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Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1)

Page 32

by D. S. Wrights

  Breaking the kiss she grinned at him.

  “You might want to try and get rid of that,” she briefly glanced down and did her best to not show him what she meant by reaching down and grabbing his boner. “Or Alfred might become suspicious.”

  “Alfred?” Tristan repeated, frowning.

  “Oh, the big guy at the entrance,” Alice explained, and couldn’t help but chuckle. “I gave him that name. It’s like a little running gag between us.”

  “So, you’re… friends?” He inquired and she did her best to keep up her cheerfulness, despite that off feeling that he was following his reporter instincts.

  Would it always be like this?

  “No,” Alice shook her head, freezing her espression. “We just get along well. I like him. He makes me feel safe and everything like a naughty girl.”

  Trinstan grinned.

  “I guess it’s just his job to intimidate me then and now, I will be even more careful,” he said. “I can imagine that he might be very protective of you. I would.”

  “Yeah,” Alice tried to run with it. “So be nice.”

  Tristan leaned in to give her another, yet chaste, kiss and placed his car keys in her hand.

  “Don’t keep me waiting for too long,” he whispered into her right ear, sending a wave of goosebumps down her body.

  Watching him walk away, knowing that they would soon have sex in a dark alley, within the safety of the club with the same name, got her juices going. And that exactly was the moment Alice realized that there was one fantasy she would probably not experience in reality. She would have loved to have a threesome with her two men, Jason and Tristan. Now, as she was dating the latter, there was no way that he would agree to do this. Somehow, she felt that he wasn’t that kind of guy.

  And then there was the fact that Jason was her boss and that she had run from him the last time they had seen each other.

  Pity. Crap.

  Alice leaned her head back as far as she could and exhaled sharply, trying to get rid of the frustration. Why couldn’t she simply concentrate on the hot sex she would have with her boyfriend? A boyfriend who finally seemed to be the kind of guy that saw her for who she was. Even though she had needed the Dark Alley to find him and make him see the real her. But the ‘how’ didn’t matter to Alice.

  Getting back into the car on the driver’s side, Alice was glad that she saw the entrance from the rearview mirror. Sitting there, waiting, she wondered how many nights Gary must have sat in his car in front of the alley to snap a picture of her. Was he here, right now? Or did Jason’s men scare him off for good?

  Quickly, she turned around, checking every car in the street for someone, while her heart was hammering wildly. Instantly, she locked Tristan’s car, just to be safe. Leaning her head against the backrest, Alice closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm herself down.

  Gary had no backbone, she reminded herself, and that was the reason why she ended it. He wouldn’t dare to come back again. Unless, he was crazier than she thought.

  Just when Alice reached for the door handle and was about to get out of the car and follow Tristan into the Dark Alley, a car pulled up and came to stop in front of the entrance. It wasn’t one of the club’s sedan, but she knew the car.

  “Oh, no,” she uttered under her breath as she watched Jason Jeremiah Grantham step out of the car.

  He was about to walk towards the alley as his German driver – Henning – got out of the car as well. She could see how both men were talking to each other. Obviously, their conversation was not heated but calm and collected.

  This was her chance to talk to Jason without anyone getting suspicious. But could she really talk to him? And then there was the fact that Tristan was waiting for her.

  Why hadn’t she looked at her watch to know how long her boyfriend already was in the club?

  Could she let this opportunity slide?

  Why was Jason even here?

  Why was she jealous?

  Before she knew what she was doing, she opened the door and got out of the car, pressing the button of the remote to lock it. She wasn’t faking that she hadn’t seen him, but instead watched him closely to determine if Jason had noticed her.

  There was no turning back now.

  Walking on the sidewalk to where Henning parked the car, she knew her high heels would make that traitorous sound on that pavement, hoping it was enough to catch the attention of both men, especially Jason.

  Her heart was beating into her throat, heat was cooking her head, and while she was continuing to approach them she was screaming in her mind, asking herself incredulously what the hell she was thinking.

