I don’t want anything to do with this ranch. You ride up there and tell him to come back and apologize to me.”

  “Macy with that man’s pride you know he is not going to do that.”

  “Macy do it for me and mom. I will be your personal maid or your servant if you will just go up there.”

  “I can’t do it Megan. He might throw me off my horse and beat the crap out of me for hitting him in back of the head a while ago.”

  “Macy just go up there and apologize. It will make the trip so much nicer for me. I don’t want to be in the middle of all your disagreements.”

  “Megan you don’t have to be in the middle of nothing. He just better stay away from me.”

  She didn’t want to do the apologizing but Megan was almost to the point of begging. After all he was the one that touched her in an inappropriate place to start with. She didn’t like him still and she really didn’t want to talk to him. After listening to Megan beg for a while she swallowed her pride and decided to keep peace so she would try to talk to him.

  Finally she kicked her horse and galloped up beside Turk staying at a good distance so he couldn’t grab her. He looked over at her but didn’t speak.

  She watched him ride for a few minutes. She could tell that he was mad at her. His jaw was clenched tight. She wanted so badly to reach over and knock the hell out of him again with his macho attitude. He thought he was some kind of a king or something.

  “Turk I’m sorry I slapped you but I have never let a man put his hands on me between my legs and I am not going to let you get away with it. No I am not gay or anything like that. I was just taught boys better keep their hands off me. It gets me in trouble sometimes but I can keep my respect.”

  Turk looked into her sparkling blue eyes.

  “You just hit me hard enough to hurt my pride anyway. Now when you hit me in the head that hurt. I will have to get you back for that one. You won’t know how or when but I will get you back. I can’t let you get away with hitting on me in front of the guys. I have an image to uphold.”

  “Turk don’t you mean you have your pride to uphold. You can’t let a woman get away with hitting on you.”

  “Look Macy you have got to loosen up if you are ever going to have a chance in Texas. You just have to be a little nicer and stop worrying so much about someone trying to get fresh with you.

  Don’t you worry there are plenty of women out here that would be happy to let a man put his hands on them. So they don’t have to sneak a feel off you.

  Out here we are different. We don’t think or act like those guys in Boston. By the way I’m sorry I called you a bitch. I just let my temper get away from me. I get mad sometimes and I say things I don’t really mean to say.”
  “Well you are not the first guy that ever called me a bitch.”

  He smiled at her while he thought, “I bet every man she has gone out with ends up calling her a bitch.”

  Macy looked into his eyes. “I’m sorry I’ll try to settle down.”

  She almost choked on her apology. She really didn’t think she should be the one apologizing anyway.

  “Listen I have a boyfriend in Boston. As soon as we get back to the ranch I am going to get out of your hair. I’ll go back to him and you will never have to see me again. I don’t know what your mother has up her sleeve but I want no part of it. So you don’t have to worry about me anymore. I won’t be back.”

  He looked at her and thought to himself, “If she has such a good thing with this guy in Boston, what is she doing out here to start with?”

  Macy dropped back and continued riding with Megan.

  “Macy did you apologize to him?”

  “Yes and I think he accepted it. At least he got over being mad at me anyway except for hitting him in the head. He says he is going to get me back for that. I don’t know whether to turn around and take off for the ranch or not. Do you think he is really going to do something to me?

  ”Macy I told you I would look after you and I will. If he tries to do anything to you I will be in his face before he can.”

  “Megan you are going to have to help me get along with him. Turk is totally different from anyone I have been around and I just don’t like him.”

  “Well, all you have to do is relax and go with the flow. He likes to be the boss and he doesn’t like to be bossed around by anyone male or female.”

  “Well I think I made him happy. I told him as soon as we got back to the ranch I was going to leave and he would never see me again. That brought a smile on his face.”

  “That might make him happy but it won’t make me or Mom happy. We want you to stay out here a while and have some fun. We know you have been having a hard time over losing your parents and we are just trying to make it a little easier for you. We had no idea that Turk was going to act like he has been acting toward you. You must have really pushed the wrong buttons when you two first met.


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