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Flash Series (Book 2): Immune

Page 7

by Gomez, Jessica

  We’re completely wrapped up in each other, but still not close enough. “You have no idea how much I want you right now,” I growl into her ear. There’s one downside to sharing one little cave room with your family. No private time.

  Her breath shudders against my neck, need pouring out of her like a force. “Oh, I think I have a clue.”

  Leaning in, I can’t wait any longer, and I take her mouth with mine. Closing my eyes, I allow my senses to flow and pick up all the emotion flowing out of her, mimicking my own. Tilting her head slightly to deepen the kiss, she moans into my mouth. My tongue chases after it, attempting to pull that sweet noise from her over and over. I slowly lay her down on the bed, enjoying the connection flowing through us.

  Propping myself up on my elbow, I gaze down at her beautiful green eyes. Her lips are red and swollen, and her breathing if fast. “I love you,” I whisper against her lips.

  Her eyes soften, expressing all of her. “I love you, too.”

  I pull her close to me, probably suffocating her, but she doesn’t move away. Kissing her several times, I say, “I’ve wanted you in my arms for as long as I can remember.”

  She smiles against my cheek. “Me too.” I can see her brain working, so I give her a minute, knowing she wants to say more. “I don’t like you going out. The infected are getting worse, and Jeff is still out there. What if he comes back while you’re away?”

  My heart lurches in my chest. “I would never let anything happen.”

  “I don’t doubt that, but what if you’re not here? We need to ready ourselves for winter, and make sure we’re protected from them. Our home needs to become a fortress.” She’s tense, thinking about the what ifs?

  I run my fingers through her golden hair, soothing her. “Mason and Luke will go out again for a quick run before winter. Other than that, we’re prepared. We did well this year in the garden.”

  She relaxes in my arms. Breathing out a sigh, she asks, “What about James?” A trickle of worry wiggles through her.

  I rub her back, silently reassuring her that none of this is her fault. “He’ll come around.” I truly believe he will, but I also know he’ll always look at me differently. “We should get some sleep. We’ll deal with all this as it comes. I’d like to spend tomorrow with my family, find out what you’ve been doing while I’ve been away.”

  She turns over in my arms, facing me. I tap my forehead to hers. “We identified edible plants today. Az will probably like to show you those. She was pretty good with the berries.”

  “I’d love nothing more.” I kiss her forehead, tucking her against me again. “Now, get some sleep, love.”

  She’s here and in my arms—this is home.

  So I can’t understand the sense of dread creeping through her emotions. Something’s coming, a texture in the atmosphere that’s warning me, causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand out. My only concern now is, will I be able to protect them from whatever’s coming?


  The sun shines directly over my face. Turning over to avoid the intrusion, I bury my face into Lillie’s neck, savoring the feel of her warm skin against mine.

  My morning friend is nudging her from behind, teasing us both. We’d have to take some time alone today, or I was going to start throwing stuff in a tantrum. She sighs and snuggles back against me, still asleep.

  I’d slept like a rock. I didn’t want to deprive her of the same rest. I glance up to check on Azami, and find her sprawled out, takin up the entire space of her bed. Pulling Lillie flush against me has me loving Azami’s new big girl bed. Holding the love of my life, without a two-year-old’s foot in my face, is definitely a perk in my book.

  The gentle sound of giggling next to the bed gets my attention. At some point, I must’ve fallen asleep again. I release my death grip on Lillie’s thigh and turn to see what Azami’s getting into.

  “What’re you doing, baby?” My voice is thick with sleep.

  “Dwawing.” She holds up a picture with bright colors on the page, full of green spots with little red and blue dots. “They’we bewies.” She smiles, proud of her art.

  “Yes, they are.”

  A soft moan draws my attention. Lillie turns toward me, her eyes only open a small sliver. “Is it morning already?”

  Her voice sounds sexy as hell, deep from sleep. “Unfortunately.” I pull her close and kiss her forehead. “I may have bought us a few more minutes.”

  She stretches out and moans again, rubbing herself against me like a kitten. My eyes roll to the back of my head. “Baby, you can’t do things like that to me.”