  But it was too late.

  Jason and Henning already turned towards her.

  From the expression on both of their faces, Alice already knew that they recognized her. Much to her surprise, the German driver opened the door of his car and slid inside, vanishing, giving the two of them some privacy. Jason just stood there and watched her approaching him, his facial expression unreadable. It made Alice’s heart beat even wilder. She felt like a teenager trying to speak to her crush for the first time. Her fingertips were prickling, her breath got stuck in her throat, and she felt dizzy.

  “Alice,” Jason spoke with that warm, full tone that was so familiar to her, yet he frowned. “What are you doing here?”

  Of course, she was never at the Dark Alley during the week, which was something he, as the owner, would know, of course. Her cheeks were flushing even more, burning.

  “Hi,” was all she managed to utter.

  Why was she so nervous, all of the sudden? She had spoken to him several times, hell she had sex with him one time too often, considering that he was married.

  “I didn’t expect you to see you here today,” she found her voice and quickly added the last word, and began fidgeting her hands, forcing herself to meet his glance.

  For whatever reason, she was able to read his thoughts off of his face. She wasn’t here for him, which was quite disappointing for him, yet understandable, regarding how they had left things.

  “Do you have a minute?” Alice added, feeling as if she was just about to ask him out for prom night.

  “Of course,” he nodded and stepped back towards his car, opening the door, hesitating, and looked at her. “Unless you’d like to talk to me at the club house?” He inquired and Alice shook her head, even before thinking of Tristan, who was probably sitting there right now, waiting for her to turn up.

  Alice felt bad about leaving him waiting, but it was better for him to not know what she was doing right now. Trying to smile at Jason, she got into the car, noticing that the separator between driver and backseat was closed. Jason joined her, only after she had settled in one corner of the car.

  “I want to apologize,” she spoke the second he had closed the door. “For running. I just…”

  Now, sitting in this confined space, she realized that this was a bad idea. She already could scent his aftershave, and he was sitting far to close for her to avoid looking at him.

  “There’s no need for that,” Jason shook his head and placed his hands on her shoulder.

  The sensation of his touch shot through her nervous system like a lightning strike. Instantly, Alice felt energized, and despite that, her nervousness was decreasing.

  “I understand,” Jason added, smiling at her softly, still there was more in his expression that she couldn’t quite translate.

  Was it regret? Was it melancholy?

  Yet, the only thing she could really perceive was his hand on her shoulder, burning her skin in such a delicious way, somehow seducing her to lean towards him. Certainly involuntarily.

  All of the sudden Alice remembered his kiss.

  “I wanted to thank you,” Alice said, suddenly feeling as if she was wrapped into an alluring cloud that was him; she needed to disrupt this spell. “For what you have done…”

  “There is no need to, Alice,” Jason said, once more his smile was soft an
d gentle.

  When he took his hand from her shoulder, already far too late, Alice felt a physical loss. She knew she had to get out of this car, now.

  “I should have told you earlier,” he said, not looking at her. “That I am married.”

  “No,” Alice shook her head. “At the alley things are different, and outside of it, we are nothing more than… you’re my boss, I am the board’s assistant, nothing more and nothing less. Apart from that, you are married and I am dating someone.”

  It sounded strange even to her ears, but Alice got the reaction she had hoped for. Jason stared at her, puzzled and speechless; and something else. She caught only a brief glimpse of it, too short to actually know what it was. Yet, as much as she wanted to deny it, she knew that it was something worse than disappointment.

  “If you want me to stop visiting the alley, I understand,” Alice said, avoiding his glance.

  “Oh,” Jason uttered and although it was just a simple sound, it struck her deeply.

  He knows. Of course. She was so stupid. Why should she still go to the Dark Alley if not with her boyfriend.

