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Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1)

Page 34

by D. S. Wrights

  “My file?” Alice repeated.

  “That’s what she does when there is another woman in my life that might be the one for me,” Jason grinned crookedly. “She’s very protective of me.”

  “So…,” she rummaged through her mind, searching for anything to continue the conversation and lead it to the big reveal she was still waiting for.

  “I can’t just divorce her tomorrow,” he seemed to have read her mind. “Not only because of the contract. Making the divorce as harmless as possible is an entire PR strategy that spans several months, if not years. But that’s not what I am talking about.”

  Jason’s words made sense to her as soon as her mind processed it. He was a public figure, although not like an actor, or artist, but as the majority owner and head of the board of Grantham Global all he did which was out of the ordinary would automatically draw the attention of the press. If Adelaide and he would suddenly push through a divorce it could have tremendous impact on the company. As for the PR strategy, they would have to slowly stop showing up together at events, getting the public used to them not being a couple.

  Alice let out a sigh.

  Why was he telling her this?

  “But, like I said,” Jason continued. “Adele and I, we are more like siblings than anything else. I couldn’t touch her even if I was attracted to her.”

  “What are you trying to tell me? Why am I here?” Alice tried to not sound annoyed.

  “I know you don’t want to continue meeting me here, because I am married,” Jason explained. “I am telling you that I am only married on paper. Adele and I don’t regard it as cheating when we are involved with someone else.”

  “It’s not about sex anymore for me,” Alice admitted.

  She wasn’t even able to really look at him. Instead, she swallowed down her anxiety with a big gulp of Scotch.

  So, yes, sure. If it had only been about sex with Jason, of experiencing more adventures with him, and, when she looked around this suite, there was certainly a lot more to explore, but, although Alice hadn’t planned on it, she now knew that she wanted more.

  Why else had she been so keen on dating Tristan?

  “Alice,” Jason spoke her name as if he was saying so much more, but that didn’t count, not in this situation.

  She didn’t move to look at him, just stared at the rest of the honey-brown liquid she was cradling in her hands.

  “It was never about sex for me,” Jason added.

  Alice froze. Had she heard him right?

  “Look at me,” he demanded gently, and she obeyed. “And listen.” She nodded quietly, looking him straight in the eyes. “I am married, bound by a contract to protect that marriage, the company, and the family name, and yet I threw all that into the wind, without actually thinking about it for even a second, just to stand at that bar, with a hard-on in my pants, to flirt with you.” Alice blinked, and blushed. “It was never just about sex. I wanted to get to know you, but there wasn’t a way to do that without drawing attention. So, I invited you. I didn’t think straight, obviously.” After saying that, he took off his mask, placed it on the tabletop in front of him and emptied his own glass, putting it next to his mask.

  Alice could see in his expression that he wanted to say more, but didn’t. And what more was there to say, really?

  “So, you are telling me what?” She dug deeper, gently. “That my argument that you’re married has no weight?”

  “Bella,” was all he said, softly, but Alice almost ripped off her mask, shaking her head.

  “So, you’re not cheating, that is what this is about?” She figured.

  “I would do the entire program with you,” Jason stated. “I’d take you out on dates to really get to know you, meet your family and friends, all you want, but I can’t.”

  “Because of the contract and what harm it could do to the company and the family name, I get that,” Alice shook her head. “What are you trying to say?”

  “I would like to continue this,” Jason answered straight forward, catching her off guard, but not surprising her, because that was him. “I would like to continue meeting you, getting to know you better, see if we click on other levels, too.”

  Alice needed a moment to let the information sink in, although her heart was doing somersaults, screaming at her to say YES.

  “You want to date me, unofficially?” She asked, weakly.

  “Yes,” Jason’s response was clear as a bell.

  Alice searched for the right answer in her Scotch. She wanted to say yes, she wanted to give it a try. The idea of doing this, although in secret, maybe especially because of it being secret, was exciting, but could she do it? Yes, it wouldn’t be cheating, at least for the three of them, Jason’s wife, him and her, but to the rest of the world it would be. And then there was Tristan.

  “I… I don’t know,” Alice admitted, looking up at him, not entirely facing him.

  “I’m not expecting an answer from you right away,” Jason smiled at her, tenderly, and then reached out for her glass and mask taking them from her hands and putting them on the tabletop.

  Thinking of what she had done just earlier with Tristan, she let out a deep sigh: “Just sex is so much easier.” She didn’t quite realize what it sounded like until she already had said it.

  “That’s true,” Jason chuckled slightly and then slid his hand into hers.

  Completely confused, Alice stared down at their hands, and her heart sped up another notch. Although so simple, she could feel his touch everywhere, all over her body, even at places where it usually didn’t go. Just with Jason, it seemed as if even the clothing he was wearing set her on fire by just brushing his skin. No man had ever had such an effect on her.

  Before she knew it her entire body tensed as if it was electrocuted. She wanted to pull on Jason’s hand, making him lean over and kiss her, but as he really closed in, she shuddered, shaking her head.

