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Waking the Prince

Page 4

by Shawn Lane

  “Do I pass inspection, your highness?” he asked with some amusement.

  Lips curving slightly, Roland said, “Perhaps.”

  With a grunt, Magnus lowered himself to lie beside him, gathering Roland close as he renewed their kissing, lying side by side, facing each other. The torch Magnus had lit earlier cast shadows over them as Magnus smoothed his big hands down Roland’s bare back and then lower to the indent between his buttocks.

  Roland watched Magnus reach behind him, fumbling for something in his bag, not breaking their kiss. He closed his eyes and gave himself to the pleasure of the man’s lips on his. For a long time that’s all they did. Well…that and run their hands over each other’s bodies. He loved the feel of Magnus’s hard muscles under his questing fingers. Magnus would grasp Roland’s cock for a few pumps of his fist, then smooth his hand back over Roland’s ass and back.

  Roland gasped as he was kept in a constant state of arousal, Magnus’s calloused hands touching him everywhere. Quaking with need, he arched into the man’s touch, seeking all there was to know.

  “Magnus,” he whispered when there was a break in the kissing to catch their breath.

  “What is it you want, your highness? Tell me.”

  “You. Touching me. Taking me.”

  “It will be my pleasure.” Magnus shifted against him. “Put your hand upon my staff.”

  He opened his eyes then and stared at the large, red cock between Magnus’s legs. Clear liquid spotted the tip. Biting his lip, Roland moved his hand to the large member.

  “Run your thumb over the tip,” Magnus urged.

  He did as bid, his thumb grazing over the fluid, pulling a groan from Magnus. He supposed it must feel much the same to Magnus as it did to him when earlier they had pleasured each other. He wrapped his fingers around just the head of the cock and rubbed it as Magnus had done.

  Sliding his hand over the shaft, he explored more thoroughly, mimicking what Magnus had done, stroking up and down.

  Magnus showed him a small vial. “This is oil. We will coat my cock in it and then also I will put some inside you.”

  His eyes widened. “Oh?”

  Magnus nodded. “It will ease the pain when I enter you. It allows for better movement.”

  The big warrior removed a stopper and poured some slightly yellow oil along the hard shaft and Roland’s fingers. He rubbed it along all of Magnus’s cock watching as Magnus’s breathing turned shallow.

  “Does it pain you?”

  “In a way. I want to be inside you, Roland. I am ready to burst my seed.”

  Roland bit his lip. “I am ready. What should I do?”

  “Lie upon your stomach, but with your fist around your own member,” Magnus instructed.

  Once more he did as Magnus bid, though he found it a bit awkward to have his arm between him and the cloth. He fisted himself, his still oiled fingers sliding easily along his shaft.

  Magnus knelt beside him and urged his legs to part more so that his knees bent out rather like a frog. Then a thick finger pushed at his hole and he tensed.

  “Shh, Roland, it is all right.”

  He swallowed, and nodded.

  The oily finger pushed in and in, past the tight ring, and he clenched his eyes shut against the burning sting. He felt stuffed full and only with a finger. He could not imagine having Magnus’s cock inside him.

  “It won’t work,” he blurted.

  “What won’t work?”

  “You…in me. You are too large to fit.”

  Magnus laughed. “Nay, young one. I assure you, I will fit. We shall be like a glove upon a hand. You will see.”

  Roland still had his doubts, but Magnus had much more experience than he did, so he blew out a breath and tried to calm his racing heart. The finger inside him thrust in him easily now, so he waited to see what Magnus would do next.

  After a few more thrusts, the finger withdrew and Roland saw Magnus add more oil to two fingers just before the fingers pushed inside. He bit his lip so hard he drew blood but wiped at it with his tongue. The burning intrusion of his body grew more intense and his cock began to soften as he had stopped his hand’s movement.

  “Roland,” Magnus said, softly. “Trust me, the pain will disappear soon.”

  He could only nod, not trusting that his voice would come out as anything but a squeak. It was not entirely unpleasant, just odd. He slid his hand over the head of his cock, deciding that would be the best way to distract himself.