  “No,” he shook his head. “You are free to do what you want, Alice, I’m not ordering you around,” Jason uttered. “And, I’m not your boyfriend, after all.”

  Suddenly, the air within the car seemed to be stifling, but that wasn’t what Alice was choking on.

  “Enjoy your night,” he suddenly told her, and it felt as if he had cut some invisible bond, setting her free.

  A part of her still wanted to be his prisoner.

  “You, too,” she managed to say and opened the door, getting out of the car.

  She closed it instinctively, and forced herself to not turn around as she crossed the street, just to stop in front of the Dark Alley. A part of her expected to hear an engine roar to life and for the car behind her to pull out and drive away. But as she reached the entrance of the Dark Alley, checking the sign, to see if it was safe to enter, Alice still hadn’t heard a car’s engine starting. So, she turned around to see Jason’s car still standing there.

  Why wasn’t he driving away?

  Just a fragment of a thought later, she shook her head. He hadn’t come here to see her. This had been nothing more than a coincidence. With that in mind, she entered the pathway to the club, looking forward to Big Guy welcoming her. But she could already see that he wasn’t there, when she had taken a few steps down the road. It was someone else, similar looks – but that was probably because of the height and the bald head – and yet not her Big Guy.

  Of course he would have a day off, and it seemed to be today. But the impact this change in her routine is what made it even more obvious to Alice, how everything had changed for her.

  She couldn’t shake off the disappointment.

  How was she supposed to be in the mood for sex after this? After talking to Jason, the King of Diamonds, her Mr. Scotch, and basically ending what they had. He was the man who had been able to give her so much pleasure, and who had done things to her she would have loved to explore further. But it couldn’t happen.

  “Enough,” she murmured at herself, shaking her head.

  Going through the procedure with a man Alice didn’t know was quite strange for her, but the entire last weeks were strange. Just as expected, the man informed her that her presence had been requested, and that he was waiting for her at the club house until one of the alleyways were free.

  When she put on the mask this time, Alice didn’t feel like she was changing into a different person. It didn’t give her a sense of power and self-esteem as it had before. But maybe that was because Belladonna and her were starting to become one, and the mask was starting to be nothing more than a nice accessory.

  Alice was ready to walk past the man replacing Big Guy when he suddenly spoke once more: “Miss?”

  Of course she turned around, a tiny bit startled and eventually confused as he didn’t say anything else. Slowly, her eyes registered that he was holding something. It was a small, black envelope with a silver diamond on it. For a second she believed that this letter was from Jason, until she noticed the additional red.

  “From Queen of Diamonds,” the man said, confirming her assumption.

  Was this even allowed?

  Then again, probably everything was allowed for the couple who owned the club. Instantly, Alice was reminded of her adventure she had involving them both.

  “Thank you,” she said and took the letter.

  She briefly checked the man’s expression, wondering if she had to read the letter right now. Then again, there was no way for her to take it with her.

  “Could you please put the letter in my deposit box?” She handed back the envelope. “I would like to read it at home, if that’s possible.”

  “Of course,” the man answered and did what she had told him. “I wish you a pleasurable time.”

  Alice turned around and started walking towards the club house, but she couldn’t help wondering why Queen of Diamonds hadn’t sent the letter to her address, which she could easily get a hold of. But then again, Alice would have definitely freaked out about that. Here, at the Dark Alley however, it wasn’t really unsettling her.

  Clenching her hands into fists, Alice did her best to push all the thoughts about Mr. and Mrs. Grantham aside, evoking the sensation of the wonderful kisses she had shared with Tristan, her boyfriend, and of the hard-on he had pressed against her body.

  Yes, Alice needed that right now, instantly, she wanted him inside her.

  Entering the Dark Alley, becoming a sensual creature of this little secluded spot of pleasure and lust, letting herself be ruled and reigned by her urges was what really wiped her mind clean of everything that was messing with her; feelings and all.