  “I can’t, I just,” she stood up straight on her feet like a terrified kitten, placing her free hand over her mouth, as Jason hadn’t let go of the other.

  “Are you alright?” he got up too, reaching out for her, but she shook her head.

  “I didn’t shower,” she spoke but hoarsely; she couldn’t even kiss Jason, not when Tristan was still all over her. “I didn’t change my clothes. I came straight over when I read your wife’s… Adele’s letter. I’m still all… with Tristan.”

  There was the proof. She was a nymphomaniac, driven by lust, by sexual desire. Did she even feel anything for these two men? Or was it just that, sex?

  Alice stood here, shaking her head at herself, a lump in her throat the size of a baseball.

  “I need to go home,” she finally found her voice again, disgusted by herself, as all her clothing suddenly felt sticky.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” Jason told her, but it was all over his face that it wasn’t quite okay.

  She could see in his eyes that he didn’t like that she had been with another man, but Jason stayed quiet, didn’t reproach her, as it wasn’t his place to say anything. Alice couldn’t help but wonder if Tristan would react the same way.

  “There’s a wonderful shower in there,” he pointed at the bathroom. “Just throw your clothing in the basket and I’ll have them cleaned in no time. No biggie.”

  “You have a cleaning service?” Alice blinked, briefly distracted from her own personal torment.

  “Everything that might be needed,” Jason shrugged. “Now, get in the shower, get comfortable, and then I’ll get you home, okay?”

  “Okay,” Alice nodded, sliding out of her shoes, and started to walk towards the bathroom, realizing that he only let go of her hand when she stepped out of reach.


  Alice chose to stop thinking and just focus on every single step of undressing. All of a sudden she felt tired again. Maybe all of this was really taking its toll on her; she wasn’t entirely sure.

  The thing with having complete control over your life and action
s, is that you have complete control over your life and actions, and that included the decision-making and the responsibility.

  After she dropped all the clothes in the basket, she just put it close to the door and got into the shower, which was actually just like the one in her new apartment; a standard shower and a rain shower. Since she didn’t want to get her hair wet, she opted for the normal one. As she switched it on, it was just the right temperature, just a little bit hotter than was comfortable. Alice needed that heat, she needed to burn away all that was weighing her down, at least as long as she was standing under that hot stream.

  When she heard a noise, she really thought Jason would come in and join her in the shower, and right in that moment she was excited about that idea. But in reality he was simply removing the basket.

  On second thought, when he closed the door, Alice grew aware of the fact that if he had come inside, he would have used the situation for his own benefit and he would have used her. Not taking the chance, even if he knew that she would have welcomed him, was a gesture of respect and good upbringing.

  And still, she wanted him in here with her. Trying to hear what was going on outside of the bathroom through the noise of the shower was close to impossible, if the door of the suite hadn’t been right next to this room. Alice could hear how he was talking to someone outside, and then how he closed the door.

  When she had broken things off with Gary, she had decided that she didn’t want to be his half of an item, she wanted to be a whole item. Alice wanted to be her own person, who makes her own decisions and doesn’t define herself through a relationship.

  “Jason?” She called out before she had finished her thought, her voice sounding feeble through the noise of the shower and inside this room.

  He couldn’t have heard her. Yet, she didn’t dare to call out for him again, so she turned her back to the door and pressed her forehead against the cool tiles of the open walk-in-shower.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Alice?” She asked herself, lowly. “You just told Tristan you’re dating him. What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Did you call me?” Jason’s voice sounded far enough away, so that she could tell he was only sticking his head through the door.

  What Alice was doing now, the decision she made now, would decide everything.

  What do you want, Alice? Who do you want?

  “Get in here,” she heard herself command him, and all of a sudden her voice sounded so different from before.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  She couldn’t tell if he really hadn’t understood her, or if he thought that he misheard what she had said. So, Alice straightened up and turned around, looking at him, while she stood there, naked.

  “I said, get in here.” She repeated, sounding way calmer than she really was.

  What happened next was something she didn’t expect, because Jason did what she told him to, right away, but he only kicked off his shoes and pulled off his tie.

  Alice was speechless. She was sure that he was wearing a tailor-made suit, but he didn’t care. Before she could say something, he had already stepped under the hot stream of water, bringing one hand to her lower back, while the other cupped her jaw, drawing her lower lip in a way that she had to open her mouth, and then he pulled her against him, kissing her so tenderly, but still so demandingly, that she forgot to breathe.

  Her hot naked body against his cooler, and covered in fabric one, was a strange sensation. Like wet silk sliding across her skin, gluing her against him. But he hadn’t stopped moving. Gently he forced her back against the cool tiles, using his hand at her jaw to lean her head back, as he brought his lips first to her throat and then to the side of her neck, placing kisses, and licking her skin.

  Alice was way too distracted to monitor what his other hand was doing, and she didn’t care, until she felt his fingers between her legs, pressing against that sensitive bud of nerves that was her clit. Instinctively, she started writhing against his hand, trying to evade the pressure, but he wouldn’t let her, sliding two fingers inside her instead, while his thumb continued to torture her.

  “Look at me,” he demanded again and she did.

