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Page 5

by Madeleine Oh

  It was really just beginning to sink in. He’d bought the entire island! Not rented it or leased it, but owned it outright. Just like that because she’d casually said she’d love her own island.

  As if reading her mind, he reached out and squeezed her hand. “Don’t look so worried. Game for a swim?” Why not? “Unless you think the water will be too cold?”

  “John, I went to school in Scarborough. When you’ve swum in the North Sea, this southern water is downright balmy!”

  She pulled off her top. Slowly, knowing he liked looking at her breasts, and then sat on a rock to untie her walking boots. Didn’t take long to get the rest of her clothes off but John was ahead of her. Pausing to admire the view delayed her a bit but it was worth it.

  He really was one gorgeous specimen of manhood. And he was hers. And he’d bought her an island. Cripes! Thinking about that was enough to leave her dizzy. Why think?

  Ellen stood, piled her clothes and shoes on a rock away from any possible spray and grinned at him. “I bet I can beat you in!”

  They ran, side by side, down the strip of sand, and she did beat him. All right, he let her get in first, and damn, it was cold, but she wasn’t going to let it stop her. She dived under the water and came up, smoothing her hair off her face. “I love you,” she said.

  “Good,” he replied, “let’s swim out to the headland.”

  It wasn’t that far. They swam side by side, the water flowing over her breasts and belly as they moved through the water. Naked really was the only way to swim. The wash of water across her pussy sent a cool thrill deep inside her. She hoped they weren’t spending the entire day in the water. Of course she’d never been fucked in water. That might be interesting.

  They reached the cliff. John got out first and stretched a hand to her. “Tread carefully, the rocks are slippery.”

  He wasn’t kidding! But it wasn’t the rocks that caught her attention. To their right was the dark opening of a cave. “Come along,” he said. “I want to show you this.”

  The opening was small but inside was a spacious cave, dark in the recesses but where they stood light streamed in from the opening. “It’s incredible!”

  “Isn’t it?” he replied. “We played here for hours. Pretending we were smugglers or royalists hiding out from the Roundheads. Then, when Julian, my brother, read that the Templars owned Lunday Island, we were Templars.”

  She longed to ask more about this brother but sensed now wasn’t the moment. “I bet you had a marvelous time here.”

  “We did, or rather we did until Luke fell and got hurt. I’m back now, but this time none of them are coming. Just you and me.”

  Seemed a bit of a shame not to share but she didn’t really mind. “Are there other caves?”

  “Several, but this is the best one. And there’s something else I want to show you.” He pulled her close, the water lapping around their feet and pressed his mouth on hers, opening her lips with his and gently but persistently stroking and caressing her tongue until she let out a little sigh. He pressed harder, demanding everything from her with his lips and she gladly responded. Leaning into him and wrapping her arms around him as his hands caressed her shoulders and back, stroking her and easing down her spine to circle her waist. One arm held her to him as he slapped her arse. She let out a yelp, but as he released her, stared around in wonder, the slap and her cry reverberated off the domed roof, echoing for several seconds until it faded.

  “And I thought you meant to show me how well you can kiss.”

  “That too.”

  “I bet you had fun here, a bunch of schoolboys.”

  “We did, but not like this.”

  “I’m relieved to hear it. Kinky schoolboys just wouldn’t be right.”

  “What a suggestion! I think that deserves another spank.”

  She got three. Each echoing as he paused between slaps, and she added a yelp to the last, just for the effect. She was getting quite horny. How would wild shrieks and grunts echo off the rock roof?

  Today was not the time to find out it seemed. “Come along,” he said. “We can come back later, right now I’m hungry.”

  There was something delightfully decadent about picnicking nude on the beach. They could do this here whenever they wanted—at least as long as the weather held out. Wouldn’t be so pleasant in a March gale or November rainstorm. But now it was perfect. She smiled at John and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Happy?” he asked.

  “Deliriously,” she replied. “All I need now is a good fucking.”

  “You’ll get that, I promise you. Soon.”

