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Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1)

Page 9

by D. S. Wrights

  “Disappointed that I chose a different name?”

  “No, not really,” Alice leaned back again, shaking her head. “Your choice is actually better than mine.”

  “Really?” He smiled widely and leaned towards her.

  “You didn’t expect that I’d admit that?” She asked with disapproval as she tilted her head back.

  “No,” Aquarius shook his head now. “Maybe now that you’re asking, I probably would have. I’m just pleased that you like my choice, because I made it before we met.”

  “Because you’re an Aquarius?” Belladonna teased, realizing perhaps she had judged him too quickly. She really wanted to stop being so accusatory.

  “Guilty as charged,” he said with a smirk. “And it’s easier to pronounce.”

  “It’s pretty much the same,” Alice nodded. “And you are right. Again.”

  The waitress arrived with their drinks, placing them both on new black napkins. Both of them said thank you in return, evoking a little smile on the woman’s lips.

  “So, what’s your name?” Aquarius inquired, pointing at her mask. “It definitely has something to do with the flowers, right?”

  “Yes,” Alice answered, smiling slightly. “Belladonna. As in Deadly Nightshade.”

  He leaned back in what was either well-acted concern or real discomfort. “Should I be worried?”

  “No,” Alice laughed, playing with her glass and looking down for the first time.

  She could feel her old habits surface again. Maybe it was the fact that she actually knew what Aquarius looked like behind that mask, or that he was aware of the face she hid behind hers.

  It might have not been such a good idea to invite him to her booth because she wasn’t able to entirely fit into the character she had laid out for herself.

  “I’ve lost you,” he stated, his raspy tenor made her look up at him again.

  “Hm?” she automatically asked, even though she had heard him right.

  “I said, I’ve lost you,” Aquarius smiled gently. “Your thoughts were somewhere else and you didn’t look like you were enjoying yourself.”

  “You’re very observant.”

  “Not really,” he shrugged and took a gulp of his drink, his eyes glued to the napkin of his glass. “But all I have to look at is your mouth and your eyes and both weren’t smiling. Do you want me to leave?”

  “No,” Alice blurted out before she could really think about it, sitting up straight again. “It’s just strange. We’re sitting here in a fantasy come to life, actually being someone from the real word to each other.”

  This time it was his eyes that seemed to suddenly take interest in the tabletop.

  “Yes, you’re right,” he agreed, looking at her again. “And now that we know what our masks look like, things could get somewhat awkward.”

  “Yes,” Alice said, taking a sip from her drink, which slowly started to calm the nervousness that was lingering in her veins. “But then again, we’re like secret conspirators,” she added and grinned at him. “Plus, knowing what we look like doesn’t really equate to knowing each other. Who knows, it could… add to the excitement.”

  “You’re right,” Aquarius nodded and emptied his drink, obviously a little bit startled by the fact.

  “Nervous or thirsty?” Alice teased him again.

  “Both, I guess,” he answered. “I’m meeting someone,” he admitted and then continued after a pause. “Again.”

  “You, too?” Alice chuckled. “See? We’re partners in crime already.”

  “Yes,” he laughed.

  When the waitress served their snack, Aquarius ordered another vodka martini, while Alice chose to add some water to the mix. Her guest was the first to bite into the Italian bread topped with tomato, basil and balsamic, and instantly moaned in satisfaction.

  Alice chuckled and took a bite, too. The cuisine of this place was absolutely delicious.

  “Well,” she heard Belladonna use her voice, “we could always watch. Would this be something you’d be interested in? Or are you more on the shy side?”

  Aquarius almost choked on his bread, but then started laughing, and ended up hastily swallowing down his bite.

  “Oh, I’d definitely like both, thanks for asking,” he managed to reply.

  “Good,” Belladonna nodded in agreement. “Whoever comes through the door first,” she pointed at the entrance, “will be the one who will be watched first.”

