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The House on the Borderland

Page 8

by William Hope Hodgson



  It was now about three a.m., and, presently, the Eastern sky began topale with the coming of dawn. Gradually, the day came, and, by itslight, I scanned the gardens, earnestly; but nowhere could I see anysigns of the brutes. I leant over, and glanced down to the foot of thewall, to see whether the body of the Thing I had shot the night beforewas still there. It was gone. I supposed that others of the monsters hadremoved it during the night.

  Then, I went down on to the roof, and crossed over to the gap fromwhich the coping stone had fallen. Reaching it, I looked over. Yes,there was the stone, as I had seen it last; but there was no appearanceof anything beneath it; nor could I see the creatures I had killed,after its fall. Evidently, they also had been taken away. I turned, andwent down to my study. There, I sat down, wearily. I was thoroughlytired. It was quite light now; though the sun's rays were not, as yet,perceptibly hot. A clock chimed the hour of four.

  I awoke, with a start, and looked 'round, hurriedly. The clock in thecorner, indicated that it was three o'clock. It was already afternoon. Imust have slept for nearly eleven hours.

  With a jerky movement, I sat forward in the chair, and listened. Thehouse was perfectly silent. Slowly, I stood up, and yawned. I feltdesperately tired, still, and sat down again; wondering what it was thathad waked me.

  It must have been the clock striking, I concluded, presently; and wascommencing to doze off, when a sudden noise brought me back, once more,to life. It was the sound of a step, as of a person moving cautiouslydown the corridor, toward my study. In an instant, I was on my feet, andgrasping my rifle. Noiselessly, I waited. Had the creatures broken in,whilst I slept? Even as I questioned, the steps reached my door, haltedmomentarily, and then continued down the passage. Silently, I tiptoed tothe doorway, and peeped out. Then, I experienced such a feeling ofrelief, as must a reprieved criminal--it was my sister. She was goingtoward the stairs.

  I stepped into the hall, and was about to call to her, when it occurredto me, that it was very queer she should have crept past my door, inthat stealthy manner. I was puzzled, and, for one brief moment, thethought occupied my mind, that it was not she, but some fresh mystery ofthe house. Then, as I caught a glimpse of her old petticoat, the thoughtpassed as quickly as it had come, and I half laughed. There could be nomistaking that ancient garment. Yet, I wondered what she was doing; and,remembering her condition of mind, on the previous day, I felt that itmight be best to follow, quietly--taking care not to alarm her--and seewhat she was going to do. If she behaved rationally, well and good; ifnot, I should have to take steps to restrain her. I could run nounnecessary risks, under the danger that threatened us.

  Quickly, I reached the head of the stairs, and paused a moment. Then,I heard a sound that sent me leaping down, at a mad rate--it was therattle of bolts being unshot. That foolish sister of mine was actuallyunbarring the back door.

  Just as her hand was on the last bolt, I reached her. She had not seenme, and, the first thing she knew, I had hold of her arm. She glanced upquickly, like a frightened animal, and screamed aloud.

  'Come, Mary!' I said, sternly, 'what's the meaning of this nonsense? Doyou mean to tell me you don't understand the danger, that you try tothrow our two lives away in this fashion!'

  To this, she replied nothing; only trembled, violently, gasping andsobbing, as though in the last extremity of fear.

  Through some minutes, I reasoned with her; pointing out the need forcaution, and asking her to be brave. There was little to be afraid ofnow, I explained--and, I tried to believe that I spoke the truth--butshe must be sensible, and not attempt to leave the house for a few days.

  At last, I ceased, in despair. It was no use talking to her; she was,obviously, not quite herself for the time being. Finally, I told her shehad better go to her room, if she could not behave rationally.

  Still, she took not any notice. So, without more ado, I picked her upin my arms, and carried her there. At first, she screamed, wildly; buthad relapsed into silent trembling, by the time I reached the stairs.

  Arriving at her room, I laid her upon the bed. She lay there quietlyenough, neither speaking nor sobbing--just shaking in a very ague offear. I took a rug from a chair near by, and spread it over her. I coulddo nothing more for her, and so, crossed to where Pepper lay in a bigbasket. My sister had taken charge of him since his wound, to nurse him,for it had proved more severe than I had thought, and I was pleased tonote that, in spite of her state of mind, she had looked after the olddog, carefully. Stooping, I spoke to him, and, in reply, he licked myhand, feebly. He was too ill to do more.

  Then, going to the bed, I bent over my sister, and asked her how shefelt; but she only shook the more, and, much as it pained me, I had toadmit that my presence seemed to make her worse.

  And so, I left her--locking the door, and pocketing the key. It seemedto be the only course to take.

  The rest of the day, I spent between the tower and my study. For food,I brought up a loaf from the pantry, and on this, and some claret, Ilived for that day.

  What a long, weary day it was. If only I could have gone out into thegardens, as is my wont, I should have been content enough; but to becooped in this silent house, with no companion, save a mad woman and asick dog, was enough to prey upon the nerves of the hardiest. And out inthe tangled shrubberies that surrounded the house, lurked--for all Icould tell--those infernal Swine-creatures waiting their chance. Wasever a man in such straits?

  Once, in the afternoon, and again, later, I went to visit my sister.The second time, I found her tending Pepper; but, at my approach, sheslid over, unobtrusively, to the far corner, with a gesture thatsaddened me beyond belief. Poor girl! her fear cut me intolerably, and Iwould not intrude on her, unnecessarily. She would be better, I trusted,in a few days; meanwhile, I could do nothing; and I judged it stillneedful--hard as it seemed--to keep her confined to her room. One thingthere was that I took for encouragement: she had eaten some of the foodI had taken to her, on my first visit.

  And so the day passed.

  As the evening drew on, the air grew chilly, and I began to makepreparations for passing a second night in the tower--taking up twoadditional rifles, and a heavy ulster. The rifles I loaded, and laidalongside my other; as I intended to make things warm for any of thecreatures who might show, during the night. I had plenty of ammunition,and I thought to give the brutes such a lesson, as should show them theuselessness of attempting to force an entrance.

  After that, I made the 'round of the house again; paying particularattention to the props that supported the study door. Then, feeling thatI had done all that lay in my power to insure our safety, I returned tothe tower; calling in on my sister and Pepper, for a final visit, on theway. Pepper was asleep; but woke, as I entered, and wagged his tail, inrecognition. I thought he seemed slightly better. My sister was lying onthe bed; though whether asleep or not, I was unable to tell; and thus Ileft them.

  Reaching the tower, I made myself as comfortable as circumstances wouldpermit, and settled down to watch through the night. Gradually, darknessfell, and soon the details of the gardens were merged into shadows.During the first few hours, I sat, alert, listening for any sound thatmight help to tell me if anything were stirring down below. It was fartoo dark for my eyes to be of much use.

  Slowly, the hours passed; without anything unusual happening. And themoon rose, showing the gardens, apparently empty, and silent. And so,through the night, without disturbance or sound.

  Toward morning, I began to grow stiff and cold, with my long vigil;also, I was getting very uneasy, concerning the continued quietness onthe part of the creatures. I mistrusted it, and would sooner, far, havehad them attack the house, openly. Then, at least, I should have knownmy danger, and been able to meet it; but to wait like this, through awhole night, picturing all kinds of unknown devilment, was to jeopardizeone's sanity. Once or twice, the thought came to me, that, perhaps, theyhad gone; but, in my heart, I found it impossible to believ
e that itwas so.


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