  “Soon” could be hours away. Damn, it was “make her wait” day it seemed. “Tell me about Julian? You never mentioned him before.”

  He went absolutely silent. Damn! Was this risky territory? But he’d mentioned him.

  “He’s my younger brother. We don’t have much contact anymore.” She wanted to ask why? Some fraternal bust-up? Argument over a will? She knew their parents were both dead. Better wait. “We have different interests. Values. Standards.”

  As he paused, it hit her. “Julian Kent?”

  “The same.”

  Saints alive! Julian Kent, the politician, big name in the shadow cabinet and the spokesperson for morality, family and traditional values—or at least his definition of morality and values. “No wonder there’s a rift between you.”

  “Not just that. He ran off with my fiancée.”

  “What a little shit!”

  “Did me a favor really. Not that I thought so at the time, but later I met Adele and she was the one for me.”

  What did that mean? That Adele was the only one? Surely not if he’d just bought an island because she’d expressed a wish for one. Cripes, she hadn’t been this insecure since her teens. “Did he marry her?”

  “Jenny? Yes. Surely you’ve seen pictures of them. She’s all skin and bone with a face like an asthmatic horse.”

  At least he couldn’t say she was all skin and bones. “I’ve never seen an asthmatic horse. Didn’t know they got it.”

  “You’ll get it in a minute, my girl.”

  His tone changed. Seemed reminiscences were over and now… “I hope so. I’m in need. All this healthy outdoor air does things to you.”

  “Get your boots on then.”

  At his suggestion, she also pulled on her skirt. But he crammed her blouse into his backpack.

  “Come along,” he said, holding out his hand. “You’ll like this next bit.”

  She did enjoy the sensation of air and sun on her breasts but she didn’t think that was what he’d meant. It was a good slog across the crest of the island toward the western tip. At one point, she looked back at the ruined house and the bay beneath them and wondered why he hadn’t fucked her on the beach. No doubt he had another place in mind. Or was he going to make her wait even longer?

  “Come along, Ellen,” he snapped, sounding in full Dominant mode.

  “How much farther?”

  “Want to stop here and get fucked in the gorse?”

  Now that would be a different sensation! “Don’t think so. Lead on, Macduff!”

  He led the way, skirting clumps of gorse and walking through bracken until they reached an open area with rabbit-nibbled grass at their feet and a stone table in the middle.

  Shades of druids or pagan rites?

  “Good grief. I wonder how long that’s been there?”

  “Nowhere near as long as the damn estate agent would have had me believe. He rattled on about ancient relics and druid artifacts and was rather deflated when I said it had been constructed after the war.”


  “Yes. Truly. My grandparents used to talk about it. Seemed the chap who bought it after the war fancied himself as a modern-day druid. He set up this and a couple of menhirs and a small stone ring. I’ll show you them another time. Used to hold gatherings here for the solstices and midsummer and midwinter rites.”

  “Wild p
agan orgies?”

  “Don’t rightly know, I was never invited, but how about a little kinky, just us two, sex play?”

  “You need to ask?”

  “No.” He smiled as he ran his hand along the curve of her chin and traced her lips with his finger. “I don’t think I do.” His hand eased down her neck to trace the top of her breast. “You’ll do whatever I want. Won’t you?” He cupped her breast. “If I ask, you’ll kneel at my feet and suck my cock.” He played with her nipple, pinching slightly. “You’ll bend over and let me beat your luscious arse with my belt.” He moved to her other breast. “You’ll open your legs for me, take whatever I choose to give you, offer me your arse to bugger.” By now she was breathing fast. “You’ll even raise your arms over your head and let me tie you down.” He squeezed her nipple and she let out a sigh. “Won’t you?”

  “Yes!” It came more of a gasp that an actual word.

  “Oh my love, Ellen, I’m so glad because that’s exactly what I’m going to do right now.” He leaned close to whisper in her ear, “Take off that skirt and your walking boots. I’m going to tie you to the stone table and have my own wild, pagan orgy over your naked, helpless body.”