  She giggles, nudging me again for good measure.

  We enjoy each other’s company a little while longer, as Azami jumps around over top of us, completing my first family morning since I’ve returned. A guy could get used to mornings like these, but no matter how peaceful they are, I can’t get the images of what could happen to them out of my mind. Threats surround us, and it’s not a matter of if they find their way here, but when. With what we’ve seen now of the infected, it’s even more scary, knowing Jeff is among them. Who knows what he remembers, even if he is lost to humanity. Residual memories are always a threat, especially now.

  “Hey?” Lillie touches my cheek softly. “Where’d you go?” She’s quiet, not disrupting Azami as she chatters on about each and every one of her new drawings, and who she’s going to give them to.

  “Dis one is for you, Daddy.” She hands me a picture of one big blob of colors, with a smaller blob of colors.

  My chest tightens. She drew a picture of me and her, holding hands. “Thank you, princess. This is beautiful.”

  I tug her over me and start tickling her. The sound of her voice is the most amazing sound in the world. Some days, I still can’t believe I’m a dad. Even if I could have the world back again, I wouldn’t trade her for anything. She’s by far the best thing I have done in this life, or the last.

  “Daddy, stop,” she giggled out, pushing at my hands. “Momma needs her piture, too.”

  I let her go, so she can get her mother’s drawing. As she hands it over, Lillie’s eyes light up. “This is perfect, baby! Are these the blackberries we picked yesterday?”

  Azami nods proudly. “Yep!”

  “It’s perfect!” Lillie exclaims for Azami’s benefit, then jumps to her feet. “Up we go. Lazy day is over. We need to make sure everyone is comfortable in their new roles today, and show everyone what to do.” She picks Azami up and holds her in the air above her. “Are you ready to keep Naveen and baby Gage company today?”


  Chuckling at them, I begin to dress for the day. When I’m finished, I grab Azami’s clothes and dress her while Lillie pulls on a pair of jeans. Watching her slowly draw them up her legs, the material pulling tight against her thighs, makes me wish I was those jeans.

  “Daddy, dats the wong foot!”

  “Sorry, pumpkin.” Laughing, I stop trying to cram her shoe on the wrong foot and pay attention to her laces, instead of watching her mother dress.

  Lillie giggles at our exchange. “You two ready?”

  “Yep!” Azami yells.

  Smiling at her, I open the curtain and let her speed down the hallway, toward the kitchen. “After you, m’lady.” I sweep my arm out in front of me, dramatically.

  Lillie rolls her eyes, but walks out in front of me, giving me the best view as we head toward the kitchen.

  Chapter 10


  Morning couldn’t have played out any better. My heart was fluttering and in my stomach. With the weight of Azami’s paternal secret lifted, I felt freer. I hadn’t realized how worried I’d been about James knowing, and how it would affect their relationship. James seems as though he can work through this with time. Nobody else knows, or needs to know about her paternity. I’d help James through any troubles he has, dealing with the fallout of my secret. It was never my intention to hurt anyone, especially him.

  The boisterou
s voices travel to us before we enter the kitchen. Rarely is everyone in the eating area at the same time, but here we all are, laughing and enjoying the morning. We walk over and stand next to James, ready to sit, while Ian goes to get our plates.

  Before my butt touches the bench, I’m snatched up into a bear hug. “Lil!” Mason smiles in my face. I squeal and hug him back. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” He places me at arm’s length.

  “Same to you. How’d everything go? I heard the stories last night, but how are you, really?” His eyes swirl with turmoil at my question.

  “Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head over.” He rubs my hair like I’m a five-year-old, mussing it into a birds nest.

  “Here you go, princess.” Ian sits Azami’s food down in front of her, glancing at Mason. “Here, babe. I’m gonna grab my plate. Be back in a sec.”

  “Sure.” I stare after him as he walks away. Once Mason and I are alone, I decide to take a moment, wanting to clear the air. “Mase, I know we haven’t had a lot of time to talk since…you and me…” I don’t really know how to start the conversation, especially in a room full of people.