  Jason had never before looked that sexy, all drenched, his thick dark hair wet, his clothes clinging to his athletic body, while he was looking down at her, increasing the pressure on her clit, drawing circles.

  “Don’t close your eyes, look at me,” he whispered now, and Alice did the best she could, not closing her eyes as jolts of pleasure and pain coursed through her body.

  “Fuck,” she exhaled, licking hot drops from her lips.

  “What was that?” Jason inquired, but all Alice could do was grin at him, mirroring his expression.

  “Fuck me,” she said and cocked one brow, just briefly.

  Jason moved away from her, starting to undress himself, and she was happy to help. While he worked on his shirt, she did the same on his trousers. As the fabric was clinging to his body, she could already see what was waiting for her, it made her realize something important.

  “Fuck,” she pressed her eyes shut, shaking her head, but Jason seemed to be able to read her thoughts.

  He stepped out of the shower leaving her bothered, and embarrassed, as she watched him open a drawer, and pull out a condom. If she had been in his shoes, there was no chance that she could be that disciplined.

  It was such a major turn-on.

  She watched him putting the condom on while hot water continued to pool down her body, drenching her hair. Alice couldn’t care less, she didn’t care about anything but the man in front of her, the man she wanted.

  Right then and there, he wasn’t married, or her boss, or a billionaire, he wasn’t a powerful business man, he wasn’t even her master. He was the man, who, as he looked up and their eyes met, made her body feel more alive than she had ever felt. He was the man who seemed to know her better than she knew herself.

  Alice bit on her lower lip as she watched him getting rid of the final pieces of clothing. Her breath got stuck in her throat as he started moving towards her, too slow, and yet, too fast. He caught her face first and kissed her as if it had been days, not seconds, and then he grabbed her, lifting her up, pressing her back against the tiles behind her, and with no hesitation, or gentleness, entered her, pushing all the way in. The pain she felt had never been more arousing.

  The bruises on her back reminded her that she already had been here today already, up against a wall, but Alice didn’t even need to push that knowledge aside, Jason did it for her, by moving within her ever so slowly.

  How was he even able to do that?

  As if he knew that she was overthinking again, Jason changed the pace, picking it up, and made Alice’s train of thoughts derail. All she could do was lean her head back, cross her ankles behind his back, which opened herself up to him even more, and give in to the pounding.

  The stream of the shower raining down on her was a strangely arousing distraction, not allowing her to focus on Jason’s actions, especially when he was licking the water off of her neck. The shower made her feel as if Jason was kissing her all over her body.

  Why didn’t she try this one out earlier?

  Trying to ignore all distractions, Alice attempted to zoom in on only his cock inside her, spreading her every time he entered her, feeling almost every detail within her. She couldn’t help but imagine that the condom would break and that he would come inside her without any protection. Her fantasy was what toppled her over the edge, coming hard while he continued thrusting relentlessly.

  It was far too fast, far too quick, and yet her orgasm was hard, making her feel as if she was struck by lightning. Jason held her while she was riding out her orgasm, with the stream of the shower was still torturing her.

  Why was sex always so amazing with him?

  Jason put her down easily and gently and then turned away to get rid of the condom. Alice couldn’t stop herself from watching him while she was catching her breath, leaning
against the wall behind her.

  Why did he have to be so seductive?

  Why couldn’t she withstand his allure?

  Jason offered her a towel before he wrapped one around himself, melting her heart even more. This was as perfect as it was wrong, yet Alice shoved that reality aside, when she followed him outside, and towards the bed on which he sat down, just looking at her as she followed him.

  His facial expression said it all, and that he actually didn’t say what was on his mind spoke for him. Alice knew that he hadn’t planned on this happening. Jason only had wanted to talk openly. It had been her. It all had been her. She had invited him in, he hadn’t seduced her. It was on her, and as much as she wanted to feel bad about it, she just couldn’t. And that was what was written on her face when she walked towards the bed, her towel wrapped around her. I’m a friggin’ cheat.

  She stood in front of the bed on which he was sitting and just stared at him. Alice could imagine herself getting used to this picture.

  Jason looked at her as if he could once more read her thoughts. She could see in his expression that, although what they had just done had been amazing, he felt bad about putting her in this situation.

  “Adele and I, we don’t just have an open marriage,” he said. “We agree that it is nothing more than a façade and as long as we are honest with each other, we don’t cheat.”

  Alice just stood there, looking at him, incapable of moving anymore closer than she already had.

  “Adele is bisexual and I’m not,” Jason continued, “but I guess that is the reason why we could go on like this for as long as we have.”

  Alice nodded, remembering her encounter with them.

  “Since I’ve met you, things have changed,” Jason admitted and Alice froze.

  If she was honest with herself it was just what she had wanted for herself, what every woman wanted for herself. But looking at Jason, she knew he wasn’t happy.

  “I know I can’t have you,” he continued. “I can’t expect you to commit to me, when I am married, when I cannot show myself publicly with you, when you are an affair, even though Adele approves. I cannot ask this of you. So, I won’t.”


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