  After that promise, it took a lot of concentration just to unlace her boots. She managed. Heck, she’d have flown to get what he’d just offered. Her heart raced, she was soaking between her legs and her nipples tingled with anticipation. No doubt due to the squeezing and pulling they’d just received. Taking off her skirt was a piece of cake by comparison, but standing naked on the soft grass, with the sky overhead and walls of gorse all around, was a new sensation.

  Yes, she’d had alfresco sex, loved it in fact, but her deep-rooted submissive instincts told her this was going to be utterly new and more intense than anything before in her entire life.

  She smiled at him then lowered her eyes. “What next, John?”

  “Just stand there and let the breeze tickle your nipples.”

  Easy to do, or perhaps not so easy as he moved out of her line of vision, taking his backpack with him.

  What did he have in there? Restraints? A whip? He hardly needed that with his belt, but… What did he have in mind? How was he going to tie her down? And would the stone be cold against her naked body? Rough? Seemed smooth enough under her hand, but a casual touch wasn’t anywhere near the same as having her body tied fast with lichen and unevenness against her flesh.

  She took a deep breath. She trusted John or she wouldn’t be here, naked, alone with him and the expanse of the Bristol Channel between them and the next other living person.

  That thought sent a delicious shutter of excitement and anticipation rippling though her. Her cunt was wet, she could smell her arousal and her clit pulsed with expectation.

  Time for another slow breath.

  “Turn around!”

  He’d spread a blanket on the stone top to protect her from the roughness. Nice of him. Or was it because he intended her to lie there a long time?

  He held out his hand. “Climb up and lie on your back.”

  She managed that with little difficulty, although the sun made her squint.

  “Don’t worry, I’m going to blindfold you.” he said. “Do you give me permission?”

  Did she? Hell, why not? “Of course.”

  It was soft, not the leather one he’d used on occasion, this was all silky against her face. A scarf perhaps? One of her own? Whatever it was, it blocked out the sun and light, and left her feeling isolated, solitary and lost in her own body. He lifted her head and placed a something underneath before easing it back down. Much more comfortable than lying on the stone. Yes, she was going to be lying here a while.

  “Raise your hands over your head.”

  Easy to do, but as his fingers closed over one wrist and pulled her arm back, a wave of helplessness, or perhaps anticipation of helplessness, caught deep inside. She couldn’t see what he used to tie her. But tie her arms down he did, leaving her a few inches of ease and wiggle room but she was as good as immobile. She might be able the move her legs, but what use was that? She was caught, pinioned, and the next best thing to helpless. She let out a sigh of sheer pleasure.

  “Enjoying this?” John asked as he brushed her face. “I am. I love having you helpless and totally in my power. And you will be, you know? Helpless. You can scream and yell and shout until you make yourself hoarse but no one will hear but me. And I,” he paused to whisper in her ear, “like to hear you beg and scream.”

  She knew that already.

  She sensed him move away. No doubt to take care of her legs. But no. He was tugging and pulling on her left nipple, it was hard already and didn’t need much encouragement to stand tight and tall as he clipped on a nipple clamp. It wasn’t unduly tight, just enough to make her aware of the constriction.

  He reached over her body. She felt the brush of his shirt on her skin as he twisted and tweaked her right nipple, and clamped it.

  “Don’t take them off,” he said. Very funny! As if she could take it off with her toes. “Spread your legs for me, Ellen.”

  John’s breath caught. His heart skipped a beat too. She was so wonderful, so beautiful, so utterly gorgeous and submissive. And his. Dear God, he hoped! She was the answer to all his lonely years peopled with fun and delightful play partners who left him empty. Ellen warmed the cockles of his heart and the recesses of his soul. What it was to have a woman who was submissive, totally confident and aware of her own needs. And wasn’t hesitant in letting him know.

  He smiled, looking down at her sunlit-spread body.

  “Give me your right ankle.”