  “Lil,” he breathes out, lowering his voice. “I’m not going to lie, I’ll always have a special place in my heart for you and Az, but I talked to Ian. I think we’re good. I know where you both stand, and you should know that I’ll always want all of you in my life.”

  My eyes start to burn as I hug him tightly. “You’ll always be special to us, too.”

  Luke’s loud voice breaks us apart. “Lil, get your skinny ass over here and give me some love, too.”

  Luke always has a way to make me smile. I wipe the sadness from my face and turn to Luke, my smile plastered back in place. “Luke!” I jump over to him, hugging him just as tightly. So much has happened in such a short period, I haven’t had enough time to thank them properly for saving Azami.

  Luke has an uncanny way of reading people, without any gift. “No thanks necessary,” he whispers in my ear.

  I sniffle, tucking my nose against his shoulder. These guys are more than friends; they’re like brothers.

  He pats my back. “There, there. No need for the water works.”

  “I’m happy everyone’s finally here and in one piece.” I squeeze him one more time before letting go.

  Ian makes his way back over to the table. Mason stands from his seat next to Azami and claps him on the back. A silent conversation happens between them, one that finishes with a nod and slight smile from Ian. Mason moves aside, letting Ian take the seat next to his daughter.

  “Luke, when you’re done manhandling my girl, go get some food and come sit down. It’s nice to have everyone here for a change.” Ian catches my eye and winks.

  Luke laughs, good-naturedly. “You’re just mad that she likes me more.” He leans in and kisses my cheek, before walking away to grab his food.

  Ian shakes his head, laughing. He wraps his arm around my waist as I sit down, making sure I sit as close to him as possible. His possessiveness causes butterflies to flutter in my stomach. My food remains untouched as I study him, praying this isn’t a dream. Everything seems so unreal. I can’t believe we’re all together again, finally. Watching him and Azami together makes my heart burst. They remind me so much of one another, from their identical eyes, to their hand gestures and demeanors. They’re more alike than they know.

  Leaning in, he breathes heavily against my neck and whispers, “You keep staring at me like that, we’ll have to excuse ourselves from the table. Wouldn’t that be rude?” He cocks one of his eyebrows at me. At this point, I could care less. I open my mouth to say just that, when he cuts me off. His eyes are blazing with hunger. “Actually, don’t answer that.”

  I smile smugly.

  “I’m going to take Azami with me to class again, if that’s all right?” James offers. He’s giving me time alone with Ian, something I’m desperately craving.

  “That would be amazing, James. Thank you.” I reach over and touch his arm across the table.

  He blushes, knowing what we’ll spend our alone time doing. “You’re welcome.”

  “Thanks, brother,” Ian says, smiling like a loon.

  James nods in his brother’s direction, making the first step in progress.

  Breakfast lasts longer than normal. Excited voices echo throughout the room, the new group already fitting in, joking and laughing with the others. Even Jane, Sam, and Tony’s mom visits with Naveen, very taken with baby Gage.

  Jen eventually retrieves everyone for their morning lessons, taking Azami’s hand as they walk out of the kitchen. Michael leaves with Dane and Luke, moving to the main garden to plan rations for the winter, and to figure out what else we will need before the snow sets in. Our fall planting will be finished once Ian and I plant the potatoes this evening, leaving us to spend the morning as we choose.

  Ian finishes wiping up the tables as I dry the last dish. I plan to help Sarah in the kitchen this afternoon, but when he places his warm body flush against mine, whispering naughty words in my ear, I can’t resist. I want so badly to ditch her.

  “Lil.” I look up, my cheeks beet red from the dirty images Ian’s planting in my mind. “Sophie was going to take a turn with me in the kitchen this afternoon, to see how things run, so I don’t think I’m going to need your help today.” Sarah winks, understanding.

  “Did you hear that, babe? Nothing to do all morning. Whatever will we do?” He nuzzles my neck, drawing a sigh from me.

  “Thanks, Sarah,” he murmurs, leading me away from the kitchen.