  She could feel her lips turn into an almost wicked grin, and her pulse step up a beat. The idea of getting to watch him have sex, or having him watch her get off was somehow intoxicating. No alcoholic drink could create that kind of rush.


  The waitress removed the plates from their table and exchanged the drinks with water. Aquarius seemed to follow her lead on the choices she made. Alice couldn’t help but not like it.

  For one tense moment, Alice felt as if she was able to foresee the door of the club opening and a man stepping through just before it really happened. Maybe she had caught movement that made her anticipate it. Maybe it was simply coincidence.

  Alice’s reaction, however, was instant when she saw the man enter. Although he was wearing a black mask with silver diamond signs, which pretty much identified him as King of Diamonds – unless there was another man using the diamonds as well – there was something else about him. He was tall, his black hair was messy and short and his hands instantly sunk into the pockets of his pants. King of Diamonds was rocking a black suit, tailor made by the sight of it.

  Alice knew it was him, the one who had asked her to wait for him. She was sure of it because he was looking straight at her the moment he stepped inside. She couldn’t see his expression, because of the mask and the distance, but she didn’t need to read his facial expression to know that he was displeased. It all showed in his demeanor – he straightened up, making himself appear even taller than he already was.

  “Bella?” Aquarius’ voice seemed to come from a distance and it took a moment to register; eventually it was his hand touching hers that made her snap out of it.

  “My date’s here,” she explained, insecurity sending a jolt of cold through her veins. “I’m sorry.”

  “What for?” he laughed briefly, and started moving to the edge of the bench. “I’ll find myself another table. But promise me you’ll meet me here tomorrow, same time.”

  Alice was surprised, maybe even a little stunned, but she was absolutely all in, because even though she had seen his face, she wouldn’t miss the chance to see more of him. She nodded.

  “Great,” Aquarius smiled, and before she could stop him, he had already leaned over to give her a kiss right below her ear, whispering, “We haven’t finished.”

  Alice knew what he meant and her cheeks were burning as he left. He liked the idea of watching, and so did she. They just needed to set the rules and find partners.

  What a wonderful place Dark Alley was. Even though something told her that Aquarius wasn’t the right man for her in a relationship, it didn’t mean that they couldn’t be friends, and friends with benefits in particular.

  When Alice looked back to the door, King already had crossed half of the room. He moved in a way which made it obvious that he was used to people making way for him; he looked as if he owned this place.

  Maybe he did. Most importantly, the man was heading straight at her, his eyes locked on her, pinning her in place.

  Alice felt like she was shrinking under is glare. Her body shuddered in anticipation, much to her own surprise. Although a bit insecure now and then, Alice thought of herself as a confident, independent woman, who knew what she was capable of and who didn’t need someone else to tell her what to do and what to think of herself.

  Yet, somehow, as this man stalked forward, his eyes fixated on her as if he was the predator and she his prey, undeniably aroused her.

  Belladonna was that part of her that knew both could exist in one place: her being a strong woman and her year
ning to be dominated. It was her who easily fought down the urge to rise up from her seated position as King of Diamonds arrived at her booth.

  Instead of standing up, she lifted her hand, her palm facing the table top, curious if he would only take her hand or kiss her knuckles. She looked up at him and received a smirk before he enfolded her slender fingers with his and pulled her hand up to his lips, barely brushing them across her skin.

  The very moment he sat down the waitress placed a tumbler glass filled with a golden liquid in front of him, accompanying her action with two humble words: “Welcome, Master.”

  Belladonna tilted her head in surprise, wondering why he had earned that title, or if all men were called ‘Master’ in this club. However, she didn’t ask, instead she looked at the waitress and ordered. “I’d like the same.”

  “Scotch, neat,” the woman answered and nodded briefly, turning on her heel.

  Alice was absolutely sure it was him, Mr. Scotch, and she couldn’t hide the grin on her face. He responded in the same way, smirking at her.

