The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1)

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The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1) Page 11

by William Roach

  He moved his tongue across hers as the heat between them started to grow.

  “Turk please don’t I love you and I can’t resist you any longer. Don’t take advantage of me please.”

  Passion caressed her body as his tongue worked in her mouth.

  She started meeting his tongue with hers running it into his mouth.

  She felt she was on a trip with no return. She fought off the urge to stop him with all her might.

  He placed his hand on her face and gently slid it around her neck playing with her ear lobe.

  He finally got the courage to place his hand on her leg.

  She gasps but she made no attempt to move it.

  He started moving it lightly up and down her thigh till he reached her panties. He didn’t want to hurt her still chafed legs.

  Macy was breathing harder and harder as she fought off the urge to stop him.

  “Turk, please don’t. Let’s just kiss. I’m not ready. I’ll let you feel me but just don’t go any further.”

  He held his hand there for a moment not moving it.

  Then he slowly slipped his fingers under the elastic band on the leg of the panties till he could feel her soft hair covering her mound. She let him touch anything he wanted to but she wasn’t going to let him go any further.

  She felt just as good as he had visualized on the trail.

  He slid his finger down the “v” of her passion and started rubbing lightly.

  It was sending a tingle all through her body as she laid back and opened her legs wider as her breath started coming in gasp.

  She could feel her wetness as her warm slick lubrication rushed out to meet his fingertips. She started feeling the passion rising as he stroked her softly taking his time.

  He took his index finger and pushed down intending to slip it inside her.

  Those doubts came rushing in her mind canceling out the passion that was building in her groin.

  When she realized what he was about to do she sat up abruptly closing her thighs around his hand.

  “No Turk I‘m not ready for you to go inside me. Please give me a little more time. I have a lot of mental issues to work out before I am ready. This is too big of step for me to take yet.”

  Turk looked at her for a minute breathing hard and starting to shake.

  “You better make up your mind pretty soon, I can’t hold back much longer.”

  He pulled his hand out from under her dress and got in the car.

  Macy had already lain back on the hood to let him continue.

  Macy slid off the hood and straightened her dress.

  She opened the door, got in the car and sat with tears starting to stream down her cheek.

  Her dress had ridden up so high he could see the crotch of her lacy pink bikini panties.

  She didn’t care she was so torn with grief from not letting him go all the way it was ripping her heart out.

  “Turk I am so sorry. I’m just scared. Please don’t be mad at me. I want to do it with you but I have to work it out in my mind. You just need to give me a little time. I wasn’t going to stop you from feeling me.

  I’m afraid if I do it with you and you decide you don’t like me anymore you will dump me and I can never get back to the way I was. I hope you can understand what a big step it is for me.”

  “Macy you were humping me back in the stable this afternoon. You know you want me so what’s the problem?”

  She noticed that his hands were still shaking from getting turned off so fast. She felt sorry for him.

  She tried again to say she was sorry but he wasn’t listening. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

  He showed no reaction.

  Turk cranked the car and drove back to the ranch.

  When they got there she got out and went straight up to her room and closed the door. She lay down on her bed cried her eyes out.

  Megan heard the sounds of sobbing from her room and came over to see what was wrong.

  “Has Turk done something to you?”

  Macy told her the whole story.

  When she had finished they were setting on the bed when they heard his car start again. Macy looked out the window. He took off in a cloud of dust.

  Macy looked at Megan and said, “We have to follow him. I want to make it up to him.”

  They ran down the stairs and out the door. Megan went in the barn and came out in a pickup truck. Macy got in and they headed toward town.

  “Megan I don’t know what is wrong with me.”

  Megan smiled, “The first time was kind of hard for me to. I started a couple times to stop him but I was so consumed in the moment before I knew it he was inside me.

  I just lay back relaxed and enjoyed it.”

  When they got into town they started riding around looking for his car. They didn’t see his car anywhere.

  Megan said, “I bet I know where he is. He went to the Drop-Dead bar to get stinking drunk.

  They drove out to the edge of town where the bar was located. It was a rundown bar that lived up to the name “Honky Tonk.” Megan pulled the truck alongside Turks car.

  “Macy wiped the tears from her eyes. They got out and walked into the bar. It was filled with smoke and stunk of stale beer. The bar was on the left as they walked in and the bar tender looked at them curiously.

  “Megan I don’t want no trouble in here tonight.” The bar tender said as they walked by. Megan held up her hand to him and kept walking. Right away some of the cowboys started trying to hit on them. Megan put them in their place right away.

  It was hard to see inside the bar for the low lighting. A country music band was playing on stage.

  When they were inside for a little while their eyes adjusted to the light.

  Macy spotted Turk setting in a corner booth. He was kissing on Mildred and had his hand inside her dress.

  Macy walked over to him. He realized someone was standing beside him and turned to see who it was.

  Macy drew back and slapped him as hard as she could.