  She giggles. “Have fun you two.”

  We’re almost to our room when I yank his shirt over his head, unable to resist him any longer, kissing all of his perfect skin. My body turns to fire when he brushes his fingers slowly up my ribs, pulling me closer to him with a deep growl, fusing our lips together as he attempts to enter our room. His body begins to jerk around, but he keeps his lips attached to mine. Curious, I open my eyes to see what he’s doing and laugh. The curtain to our room is twisted up his arm and off its rod.

  He breaks away, breathing heavily. “Dammit.” He looks from me to the curtain and back again, coming to the conclusion that if he wants me, he’ll have to fix the curtain first.

  His agitated movements have me giggling. “Take your time. There’s no rush.”

  He snaps the curtain in place and turns to me. “Says you, women.” He hoists me over his shoulder and into the room.

  Laughing over his shoulder, I tickle at his sides, before getting dumped onto the bed. He turns away for a moment to secure the curtain, only to come at me immediately after. He practically dives onto the bed.

  He slows down as he removes my shirt, never breaking eye contact. He lays down slowly over top of me, swiping small strands of hair out of my face and tucking them behind my ear. No words are spoken as he removes each article of clothing, and slowly starts to worship my body. He sighs against my stomach, releasing all of his pent-up worry, relaxing now that I’m in his arms again. I know feeling, because the same sensation is pouring out of me in waves.

  His fingers glide over my warm, sensitive skin, hooking in my bottoms and pulling them until they bunch at me feet. He stands abruptly, staring down at my naked form.

  “I missed you so much,” I admit. The words are no measure to the passion they hold, but his eyes soften, reading my emotions.

  With no reply, he slowly removes his clothes and kneels at my feet, kissing his way up my legs, letting his actions replace his words. Tickling my belly with his soft breaths, he pauses, paying special attention to each of my nipples, consuming every breath I dare to catch. Unlike last time, there are no flashbacks. No monster of a man standing behind him. This time, it’s just us.

  His lips meet mine, and his kiss alone threatens to undo me. His fingers burn fiery paths along my side, as icy goosebumps trailed behind. Insanity is going to claim me shortly.

  “Ian, I need you.” My voice is rough with desire.
  He lightly bites my shoulder as he pushes his knee between my legs, positioning himself. My eyes roll in anticipation, when he slowly slides inside. We both groan out our pleasure as he begins to thrust, hitting me where I need him the most.

  “Jesus, baby. You feel so good.” He increases his pace, enticing a small humming noise from my throat. “I want to go slow, to savor you, but I don’t think I can.” He slams into me, expressing his need.

  “Take what you want. We can go slow next time.” I nuzzle his neck, driving him wild with my words.

  He slows for a moment, watching me, reaching into my soul. “I love you, Lil.” The sincerity of his words, rip my heart wide open. He reaches an arm around my waist, bringing our hips together into perfect alignment, before hitting home.

  A loud cry escapes my lips in the form of his name. My brain’s beginning to fog, turning it to mush. I feel possessed.

  Ian chuckles and placea a hand softly over my mouth, silencing my cries. “I got you, baby. Come for me.”

  The moment the words leave his mouth, I come apart. Ecstasy flows to every section of my body, engulfing me. My ears ring, only allowing noise to return slowly as I come back to myself. Ian’s hand tightens slightly on my mouth, before he groans out loudly.

  I reach up and place my hand on his mouth, his smile stretching behind my palm. “Sowwy,” he mumbles through my hand as he rolls, taking me with him, tucking me into his side. He leans down and kisses my lips, and then my nose, before looking me in the eyes. “So… I think we were a little loud.”

  The amusement in his eyes has me laughing hysterically. “You think?” I cover my face in embarrassment.

  Ian chuckles, pulling my hands above my head as he nuzzles my neck. “Don’t be embarrassed. They’ll hear us eventually.”

  “Ohh!” I moan, his comment only making it worse.

  “Baby, it’s natural. We got carried away, and I’m sure it won’t be the last time. I’m going to want you every day. We’ll learn to keep quiet.”


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