  Magnus spread him wider, inserting his fingers deep. Then he began to pull them out and push them in again and again until the sting and burn did indeed fade away to just a memory. Magnus did something pleasant, rubbing some part inside him with his finger that sent a tingle through him and tightened his balls. His cock had returned to full hardness.

  “Better?” Magnus asked, his voice hoarse.

  He nodded again. Damn, it was much better. So much so that when Magnus removed his fingers, Roland whimpered with regret.

  Magnus now knelt behind him, between his spread legs. Oil slicked hands curved around Roland’s thighs and Magnus pulled Roland’s ass up ever so slightly. Magnus’s cock brushed against his crease and then pressed at his hole.

  And then he pushed in, going very slow. Magnus whispered encouragement as each fat inch moved deeper within Roland. It didn’t hurt as much as he thought it might, probably because of the finger preparation, but the tight fullness did steal his breath. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the movement of his hand upon his own member while Magnus slipped farther in, past the muscle, rubbing against that particular spot. He felt the press of Magnus’s groin against his cheeks.

  “Holy mother of God, you are huge,” Roland said, gasping.

  Magnus merely chuckled and smoothed his big hands over Roland’s buttocks. “And you are tight beyond my wildest dreams. Are you ready for me to move?”

  “Yes, I suppose.”

  Fingers curved over his hips and Magnus began to pull back, then push forward. He thrust like this over and over, pounding into Roland’s ass, his balls slapping loudly in the quiet dwelling. Once the initial sting wore off, Magnus joining with him felt extraordinary, especially in combination with his own hand rubbing his cock.

  Prior to being with Magnus he’d never touched himself nor really thought much about sex in general. Meeting Magnus and being attracted to him had opened his eyes. There were complications with wanting men, but if it felt this good, Roland would deal with those complications.

  He sank his teeth into his bottom lip, drawing more blood as the strange tingling he’d felt before when Magnus touched him began to overtake him, almost as though he were floating, and his gut tightened along with his balls. His hand sped up, like it had a will of its own, stroking harder, yanking his cock and above him…in him…Magnus matched the intensity with each thrust.

  Roland yelled, then stuffed his fist into his mouth after to squelch the unbidden sound, and warm, white cream coated his fingers. Magnus pumped several more times before a shout of his own and hot liquid poured inside him.

  He felt the heavy weight of the muscular warrior crushing him as he flattened out on the floor of the dwelling. In a moment he would protest, but for now it felt good to be swallowed in Magnus’s comforting embrace.

  Chapter 7

  Magnus woke just before dawn to soft snoring from the young man wrapped in his arms. He held him tight, loath to lose the closeness. Soon it would be time to wake his prince, break their fast, and begin training him again. They would need all the daylight hours to prepare as best they could. They would run out of time in short order, so they dared not dally too long.

  He’d taken Roland a second time in the middle of the night when the prince had awakened and rubbed his ass against Magnus. How was he to resist such an invitation? He disentangled himself from Roland, being careful not to wake him. He would allow him a few more moments.

  Standing, he gathered his clothes and dressed quickly. Then he slipped out of
the dwelling, armed with his sword. To the east the sky had already lightened, signaling the rise of the sun in the not too distant future. The abandoned village was still, almost preternaturally quiet. Once it had been full of life, before the curse, before the dragon.

  Magnus walked to the village edge and relieved himself. He glanced toward the dwelling he shared with Roland and saw no sign that the prince had risen. He stepped outside the village and took the path to the lake. From the water’s edge the cursed castle could just be seen through the copse of trees. It was not possible to see the whole castle, just the very top, nor the thorny vines protecting it from the curious.

  He stripped and washed himself in the icy lake as quickly as possible. After redressing, he took the path back to the village and headed into the dwelling. Roland had not awakened still. Magnus lit a torch and knelt beside him. A lock of hair rested on the sleeping prince’s forehead. He brushed it aside, and wished he could brush aside this task Roland must do just as easily. He would take it upon himself and spare the prince if only he could.