  The blow knocked him back against Mildred. She turned and stormed out of the bar.

  Turk started to get up and go after her but Megan pushed him back in the seat.

  “You dumb ass. You worthless piece of shit. She was coming back to apologize and let you finish what you started with her. Now you’ve lost her you stupid bastard.

  She will never want anything to do with you again. You have blown it royally. I hope you rot in hell. You just stay here with your stupid whore and leave Macy alone. I’m sure you will enjoy your stay building the shack. That range is nice and lonely at night especially without Macy to love on.”

  Mildred slammed her drink down, stood up and said, “You little pig don’t you call me a whore. You have screwed more men in this town than I have.”

  Megan got an angry look on her face and said, “Shut up you stupid bitch before I reach over there and knock your head off.”

  Turk said, “Set down Mildred you know she means what she says. Now get out of here and take that frigid bitch with you before you get arrested again for busting up this place.”

  Megan stomped out the door and drove Macy home cursing under her breath all the way.



  When they got back to the ranch Macy started packing her clothes. Megan protested to no avail.

  Macy felt betrayed and wanted to get out of there as fast as she could. She told Megan she needed a ride to the Train station in the morning.

  Aunt Maude was all upset when she found out that Macy was leaving. She begged her to stay but Macy was to hurt from what Turk had done to her. She didn’t ever want to see his face again.

  “Aunt Maude I never want to see Turks face again. I was a fool to fall in love with an orphan. He is no good and he never will be. I’m going back to Boston where the men are honest and they treat you like a woman should be treated.”

  “Macy I don’t know what happened but I’m sure
Turk would never treat you badly.”

  “Aunt Maude, that so called man was in that bar with his hands in Mildred’s dress and kissing all over her. I could never trust him anymore.”

  “Mom Macy is not telling you all of it. Turk tried to force himself on her. He took off because she turned him down.”

  “Megan I want you to go to that bar right now and tell Turk I want him home right now. When I get through with him he will be setting on a street corner somewhere begging for money. I told him I would not put up with this and I meant it.”

  Megan took off back to the bar. When she got there Turk and Mildred were gone. Megan checked out the motels and Turks favorite parking places but they weren’t there so she drove by Mildred’s house. Turk and Mildred were nowhere to be found.

  She finally drove back to the ranch and told Maude he was nowhere to be found.

  Turk waited till late that night when he knew no one would be awake before he returned to the ranch. He knew everyone would be mad at him and he especially didn’t want to run into his Mother.

  He got up the next morning and took off for the barn before anyone woke up in the house.

  Megan got up early and helped Macy load her baggage in the truck.

  Macy kissed Maude goodbye and they left for the train station.

  As they talked on the way Macy said, “I hope my friends in Boston never find out how I acted out here.

  They will kick me out of the country club.”

  Megan replied, “I would like to visit you some time to see how the rich live in Boston.

  Macy said, “Come anytime you want. My door is always open for relatives except for that sleaze bag Turk I never want to see him again as long I live. I can’t believe I almost let him have sex with me. I must have been out of my mind.”

  When they got to the train station the train was already there. Macy hugged Megan and told her to take care of herself and tell the guys goodbye for her.

  She got on the train and in a few minutes it pulled away from the station.

  Macy looked out the window and waved at Megan standing on the platform. Megan looked like she was losing her best friend.

  When Megan got back to the ranch Turk came out of the barn and went into the house demanding to talk to Macy.

  Megan looked at him and said, “She’s gone you fool. You know if you would have let her take a little time to make up her mind. You sure blew your chances with her and when mom gets through with you, you might as well find a new job and a place to live. She is really pissed.”

  Turk asked, “Where has Macy gone?”

  “She went back to Boston and said she never wanted to see you again as long as she lives.”

  Maude came in the room and told him to get his gear together.

  He had a shack to build and then he was going job hunting.

  “Buck and some of the guys have already hauled all the material there. They will bring you supplies once a week, now get going before I change my mind and run you off.”

  Turk lowered his head and said, “Yes ma’am.”

  He walked out the front door and out to the stable.

  Maude looked at Megan and said, “What’s gotten into that boy. He could have had a beautiful girl and his own ranch and he goes into town one night and blows his whole future on a whore. I’ll never understand him.”

  “Mom, do you think there’s any way we can get Macy to ever come back? I got her to open up to me once we got past that attitude she brought with her. I think she really was starting to like it here.”

  “No dear I would say she is gone for good. She has too much in Boston and nothing here. Our only hope for getting her to stay was Turk and he had to be a jerk.”

  Turk saddled his horse up slowly trying to fight urge to take off after Macy. He wasn’t finished with Macy. She was eating his heart out bit by bit. All his thoughts were of Macy and what he had going with her. She was the best thing that ever came in his life.

  He should have accepted her apology but his bull headiness made him get stupid and go looking for Mildred.

  After Macy had slapped him he took Mildred home and rode around for hours trying to get his head on straight.