  “Belladonna,” he eventually broke the silence between them. “What a lovely name. How easily you can divide the men calling you either ‘Bella’ or ‘Donna’. Did you have this in mind when you chose it, or are you infatuated with the danger of the Deadly Nightshade?”

  This man definitely was smart, and hot, and rich.

  Alice chose not to answer, but to smile. She hadn’t thought of her name that way, but now that he had put out the several meanings of her name, she loved it even more.

  “Are you into Poker or do you simply enjoy diamonds?” The Belladonna inside of her asked and received a chuckle in response.

  King of Diamonds chose to stay quiet as well, which only led to her assumption that it was maybe both, although he wasn’t wearing any jewelry that might have agreed with her thoughts.

  “Do you know him?” He leaned towards her, tilting his glass to make the golden liquid inside it swirl.

  “Aquarius?” Belladonna responded, not evading him, but allowing him to enter her personal space, and along with him the scent she instantly recognized.

  King of Diamonds was Mr. Scotch. Everything fit perfectly: his height, his demeanor, his voice, his eyes, the hair color and his scent. So, as positive as Belladonna was about this man, was as positive as he had to be about her. Since he already knew her code name, King of Diamonds obviously was more than just a simple member of this club. Hell, he had even upgraded her membership.

  Didn’t that mean she should be careful?

  Why then did she feel like doing the absolute opposite?

  “Aquarius,” King of Diamonds repeated dryly.

  “I met him here,” Belladonna shrugged, not lying, not telling the entire truth.

  However, her host didn’t dig deeper into that direction. “What were you talking about?” He brought his glass to his lips and took a sip.

  Belladonna mirrored this gesture, letting her sparkling water prickle down her tongue before she answered. “Watching each other.”

  Even though the mask was hiding his eyebrows, she could see him raise his right one and King of Diamonds was obviously smirking now.

  He hummed in approval.

  “You want him to join us? Want him to watch you?” He interrogated further, without sounding intrigued, but rather the opposite, as if he was talking about the weather. This man definitely was in his own element at this club, maybe he was even secretly the owner.

  Belladonna caught herself tilting her head while considering the tall man sitting with her. Wouldn’t this be a coincidence? Or maybe it was some sort of depraved hobby of his, luring women into his club to have his way with them. Maybe the nightclub he had found her was his as well. For all she knew, he could be a billionaire.

  Alice stopped her train of thought right then and there, not allowing it to drift any further. She wasn’t here to romanticize her encounters. She was here to enjoy herself.

  “Yes.” She heard herself answer the question. “I’d very much like that.”

  For some reason Belladonna didn’t find it necessary to point out that Aquarius was waiting for someone else. She could have told King of Diamonds and stopped him in his tracks before he stood up and walked over to the table, but she was too fascinated that this man took the initiative himself, instead of waving over the waitress to tell her to get Aquarius to join them again. Now this was more like it.

  Although she couldn’t hear what the two men were talking about, it wasn’t really important, because the result of their brief conversation said it all. Aquarius rose from his chair and King of Diamonds turned around. Both stared right at her. She could feel her heartbeat accelerate, beating heavily in her neck.

  How easily could her imagination become reality here. It was almost scary, yet equally exciting.

  Alice expected King of Diamonds to offer her his hand and pull her from her seat, to guide her out of the club house, and either outside, or to the stairwell leading upstairs, but he did neither.

  As he sat down in front of his half drunken Scotch, she realized that he wasn’t the kind of man who liked to waste things, despite his obvious wealth. Another thing that was absolutely likable about him. Or maybe he just wanted her to become more excited about the whole arrangement. She wasn’t able to stop her eyes from jumping between the two men who were now accompanying her.

  They both sat down, and while King of Diamonds tended to his Scotch, Aquarius held her gaze. She couldn’t read his expression, which she blamed on the mask he was wearing, but she could bet that he was just as excited as she was.