  Magnus gently shook Roland.

  Roland moaned and turned over, showing his bare buttocks to Magnus. A temptation sent from the devil he had no doubt. Later perhaps, but now he must be firm.

  He shook Roland’s shoulder. “Wake up, Roland.”


  “Come, it is time to break our fast and do more training.”

  “I do not wish to.”

  Magnus smiled. “I’m fair certain that is true. Nevertheless you must rise.”

  A pause, then, “You could make me rise.”

  He chuckled. “Ah, it does not take you long to become a tease. But no, young one, not this time.” He slapped Roland’s ass. “Up.”

  “Ouch.” Roland sat up and scowled at him. “You are far too bright and cheerful for the morning.”

  “I have been told so. You are far too surly.”

  Roland grimaced. “I have been told so.”

  “Up, my sweet. We have much to do.”

  * * * *

  It was early afternoon when Roland tossed down the sword he held and put his hands on his hips. “I wish to rest.”

  Magnus frowned. “Rest?”

  Roland nodded and wiped his hand across his sweaty brow. “We have been at this forever, Magnus. My limbs are on fire and I barely catch my breath.”

  “Very well.” Magnus picked up Roland’s discarded sword and set both nearby. “Are you hungry? Shall I catch us another rabbit?”

  “Later,” Roland said. “There is something else I wish for now.”


  A blond eyebrow shot up. “Can you not guess?”

  Magnus’s groin tightened instantly at the leer from Roland. He swallowed. “I am not sure swiving in the dwelling during the middle of the day is a good use of our time.”

  “Aye, no doubt. So let us save time and skip the dwelling.”


  Roland smiled impishly. With a tilt of his head, he indicated a nearby sturdy tree. “You could make use of that.”

  “You wish me to take you against the tree?” Magnus asked. His cock rose fully to press painfully against his breeches. Obviously his member was quite prepared to fuck the prince against the tree.

  But there was also a practical side to Magnus and he wasn’t sure fucking outside, even in an abandoned village, was the wisest thing to do. He was fairly certain they were safe for now, though.

  “Is this my same virginal boy from yesterday?” he asked, raising an eyebrow of his own.

  Roland shrugged. “If I am to die on this quest, surely I deserve to live life to the fullest before?”

  “It is my duty to see that you do not perish, however, I suppose just in case,” Magnus said.

  Roland had moved to stand by the tree, leaning against it with his arms folded. His face was flushed red from the training and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He looked good enough to eat.

  Magnus took the few steps to where he’d left his sack and bent down to remove a little vial of oil. He carried many such vials, for traveling on the road as many years as he had, had proved to be lonely. He slipped it in a little pocket in his tunic.

  Approaching Roland, he unfolded the man’s arms and held them above his head, pushing him hard against the tree. “Is this what you want?” He nipped Roland’s bottom lip.

  Roland’s breath hitched. “Yes, please.”

  He slammed his mouth over Roland’s, still holding his arms above his head, and with his free hand, he cupped the hard bulge in Roland’s breeches. Squeezing roughly, he plundered Roland’s mouth, his tongue sliding over his teeth and tangling with his tongue.

  Grinding against the younger man, he tugged the strings and waistband of Roland’s breeches until they slid down, only to be stopped in their descent at his knees by Roland’s boots. Magnus grasped Roland’s bare cock and pumped it fast, pressing him harder into the tree.

  Roland whimpered as his prick jumped in Magnus’s grip.

  Magnus released his arms and Roland immediately clung to his shoulders. Reluctantly he let go of Roland’s cock, temporarily, so he could rid the prince of the lower half of his clothes. Hiking one leg up, he wrenched the boot off and then did the same for the other. The breeches came off next, then he undid the lacings of his own and freed his cock.

  Roland stared at him, his lips wet and swollen, and his hair messy. His eyes dilated. “Please.”