  If he really loved Macy he wouldn’t have pushed her to do something she wasn’t ready for.

  Buck told him he would be out in the morning with a load of food for him and the horse.

  Turk turned the horse and headed out onto the range.

  Maude and Megan watched him ride away.

  They started trying to come up with some way to get Macy to come back. Megan was going to miss her as much as Maude was. They knew the only way that even had a chance to get her back out there was to get Turk off the ranch. The only problem they had was there was nothing there for her.

  Turk rode slowly while the thoughts of Macy ran through his head. His heart was aching for her and it hadn’t been a day since she had left. He knew he had pushed her too fast.

  Turk was her first real serious relationship and he had screwed it up just for the conquest of being the first to have her. He should have had enough respect for her to let her decide when and where. She was so much more than just sex to him. He should have realized that.

  All his life he had to be the first and the best at what he did and it has gotten him in trouble more than once. Where was his loving compassion? All these thought ran through his head while he rode out to be by himself for weeks.

  He rode on till he came to the spot where the old cabin once stood.

  Turk pulled his bedroll off the saddle and laid it out on the ground.

  He gathered up some wood and built a fire.

  When the fire was going strong he pulled some jerky out of his saddlebag and started chewing it as the haunting thoughts of her scrambled his brain. He lay on the blanket and looked up into the sky.

  He thought about leaving out for Boston and talking her into forgiving him but he decided she probably wouldn’t see him.

  The first night on the range by himself was lonely. His mind wouldn’t stay off Macy. He finally fell asleep around midnight.

  The next morning he woke up with the sun beating down on him. He pulled some more Jerky out of his saddlebag and ate it for breakfast.

  As soon as he felt he had his strength he started laying out the floor for the cabin.

  The job progressed slowly with only one man building.

  The sun beat down on his bareback making him break out in a sweat right away. The sweat ran down his face as he toiled with the long pieces of lumber cutting and nailing them into place.

  He loved the range but he hated being out there alone.

  This time he laid out for a separate room for Megan. Of course he didn’t know how much longer she would be at the ranch. Everyone knew that she wanted to live in the big city and go to college. As he laid out the room he thought about Macy. She could have been sleeping in there with Megan if she was still there. Then he remembered how good she looked the night she got drunk and got a little wild. He knew he would never get to see her like that again. As he worked and thought about her tears filled his eyes.

  Noontime came and Buck showed up with his food.

  “Well Turk I heard you blew it with Macy. Man you screwed up a good thing. She was the most beautiful woman I have seen around these parts. She would have made you a good wife and she was smart too.”

  Turk stood there staring off in the distance.

  “Buck I know I screwed up. I let my hormones do my thinking instead of my head. I thought I was paying her back for something I did by going in town and seeing Mildred. I didn’t think about what her reaction would be and now I have no one.

  I feel like riding up in the hills and ending it all.”’

  Buck replied, “Now Turk there’s no sense taking drastic measures. You will get over her eventually. Just stay here and keep building. Every nail you hit you can take out your frustrations on them. Don’t do anything stupid.

  You know Megan and your mom depend on you.”

  “I don’t know Buck. Mom is thinking about running me off. I may have to find a new job somewhere. So you know of any ranches that are looking for help?”

  “No I don’t Turk but I am sure you can find work at one of them.”

  Buck built a fire and soon he was cooking eggs and grits. He figured he would give Turk a break and fix his lunch. He knew Turk probably would not eat if he hadn’t fixed it because of the mood he was in.

  Turk finished the meal and went back to work while Buck headed back to the ranch.

  By late afternoon he had finished the floor joist. He had them all nailed together and made sure everything was level. Work was slow on the building. He cut wood with a handsaw and laid out the spacing with a limb he cut to size.

  After three weeks he had enough built so he could sleep on the floor of the cabin with a partial roof over him.

  Macy called her Aunt about once a week to see how everything was going at the ranch.

  She felt guilty for leaving her and destroying her dreams for the ranch.

  She had made it back to Boston with no problems and had gotten a job teaching. She started going out with Michael again. She realized that he was no Turk. He never put his hands on her or tried to take advantage of her.

  The only time he ever kissed her was a quick goodnight kiss.

  Macy grew to miss Turk’s forwardness. Michael was just a little too much of a gentleman for Macy’s liking.

  He had opened his law practice and his business was thriving.

  Each time Maude begged Macy to come back but she refused and said she was trying to get a new life established there.

  She was making trips to New York and Chicago about once a week micro managing her investments. That was the one thing that kept her mind off the ranch. When she dug in deep in her finances it took all her mind and never left room for any other thoughts. Right now she like being totally consumed by business matters.

  She did however agree to come out to the ranch to visit during the holidays. She told her aunt that she and Michael might drive out but she would only come if Turk wasn’t there.

  That was almost a stab in the heart to Maude. She knew if she married Michael she would never see her again.


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