  The moment she stepped into the clubhouse, Alice searched for Tristan’s blue mask, but it was him who saw her first and got up from his chair, a glass of transparent liquid in his hands. He hadn’t drunk any alcohol the entire evening, which showed that he was a responsible kind of person. After all, he was the driver.

  As she walked towards him, he turned around, nodding at one of the waitresses who came up to him, obviously telling him which alley was theirs. If there was one free. Thinking of what they were about to do, Alice felt a new kind of excitement, because it would be different this time.

  So, with a wide smile she waited for him to reach her and take her to their designated spot. His smile was just as wide as hers. When closing in on her, Alice worried for a moment he might do something that would give them away, like placing his arm around her, or kissing her, but he didn’t. Instead he offered her his hand, which she took, and they left the clubhouse like giggling teenagers sharing a secret. Such as sneaking out to do it in the storage room.

  It was the secrecy, the knowledge that they were doing something wrong, breaking the rules of the alley, which made every step toward their spot more and more exciting. Alice couldn't wait to get out of her pants and feel the soft and hot skin of his hard cock against her body, just before he entered her.

  As Tristan turned around to look at her in front of their alley, Alice bit down on her lip, trying to behave until the shadows swallowed them entirely. She watched him walk backwards, as he guided her into the dark, slowly, so that their eyes could get used to the different lighting.

  But Belladonna didn’t have any patience. She increased her pace, pressed herself against Tristan’s – Aquarius’ – chest, and kissed him hungrily. And he responded by bringing his arms around her, digging one of his hands into her hair again. Belladonna wouldn’t mind if he would pull on it a bit, yet, he didn’t. Instead he reached up to remove his mask, but Alice managed to stop him, by catching his arm.

  “No,” she whispered, shaking her head. “Not here.”

  “Okay,” Aquarius answered, slightly confused, but he simply used his other hand to pull her face towards his for another breathtaking kiss, which made her feel dizzy.

  Alice almost forgot why exactly they had
come to the Dark Alley tonight, as she was leaning into him, her hands on his chest, clawing into his shirt, and her becoming the willing victim of his devouring mouth. Almost.

  Her hands which came to life first, trembling because she had to restrain them from tearing his shirt open, impatiently undoing his buttons. Tristan understood what she wanted from him, running his hands down to her neck, her shoulders, across her restless arms, to her belt, quickly undoing it and the fly below. Her trousers fell to the ground like a curtain, pooling around her feet, leaving her standing in only her lace panties and blouse.

  He tormented her by tracing the delicate fabric across her skin, while she was undoing his belt and pants. Stepping from her trousers, she pulled her hands from him, ready to tear her panties off.

  “Leave them on,” Tristan hummed, placing his hands on her hips, on top of hers.

  She had no chance to protest, even if she had wanted to, as he easily lifted her up, moving her around and pushing her back against the brick wall behind her, kissing her silent. Quickly, she brought her legs around his hips, to stabilize her position.

  “Give me a second,” Tristan broke away, searching his pockets and obviously found what he was searching for as he lifted her a tad higher so his jeans could fall to the floor.

  Alice clawed her hands to the back of his head and into his short blonde hair, drunk with lust, forgetting time and space. All she wanted was for him to be inside her.

  He obeyed as fast as he could, sliding his hard cock in easily, because her body was beyond ready.

  Leaning her head back, Belladonna hit the wall behind her lightly, but ignored the pain, pulling him deeper inside her as she crossed her legs behind his lower back.

  “Fuck,” he exhaled, making her grin, before she had to let out a loud moan, as his teeth caressed the tender skin of her neck.

  His movements quickly became harder and then more erratic, as she left him no choice for making love to her. It wasn’t what she wanted. Alice wanted her lust sated, a kind of lust that had suddenly overcome her, which demanded to be stilled, no questions asked. Alice rewarded every hard thrust with a moan breaking free from deep in her body, digging her fingernails into his shoulders or grazing them along his neck and into his hair.


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