  She hesitated a couple of seconds. No doubt it took her lust-fuddled mind a moment or two to work out right from left. He wrapped a leather restraint around her ankle, fastening it securely, then tied the loose end to a strap he’d placed around one table support three days earlier. He gave her a little ease but tugged tight to give her the impression she was tied fast.

  “Your left ankle please.” That he secured the same way.

  Really, the way this worked out, he couldn’t help wondering if this had been the original use for this odd construction.

  “You’re helpless,” he said, “at my mercy. You can’t see, can’t move, all you can do now is feel.”

  As he spoke, he reached into his backpack and took out a suede flogger. He ran the tresses up and down the inside of each thigh then stroked down her belly and left the handle lying between her legs, the tresses spread over her pussy.

  He watched as her breath caught and her belly rippled in anticipation. The unknown and unexpected always excited her. What did she think was coming next? A gentle flogging? A harder one? A tug on her piercing? A sharp yank on the nipple clamps?

  He reached into the backpack—he was going to have to build some sort of weatherproof cache here for his toys instead of lugging the lot up here all the time, but for now fine—and took out the bottle of massage oil.

  “I want you to stay very, very still, Ellen my love.” As he spoke, he trailed oil between her breasts and down to her navel.

  She didn’t move but did let out a long sigh that seemed to reverberate in his ears. All right, he hadn’t said she was to keep silent. Maybe he’d add that later, but right now he liked the sound of her appreciation. Ellen was a vocal lover—one of the nine-thousand-plus things he loved about her.

  Using two fingers, he spread the oil up the sides of her breasts and down over her belly. She kept still but it took an effort. How long would she last? He leaned over and gently blew on the oil between her breasts.

  “John!” It was practically a shriek—okay, a soft shriek. “You might have warned me!” She relaxed her shoulders and a smile widened her luscious mouth as she savored the warmth on her skin from the oil.

  “Why would I have? The unexpected is much more fun.”

  She didn’t argue. Just asked, “Putting on anywhere else?”

  “Maybe,” he replied, and tilted the bottle, moving his w
rist so oil covered her belly in a glistening circle.

  He made a point, this time, of smoothing it down to her bare pussy lips. She might well gasp. She knew exactly how hard it would be to keep still once he started breathing there to warm the oil.

  Perfect. All part of his plan.

  “This time you know what to expect,” John said as he blew little circles on her belly. She almost didn’t move. Her tummy muscles shifted just a little under his efforts. He’d let that pass, the next bit would be much harder for her and much more fun for him.

  He waited until she relaxed again—at least until her tummy muscles stopped twitching—and then breathed as slowly as he knew how down her belly. At the few drops of oil spread down between her pussy lips, he brought his mouth over them and blew. Hard.

  Her hips jerked, her thighs moving as far as the slack in the restraints allowed and she let out a shout. A sudden beating of wings nearby suggested she’d disturbed a couple of voyeur seagulls.

  “Ellen!” He put on his best, severe Dominant voice. “You were told not to move.”

  “And you did that on purpose!”


  She spluttered. Then went quiet as she relaxed. Her hips rippled slowly. Then jerked. Hell, he did not want her to come yet.

  He slapped both her thighs, the sound of flesh on flesh echoed in his ears, and his cock. Why not? “Not yet, my dear. You need to earn that and right now you must show me you apologize for disregarding my directions.”

  Damn the woman, she grinned and it was wonderful. He grabbed a condom from his trusty backpack. Mint flavored. She liked mint. And vaulted onto the stone table, straddling her. Okay, she was blindfolded, couldn’t see he was naked and hard and inches from her but she’d soon work that out. If she hadn’t already. “You need to do a penance,” he told her as he cradled her head in his hands, lifting her as he brushed her lips with the tip of his cock.

  “That’s hardly penance,” she said. Or tried to say. Once she opened her lips, he pressed inside. Not deep. Yet. He liked the way she went about sucking him. A slow, soft start that built to rampant enthusiasm. She didn’t disappoint. She circled him with her lips as she softy stroked the head of his cock with the tip of her tongue. And pulled back.


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