  Magnus slanted his mouth over Roland’s, hard and rough, as he lifted the prince against the tree and wrapped his longs legs around Magnus’s waist. His leaking cock eagerly rubbed the crease between Roland’s buttocks. He needed to get Roland ready.

  He slipped his hand into the little pocket of his tunic and took out the vial of oil. After slathering some on his erection, he slipped two oiled fingers inside Roland.

  Roland’s eyes closed and he moaned against Magnus’s lips as he moved his fingers inside, spreading him.

  Magnus’s cock was so damn hard he was pretty sure if he hit it against the tree it would break. If there had ever been anything as enticing as Roland backed against a tree with his legs spread wide and his ass in the air, he didn’t know it.

  He groaned and broke the kiss. “Want you.” Withdrawing his fingers, he shoved his cock into the snug hole, squeezing past the ring of muscle. He waited a few heartbeats, watching Roland closely for any signs his lover was in pain or discomfort. Seeing none, Magnus pushed deep inside him.

  He reached for Roland’s hard shaft and wrapped his fingers around it, pumping it in close rhythm to his thrusts inside the man. He doubted either of them could withhold their orgasm for long, which was probably wise considering they were fucking against a tree out in the open.

  Magnus pulled the foreskin over the head of Roland’s cock, then down again, repeating the action over and over, running his thumb across the slit. He lifted Roland a little higher so he could pound him deeper, harder, the sound of him being slammed against the bark and the slap of Magnus’s balls loud in the silent village.

  Blue eyes opened and stared dazedly at him and he lost himself in their depths even as his balls pulled close to him and a tingle went up his spine as he emptied inside Roland. He continued to thrust even after his release, stroking Roland until the prince gave a soft cry and came all over Magnus’s hand.

  He waited a few moments for them to catch their breaths, then withdrew and gently lowered Roland to the ground. Magnus helped him to redress and then tucked himself back inside his breeches and retied the laces.

  After, they wrapped their arms around each other and stood there by the tree for just a little while longer, until finally Magnus gently broke their embrace.

  “Our rest has gone on long enough. It is time to return to the training, Roland.”

  Roland sighed. “If we must. Though I am not sure I feel at all rested.”

  “You were the one who chose such activities during our break.”

  “True. And I do not re
gret it.” Roland smiled. “Do you?”

  He shook his head. “Not at all. Now stop stalling and pick up your sword.”

  * * * *

  Every day for a week, Magnus trained Roland hard, even on days it poured rain. They could not afford to wait it out. As each day passed he was conscious of growing discord around them. Strange signs and whisperings. A heaviness looming in the area that had not been there before. He knew they were running out of time.

  He did not mention the troubling sense of impending danger to Roland and if the prince felt it himself he did not remark on it. Roland threw himself into the training with great vigor though and did not ask for any more breaks to have sex against the tree. Only at night in the dwelling did they give into their baser needs.

  Magnus stepped out from the dwelling on a stormy morning, the winds blowing from the east and the rain threatening at any moment. Roland walked up behind him and placed his hand on the small of Magnus’s back.

  “What is it?”

  He shook himself. “I do not think we can wait any longer.”


  “The cursed castle. We must go there and retrieve the Sword of Montcrief.” He turned to gaze at Roland, searching his eyes to see if there lay any panic.

  Roland’s face was a blank mask. “My training is complete then?”

  Magnus sighed. “You need years of training. It should have begun many years ago in Amir.”

  He nodded. “Yes, well, your father was unable to train me, so we must make do with what we are given rather than lament what was not.”

  “Do you scold me?” Magnus asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Roland’s lips curved. “Only a little.”

  “Alas you are right. You have learned how to handle a sword well enough. If you survive this quest, then all that you must know to be of the royal family can be taught to you then. My hope is that the sword will be of help when you wield it.”

  He frowned. “The sword?”

  Magnus nodded. “Yes, it may have magical properties and that is why you must use that particular sword. Veronious is a sorcerer. A mere sword, even with someone who can wield it with expertise, would likely not be enough to kill him.”


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