  The waitress broke the spell they had on each other, asking if they wanted to order another drink.

  “Vodka Martini,” Belladonna stated, giving the woman a brief nod, not wanting to degrade her to a servant who was unworthy of her recognition.

  “Just a vodka and a coke,” Aquarius ordered to her surprise.

  She had expected him to just order the same as she did again. Maybe she was wrong about him, maybe he was a man of his own mind and didn’t need someone else to decide for him.

  It was so easy to judge someone in this place. Maybe she was being too pessimistic once again. Just like she was when she learned about her best friend’s pregnancy. One action or one statement wasn’t really enough to judge a person and their motives.

  Belladonna shook her head, smirking.

  She wasn’t here to romanticize. She wasn’t here to find her match, her soul mate, or whatever. She was here to enjoy herself and nothing more; and most importantly: nothing less!

  “So, let’s set the rules,” King of Diamond said, not lifting his gaze to meet their eyes, but looking at the swirling golden liquid in his glass. “I’m in charge, simple as that,” he stated; and Belladonna shuddered languorously. “You are going to stand, where I tell you to stand,” he pointed at Aquarius before he met his stare, his facial expression put even more weight into his words than his voice already did – Belladonna loved every bit of it, watching the two men stare at each other.

  “Understood,” Aquarius answered with a nod after a pause that was a tad too long.

  It was the same moment that the waitress returned with their drinks and he just swiped his vodka from her tray and gulped it down to instantly put it back where it came from.

  Belladonna couldn’t stop herself from grinning. Poor guy. He was nervous. Why wasn’t she?

  “And you…” King of Diamonds turned to her and a lightning bolt struck her bones as his mouth seemed to form the letter ‘A’ before he hesitated. “You are not going to need instructions.”

  Alice’s heart hammered wildly up to her neck.

  Did he know her real name?

  Or had she just misinterpreted what King of Diamonds had been about to say?

  Had he meant to say something at all?

  Quickly, she took a big gulp from her fresh drink which had just been placed in front of her, while trying to hide and drown the aftershocks. Surely she was wrong. Wasn�
�t she? And if not?

  Belladonna inside her whispered that this only meant that the man in front of her wanted her badly.

  That more exciting? Wasn't it?

  Alice didn’t want to ruin her adventure by being paranoid. She could dive into ridiculous suspicions later, because once the three of them finished their drinks, she would get exactly had she had fantasized about at night. Having an acquaintance watch her having kinky sex.

  Giving Belladonna back the reins, she remembered what King of Diamonds had said, instead of what he hadn’t said. She wouldn’t need instructions. A small grin appeared on her face. This could mean that she maybe wouldn’t even be able to do anything.

  “Are you going to chain me to the wall, my King?” Belladonna purred, placing down her glass and both men’s attention was instantly drawn to her.

  Aquarius’ jaw dropped just a fraction of a moment, but King of Diamonds took her jaw between his thumb and index finger, making her look straight at him.

  Belladonna didn’t need words for an answer. And he didn’t utter any. She held his gaze until he let go of her and tended to his drink; then Belladonna let her eyes move towards Aquarius again, curious how he would react. There seemed to linger a slight discomfort in his features, but he met her eyes and the tension that had taken possession of his shoulders vanished. Apparently, although he had agreed to it, Aquarius didn’t like taking a back seat; he wanted her attention focused on him. Better he understood right now that he would be nothing but an observer when it came to the King.

  “What about your date?” He asked and looked at Aquarius, but not until he finished speaking. “Are you too early or is your date too late?”

  There was a strange undertone in his voice, almost as if he was accusing Aquarius of being dishonest.

  Belladonna cocked one eyebrow in amusement and curiosity. A part of her liked the idea that her second chance encounter with the blonde, handsome stranger hadn’t been random at all. It was flattering that Aquarius had hoped to meet her again and it would be, as long as he didn’t make an eerie habit of it.


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